You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
864 lines
23 KiB
864 lines
23 KiB
kopetecontact.cpp - Kopete Contact
Copyright (c) 2002-2004 by Duncan Mac-Vicar Prett <>
Copyright (c) 2002-2003 by Martijn Klingens <>
Copyright (c) 2002-2004 by Olivier Goffart <ogoffart>
Kopete (c) 2002-2004 by the Kopete developers <>
* *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "kopetecontact.h"
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kdeversion.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <kabcpersistence.h>
#include <kdialogbase.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <klistviewsearchline.h>
#include "kopetecontactlist.h"
#include "kopeteglobal.h"
#include "kopeteuiglobal.h"
#include "kopeteprotocol.h"
#include "kopeteaccount.h"
#include "kopetestdaction.h"
#include "kopetechatsession.h"
#include "kopeteview.h"
#include "kopetemetacontact.h"
#include "kopeteprefs.h"
#include "metacontactselectorwidget.h"
#include "kopeteemoticons.h"
//For the moving to another metacontact dialog
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <qmime.h>
#include <qvbox.h>
#include <klistview.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <qstylesheet.h>
namespace Kopete {
struct Contact::Private
bool fileCapable;
OnlineStatus onlineStatus;
Account *account;
MetaContact *metaContact;
QString contactId;
QString icon;
QTime idleTimer;
unsigned long int idleTime;
Kopete::ContactProperty::Map properties;
Contact::Contact( Account *account, const QString &contactId,
MetaContact *parent, const QString &icon )
: QObject( parent )
d = new Private;
//kdDebug( 14010 ) << k_funcinfo << "Creating contact with id " << contactId << endl;
d->contactId = contactId;
d->metaContact = parent;
d->fileCapable = false;
d->account = account;
d->idleTime = 0;
d->icon = icon;
// If can happend that a MetaContact may be used without a account
// (ex: for unit tests or chat window style preview)
if ( account )
account->registerContact( this );
connect( account, SIGNAL( isConnectedChanged() ), SLOT( slotAccountIsConnectedChanged() ) );
// Need to check this because myself() may have no parent
// Maybe too the metaContact doesn't have a valid protocol()
// (ex: for unit tests or chat window style preview)
if( parent && protocol() )
connect( parent, SIGNAL( aboutToSave( Kopete::MetaContact * ) ),
protocol(), SLOT( slotMetaContactAboutToSave( Kopete::MetaContact * ) ) );
parent->addContact( this );
//kdDebug(14010) << k_funcinfo << endl;
emit( contactDestroyed( this ) );
delete d;
OnlineStatus Contact::onlineStatus() const
if ( this == account()->myself() || account()->isConnected() )
return d->onlineStatus;
return protocol()->accountOfflineStatus();
void Contact::setOnlineStatus( const OnlineStatus &status )
if( status == d->onlineStatus )
OnlineStatus oldStatus = d->onlineStatus;
d->onlineStatus = status;
Kopete::Global::Properties *globalProps = Kopete::Global::Properties::self();
// Contact changed from Offline to another status
if( oldStatus.status() == OnlineStatus::Offline &&
status.status() != OnlineStatus::Offline )
setProperty( globalProps->onlineSince(), QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
/*kdDebug(14010) << k_funcinfo << "REMOVING lastSeen property for " <<
d->displayName << endl;*/
removeProperty( globalProps->lastSeen() );
else if( oldStatus.status() != OnlineStatus::Offline &&
oldStatus.status() != OnlineStatus::Unknown &&
status.status() == OnlineStatus::Offline ) // Contact went back offline
removeProperty( globalProps->onlineSince() );
/*kdDebug(14010) << k_funcinfo << "SETTING lastSeen property for " <<
d->displayName << endl;*/
setProperty( globalProps->lastSeen(), QDateTime::currentDateTime() );
if ( this == account()->myself() || account()->isConnected() )
emit onlineStatusChanged( this, status, oldStatus );
void Contact::slotAccountIsConnectedChanged()
if ( this == account()->myself() )
if ( account()->isConnected() )
emit onlineStatusChanged( this, d->onlineStatus, protocol()->accountOfflineStatus() );
emit onlineStatusChanged( this, protocol()->accountOfflineStatus(), d->onlineStatus );
void Contact::sendFile( const KURL &, const QString &, uint )
kdWarning( 14010 ) << k_funcinfo << "Plugin "
<< protocol()->pluginId() << " has enabled file sending, "
<< "but didn't implement it!" << endl;
