You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1115 lines
40 KiB

kopetewindow.cpp - Kopete Main Window
Copyright (c) 2001-2002 by Duncan Mac-Vicar Prett <>
Copyright (c) 2001-2002 by Stefan Gehn <metz AT>
Copyright (c) 2002-2003 by Martijn Klingens <>
Copyright (c) 2002-2005 by Olivier Goffart <ogoffart at>
Copyright (c) 2005-2006 by Will Stephenson <>
Kopete (c) 2002-2005 by the Kopete developers <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "kopetewindow.h"
#include <tqcursor.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqhbox.h>
#include <tqvbox.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqevent.h>
#include <tqsignalmapper.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kactionclasses.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <knotifydialog.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kaccel.h>
#include <kkeydialog.h>
#include <kedittoolbar.h>
#include <kmenubar.h>
#include <kstatusbar.h>
#include <kglobalaccel.h>
#include <twin.h>
#include <tdeversion.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <kplugininfo.h>
#include <ksqueezedtextlabel.h>
#include <kstringhandler.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include "addcontactpage.h"
#include "addcontactwizard.h"
#include "addressbooklinkwidget.h"
#include "groupkabcselectorwidget.h"
#include "kabcexport.h"
#include "kopeteapplication.h"
#include "kopeteaccount.h"
#include "kopeteaway.h"
#include "kopeteaccountmanager.h"
#include "kopeteaccountstatusbaricon.h"
#include "kopetecontact.h"
#include "kopetecontactlist.h"
#include "kopetecontactlistview.h"
#include "kopetegroup.h"
#include <kdialogbase.h>
#include "kopetelistviewsearchline.h"
#include "kopetechatsessionmanager.h"
#include "kopetepluginconfig.h"
#include "kopetepluginmanager.h"
#include "kopeteprefs.h"
#include "kopeteprotocol.h"
#include "kopetestdaction.h"
#include "kopeteawayaction.h"
#include "kopeteuiglobal.h"
#include "systemtray.h"
#include "kopeteonlinestatusmanager.h"
#include "kopeteeditglobalidentitywidget.h"
//BEGIN GlobalStatusMessageIconLabel
GlobalStatusMessageIconLabel::GlobalStatusMessageIconLabel(TQWidget *parent, const char *name)
: TQLabel(parent, name)
void GlobalStatusMessageIconLabel::mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent *event )
if( event->button() == Qt::LeftButton || event->button() == Qt::RightButton )
emit iconClicked( event->globalPos() );
//END GlobalStatusMessageIconLabel
/* KMainWindow is very broken from our point of view - it deref()'s the app
* when the last visible KMainWindow is destroyed. But when our main window is
* hidden when it's in the tray,closing the last chatwindow would cause the app
* to quit. - Richard
* Fortunately KMainWindow checks queryExit before deref()ing the Kapplication.
* KopeteWindow reimplements queryExit() and only returns true if it is shutting down
* (either because the user quit Kopete, or the session manager did).
* KopeteWindow and ChatWindows are closed by session management.
* App shutdown is not performed by the KopeteWindow but by KopeteApplication:
* 1) user quit - KopeteWindow::slotQuit() was called, calls KopeteApplication::quitKopete(),
* which closes all chatwindows and the KopeteWindow. The last window to close
* shuts down the PluginManager in queryExit(). When the PluginManager has completed its
* shutdown, the app is finally deref()ed, and the contactlist and accountmanager
* are saved.
* and calling KApplication::quit()
* 2) session - KopeteWindow and all chatwindows are closed by KApplication session management.
* quit Then the shutdown proceeds as above.
* queryClose() is honoured so group chats and chats receiving recent messages can interrupt
* (session) quit.
KopeteWindow::KopeteWindow( TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
: KMainWindow( parent, name, WType_TopLevel )
// Applications should ensure that their StatusBar exists before calling createGUI()
// so that the StatusBar is always correctly positioned when KDE is configured to use
// a MacOS-style MenuBar.
