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642 lines
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kopetemessage.cpp - Base class for Kopete messages
Copyright (c) 2002-2003 by Martijn Klingens <>
Copyright (c) 2002-2006 by Olivier Goffart <ogoffart @>
Kopete (c) 2002-2005 by the Kopete developers <>
* *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qbuffer.h>
#include <qimage.h>
#include <qstylesheet.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qtextcodec.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kstringhandler.h>
#include <kmdcodec.h>
#include <qguardedptr.h>
#include "kopetemessage.h"
#include "kopetemetacontact.h"
#include "kopeteprotocol.h"
#include "kopetechatsession.h"
#include "kopeteprefs.h"
#include "kopetecontact.h"
#include "kopeteemoticons.h"
using namespace Kopete;
class Message::Private
: public KShared
Private( const QDateTime &timeStamp, const Contact *from, const ContactPtrList &to,
const QString &subject, MessageDirection direction,
const QString &requestedPlugin, MessageType type );
QGuardedPtr<const Contact> from;
ContactPtrList to;
ChatSession *manager;
MessageDirection direction;
MessageFormat format;
MessageType type;
QString requestedPlugin;
MessageImportance importance;
bool bgOverride;
bool fgOverride;
bool rtfOverride;
bool isRightToLeft;
QDateTime timeStamp;
QFont font;
QColor fgColor;
QColor bgColor;
QString body;
QString subject;
Message::Private::Private( const QDateTime &timeStamp, const Contact *from,
const ContactPtrList &to, const QString &subject,
MessageDirection direction, const QString &requestedPlugin, MessageType type )
: from( from ), to( to ), manager( 0 ), direction( direction ), format( PlainText ), type( type ),
requestedPlugin( requestedPlugin ), importance( (to.count() <= 1) ? Normal : Low ),
bgOverride( false ), fgOverride( false ), rtfOverride( false ), isRightToLeft( false ),
timeStamp( timeStamp ), body( QString::null ), subject( subject )
: d( new Private( QDateTime::currentDateTime(), 0L, QPtrList<Contact>(), QString::null, Internal,
QString::null, TypeNormal ) )
Message::Message( const Contact *fromKC, const QPtrList<Contact> &toKC, const QString &body,
MessageDirection direction, MessageFormat f, const QString &requestedPlugin, MessageType type )
: d( new Private( QDateTime::currentDateTime(), fromKC, toKC, QString::null, direction, requestedPlugin, type ) )
doSetBody( body, f );
Message::Message( const Contact *fromKC, const Contact *toKC, const QString &body,
MessageDirection direction, MessageFormat f, const QString &requestedPlugin, MessageType type )
QPtrList<Contact> to;
d = new Private( QDateTime::currentDateTime(), fromKC, to, QString::null, direction, requestedPlugin, type );
doSetBody( body, f );
Message::Message( const Contact *fromKC, const QPtrList<Contact> &toKC, const QString &body,
const QString &subject, MessageDirection direction, MessageFormat f, const QString &requestedPlugin, MessageType type )
: d( new Private( QDateTime::currentDateTime(), fromKC, toKC, subject, direction, requestedPlugin, type ) )
doSetBody( body, f );
Message::Message( const QDateTime &timeStamp, const Contact *fromKC, const QPtrList<Contact> &toKC,
const QString &body, MessageDirection direction, MessageFormat f, const QString &requestedPlugin, MessageType type )
: d( new Private( timeStamp, fromKC, toKC, QString::null, direction, requestedPlugin, type ) )
doSetBody( body, f );
Message::Message( const QDateTime &timeStamp, const Contact *fromKC, const QPtrList<Contact> &toKC,
const QString &body, const QString &subject, MessageDirection direction, MessageFormat f, const QString &requestedPlugin, MessageType type )
: d( new Private( timeStamp, fromKC, toKC, subject, direction, requestedPlugin, type ) )
doSetBody( body, f );
Kopete::Message::Message( const Message &other )
: d(other.d)
Message& Message::operator=( const Message &other )
d = other.d;
return *this;
void Message::detach()
// there is no detach in KSharedPtr :(
if( d.count() == 1 )
// Warning: this only works as long as the private object doesn't contain pointers to allocated objects.