void Contact::slotAddContact()
if( metaContact() )
metaContact()->setTemporary( false );
ContactList::self()->addMetaContact( metaContact() );
KPopupMenu* Contact::popupMenu( ChatSession *manager )
// Build the menu
KPopupMenu *menu = new KPopupMenu();
// insert title
QString titleText;
QString nick = property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName() ).value().toString();
if( nick.isEmpty() )
titleText = QString::fromLatin1( "%1 (%2)" ).arg( contactId(), onlineStatus().description() );
titleText = QString::fromLatin1( "%1 <%2> (%3)" ).arg( nick, contactId(), onlineStatus().description() );
menu->insertTitle( titleText );
if( metaContact() && metaContact()->isTemporary() && contactId() != account()->myself()->contactId() )
KAction *actionAddContact = new KAction( i18n( "&Add to Your Contact List" ), QString::fromLatin1( "add_user" ),
0, this, SLOT( slotAddContact() ), menu, "actionAddContact" );
actionAddContact->plug( menu );
// FIXME: After KDE 3.2 we should make isReachable do the isConnected call so it can be removed here - Martijn
bool reach = account()->isConnected() && isReachable();
bool myself = (this == account()->myself());
KAction *actionSendMessage = KopeteStdAction::sendMessage( this, SLOT( sendMessage() ), menu, "actionSendMessage" );
actionSendMessage->setEnabled( reach && !myself );
actionSendMessage->plug( menu );
KAction *actionChat = KopeteStdAction::chat( this, SLOT( startChat() ), menu, "actionChat" );
actionChat->setEnabled( reach && !myself );
actionChat->plug( menu );
KAction *actionSendFile = KopeteStdAction::sendFile( this, SLOT( sendFile() ), menu, "actionSendFile" );
actionSendFile->setEnabled( reach && d->fileCapable && !myself );
actionSendFile->plug( menu );
// Protocol specific options will go below this separator
// through the use of the customContextMenuActions() function
// Get the custom actions from the protocols ( pure virtual function )
QPtrList<KAction> *customActions = customContextMenuActions( manager );
if( customActions && !customActions->isEmpty() )
for( KAction *a = customActions->first(); a; a = customActions->next() )
a->plug( menu );
delete customActions;
if( metaContact() && !metaContact()->isTemporary() )
KopeteStdAction::changeMetaContact( this, SLOT( changeMetaContact() ), menu, "actionChangeMetaContact" )->plug( menu );
KopeteStdAction::contactInfo( this, SLOT( slotUserInfo() ), menu, "actionUserInfo" )->plug( menu );
#if 0 //this is not fully implemented yet (and doesn't work). disable for now - Olivier 2005-01-11
if ( account()->isBlocked( d->contactId ) )
KopeteStdAction::unblockContact( this, SLOT( slotUnblock() ), menu, "actionUnblockContact" )->plug( menu );
KopeteStdAction::blockContact( this, SLOT( slotBlock() ), menu, "actionBlockContact" )->plug( menu );
if( metaContact() && !metaContact()->isTemporary() )
KopeteStdAction::deleteContact( this, SLOT( slotDelete() ), menu, "actionDeleteContact" )->plug( menu );
return menu;
void Contact::changeMetaContact()
KDialogBase *moveDialog = new KDialogBase( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), "moveDialog", true, i18n( "Move Contact" ),
KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Cancel, KDialogBase::Ok, true );
QVBox *w = new QVBox( moveDialog );
w->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
Kopete::UI::MetaContactSelectorWidget *selector = new Kopete::UI::MetaContactSelectorWidget(w);
selector->setLabelMessage(i18n( "Select the meta contact to which you want to move this contact:" ));
// exclude this metacontact as a target metacontact for the move
selector->excludeMetaContact( metaContact() );
QCheckBox *chkCreateNew = new QCheckBox( i18n( "Create a new metacontact for this contact" ), w );
QWhatsThis::add( chkCreateNew , i18n( "If you select this option, a new metacontact will be created in the top-level group "
"with the name of this contact and the contact will be moved to it." ) );
QObject::connect( chkCreateNew , SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ) , selector , SLOT ( setDisabled(bool) ) ) ;
if( moveDialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
Kopete::MetaContact *mc = selector->metaContact();
mc=new Kopete::MetaContact();
if( mc )
setMetaContact( mc );
void Contact::setMetaContact( MetaContact *m )
MetaContact *old = d->metaContact;
if(old==m) //that make no sens