// This fixes a "statusbar drawn over the top of the toolbar" bug
// e.g. it can happen when you switch desktops on Kopete startup
m_statusBarWidget = new TQHBox(statusBar(), "m_statusBarWidget");
m_statusBarWidget->setMargin( 2 );
m_statusBarWidget->setSpacing( 1 );
statusBar()->addWidget(m_statusBarWidget, 0, true );
TQHBox *statusBarMessage = new TQHBox(statusBar(), "m_statusBarWidget");
m_statusBarWidget->setMargin( 2 );
m_statusBarWidget->setSpacing( 1 );
GlobalStatusMessageIconLabel *label = new GlobalStatusMessageIconLabel( statusBarMessage, "statusmsglabel" );
label->setFixedSize( 16, 16 );
label->setPixmap( SmallIcon( "kopetestatusmessage" ) );
connect(label, TQT_SIGNAL(iconClicked( const TQPoint& )),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotGlobalStatusMessageIconClicked( const TQPoint& )));
TQToolTip::add( label, i18n( "Global status message" ) );
m_globalStatusMessage = new KSqueezedTextLabel( statusBarMessage );
statusBar()->addWidget(statusBarMessage, 1, false );
m_pluginConfig = 0L;
m_autoHideTimer = new TQTimer( this );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Trap all loaded plugins, so we can add their status bar icons accordingly , also used to add XMLGUIClient
connect( Kopete::PluginManager::self(), TQT_SIGNAL( pluginLoaded( Kopete::Plugin * ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotPluginLoaded( Kopete::Plugin * ) ) );
connect( Kopete::PluginManager::self(), TQT_SIGNAL( allPluginsLoaded() ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotAllPluginsLoaded() ));
//Connect the appropriate account signals
/* Please note that I tried to put this in the slotAllPluginsLoaded() function
* but it seemed to break the account icons in the statusbar --Matt */
connect( Kopete::AccountManager::self(), TQT_SIGNAL(accountRegistered(Kopete::Account*)),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotAccountRegistered(Kopete::Account*)));
connect( Kopete::AccountManager::self(), TQT_SIGNAL(accountUnregistered(const Kopete::Account*)),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotAccountUnregistered(const Kopete::Account*)));
connect( m_autoHideTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotAutoHide() ) );
connect( KopetePrefs::prefs(), TQT_SIGNAL( contactListAppearanceChanged() ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotContactListAppearanceChanged() ) );
createGUI ( "kopeteui.rc", false );
// call this _after_ createGUI(), otherwise menubar is not set up correctly
// If some plugins are already loaded, merge the GUI
Kopete::PluginList plugins = Kopete::PluginManager::self()->loadedPlugins();
Kopete::PluginList::ConstIterator it;
for ( it = plugins.begin(); it != plugins.end(); ++it )
slotPluginLoaded( *it );
// If some account alrady loaded, build the status icon
TQPtrList<Kopete::Account> accounts = Kopete::AccountManager::self()->accounts();
for(Kopete::Account *a=accounts.first() ; a; )
//install an event filter for the quick search toolbar so we can
//catch the hide events
toolBar( "quickSearchBar" )->installEventFilter( this );
void KopeteWindow::initView()
contactlist = new KopeteContactListView(this);
void KopeteWindow::initActions()
// this action menu contains one action per account and is updated when accounts are registered/unregistered
actionAddContact = new KActionMenu( i18n( "&Add Contact" ), "add_user",
actionCollection(), "AddContact" );
actionAddContact->setDelayed( false );
// this signal mapper is needed to call slotAddContact with the correct arguments
addContactMapper = new TQSignalMapper( TQT_TQOBJECT(this) );
connect( addContactMapper, TQT_SIGNAL( mapped( const TQString & ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotAddContactDialogInternal( const TQString & ) ) );
/* ConnectAll is now obsolete. "Go online" has replaced it.
