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sendmessagetask.h - Outgoing OSCAR Messaging Handler
Copyright (c) 2004 by Matt Rogers <>
Kopete (c) 2002-2004 by the Kopete developers <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "sendmessagetask.h"
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "connection.h"
#include "oscartypes.h"
#include "transfer.h"
SendMessageTask::SendMessageTask(Task* parent): Task(parent)
m_autoResponse = false;
m_cookieCount = 0x7FFF;
void SendMessageTask::setMessage( const Oscar::Message& msg )
m_message = msg;
void SendMessageTask::setAutoResponse( bool autoResponse )
m_autoResponse = autoResponse;
void SendMessageTask::onGo()
if ( m_message.textArray().isEmpty() && m_message.type() == 1 ) // at least channel 2 needs to send empty messages
setError(-1, "No message to send");
// Check Message to see what SNAC to use
int snacSubfamily = 0x0006;
if ( ( m_message.type() == 2 ) && m_message.hasProperty( Oscar::Message::AutoResponse ) )
{ // an auto response is send for ack of channel 2 messages
kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Sending SNAC 0x0B instead of 0x06 " << endl;
snacSubfamily = 0x000B;
FLAP f = { 0x02, 0, 0 };
SNAC s = { 0x0004, snacSubfamily, 0x0000, client()->snacSequence() };
Buffer* b = new Buffer();
if ( snacSubfamily == 0x0006 )
DWORD cookie1 = KApplication::random();
DWORD cookie2 = KApplication::random();
b->addDWord( cookie1 );
b->addDWord( cookie2 );
b->addString( m_message.icbmCookie() ); // in automated response, we need the same cookie as in the request
b->addWord( m_message.type() );
b->addByte( m_message.receiver().length() );
b->addString( m_message.receiver().latin1(), m_message.receiver().length() );
if ( snacSubfamily == 0x0006 )
/* send a regular message */
switch ( m_message.type() )
case 1:
addChannel1Data( b );
case 2:
addChannel2Data( b );
case 4:
addChannel4Data( b );
// Add the TLV to indicate if this is an autoresponse: 0x00040000
// Right now, only supported for the AIM client, I'm not sure about ICQ
// For some reason you can't have both a 0x0004 and 0x0003 TLV in the same
// SNAC, if you do the AIM server complains
if ( !client()->isIcq() && (m_autoResponse == true) )
TLV tlv4( 0x0004, 0, NULL);
b->addTLV( tlv4 );
b->addDWord( 0x00030000 ); //empty TLV 3 to get an ack from the server
if ( client()->isIcq() && m_message.type() != 2 && ! m_message.hasProperty( Oscar::Message::StatusMessageRequest ) )
b->addDWord( 0x00060000 ); //empty TLV 6 to store message on the server if not online
/* send an autoresponse */
b->addWord( 0x0003 ); // reason code: 1: channel not supported; 2: busted payload; 3: channel specific;
//TODO: i hardcoded it for now, since we don't suppoert error messages atm anyway
addRendezvousMessageData( b );
Transfer* t = createTransfer( f, s, b );
kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "SENDING: " << t->toString() << endl;
send( t );
void SendMessageTask::addBasicTLVs( Buffer* b )
//TODO add stuff like user class, user status, online time, etc TLVS
void SendMessageTask::addChannel1Data( Buffer* b )
Buffer tlv2buffer;
//Send features TLV using data from gaim. Features are different
//depending on whether we're ICQ or AIM
if ( client()->isIcq() )
tlv2buffer.addDWord( 0x05010002 ); //TLV 0x0501, length 2
tlv2buffer.addWord( 0x0106 ); //TLV 0x0501 data
tlv2buffer.addDWord( 0x05010004 ); //TLV 0x0501, length 4
tlv2buffer.addDWord( 0x01010102 ); //TLV 0x0501 data.
//we only send one message part. There's only one client that actually uses
//them and it's quite old and infrequently used
tlv2buffer.addWord( 0x0101 ); //add TLV(0x0101) also known as TLV(257)
tlv2buffer.addWord( m_message.textArray().size() + 4 ); // add TLV length
if ( m_message.encoding() == Oscar::Message::UserDefined )
kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Sending outgoing message in "
<< "per-contact encoding" << endl;
tlv2buffer.addWord( 0x0000 );
tlv2buffer.addWord( 0x0000 );
kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Sending outgoing message as "
<< "UCS-2" << endl;
tlv2buffer.addWord( 0x0002 );
tlv2buffer.addWord( 0x0000 );
tlv2buffer.addString( m_message.textArray() );
TLV tlv2( 0x0002, tlv2buffer.length(), tlv2buffer.buffer() );
b->addTLV( tlv2 );
void SendMessageTask::addChannel2Data( Buffer* b )
kdDebug(OSCAR_RAW_DEBUG) << k_funcinfo << "Trying to send type 2 message!" << endl;
Buffer tlv5buffer;
tlv5buffer.addWord( 0 ); // 0 = request; other possibilities: 1 = cancel; 2 = accept;
//TODO: i hardcoded it for now, don't yet what to use the other stuff for
// message id cookie. needs to be the same one as above, thus copy first eight bytes of buffer
Buffer* tmp = new Buffer(b->buffer(), 8);
tlv5buffer.addString( tmp->buffer(), 8 );
delete tmp;
/* send our client capability. oscardocs say this one means we support type 2 messages,
ethereal say it means we support server relay. however, it's what most clients send,
even official ones...