if( old )
int result=KMessageBox::No;
if( old->isTemporary() )
else if( old->contacts().count()==1 )
{ //only one contact, including this one, that mean the contact will be empty efter the move
result = KMessageBox::questionYesNoCancel( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), i18n( "You are moving the contact `%1' to the meta contact `%2'.\n"
"`%3' will be empty afterwards. Do you want to delete this contact?" )
.arg(contactId(), m ? m->displayName() : QString::null, old->displayName())
, i18n( "Move Contact" ), KStdGuiItem::del(), i18n( "&Keep" ) , QString::fromLatin1("delete_old_contact_when_move") );
old->removeContact( this );
disconnect( old, SIGNAL( aboutToSave( Kopete::MetaContact * ) ),
protocol(), SLOT( slotMetaContactAboutToSave( Kopete::MetaContact * ) ) );
//remove the old metacontact. (this delete the MC)
d->metaContact = m; //i am forced to do that now if i want the next line works
//remove cached data for this protocol which will not be removed since we disconnected
protocol()->slotMetaContactAboutToSave( old );
d->metaContact = m;
if( m )
m->addContact( this );
m->insertChild( this );
// it is necessary to call this write here, because MetaContact::addContact() does not differentiate
// between adding completely new contacts (which should be written to kabc) and restoring upon restart
// (where no write is needed).
KABCPersistence::self()->write( m );
connect( d->metaContact, SIGNAL( aboutToSave( Kopete::MetaContact * ) ),
protocol(), SLOT( slotMetaContactAboutToSave( Kopete::MetaContact * ) ) );
void Contact::serialize( QMap<QString, QString> &/*serializedData*/,
QMap<QString, QString> & /* addressBookData */ )
void Contact::serializeProperties(QMap<QString, QString> &serializedData)
Kopete::ContactProperty::Map::ConstIterator it;// = d->properties.ConstIterator;
for (it=d->properties.begin(); it != d->properties.end(); ++it)
if (!
QVariant val =;
QString key = QString::fromLatin1("prop_%1_%2").arg(QString::fromLatin1(val.typeName()), it.key());
serializedData[key] = val.toString();
} // end for()
} // end serializeProperties()
void Contact::deserializeProperties(
QMap<QString, QString> &serializedData )
QMap<QString, QString>::ConstIterator it;
for ( it=serializedData.begin(); it != serializedData.end(); ++it )
QString key = it.key();
if ( !key.startsWith( QString::fromLatin1("prop_") ) ) // avoid parsing other serialized data
QStringList keyList = QStringList::split( QChar('_'), key, false );
if( keyList.count() < 3 ) // invalid key, not enough parts in string "prop_X_Y"
key = keyList[2]; // overwrite key var with the real key name this property has
QString type( keyList[1] ); // needed for QVariant casting
QVariant variant( );
if( !variant.cast(QVariant::nameToType(type.latin1())) )
kdDebug(14010) << k_funcinfo <<
"Casting QVariant to needed type FAILED" <<
"key=" << key << ", type=" << type << endl;
Kopete::ContactPropertyTmpl tmpl = Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->tmpl(key);
if( tmpl.isNull() )
kdDebug( 14010 ) << k_funcinfo << "no ContactPropertyTmpl defined for" \
" key " << key << ", cannot restore persistent property" << endl;
setProperty(tmpl, variant);
} // end for()
bool Contact::isReachable()
// The default implementation returns false when offline and true
// otherwise. Subclass if you need more control over the process.
return onlineStatus().status() != OnlineStatus::Offline;
void Contact::startChat()
KopeteView *v=manager( CanCreate )->view(true, QString::fromLatin1("kopete_chatwindow") );
void Contact::sendMessage()
KopeteView *v=manager( CanCreate )->view(true, QString::fromLatin1("kopete_emailwindow") );
void Contact::execute()
// FIXME: After KDE 3.2 remove the isConnected check and move it to isReachable - Martijn
if ( account()->isConnected() && isReachable() )
KopeteView *v=manager( CanCreate )->view(true, KopetePrefs::prefs()->interfacePreference() );
KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), KMessageBox::Sorry,
i18n( "This user is not reachable at the moment. Please try a protocol that supports offline sending, or wait "
"until this user comes online." ), i18n( "User is Not Reachable" ) );
void Contact::slotDelete()
if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(),
i18n( "Are you sure you want to remove the contact '%1' from your contact list?" ).