actionConnect = new KAction( i18n( "&Connect Accounts" ), "connect_creating",
0, Kopete::AccountManager::self(), TQT_SLOT( connectAll() ),
actionCollection(), "ConnectAll" );
actionDisconnect = new KAction( i18n( "O&ffline" ), "connect_no",
0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotDisconnectAll() ),
actionCollection(), "DisconnectAll" );
actionExportContacts = new KAction( i18n( "&Export Contacts..." ), "", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this),
TQT_SLOT( showExportDialog() ),actionCollection(), "ExportContacts" );
/* the connection menu has been replaced by the set status menu
actionConnectionMenu = new KActionMenu( i18n("Connection"),"connect_established",
actionCollection(), "Connection" );
actionConnectionMenu->setDelayed( false );
selectAway = new KAction( i18n("&Away"), SmallIcon("kopeteaway"), 0,
TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotGlobalAway() ), actionCollection(),
"SetAwayAll" );
selectBusy = new KAction( i18n("&Busy"), SmallIcon("kopeteaway"), 0,
TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotGlobalBusy() ), actionCollection(),
"SetBusyAll" );
actionSetInvisible = new KAction( i18n( "&Invisible" ), "kopeteavailable", 0 ,
TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotSetInvisibleAll() ), actionCollection(),
"SetInvisibleAll" );
/*actionSetAvailable = new KAction( i18n( "&Online" ),
"kopeteavailable", 0 , Kopete::AccountManager::self(),
TQT_SLOT( setAvailableAll() ), actionCollection(),
"SetAvailableAll" );*/
actionSetAvailable = new KAction( i18n("&Online"),
SmallIcon("kopeteavailable"), 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this),
TQT_SLOT( slotGlobalAvailable() ), actionCollection(),
"SetAvailableAll" );
actionAwayMenu = new KActionMenu( i18n("&Set Status"), "kopeteavailable",
actionCollection(), "Status" );
actionAwayMenu->setDelayed( false );
actionPrefs = KopeteStdAction::preferences( actionCollection(), "settings_prefs" );
KStdAction::quit(TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotQuit()), actionCollection());
menubarAction = KStdAction::showMenubar(TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(showMenubar()), actionCollection(), "settings_showmenubar" );
statusbarAction = KStdAction::showStatusbar(TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(showStatusbar()), actionCollection(), "settings_showstatusbar");
KStdAction::keyBindings( guiFactory(), TQT_SLOT( configureShortcuts() ), actionCollection(), "settings_keys" );
new KAction( i18n( "Configure Plugins..." ), "input_devices_settings", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this),
TQT_SLOT( slotConfigurePlugins() ), actionCollection(), "settings_plugins" );
new KAction( i18n( "Configure &Global Shortcuts..." ), "configure_shortcuts", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this),
TQT_SLOT( slotConfGlobalKeys() ), actionCollection(), "settings_global" );
KStdAction::configureToolbars( TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotConfToolbar()), actionCollection() );
KStdAction::configureNotifications(TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotConfNotifications()), actionCollection(), "settings_notifications" );
actionShowOffliners = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Show Offline &Users" ), "show_offliners", CTRL + Key_U,
TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotToggleShowOffliners() ), actionCollection(), "settings_show_offliners" );
actionShowEmptyGroups = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Show Empty &Groups" ), "folder", CTRL + Key_G,
TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( slotToggleShowEmptyGroups() ), actionCollection(), "settings_show_empty_groups" );
actionShowOffliners->setCheckedState(i18n("Hide Offline &Users"));
actionShowEmptyGroups->setCheckedState(i18n("Hide Empty &Groups"));
// quick search bar
TQLabel *searchLabel = new TQLabel( i18n("Se&arch:"), 0, "kde toolbar widget" );
TQWidget *searchBar = new Kopete::UI::ListView::SearchLine( 0, contactlist, "quicksearch_bar" );
searchLabel->setBuddy( searchBar );
KWidgetAction *quickSearch = new KWidgetAction( searchBar, i18n( "Quick Search Bar" ), 0, 0, 0, actionCollection(), "quicksearch_bar" );
new KWidgetAction( searchLabel, i18n( "Search:" ), 0, 0, 0, actionCollection(), "quicksearch_label" );
quickSearch->setAutoSized( true );
// quick search bar - clear button