// too lazy to think about byte order :)
tlv5buffer.addByte( 0x09 );
tlv5buffer.addByte( 0x46 );
tlv5buffer.addByte( 0x13 );
tlv5buffer.addByte( 0x49 );
tlv5buffer.addByte( 0x4C );
tlv5buffer.addByte( 0x7F );
tlv5buffer.addByte( 0x11 );
tlv5buffer.addByte( 0xD1 );
tlv5buffer.addByte( 0x82 );
tlv5buffer.addByte( 0x22 );
tlv5buffer.addByte( 0x44 );
tlv5buffer.addByte( 0x45 );
tlv5buffer.addByte( 0x53 );
tlv5buffer.addByte( 0x54 );
tlv5buffer.addByte( 0x00 );
tlv5buffer.addByte( 0x00 );
// These are optional, would probably be a god ide to start using them, though
// add TLV 03: internal ip
// tlv5buffer.addWord( 0x0003 ); // TLV Type
// tlv5buffer.addWord( 0x0004 ); // TLV Length
// tlv5buffer.addDWord( 0x00000000 ); // TLV Data: Internal IP
// add TLV 05: listening port
// tlv5buffer.addWord( 0x0005 ); // TLV Type
// tlv5buffer.addWord( 0x0002 ); // TLV Length
// tlv5buffer.addWord( 0x0000 ); // TLV Data: listening port
// add TLV 0A: acktype (1 = normal message)
tlv5buffer.addWord( 0x000A ); // TLV Type
tlv5buffer.addWord( 0x0002 ); // TLV Length
tlv5buffer.addWord( 0x0001 ); // TLV Data: unknown, usually 1
// add TLV 0B: unknown
// tlv5buffer.addWord( 0x000B ); // TLV Type
// tlv5buffer.addWord( 0x0002 ); // TLV Length
// tlv5buffer.addWord( 0x0000 ); // TLV Data: unknown
// add TLV 0F: unknown
tlv5buffer.addWord( 0x000F ); // TLV Type
tlv5buffer.addWord( 0x0000 ); // TLV Length
// TLV Data: empty
/* now comes the important TLV 0x2711 */
Buffer tlv2711buffer;
addRendezvousMessageData( &tlv2711buffer );
TLV tlv2711( 0x2711, tlv2711buffer.length(), tlv2711buffer.buffer() );
tlv5buffer.addTLV( tlv2711 );
TLV tlv5( 0x0005, tlv5buffer.length(), tlv5buffer.buffer() );
b->addTLV( tlv5 );
void SendMessageTask::addChannel4Data( Buffer* b )
void SendMessageTask::addRendezvousMessageData( Buffer* b )
// first data segment
b->addLEWord( 0x001B ); // length of this data segment, always 27
// protocol version
// miranda,licq use 8, gaim,icq5 use 9, icq2003b uses 10.
// 9 seems to make things a litle difficult, 10 seems a little more like 8, but still more difficult
b->addLEWord( 0x0008 ); // so stick with 8 for now :)
for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
b->addByte( 0x00 ); // pluginID or all zeros (see oscar docs)
b->addWord( 0x0000 ); // unknown
b->addLEDWord( 0x00000003 ); // FIXME client capabilities: not sure, but should be ICQ Server Relay
b->addByte( 0x0000 ); // unknown
// channel 2 counter: in auto response, use original message value. s/t else otherwise (most anythig will work)
int channel2Counter = 0xBEEF; // just some number for now
if ( m_message.hasProperty( Oscar::Message::AutoResponse ) )
channel2Counter = m_message.channel2Counter();
channel2Counter = (m_cookieCount--) & 0x7FFF;
b->addLEWord( channel2Counter ); // channel 2 counter
// second data segment
b->addLEWord( 0x000E ); // length of this data segment, always 14
b->addLEWord( channel2Counter ); // channel 2 counter
for ( int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
b->addByte( 0x00 ); // unknown, usually all zeros
// actual message data segment
// Message type
if ( m_message.messageType() == 0x00 )
b->addByte( 0x01 );
b->addByte( m_message.messageType() );
int messageFlags = 0x00; // Normal
if ( m_message.hasProperty( Oscar::Message::StatusMessageRequest ) )
messageFlags = 0x03; // Auto message. required for both requesting and sending status messages
else if ( m_message.hasProperty( Oscar::Message::AutoResponse ) )
messageFlags = 0x00; // A regular type 2 msg ack requires 0x00 here...