arg( d->contactId ), i18n( "Remove Contact" ), KGuiItem(i18n("Remove"), QString::fromLatin1("delete_user") ),
QString::fromLatin1("askRemoveContact"), KMessageBox::Notify | KMessageBox::Dangerous )
== KMessageBox::Continue )
void Contact::deleteContact()
// Default implementation simply deletes the contact
MetaContact * Contact::metaContact() const
return d->metaContact;
QString Contact::contactId() const
return d->contactId;
Protocol * Contact::protocol() const
return d->account ? d->account->protocol() : 0L;
Account * Contact::account() const
return d->account;
void Contact::sync(unsigned int)
/* Default implementation does nothing */
QString& Contact::icon() const
return d->icon;
void Contact::setIcon( const QString& icon )
d->icon = icon;
QPtrList<KAction> *Contact::customContextMenuActions()
return 0L;
QPtrList<KAction> *Contact::customContextMenuActions( ChatSession * /* manager */ )
return customContextMenuActions();
bool Contact::isOnline() const
return onlineStatus().isDefinitelyOnline();
bool Contact::isFileCapable() const
return d->fileCapable;
void Contact::setFileCapable( bool filecap )
d->fileCapable = filecap;
bool Contact::canAcceptFiles() const
return isOnline() && d->fileCapable;
unsigned long int Contact::idleTime() const
return 0;
return d->idleTime+(d->idleTimer.elapsed()/1000);
void Contact::setIdleTime( unsigned long int t )
bool idleChanged = false;
if(d->idleTime != t)
idleChanged = true;
if(t > 0)
//FIXME: if t == 0, idleTime() will now return garbage
// else
// d->idleTimer.stop();
emit idleStateChanged(this);
QStringList Contact::properties() const
return d->properties.keys();
bool Contact::hasProperty(const QString &key) const
return d->properties.contains(key);
const ContactProperty &Contact::property(const QString &key) const
return d->properties[key];
return Kopete::ContactProperty::null;
const Kopete::ContactProperty &Contact::property(
const Kopete::ContactPropertyTmpl &tmpl) const
return d->properties[tmpl.key()];
return Kopete::ContactProperty::null;
void Contact::setProperty(const Kopete::ContactPropertyTmpl &tmpl,
const QVariant &value)
if(tmpl.isNull() || tmpl.key().isEmpty())
kdDebug(14000) << k_funcinfo <<
"No valid template for property passed!" << endl;
if(value.isNull() || value.canCast(QVariant::String) && value.toString().isEmpty())
QVariant oldValue = property(tmpl.key()).value();
if(oldValue != value)
Kopete::ContactProperty prop(tmpl, value);
d->properties.insert(tmpl.key(), prop, true);
emit propertyChanged(this, tmpl.key(), oldValue, value);
void Contact::removeProperty(const Kopete::ContactPropertyTmpl &tmpl)
if(!tmpl.isNull() && !tmpl.key().isEmpty())
QVariant oldValue = property(tmpl.key()).value();
emit propertyChanged(this, tmpl.key(), oldValue, QVariant());
QString Contact::toolTip() const
Kopete::ContactProperty p;
QString tip;
QStringList shownProps = KopetePrefs::prefs()->toolTipContents();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Fixed part of tooltip
QString iconName = QString::fromLatin1("kopete-contact-icon:%1:%2:%3")
.arg( KURL::encode_string( protocol()->pluginId() ),
KURL::encode_string( account()->accountId() ),
KURL::encode_string( contactId() ) );
// TODO: the nickname should be a configurable properties, like others. -Olivier
QString nick = property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName() ).value().toString();
if ( nick.isEmpty() )
tip = i18n( "<b>DISPLAY NAME</b><br><img src=\"%2\"> CONTACT STATUS",
"<b><nobr>%3</nobr></b><br><img src=\"%2\"> %1" ).
arg( Kopete::Message::escape( onlineStatus().description() ), iconName,
Kopete::Message::escape( d->contactId ) );
tip = i18n( "<b>DISPLAY NAME</b> (CONTACT ID)<br><img src=\"%2\"> CONTACT STATUS",
"<nobr><b>%4</b> (%3)</nobr><br><img src=\"%2\"> %1" ).