KAction *resetQuickSearch = new KAction( i18n( "Reset Quick Search" ),
TQApplication::reverseLayout() ? "clear_left" : "locationbar_erase",
0, TQT_TQOBJECT(searchBar), TQT_SLOT( clear() ), actionCollection(), "quicksearch_reset" );
resetQuickSearch->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Reset Quick Search\n"
"Resets the quick search so that all contacts and groups are shown again." ) );
// Edit global identity widget/bar
editGlobalIdentityWidget = new KopeteEditGlobalIdentityWidget(this, "editglobalBar");
KWidgetAction *editGlobalAction = new KWidgetAction( editGlobalIdentityWidget, i18n("Edit Global Identity Widget"), 0, 0, 0, actionCollection(), "editglobal_widget");
editGlobalAction->setAutoSized( true );
// KActionMenu for selecting the global status message(kopeteonlinestatus_0)
KActionMenu * setStatusMenu = new KActionMenu( i18n( "Set Status Message" ), "kopeteeditstatusmessage", actionCollection(), "SetStatusMessage" );
setStatusMenu->setDelayed( false );
connect( setStatusMenu->popupMenu(), TQT_SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), TQT_SLOT(slotBuildStatusMessageMenu() ) );
connect( setStatusMenu->popupMenu(), TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), TQT_SLOT(slotStatusMessageSelected( int ) ) );
// sync actions, config and prefs-dialog
connect ( KopetePrefs::prefs(), TQT_SIGNAL(saved()), TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotConfigChanged()) );
globalAccel = new KGlobalAccel( TQT_TQOBJECT(this) );
globalAccel->insert( TQString::tqfromLatin1("Read Message"), i18n("Read Message"), i18n("Read the next pending message"),
CTRL+SHIFT+Key_I, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+Key_I, Kopete::ChatSessionManager::self(), TQT_SLOT(slotReadMessage()) );
globalAccel->insert( TQString::tqfromLatin1("Show/Hide Contact List"), i18n("Show/Hide Contact List"), i18n("Show or hide the contact list"),
CTRL+SHIFT+Key_S, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+Key_S, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotShowHide()) );
globalAccel->insert( TQString::tqfromLatin1("Set Away/Back"), i18n("Set Away/Back"), i18n("Sets away from keyboard or sets back"),
CTRL+SHIFT+Key_W, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+SHIFT+Key_W, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT(slotToggleAway()) );
void KopeteWindow::slotShowHide()
m_autoHideTimer->stop(); //no timeouts if active
//raise() and show() should normaly deIconify the window. but it doesn't do here due
// to a bug in QT or in KDE (qt3.1.x or KDE 3.1.x) then, i have to call KWin's method
KWin::setOnDesktop(winId(), KWin::currentDesktop());
void KopeteWindow::slotToggleAway()
Kopete::Away *mAway = Kopete::Away::getInstance();
if ( mAway->globalAway() )
TQString awayReason = mAway->getMessage( 0 );
void KopeteWindow::initSystray()
m_tray = KopeteSystemTray::systemTray( this, "KopeteSystemTray" );
Kopete::UI::Global::setSysTrayWId( m_tray->winId() );
KPopupMenu *tm = m_tray->contextMenu();
// NOTE: This is in reverse order because we insert
// at the top of the menu, not at bottom!
actionAddContact->plug( tm, 1 );
actionPrefs->plug( tm, 1 );
tm->insertSeparator( 1 );
actionAwayMenu->plug( tm, 1 );
//actionConnectionMenu->plug ( tm, 1 );
tm->insertSeparator( 1 );
TQObject::connect( m_tray, TQT_SIGNAL( aboutToShowMenu( KPopupMenu * ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotTrayAboutToShowMenu( KPopupMenu * ) ) );
TQObject::connect( m_tray, TQT_SIGNAL( quitSelected() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotQuit() ) );
delete m_pluginConfig;
bool KopeteWindow::eventFilter( TQObject* target, TQEvent* event )
KToolBar* toolBar = dynamic_cast<KToolBar*>( target );
KAction* resetAction = actionCollection()->action( "quicksearch_reset" );
if ( toolBar && resetAction && resetAction->isPlugged( toolBar ) )
if ( event->type() == TQEvent::Hide )
return true;
return KMainWindow::eventFilter( target, event );
return KMainWindow::eventFilter( target, event );
void KopeteWindow::loadOptions()
KConfig *config = KGlobal::config();
toolBar("mainToolBar")->applySettings( config, "ToolBar Settings" );
toolBar("quickSearchBar")->applySettings( config, "QuickSearchBar Settings" );
toolBar("editGlobalIdentityBar")->applySettings( config, "EditGlobalIdentityBar Settings" );
// FIXME: HACK: Is there a way to do that automatic ?