// The from contact for example is fine, but it's a shallow copy this way.
d = new Private(*d);
void Message::setBgOverride( bool enabled )
d->bgOverride = enabled;
void Message::setFgOverride( bool enabled )
d->fgOverride = enabled;
void Message::setRtfOverride( bool enabled )
d->rtfOverride = enabled;
void Message::setFg( const QColor &color )
void Message::setBg( const QColor &color )
void Message::setFont( const QFont &font )
d->font = font;
void Message::doSetBody( const QString &_body, Message::MessageFormat f )
QString body = _body;
//TODO: move that in ChatTextEditPart::contents
if( f == RichText )
//This is coming from the RichTextEditor component.
//Strip off the containing HTML document
body.replace( QRegExp( QString::fromLatin1(".*<body[^>]*>(.*)</body>.*") ), QString::fromLatin1("\\1") );
//Strip <p> tags
body.replace( QString::fromLatin1("<p>"), QString::null );
//Replace </p> with a <br/>
body.replace( QString::fromLatin1("</p>"), QString::fromLatin1("<br/>") );
//Remove trailing </br>
if ( body.endsWith( QString::fromLatin1("<br/>") ) )
body.truncate( body.length() - 5 );
body.remove( QString::fromLatin1("\n") );
body.replace( QRegExp( QString::fromLatin1( "\\s\\s" ) ), QString::fromLatin1( " " ) );
else if( f == ParsedHTML )
kdWarning( 14000 ) << k_funcinfo << "using ParsedHTML which is internal! Message: '" <<
body << "', Backtrace: " << kdBacktrace() << endl;
d->body = body;
d->format = f;
// unescaping is very expensive, do it only once and cache the result
d->isRightToLeft = ( f & RichText ? unescape( d->body ).isRightToLeft() : d->body.isRightToLeft() );
void Message::setBody( const QString &body, MessageFormat f )
doSetBody( body, f );
bool Message::isRightToLeft() const
return d->isRightToLeft;
void Message::setImportance(Message::MessageImportance i)
d->importance = i;
QString Message::unescape( const QString &xml )
QString data = xml;
// Remove linebreak and multiple spaces. First return nbsp's to normal spaces :)
int pos;
while ( ( pos = data.find( '<' ) ) != -1 )
int endPos = data.find( '>', pos + 1 );
if( endPos == -1 )
break; // No more complete elements left
// Take the part between < and >, and extract the element name from that
int matchWidth = endPos - pos + 1;
QString match = data.mid( pos + 1, matchWidth - 2 ).simplifyWhiteSpace();
int elemEndPos = match.find( ' ' );
QString elem = ( elemEndPos == -1 ? match.lower() : match.left( elemEndPos ).lower() );
if ( elem == QString::fromLatin1( "img" ) )
// Replace smileys with their original text'
const QString attrTitle = QString::fromLatin1( "title=\"" );
int titlePos = match.find( attrTitle, elemEndPos );
int titleEndPos = match.find( '"', titlePos + attrTitle.length() );
if( titlePos == -1 || titleEndPos == -1 )
// Not a smiley but a normal <img>
// Don't update pos, we restart at this position :)
data.remove( pos, matchWidth );
QString orig = match.mid( titlePos + attrTitle.length(),
titleEndPos - titlePos - attrTitle.length() );
data.replace( pos, matchWidth, orig );
pos += orig.length();
else if ( elem == QString::fromLatin1( "/p" ) || elem == QString::fromLatin1( "/div" ) ||
elem == QString::fromLatin1( "br" ) )
// Replace paragraph, div and line breaks with a newline
data.replace( pos, matchWidth, '\n' );
// Remove all other elements entirely
// Don't update pos, we restart at this position :)
data.remove( pos, matchWidth );
// Replace stuff starting with '&'
data.replace( QString::fromLatin1( ">" ), QString::fromLatin1( ">" ) );
data.replace( QString::fromLatin1( "<" ), QString::fromLatin1( "<" ) );
data.replace( QString::fromLatin1( """ ), QString::fromLatin1( "\"" ) );
data.replace( QString::fromLatin1( " " ), QString::fromLatin1( " " ) );
data.replace( QString::fromLatin1( "&" ), QString::fromLatin1( "&" ) );