arg( Kopete::Message::escape( onlineStatus().description() ), iconName,
Kopete::Message::escape( contactId() ),
Kopete::Emoticons::parseEmoticons( Kopete::Message::escape( nick ) ) );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Configurable part of tooltip
for(QStringList::Iterator it=shownProps.begin(); it!=shownProps.end(); ++it)
if((*it) == QString::fromLatin1("FormattedName"))
QString name = formattedName();
tip += i18n("<br><b>Full Name:</b> FORMATTED NAME",
"<br><b>Full Name:</b> <nobr>%1</nobr>").arg(QStyleSheet::escape(name));
else if ((*it) == QString::fromLatin1("FormattedIdleTime"))
QString time = formattedIdleTime();
tip += i18n("<br><b>Idle:</b> FORMATTED IDLE TIME",
"<br><b>Idle:</b> <nobr>%1</nobr>").arg(time);
else if ((*it) == QString::fromLatin1("homePage"))
QString url = property(*it).value().toString();
tip += i18n("<br><b>Home Page:</b> FORMATTED URL",
"<br><b>Home Page:</b> <a href=\"%1\"><nobr>%2</nobr></a>").
arg( KURL::encode_string( url ), Kopete::Message::escape( QStyleSheet::escape(url) ) );
else if ((*it) == QString::fromLatin1("awayMessage"))
QString awaymsg = property(*it).value().toString();
tip += i18n("<br><b>Away Message:</b> FORMATTED AWAY MESSAGE",
"<br><b>Away Message:</b> %1").arg ( Kopete::Emoticons::parseEmoticons( Kopete::Message::escape(awaymsg) ) );
p = property(*it);
QVariant val = p.value();
QString valueText;
case QVariant::DateTime:
valueText = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(val.toDateTime());
valueText = Kopete::Message::escape( valueText );
case QVariant::Date:
valueText = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(val.toDate());
valueText = Kopete::Message::escape( valueText );
case QVariant::Time:
valueText = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(val.toTime());
valueText = Kopete::Message::escape( valueText );
if( p.isRichText() )
valueText = val.toString();
valueText = Kopete::Message::escape( val.toString() );
tip += i18n("<br><b>PROPERTY LABEL:</b> PROPERTY VALUE",
"<br><nobr><b>%2:</b></nobr> %1").
arg( valueText, QStyleSheet::escape(p.tmpl().label()) );
return tip;
QString Kopete::Contact::formattedName() const
if( hasProperty(QString::fromLatin1("FormattedName")) )
return property(QString::fromLatin1("FormattedName")).value().toString();
QString ret;
Kopete::ContactProperty first, last;
first = property(QString::fromLatin1("firstName"));
last = property(QString::fromLatin1("lastName"));
if(!last.isNull()) // contact has both first and last name
ret = i18n("firstName lastName", "%2 %1")
else // only first name set
ret = first.value().toString();
else if(!last.isNull()) // only last name set
ret = last.value().toString();
return ret;
QString Kopete::Contact::formattedIdleTime() const
QString ret;
unsigned long int leftTime = idleTime();
if ( leftTime > 0 )
{ // FIXME: duplicated from code in kopetecontactlistview.cpp
unsigned long int days, hours, mins, secs;
days = leftTime / ( 60*60*24 );
leftTime = leftTime % ( 60*60*24 );
hours = leftTime / ( 60*60 );
leftTime = leftTime % ( 60*60 );
mins = leftTime / 60;
secs = leftTime % 60;
if ( days != 0 )
ret = i18n( "<days>d <hours>h <minutes>m <seconds>s",
"%4d %3h %2m %1s" )
.arg( secs )
.arg( mins )
.arg( hours )
.arg( days );
else if ( hours != 0 )
ret = i18n( "<hours>h <minutes>m <seconds>s", "%3h %2m %1s" )
.arg( secs )
.arg( mins )
.arg( hours );
ret = i18n( "<minutes>m <seconds>s", "%2m %1s" )
.arg( secs )
.arg( mins );
return ret;
void Kopete::Contact::slotBlock()
account()->block( d->contactId );
void Kopete::Contact::slotUnblock()
account()->unblock( d->contactId );
void Kopete::Contact::setNickName( const QString &name )
setProperty( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName(), name );
QString Kopete::Contact::nickName() const
QString nick = property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName() ).value().toString();
if( !nick.isEmpty() )
return nick;
return contactId();
void Contact::virtual_hook( uint , void * )
{ }
} //END namespace Kopete
#include "kopetecontact.moc"