connect(toolBar("editGlobalIdentityBar"), TQT_SIGNAL(modechange()), editGlobalIdentityWidget, TQT_SLOT(iconSizeChanged()));
applyMainWindowSettings( config, "General Options" );
config->setGroup("General Options");
TQPoint pos = config->readPointEntry("Position");
TQSize size = config->readSizeEntry("Geometry");
if(size.isEmpty()) // Default size
resize( TQSize(220, 350) );
KopetePrefs *p = KopetePrefs::prefs();
m_autoHide = p->contactListAutoHide();
m_autoHideTimeout = p->contactListAutoHideTimeout();
TQString tmp = config->readEntry("State", "Shown");
if ( tmp == "Minimized" && p->showTray())
else if ( tmp == "Hidden" && p->showTray())
else if ( !p->startDocked() || !p->showTray() )
menubarAction->setChecked( !menuBar()->isHidden() );
statusbarAction->setChecked( !statusBar()->isHidden() );
m_autoHide = p->contactListAutoHide();
m_autoHideTimeout = p->contactListAutoHideTimeout();
void KopeteWindow::saveOptions()
KConfig *config = KGlobal::config();
toolBar("mainToolBar")->saveSettings ( config, "ToolBar Settings" );
toolBar("quickSearchBar")->saveSettings( config, "QuickSearchBar Settings" );
toolBar("editGlobalIdentityBar")->saveSettings( config, "EditGlobalIdentityBar Settings" );
saveMainWindowSettings( config, "General Options" );
config->setGroup("General Options");
config->writeEntry("Position", pos());
config->writeEntry("Geometry", size());
config->writeEntry("State", "Minimized");
else if(isHidden())
config->writeEntry("State", "Hidden");
config->writeEntry("State", "Shown");
void KopeteWindow::showMenubar()
void KopeteWindow::showStatusbar()
if( statusbarAction->isChecked() )
void KopeteWindow::slotToggleShowOffliners()
KopetePrefs *p = KopetePrefs::prefs();
p->setShowOffline ( actionShowOffliners->isChecked() );
disconnect ( KopetePrefs::prefs(), TQT_SIGNAL(saved()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotConfigChanged()) );
connect ( KopetePrefs::prefs(), TQT_SIGNAL(saved()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotConfigChanged()) );
void KopeteWindow::slotToggleShowEmptyGroups()
KopetePrefs *p = KopetePrefs::prefs();
p->setShowEmptyGroups ( actionShowEmptyGroups->isChecked() );
disconnect ( KopetePrefs::prefs(), TQT_SIGNAL(saved()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotConfigChanged()) );
connect ( KopetePrefs::prefs(), TQT_SIGNAL(saved()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotConfigChanged()) );
void KopeteWindow::slotConfigChanged()
KopetePrefs *pref = KopetePrefs::prefs();
if( isHidden() && !pref->showTray()) // user disabled systray while kopete is hidden, show it!