data.replace( QString::fromLatin1( " " ), QString::fromLatin1( " " ) ); //this one is used in jabber: note, we should escape all &#xx;
return data;
QString Message::escape( const QString &text )
QString html = QStyleSheet::escape( text );
//Replace carriage returns inside the text
html.replace( QString::fromLatin1( "\n" ), QString::fromLatin1( "<br />" ) );
//Replace a tab with 4 spaces
html.replace( QString::fromLatin1( "\t" ), QString::fromLatin1( " " ) );
//Replace multiple spaces with
//do not replace every space so we break the linebreak
html.replace( QRegExp( QString::fromLatin1( "\\s\\s" ) ), QString::fromLatin1( " " ) );
return html;
QString Message::plainBody() const
QString body=d->body;
if( d->format & RichText )
body = unescape( body );
return body;
QString Message::escapedBody() const
QString escapedBody=d->body;
// kdDebug(14000) << k_funcinfo << escapedBody << " " << d->rtfOverride << endl;
if( d->format & PlainText )
escapedBody=escape( escapedBody );
else if( d->format & RichText && d->rtfOverride)
//remove the rich text
escapedBody = escape (unescape( escapedBody ) );
return escapedBody;
QString Message::parsedBody() const
//kdDebug(14000) << k_funcinfo << "messageformat: " << d->format << endl;
if( d->format == ParsedHTML )
return d->body;
return Kopete::Emoticons::parseEmoticons(parseLinks(escapedBody(), RichText));
static QString makeRegExp( const char *pattern )
const QString urlChar = QString::fromLatin1( "\\+\\-\\w\\./#@&;:=\\?~%_,\\!\\$\\*\\(\\)" );
const QString boundaryStart = QString::fromLatin1( "(^|[^%1])(" ).arg( urlChar );
const QString boundaryEnd = QString::fromLatin1( ")([^%1]|$)" ).arg( urlChar );
return boundaryStart + QString::fromLatin1(pattern) + boundaryEnd;
QString Message::parseLinks( const QString &message, MessageFormat format )
if ( format == ParsedHTML )
return message;
if ( format & RichText )
// < in HTML *always* means start-of-tag
QStringList entries = QStringList::split( QChar('<'), message, true );
QStringList::Iterator it = entries.begin();
// first one is different: it doesn't start with an HTML tag.
if ( it != entries.end() )
*it = parseLinks( *it, PlainText );
for ( ; it != entries.end(); ++it )
QString curr = *it;
// > in HTML means start-of-tag if and only if it's the first one after a <
int tagclose = curr.find( QChar('>') );
// no >: the HTML is broken, but we can cope
if ( tagclose == -1 )
QString tag = curr.left( tagclose + 1 );
QString body = curr.mid( tagclose + 1 );
*it = tag + parseLinks( body, PlainText );
return entries.join(QString::fromLatin1("<"));
QString result = message;
// common subpatterns - may not contain matching parens!
const QString name = QString::fromLatin1( "[\\w\\+\\-=_\\.]+" );
const QString userAndPassword = QString::fromLatin1( "(?:%1(?::%1)?\\@)" ).arg( name );
const QString urlChar = QString::fromLatin1( "\\+\\-\\w\\./#@&;:=\\?~%_,\\!\\$\\*\\(\\)" );
const QString urlSection = QString::fromLatin1( "[%1]+" ).arg( urlChar );
const QString domain = QString::fromLatin1( "[\\-\\w_]+(?:\\.[\\-\\w_]+)+" );
//Replace http/https/ftp links:
// Replace (stuff)://[user:password@](linkstuff) with a link
QRegExp( makeRegExp("\\w+://%1?\\w%2").arg( userAndPassword, urlSection ) ),
QString::fromLatin1("\\1<a href=\"\\2\" title=\"\\2\">\\2</a>\\3" ) );
// Replace www.X.Y(linkstuff) with a http: link
QRegExp( makeRegExp("%1?www\\.%2%3").arg( userAndPassword, domain, urlSection ) ),
QString::fromLatin1("\\1<a href=\"http://\\2\" title=\"http://\\2\">\\2</a>\\3" ) );
//Replace Email Links
// Replace user@domain with a mailto: link
QRegExp( makeRegExp("%1@%2").arg( name, domain ) ),
QString::fromLatin1("\\1<a href=\"mailto:\\2\" title=\"mailto:\\2\">\\2</a>\\3") );
//Workaround for Bug 85061: Highlighted URLs adds a ' ' after the URL itself
// the trailing is included in the url.
