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aimcontact.cpp - Oscar Protocol Plugin
Copyright (c) 2003 by Will Stephenson
Kopete (c) 2002-2004 by the Kopete developers <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <time.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qtextcodec.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kactionclasses.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include "kopeteaway.h"
#include "kopetechatsession.h"
#include "kopeteuiglobal.h"
#include "kopetemetacontact.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "oscartypes.h"
#include "oscarutils.h"
#include "ssimanager.h"
#include "aimprotocol.h"
#include "aimuserinfo.h"
#include "aimcontact.h"
#include "aimaccount.h"
AIMContact::AIMContact( Kopete::Account* account, const QString& name, Kopete::MetaContact* parent,
const QString& icon, const Oscar::SSI& ssiItem )
: OscarContact(account, name, parent, icon, ssiItem )
mProtocol=static_cast<AIMProtocol *>(protocol());
setOnlineStatus( mProtocol->statusOffline );
m_infoDialog = 0L;
m_warnUserAction = 0L;
m_haveAwayMessage = false;
m_mobile = false;
// Set the last autoresponse time to the current time yesterday
m_lastAutoresponseTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays(-1);
QObject::connect( mAccount->engine(), SIGNAL( receivedUserInfo( const QString&, const UserDetails& ) ),
this, SLOT( userInfoUpdated( const QString&, const UserDetails& ) ) );
QObject::connect( mAccount->engine(), SIGNAL( userIsOffline( const QString& ) ),
this, SLOT( userOffline( const QString& ) ) );
QObject::connect( mAccount->engine(), SIGNAL( receivedAwayMessage( const QString&, const QString& ) ),
this, SLOT( updateAwayMessage( const QString&, const QString& ) ) );
QObject::connect( mAccount->engine(), SIGNAL( receivedProfile( const QString&, const QString& ) ),
this, SLOT( updateProfile( const QString&, const QString& ) ) );
QObject::connect( mAccount->engine(), SIGNAL( userWarned( const QString&, Q_UINT16, Q_UINT16 ) ),
this, SLOT( gotWarning( const QString&, Q_UINT16, Q_UINT16 ) ) );
QObject::connect( mAccount->engine(), SIGNAL( haveIconForContact( const QString&, QByteArray ) ),
this, SLOT( haveIcon( const QString&, QByteArray ) ) );
QObject::connect( mAccount->engine(), SIGNAL( iconServerConnected() ),
this, SLOT( requestBuddyIcon() ) );
QObject::connect( this, SIGNAL( featuresUpdated() ), this, SLOT( updateFeatures() ) );
bool AIMContact::isReachable()
return true;
QPtrList<KAction> *AIMContact::customContextMenuActions()
QPtrList<KAction> *actionCollection = new QPtrList<KAction>();
if ( !m_warnUserAction )
m_warnUserAction = new KAction( i18n( "&Warn User" ), 0, this, SLOT( warnUser() ), this, "warnAction" );
m_actionVisibleTo = new KToggleAction(i18n("Always &Visible To"), "", 0,
this, SLOT(slotVisibleTo()), this, "actionVisibleTo");
m_actionInvisibleTo = new KToggleAction(i18n("Always &Invisible To"), "", 0,
this, SLOT(slotInvisibleTo()), this, "actionInvisibleTo");
bool on = account()->isConnected();
m_warnUserAction->setEnabled( on );
SSIManager* ssi = account()->engine()->ssiManager();
m_actionVisibleTo->setChecked( ssi->findItem(, ROSTER_VISIBLE ));
m_actionInvisibleTo->setChecked( ssi->findItem(, ROSTER_INVISIBLE ));
actionCollection->append( m_warnUserAction );
return actionCollection;
const QString AIMContact::awayMessage()
return property(mProtocol->awayMessage).value().toString();
void AIMContact::setAwayMessage(const QString &message)
kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo <<
"Called for '" << contactId() << "', away msg='" << message << "'" << endl;
QString filteredMessage = message;
QString::fromLatin1("\\1") );