b->addByte( messageFlags );
// status code, priority:
// common (ICQ) practice seems to be: both 1 when requesting away message, both 0 otherwise
// miranda sends 256/0 in away message request. it works, but i don't see the point...
// other then that, don't yet really know what they are for.
if ( m_message.hasProperty( Oscar::Message::StatusMessageRequest ) && ( ! m_message.hasProperty( Oscar::Message::AutoResponse ) ) )
b->addLEWord( 0x0001 ); // status (?)
b->addLEWord( 0x0001 ); // priority (?)
b->addLEWord( 0x0000 ); // status (?)
b->addLEWord( 0x0000 ); // priority (?)
b->addLEWord( m_message.textArray().size() + 1 ); // length of string + zero termination
b->addString( m_message.textArray() ); // string itself
b->addByte( 0x00 ); // zero termination
b->addLEDWord( 0x00000000 ); // foreground
b->addLEDWord( 0x00FFFFFF ); // foreground
if ( m_message.encoding() == Oscar::Message::UTF8 )
b->addLEDWord( 38 );
b->addString( "{0946134E-4C7F-11D1-8222-444553540000}", 38 );
/* Old oscarsocket code, which is here for reference in case this doesn't work
TQTextCodec *codec = 0L;
WORD charset = 0x0000; // default to ascii
WORD charsubset = 0x0000;
int length = message.length();
unsigned char *utfMessage = 0L;
codec=TQTextCodec::codecForMib(3); // US-ASCII
if(codec->canEncode(message)) // this returns true for some accented western european chars but kopete can't decode on receipt
//kdDebug(14151) << k_funcinfo << "Going to encode as US-ASCII" << endl;
// We are forcing kopete to send messages using ISO-8859-1
// It's a hack and should be reimplemented in a better way
//kdDebug(14151) << k_funcinfo << "Now trying ISO-8859-1" << endl;
codec=0L; // we failed encoding it as US-ASCII
//kdDebug(14151) << k_funcinfo << "Cannot encode as US-ASCII" << endl;
// if we couldn't encode it as ascii, and either the client says it can do UTF8, or we have no
// contact specific encoding set, might as well send it as UTF-16BE as as ISO-8859-1
if ( !codec && ( contact->hasCap(CAP_UTF8) || !contact->encoding() ) )
// use UTF is peer supports it and encoding as US-ASCII failed
utfMessage=new unsigned char[length];
for(unsigned int l=0; l<message.length(); l++)
charset=0x0002; // send UTF-16BE
// no codec and no charset and per-contact encoding set
if(!codec && charset != 0x0002 && contact->encoding() != 0)
charset=0x0003; //send as ISO-8859-1
if(!codec && charset != 0x0002) // it's neither tqunicode nor did we find a codec so far!
kdDebug(14151) << k_funcinfo <<
"Couldn't find suitable encoding for outgoing message, " <<
"encoding using ISO-8859-1, prepare for receiver getting unreadable text :)" << endl;
codec=TQTextCodec::codecForMib(4); // ISO-8859-1
tlv2.addWord(0x0101); //add TLV(0x0101) also known as TLV(257)
tlv2.addWord(length + 0x04); // add TLV length
tlv2.addWord(charset); // normal char set
tlv2.addWord(charsubset); // normal char set
kdDebug(14151) << k_funcinfo << "Outgoing message encoded as 'UTF-16BE'" << endl;
tlv2.addString(utfMessage, length); // the actual message
delete [] utfMessage;
kdDebug(14151) << k_funcinfo << "Outgoing message encoded as '" << codec->name() << "'" << endl;
TQCString outgoingMessage=codec->fromUnicode(message);
tlv2.addString(outgoingMessage, length); // the actual message
// ====================================================================================
outbuf.addTLV(0x0002, tlv2.length(), tlv2.buffer());
if(isAuto) // No clue about this stuff, probably AIM-specific [mETz]
//outbuf.addWord(0x0003); // TLV.Type(0x03) - request an ack from server
outbuf.addWord(0x0006); // TLV.Type(0x06) - store message if recipient offline
//kate: tab-width 4; indent-mode csands;