result.replace( QRegExp( QString::fromLatin1("(<a href=\"[^\"]+)( )(\")") ) , QString::fromLatin1("\\1\\3") );
return result;
QDateTime Message::timestamp() const
return d->timeStamp;
const Contact *Message::from() const
return d->from;
QPtrList<Contact> Message::to() const
return d->to;
Message::MessageType Message::type() const
return d->type;
QString Message::requestedPlugin() const
return d->requestedPlugin;
QColor Message::fg() const
return d->fgColor;
QColor Message::bg() const
return d->bgColor;
QFont Message::font() const
//QDomElement bodyNode = d->xmlDoc.elementsByTagName( QString::fromLatin1("body") ).item(0).toElement();
//return QFont( bodyNode.attribute( QString::fromLatin1("font") ), bodyNode.attribute( QString::fromLatin1("fontsize") ).toInt() );
return d->font;
QString Message::subject() const
return d->subject;
Message::MessageFormat Message::format() const
return d->format;
Message::MessageDirection Message::direction() const
return d->direction;
Message::MessageImportance Message::importance() const
return d->importance;
ChatSession *Message::manager() const
return d->manager;
void Message::setManager(ChatSession *kmm)
QString Message::getHtmlStyleAttribute() const
QString styleAttribute;
styleAttribute = QString::fromUtf8("style=\"");
// Affect foreground(color) and background color to message.
if( !d->fgOverride && d->fgColor.isValid() )
styleAttribute += QString::fromUtf8("color: %1; ").arg(d->;
if( !d->bgOverride && d->bgColor.isValid() )
styleAttribute += QString::fromUtf8("background-color: %1; ").arg(d->;
// Affect font parameters.
if( !d->rtfOverride && d->font!=QFont() )
QString fontstr;
fontstr+=QString::fromLatin1("font-family: ")+d->"; ");
fontstr+=QString::fromLatin1("font-style: italic; ");
fontstr+=QString::fromLatin1("text-decoration: line-through; ");
fontstr+=QString::fromLatin1("text-decoration: underline; ");
fontstr+=QString::fromLatin1("font-weight: bold;");
styleAttribute += fontstr;
styleAttribute += QString::fromUtf8("\"");
return styleAttribute;
// KDE4: Move that to a utils class/namespace
QString Message::decodeString( const QCString &message, const QTextCodec *providedCodec, bool *success )
Note to everyone. This function is not the most efficient, that is for sure.
However, it *is* the only way we can be guarenteed that a given string is
decoded properly.
if( success )
*success = true;
// Avoid heavy codec tests on empty message.
if( message.isEmpty() )
return QString::fromAscii( message );
//Check first 128 chars
int charsToCheck = message.length();
charsToCheck = 128 > charsToCheck ? charsToCheck : 128;
//They are providing a possible codec. Check if it is valid
if( providedCodec && providedCodec->heuristicContentMatch( message, charsToCheck ) >= 0 )
//All chars decodable.
return providedCodec->toUnicode( message );
//Check if it is UTF
if( KStringHandler::isUtf8(message) )
//We have a UTF string almost for sure. At least we know it will be decoded.
return QString::fromUtf8( message );
//Try codecForContent - exact match
QTextCodec *testCodec = QTextCodec::codecForContent(message, charsToCheck);
if( testCodec && testCodec->heuristicContentMatch( message, charsToCheck ) >= 0 )
//All chars decodable.
return testCodec->toUnicode( message );
kdWarning(14000) << k_funcinfo << "Unable to decode string using provided codec(s), taking best guesses!" << endl;
if( success )
*success = false;
//We don't have any clues here.
//Try local codec
testCodec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale();
if( testCodec && testCodec->heuristicContentMatch( message, charsToCheck ) >= 0 )
//All chars decodable.
kdDebug(14000) << k_funcinfo << "Using locale's codec" << endl;
return testCodec->toUnicode( message );
//Try latin1 codec
testCodec = QTextCodec::codecForMib(4);
if( testCodec && testCodec->heuristicContentMatch( message, charsToCheck ) >= 0 )
//All chars decodable.
kdDebug(14000) << k_funcinfo << "Using latin1" << endl;
return testCodec->toUnicode( message );
kdDebug(14000) << k_funcinfo << "Using latin1 and cleaning string" << endl;
//No codec decoded. Just decode latin1, and clean out any junk.
QString result = QString::fromLatin1( message );
const uint length = message.length();
for( uint i = 0; i < length; ++i )
if( !result[i].isPrint() )
result[i] = '?';
return result;