QRegExp fontRemover( QString::fromLatin1("<[fF][oO][nN][tT].*>(.*)</[fF][oO][nN][tT]>") );
while ( filteredMessage.find( fontRemover ) != -1 )
filteredMessage.replace( fontRemover, QString::fromLatin1("\\1") );
setProperty(mProtocol->awayMessage, filteredMessage);
int AIMContact::warningLevel() const
return m_warningLevel;
void AIMContact::updateSSIItem()
if ( m_ssiItem.type() != 0xFFFF && m_ssiItem.waitingAuth() == false &&
onlineStatus() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Unknown )
//make sure they're offline
setOnlineStatus( static_cast<AIMProtocol*>( protocol() )->statusOffline );
void AIMContact::slotUserInfo()
if ( !m_infoDialog)
m_infoDialog = new AIMUserInfoDialog( this, static_cast<AIMAccount*>( account() ), false, Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), 0 );
if( !m_infoDialog )
connect( m_infoDialog, SIGNAL( finished() ), this, SLOT( closeUserInfoDialog() ) );
if ( mAccount->isConnected() )
mAccount->engine()->requestAIMProfile( contactId() );
mAccount->engine()->requestAIMAwayMessage( contactId() );
void AIMContact::userInfoUpdated( const QString& contact, const UserDetails& details )
if ( Oscar::normalize( contact ) != Oscar::normalize( contactId() ) )
kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << contact << endl;
//if they don't have an SSI alias, make sure we use the capitalization from the
//server so their contact id looks all pretty.
QString nickname = property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName() ).value().toString();
if ( nickname.isEmpty() || Oscar::normalize( nickname ) == Oscar::normalize( contact ) )
setNickName( contact );
( details.userClass() & CLASS_WIRELESS ) ? m_mobile = true : m_mobile = false;
if ( ( details.userClass() & CLASS_AWAY ) == STATUS_ONLINE )
if ( m_mobile )
kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Contact: " << contact << " is mobile-online." << endl;
setOnlineStatus( mProtocol->statusWirelessOnline );
kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Contact: " << contact << " is online." << endl;
setOnlineStatus( mProtocol->statusOnline ); //we're online
removeProperty( mProtocol->awayMessage );
m_haveAwayMessage = false;
else if ( ( details.userClass() & CLASS_AWAY ) ) // STATUS_AWAY
if ( m_mobile )
kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Contact: " << contact << " is mobile-away." << endl;
setOnlineStatus( mProtocol->statusWirelessOnline );
kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Contact: " << contact << " is away." << endl;
setOnlineStatus( mProtocol->statusAway ); //we're away
if ( !m_haveAwayMessage ) //prevent cyclic away message requests
mAccount->engine()->requestAIMAwayMessage( contactId() );
m_haveAwayMessage = true;
kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Contact: " << contact << " class " << details.userClass() << " is unhandled... defaulting to away." << endl;
setOnlineStatus( mProtocol->statusAway ); //we're away
if ( !m_haveAwayMessage ) //prevent cyclic away message requests
mAccount->engine()->requestAIMAwayMessage( contactId() );
m_haveAwayMessage = true;
if ( details.buddyIconHash().size() > 0 && details.buddyIconHash() != m_details.buddyIconHash() )
if ( !mAccount->engine()->hasIconConnection() )
mAccount->engine()->requestServerRedirect( 0x0010 );
int time = ( KApplication::random() % 10 ) * 1000;
kdDebug(OSCAR_ICQ_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "updating buddy icon in " << time/1000 << " seconds" << endl;
QTimer::singleShot( time, this, SLOT( requestBuddyIcon() ) );
OscarContact::userInfoUpdated( contact, details );
void AIMContact::userOnline( const QString& userId )
if ( Oscar::normalize( userId ) == Oscar::normalize( contactId() ) )
kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Getting more contact info" << endl;
setOnlineStatus( mProtocol->statusOnline );
void AIMContact::userOffline( const QString& userId )
if ( Oscar::normalize( userId ) == Oscar::normalize( contactId() ) )
setOnlineStatus( mProtocol->statusOffline );
removeProperty( mProtocol->awayMessage );
void AIMContact::updateAwayMessage( const QString& contact, const QString& message )
if ( Oscar::normalize( contact ) != Oscar::normalize( contactId() ) )
if ( message.isEmpty() )
removeProperty( mProtocol->awayMessage );
if ( !m_mobile )
setOnlineStatus( mProtocol->statusOnline );
setOnlineStatus( mProtocol->statusWirelessOnline );
m_haveAwayMessage = false;
m_haveAwayMessage = true;
setAwayMessage( message );
if ( !m_mobile )
setOnlineStatus( mProtocol->statusAway );
setOnlineStatus( mProtocol->statusWirelessAway );
emit updatedProfile();
void AIMContact::updateProfile( const QString& contact, const QString& profile )
if ( Oscar::normalize( contact ) != Oscar::normalize( contactId() ) )
setProperty( mProtocol->clientProfile, profile );
emit updatedProfile();
void AIMContact::gotWarning( const QString& contact, Q_UINT16 increase, Q_UINT16 newLevel )
//somebody just got bitchslapped! :O
Q_UNUSED( increase );
if ( Oscar::normalize( contact ) == Oscar::normalize( contactId() ) )
m_warningLevel = newLevel;
//TODO add a KNotify event after merge to HEAD
void AIMContact::requestBuddyIcon()
kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Updating buddy icon for " << contactId() << endl;
if ( m_details.buddyIconHash().size() > 0 )
account()->engine()->requestBuddyIcon( contactId(), m_details.buddyIconHash(),
m_details.iconCheckSumType() );
void AIMContact::haveIcon( const QString& user, QByteArray icon )
if ( Oscar::normalize( user ) != Oscar::normalize( contactId() ) )
kdDebug(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Updating icon for " << contactId() << endl;
QImage buddyIcon( icon );
if ( buddyIcon.isNull() )
kdWarning(OSCAR_AIM_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Failed to convert buddy icon to QImage" << endl;
setProperty( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->photo(), buddyIcon );
void AIMContact::closeUserInfoDialog()
m_infoDialog = 0L;
void AIMContact::warnUser()
QString nick = property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName() ).value().toString();
QString message = i18n( "<qt>Would you like to warn %1 anonymously or with your name?<br>" \
"(Warning a user on AIM will result in a \"Warning Level\"" \
" increasing for the user you warn. Once this level has reached a" \
" certain point, they will not be able to sign on. Please do not abuse" \
" this function, it is meant for legitimate practices.)</qt>" ).arg( nick );
int result = KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), message,
i18n( "Warn User %1?" ).arg( nick ),
i18n( "Warn Anonymously" ), i18n( "Warn" ) );
if ( result == KMessageBox::Yes )
mAccount->engine()->sendWarning( contactId(), true);
else if ( result == KMessageBox::No )
mAccount->engine()->sendWarning( contactId(), false);
void AIMContact::slotVisibleTo()
account()->engine()->setVisibleTo( contactId(), m_actionVisibleTo->isChecked() );
void AIMContact::slotInvisibleTo()
account()->engine()->setInvisibleTo( contactId(), m_actionInvisibleTo->isChecked() );
void AIMContact::slotSendMsg(Kopete::Message& message, Kopete::ChatSession *)
Oscar::Message msg;
QString s;
if (message.plainBody().isEmpty()) // no text, do nothing
//okay, now we need to change the message.escapedBody from real HTML to aimhtml.
//looking right now for docs on that "format".
