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oscarprotocol.cpp - Oscar Protocol Plugin
Copyright (c) 2002 by Tom Linsky <>
Kopete (c) 2002-2003 by the Kopete developers <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <kgenericfactory.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "aimprotocol.h"
#include "aimaccount.h"
#include "aimcontact.h"
#include "aimaddcontactpage.h"
#include "aimeditaccountwidget.h"
#include "accountselector.h"
#include "kopeteaccountmanager.h"
#include "kopeteonlinestatusmanager.h"
#include "kopeteglobal.h"
#include "kopeteuiglobal.h"
#include "kopetemetacontact.h"
#include <kdialogbase.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kimageio.h>
typedef KGenericFactory<AIMProtocol> AIMProtocolFactory;
K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( kopete_aim, AIMProtocolFactory( "kopete_aim" ) )
AIMProtocol* AIMProtocol::protocolStatic_ = 0L;
AIMProtocolHandler::AIMProtocolHandler() : Kopete::MimeTypeHandler(false)
void AIMProtocolHandler::handleURL(const KURL &url) const
* Send a Message =================================================
* aim:goim
* aim:goim?screenname=screen+name
* aim:goim?screenname=screen+name&message=message
* Add Buddy ======================================================
* aim:addbuddy
* aim:addbuddy?screenname=screen+name
* Buddy Icon =====================================================
* aim:buddyicon
* aim:buddyicon?src=image_source
* aim:buddyicon?screename=screen+name
* aim:buddyicon?src=image_source&screename=screen+name
* Get and Send Files =============================================
* aim:getfile?screename=(sn)
* aim:sendfile?screenname=(sn)
* Register User ==================================================
* aim:RegisterUser?ScreenName=sn&Password=pw&SignonNow=False
* Away Message ===================================================
* aim:goaway?message=brb+or+something
* Chat Rooms =====================================================
* aim:GoChat?RoomName=room+name&Exchange=number
AIMProtocol *proto = AIMProtocol::protocol();
kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "URL url : '" << url.url() << "'" << endl;
kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "URL path : '" << url.path() << "'" << endl;
TQString command = url.path();
TQString realCommand, firstParam, secondParam;
bool needContactAddition = false;
if ( command.find( "goim", 0, false ) != -1 )
realCommand = "goim";
kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "Handling send IM request" << endl;
if ( command.find( "?screenname=", 0, false ) == -1 )
kdWarning(14152) << k_funcinfo << "Unhandled AIM URI:" << url.url() << endl;
command.remove( 0, 12 );
int andSign = command.find( "&" );
if ( andSign > 0 )
command = command.left( andSign );
firstParam = command;
firstParam.replace( "+", " " );
needContactAddition = true;
if ( command.find( "addbuddy", 0, false ) != -1 )
realCommand = "addbuddy";
kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "Handling AIM add buddy request" << endl;
command.remove( 0, 8 );
if ( command.find( "?screenname=", 0, false ) == -1 )
kdWarning(14152) << k_funcinfo << "Unhandled AIM URI:" << url.url() << endl;
command.remove(0, 12);
int andSign = command.find("&");
if ( andSign > 0 )
command = command.left(andSign);
command.replace("+", " ");
firstParam = command;
needContactAddition = true;
if ( command.find( "gochat", 0, false ) != -1 )
realCommand = "gochat";
kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "Handling AIM chat room request" << endl;
command.remove( 0, 6 );
if ( command.find( "?RoomName=", 0, false ) == -1 )
kdWarning(14152) << "Unhandled AIM URI: " << url.url() << endl;
command.remove( 0, 10 );
int andSign = command.find("&");
if (andSign > 0) // strip off anything else for now
firstParam = command.left(andSign);
command.remove( 0, andSign );
kdDebug(14152) << "command is now: " << command << endl;
command.remove( 0, 10 ); //remove "&Exchange="
secondParam = command;
kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << firstParam << " " << secondParam << endl;
firstParam.replace("+", " ");
Kopete::Account *account = 0;
TQDict<Kopete::Account> accounts = Kopete::AccountManager::self()->accounts(proto);
if (accounts.count() == 1)
TQDictIterator<Kopete::Account> it(accounts);
account = it.current();
KDialogBase *chooser = new KDialogBase(0, "chooser", true,
i18n("Choose Account"), KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Cancel,
KDialogBase::Ok, false);
AccountSelector *accSelector = new AccountSelector(proto, chooser, "accSelector");
int ret = chooser->exec();
account = accSelector->selectedItem();
delete chooser;
if (ret == TQDialog::Rejected || account == 0)
kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "Cancelled" << endl;
Kopete::MetaContact* mc = 0;
if ( needContactAddition || realCommand == "addbuddy" )
if ( !account->isConnected() )
kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "Can't add contact, we are offline!" << endl;