actionShowOffliners->setChecked( pref->showOffline() );
actionShowEmptyGroups->setChecked( pref->showEmptyGroups() );
void KopeteWindow::slotContactListAppearanceChanged()
KopetePrefs* p = KopetePrefs::prefs();
m_autoHide = p->contactListAutoHide();
m_autoHideTimeout = p->contactListAutoHideTimeout();
void KopeteWindow::slotConfNotifications()
KNotifyDialog::configure( this );
void KopeteWindow::slotConfigurePlugins()
if ( !m_pluginConfig )
m_pluginConfig = new KopetePluginConfig( this );
KWin::activateWindow( m_pluginConfig->winId() );
void KopeteWindow::slotConfGlobalKeys()
KKeyDialog::configure( globalAccel, this ) ;
void KopeteWindow::slotConfToolbar()
saveMainWindowSettings(KGlobal::config(), "General Options");
KEditToolbar *dlg = new KEditToolbar(factory());
connect( dlg, TQT_SIGNAL(newToolbarConfig()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotUpdateToolbar()) );
connect( dlg, TQT_SIGNAL(finished()) , dlg, TQT_SLOT(deleteLater()));
void KopeteWindow::slotUpdateToolbar()
applyMainWindowSettings(KGlobal::config(), "General Options");
void KopeteWindow::slotGlobalAway()
Kopete::AccountManager::self()->setAwayAll( m_globalStatusMessageStored );
void KopeteWindow::slotGlobalBusy()
Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::Busy, m_globalStatusMessageStored );
void KopeteWindow::slotGlobalAvailable()
Kopete::AccountManager::self()->setAvailableAll( m_globalStatusMessageStored );
void KopeteWindow::slotSetInvisibleAll()
Kopete::AccountManager::self()->setOnlineStatus( Kopete::OnlineStatusManager::Invisible );
void KopeteWindow::slotDisconnectAll()
m_globalStatusMessage->setText( "" );
m_globalStatusMessageStored = TQString();
bool KopeteWindow::queryClose()
KopeteApplication *app = static_cast<KopeteApplication *>( kapp );
if ( !app->sessionSaving() // if we are just closing but not shutting down
&& !app->isShuttingDown()
&& KopetePrefs::prefs()->showTray()
&& isShown() )
// I would make this a KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox but there doesn't seem to be don'tShowAgain support for those
KMessageBox::information( this,
i18n( "<qt>Closing the main window will keep Kopete running in the "
"system tray. Use 'Quit' from the 'File' menu to quit the application.</qt>" ),
i18n( "Docking in System Tray" ), "hideOnCloseInfo" );
// else // we are shutting down either user initiated or session management
// Kopete::PluginManager::self()->shutdown();
return true;
bool KopeteWindow::queryExit()
KopeteApplication *app = static_cast<KopeteApplication *>( kapp );
if ( app->sessionSaving()
|| app->isShuttingDown() /* only set if KopeteApplication::quitKopete() or
KopeteApplication::commitData() called */
|| !KopetePrefs::prefs()->showTray() /* also close if our tray icon is hidden! */
|| !isShown() )
kdDebug( 14000 ) << k_funcinfo << " shutting down plugin manager" << endl;
return true;
return false;
void KopeteWindow::closeEvent( TQCloseEvent *e )
// if there's a system tray applet and we are not shutting down then just do what needs to be done if a
// window is closed.
KopeteApplication *app = static_cast<KopeteApplication *>( kapp );
if ( KopetePrefs::prefs()->showTray() && !app->isShuttingDown() && !app->sessionSaving() ) {
// BEGIN of code borrowed from KMainWindow::closeEvent
// Save settings if auto-save is enabled, and settings have changed
if ( settingsDirty() && autoSaveSettings() )
if ( queryClose() ) {
// END of code borrowed from KMainWindow::closeEvent
kdDebug( 14000 ) << k_funcinfo << "just closing because we have a system tray icon" << endl;
kdDebug( 14000 ) << k_funcinfo << "delegating to KMainWindow::closeEvent()" << endl;
KMainWindow::closeEvent( e );
void KopeteWindow::slotQuit()
KopeteApplication *app = static_cast<KopeteApplication *>( kapp );
void KopeteWindow::slotPluginLoaded( Kopete::Plugin * p )
void KopeteWindow::slotAllPluginsLoaded()
// actionConnect->setEnabled(true);
void KopeteWindow::slotAccountRegistered( Kopete::Account *account )
// kdDebug(14000) << k_funcinfo << "Called." << endl;
if ( !account )
//enable the connect all toolbar button
// actionConnect->setEnabled(true);
connect( account->myself(),
TQT_SIGNAL(onlineStatusChanged( Kopete::Contact *, const Kopete::OnlineStatus &, const Kopete::OnlineStatus &) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotAccountStatusIconChanged( Kopete::Contact * ) ) );