//looks like everything except for alignment codes comes in the format of spans
//font-style:italic -> <i>
//font-weight:600 -> <b> (anything > 400 should be <b>, 400 is not bold)
//text-decoration:underline -> <u>
//font-family: -> <font face="">
//font-size:xxpt -> <font ptsize=xx>
s.replace ( QRegExp( QString::fromLatin1("<span style=\"([^\"]*)\">([^<]*)</span>")),
s.replace ( QRegExp( QString::fromLatin1("<style>([^\"]*)font-style:italic;([^\"]*)\"([^<]*)</style>")),
s.replace ( QRegExp( QString::fromLatin1("<style>([^\"]*)font-weight:600;([^\"]*)\"([^<]*)</style>")),
s.replace ( QRegExp( QString::fromLatin1("<style>([^\"]*)text-decoration:underline;([^\"]*)\"([^<]*)</style>")),
s.replace ( QRegExp( QString::fromLatin1("<style>([^\"]*)font-family:([^;]*);([^\"]*)\"([^<]*)</style>")),
QString::fromLatin1("<font face=\"\\2\"><style>\\1\\3\"\\4</style></font>"));
s.replace ( QRegExp( QString::fromLatin1("<style>([^\"]*)font-size:([^p]*)pt;([^\"]*)\"([^<]*)</style>")),
QString::fromLatin1("<font ptsize=\"\\2\"><style>\\1\\3\"\\4</style></font>"));
s.replace ( QRegExp( QString::fromLatin1("<style>([^\"]*)color:([^;]*);([^\"]*)\"([^<]*)</style>")),
QString::fromLatin1("<font color=\"\\2\"><style>\\1\\3\"\\4</style></font>"));
s.replace ( QRegExp( QString::fromLatin1("<style>([^\"]*)\"([^<]*)</style>")),
//okay now change the <font ptsize="xx"> to <font size="xx">
//0-9 are size 1
s.replace ( QRegExp ( QString::fromLatin1("<font ptsize=\"\\d\">")),
QString::fromLatin1("<font size=\"1\">"));
//10-11 are size 2
s.replace ( QRegExp ( QString::fromLatin1("<font ptsize=\"1[01]\">")),
QString::fromLatin1("<font size=\"2\">"));
//12-13 are size 3
s.replace ( QRegExp ( QString::fromLatin1("<font ptsize=\"1[23]\">")),
QString::fromLatin1("<font size=\"3\">"));
//14-16 are size 4
s.replace ( QRegExp ( QString::fromLatin1("<font ptsize=\"1[456]\">")),
QString::fromLatin1("<font size=\"4\">"));
//17-22 are size 5
s.replace ( QRegExp ( QString::fromLatin1("<font ptsize=\"(?:1[789]|2[012])\">")),
QString::fromLatin1("<font size=\"5\">"));
//23-29 are size 6
s.replace ( QRegExp ( QString::fromLatin1("<font ptsize=\"2[3456789]\">")),QString::fromLatin1("<font size=\"6\">"));
//30- (and any I missed) are size 7
s.replace ( QRegExp ( QString::fromLatin1("<font ptsize=\"[^\"]*\">")),QString::fromLatin1("<font size=\"7\">"));
s.replace ( QRegExp ( QString::fromLatin1("<br[ /]*>")), QString::fromLatin1("<br>") );
// strip left over line break
s.remove( QRegExp( QString::fromLatin1( "<br>$" ) ) );
kdDebug(14190) << k_funcinfo << "sending "
<< s << endl;
// XXX Need to check for message size?
if ( m_details.hasCap( CAP_UTF8 ) )
msg.setText( Oscar::Message::UCS2, s );
msg.setText( Oscar::Message::UserDefined, s, contactCodec() );
// Show the message we just sent in the chat window
void AIMContact::updateFeatures()
setProperty( static_cast<AIMProtocol*>(protocol())->clientFeatures, m_clientFeatures );
void AIMContact::sendAutoResponse(Kopete::Message& msg)
// The target time is 2 minutes later than the last message
int delta = m_lastAutoresponseTime.secsTo( QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "Last autoresponse time: " << m_lastAutoresponseTime << endl;
kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "Current time: " << QDateTime::currentDateTime() << endl;
kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "Difference: " << delta << endl;
// Check to see if we're past that time
if(delta > 120)
kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "Sending auto response" << endl;
// This code was yoinked straight from OscarContact::slotSendMsg()
// If only that slot wasn't private, but I'm not gonna change it right now.
Oscar::Message message;
if ( m_details.hasCap( CAP_UTF8 ) )
message.setText( Oscar::Message::UCS2, msg.plainBody() );
QTextCodec* codec = contactCodec();
message.setText( Oscar::Message::UserDefined, msg.plainBody(), codec );
message.setTimestamp( msg.timestamp() );
message.setSender( mAccount->accountId() );
message.setReceiver( mName );
message.setType( 0x01 );
// isAuto defaults to false
mAccount->engine()->sendMessage( message, true);
kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "Sent auto response" << endl;
// Update the last autoresponse time
m_lastAutoresponseTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
kdDebug(14152) << k_funcinfo << "Not enough time since last autoresponse, NOT sending" << endl;
#include "aimcontact.moc"
//kate: tab-width 4; indent-mode csands;