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package PWidget;
@ISA = qw(PBase);
use strict;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($class, @_);
$self->{widgetType} = $::PWIDGET_WIDGET;
# Default handlers
sub {$self->resizeEvent(@_)});
sub {$self->paintEvent(@_)});
sub {$self->moveEvent(@_)});
sub {$self->miscEvent(@_)});
# Examplesto listen for mouse events
# sub {$self->mousePressEvent(@_)});
# sub {$self->mouseReleaseEvent(@_)});
if($class eq 'PWidget'){
return $self;
sub close {
my $self = shift;
$self->sendMessage('iCommand' => $::PUKE_WIDGET_DELETE,
'CallBack' => sub {});
$self->{DESTROYED} = 1;
sub show {
my $self = shift;
# make sure we are runable then show continue.
my @ARG = ();
# $self->canRun($self, \&PWidget::show, \@ARG) || return;
$self->sendMessage('iCommand' => $::PUKE_WIDGET_SHOW);
sub hide {
my $self = shift;
$self->sendMessage('iCommand' => $::PUKE_WIDGET_HIDE);
sub tqrepaint {
my $self = shift;
my $erase = shift; # 1 for erase and reapint
$self->sendMessage('iCommand' => $::PUKE_WIDGET_REPAINT,
'iArg' => $erase);
sub resize {
my $self = shift;
my $width = shift;
my $height = shift;
my $carg = "$width\t$height";
$self->sendMessage('iCommand' => $::PUKE_WIDGET_RESIZE,
'cArg' => $carg);
sub move {
my $self = shift;
my $x = shift;
my $y = shift;
my $carg = "$x\t$y";
$self->sendMessage('iCommand' => $::PUKE_WIDGET_MOVE,
'cArg' => $carg);
sub setMinimumSize {
my $self = shift;
my $w = shift;
my $h = shift;
my $carg = "$w\t$h";
$self->sendMessage('iCommand' => $::PUKE_WIDGET_SETMINSIZE,
'cArg' => $carg,
'CallBack' => sub {});
sub setMaximumSize {
my $self = shift;
my $w = shift;
my $h = shift;
my $carg = "$w\t$h";
$self->sendMessage('iCommand' => $::PUKE_WIDGET_SETMAXSIZE,
'cArg' => $carg,
'CallBack' => sub {});
sub setCaption {
my $self = shift;
my $text = shift;
$self->sendMessage('iCommand' => $::PUKE_WIDGET_SETCAPTION,
'cArg' => $text,
'CallBack' => sub {});
sub resizeEvent {
my $self = shift;
my %ARG = %{shift()};
my($h, $w, $oh, $ow) = unpack("iiii", $ARG{'cArg'});
$self->{'height'} = $h;
$self->{'width'} = $w;
sub paintEvent {
sub moveEvent {
my $self = shift;
my %ARG = %{shift()};
my($x, $y, $ox, $oy) = unpack("iiii", $ARG{'cArg'});
$self->{'x'} = $x;
$self->{'y'} = $y;
sub miscEvent {
sub backgroundColor {
my $self = shift;
my %arg = $self->sendMessage('iCommand' => $::PUKE_WIDGET_GET_BACKGROUND_COLOUR,
'WaitFor' => 1);
# print "Got: " . $arg{'cArg'} . "\n";
$arg{'cArg'} =~ s/\000//g;
my ($r, $g, $b) = split(/,/, $arg{'cArg'});
return ($r, $g, $b);
sub setBackgroundColor {
my $self = shift;
$self->sendMessage('iCommand' => $::PUKE_WIDGET_SET_BACKGROUND_COLOUR,
'cArg' => pack("i3", shift(), shift(), shift()),
'CallBack' => sub {});
sub setBackgroundPixmap {
my $self = shift;
$self->sendMessage('iCommand' => $::PUKE_WIDGET_SET_BACKGROUND_PIXMAP,
'cArg' => shift(),
'CallBack' => sub {});
sub setBackgroundMode {
my $self = shift;
$self->sendMessage('iCommand' => $::PUKE_WIDGET_SET_BACKGROUND_MODE,
'iArg' => shift(),
'CallBack' => sub {});
sub setEnabled {
my $self = shift;
$self->sendMessage('iCommand' => $::PUKE_WIDGET_SET_ENABLED,
'iArg' => shift(),
'CallBack' => sub {});
sub recreate {
my $self = shift;
my $nparent = shift;
my $wflags = shift; # Not used!
$self->sendMessage('iCommand' => $::PUKE_WIDGET_RECREATE,
'iArg' => $nparent ? $nparent->{'iWinId'} : 0,
'cArg' => pack("iii", shift(), shift(), shift()),
'CallBack' => sub {});
package main;