KMessageBox::sorry( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), i18n("You need to be connected to be able to add contacts."),
i18n("AIM") );
if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(),
i18n("Do you want to add '%1' to your contact list?").tqarg(command),
TQString(), i18n("Add"), i18n("Do Not Add"))
!= KMessageBox::Yes)
kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "Cancelled" << endl;
kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo <<
"Adding Contact; screenname = " << firstParam << endl;
mc = account->addContact(firstParam, command, 0L, Kopete::Account::Temporary);
if ( realCommand == "gochat" )
AIMAccount* aimAccount = dynamic_cast<AIMAccount*>( account );
if ( aimAccount && aimAccount->isConnected() )
aimAccount->engine()->joinChatRoom( firstParam, secondParam.toInt() );
KMessageBox::sorry( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(),
i18n( "Unable to connect to the chat room %1 because the account"
" for %2 is not connected." ).tqarg( firstParam ).tqarg( aimAccount->accountId() ),
TQString() );
if ( mc && realCommand == "goim" )
AIMProtocol::AIMProtocol(TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList &)
: Kopete::Protocol( AIMProtocolFactory::instance(), parent, name ),
statusOnline( Kopete::OnlineStatus::Online, 2, this, 0, TQString(), i18n("Online"), i18n("Online"), Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::Online ),
statusOffline( Kopete::OnlineStatus::Offline, 2, this, 10, TQString(), i18n("Offline"), i18n("Offline"), Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::Offline ),
statusAway( Kopete::OnlineStatus::Away, 2, this, 20, "contact_away_overlay", i18n("Away"), i18n("Away"), Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::Away,
Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::HasAwayMessage ),
statusWirelessOnline( Kopete::OnlineStatus::Online, 1, this, 30, "contact_phone_overlay", i18n("Mobile"), i18n("Mobile"),
Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::Online, Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::HideFromMenu ),
statusWirelessAway( Kopete::OnlineStatus::Away, 1, this, 31, TQStringList::split( " ", "contact_phone_overlay contact_away_overlay"),
i18n("Mobile Away"), i18n("Mobile Away"), Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::Away, Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::HideFromMenu ),
statusConnecting(Kopete::OnlineStatus::Connecting, 99, this, 99, "aim_connecting", i18n("Connecting...")),
clientFeatures("clientFeatures", i18n("Client Features"), 0, false),
clientProfile( "clientProfile", i18n( "User Profile"), 0, false, true),
iconHash("iconHash", i18n("Buddy Icon MD5 Hash"), TQString(), true, false, true)
if (protocolStatic_)
kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "AIM plugin already initialized" << endl;
protocolStatic_ = this;
setCapabilities(0x1FFF); // setting capabilities - FIXME to use proper enum
kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "capabilities set to 0x1FFF" << endl;
addAddressBookField("messaging/aim", Kopete::Plugin::MakeIndexField);
protocolStatic_ =0L;
AIMProtocol *AIMProtocol::protocol(void)
return protocolStatic_;
Kopete::Contact *AIMProtocol::deserializeContact(Kopete::MetaContact *metaContact,
const TQMap<TQString, TQString> &serializedData,
const TQMap<TQString, TQString> &/*addressBookData*/)
TQString contactId = serializedData["contactId"];
TQString accountId = serializedData["accountId"];
TQString displayName = serializedData["displayName"];
// Get the account it belongs to
TQDict<Kopete::Account> accounts = Kopete::AccountManager::self()->accounts( this );
Kopete::Account *account = accounts[accountId];
if ( !account ) //no account
return 0;
uint ssiGid = 0, ssiBid = 0, ssiType = 0xFFFF;
TQString ssiName;
bool ssiWaitingAuth = false;
if ( serializedData.contains( "ssi_type" ) )
ssiName = serializedData["ssi_name"];
TQString authStatus = serializedData["ssi_waitingAuth"];
if ( authStatus == "true" )
ssiWaitingAuth = true;
ssiGid = serializedData["ssi_gid"].toUInt();
ssiBid = serializedData["ssi_bid"].toUInt();
ssiType = serializedData["ssi_type"].toUInt();
Oscar::SSI item( ssiName, ssiGid, ssiBid, ssiType, TQValueList<TLV>(), 0 );
item.setWaitingAuth( ssiWaitingAuth );
AIMContact *c = new AIMContact( account, contactId, metaContact, TQString(), item );
return c;
AddContactPage *AIMProtocol::createAddContactWidget(TQWidget *parent, Kopete::Account *account)
return ( new AIMAddContactPage( account->isConnected(), parent ) );
KopeteEditAccountWidget *AIMProtocol::createEditAccountWidget(Kopete::Account *account, TQWidget *parent)
return ( new AIMEditAccountWidget( this, account, parent ) );
Kopete::Account *AIMProtocol::createNewAccount(const TQString &accountId)
return ( new AIMAccount( this, accountId ) );
#include "aimprotocol.moc"
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