// connect( account, TQT_SIGNAL( iconAppearanceChanged() ), TQT_SLOT( slotAccountStatusIconChanged() ) );
connect( account, TQT_SIGNAL( colorChanged(const TQColor& ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotAccountStatusIconChanged() ) );
connect( account->myself(),
TQT_SIGNAL(propertyChanged( Kopete::Contact *, const TQString &, const TQVariant &, const TQVariant & ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotAccountStatusIconChanged( Kopete::Contact* ) ) );
KopeteAccountStatusBarIcon *sbIcon = new KopeteAccountStatusBarIcon( account, m_statusBarWidget );
connect( sbIcon, TQT_SIGNAL( rightClicked( Kopete::Account *, const TQPoint & ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotAccountStatusIconRightClicked( Kopete::Account *,
const TQPoint & ) ) );
connect( sbIcon, TQT_SIGNAL( leftClicked( Kopete::Account *, const TQPoint & ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotAccountStatusIconRightClicked( Kopete::Account *,
const TQPoint & ) ) );
m_accountStatusBarIcons.insert( account, TQT_TQOBJECT(sbIcon) );
slotAccountStatusIconChanged( account->myself() );
// add an item for this account to the add contact actionmenu
TQString s = "actionAdd%1Contact";
s.tqarg( account->accountId() );
KAction *action = new KAction( account->accountLabel(), account->accountIcon(), 0 , addContactMapper, TQT_SLOT( map() ), account, s.latin1() );
addContactMapper->setMapping( action, account->protocol()->pluginId() + TQChar(0xE000) + account->accountId() );
actionAddContact->insert( action );
void KopeteWindow::slotAccountUnregistered( const Kopete::Account *account)
// kdDebug(14000) << k_funcinfo << "Called." << endl;
TQPtrList<Kopete::Account> accounts = Kopete::AccountManager::self()->accounts();
if (accounts.isEmpty())
// actionConnect->setEnabled(false);
// the (void*) is to remove the const. i don't know why TQPtrList doesn't accept const ptr as key.
KopeteAccountStatusBarIcon *sbIcon = static_cast<KopeteAccountStatusBarIcon *>( TQT_TQWIDGET(m_accountStatusBarIcons[ (void*)account ]) );
if( !sbIcon )
m_accountStatusBarIcons.remove( (void*)account );
delete sbIcon;
// update add contact actionmenu
TQString s = "actionAdd%1Contact";
s.tqarg( account->accountId() );
// KAction * action = actionCollection()->action( account->accountId() );
Kopete::Account * myAccount = const_cast< Kopete::Account * > ( account );
KAction * action = static_cast< KAction *>( myAccount->child( s.latin1() ) );
if ( action )
kdDebug(14000) << " found KAction " << action << " with name: " << action->name() << endl;
addContactMapper->removeMappings( action );
actionAddContact->remove( action );
void KopeteWindow::slotAccountStatusIconChanged()
if ( const Kopete::Account *from = dynamic_cast<const Kopete::Account*>(sender()) )
slotAccountStatusIconChanged( from->myself() );
void KopeteWindow::slotAccountStatusIconChanged( Kopete::Contact *contact )
kdDebug( 14000 ) << k_funcinfo << contact->property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->awayMessage() ).value() << endl;
// update the global status label if the change doesn't
// TQString newAwayMessage = contact->property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->awayMessage() ).value().toString();
Kopete::OnlineStatus status = contact->onlinetqStatus();
/* if ( status.status() != Kopete::OnlineStatus::Connecting )
TQString globalMessage = m_globalStatusMessage->text();
if ( newAwayMessage != globalMessage )
m_globalStatusMessage->setText( "" /* i18n("status message to show when different accounts have different status messages", "(multiple)" )*/ /*);
// kdDebug(14000) << k_funcinfo << "Icons: '" <<
// status.overlayIcons() << "'" << endl;
if ( status != Kopete::OnlineStatus::Connecting )
m_globalStatusMessageStored = contact->property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->awayMessage() ).value().toString();
m_globalStatusMessage->setText( m_globalStatusMessageStored );
else //If the account has not status message, it may be because the protocol doesn't support it (Bug 132609)
{ // or because the user just set an empty status to this account.
// We will check if another account has still a status message, if yes, we will use it, if not, we will clear it.
TQString statusMessageToUse;
TQPtrList<Kopete::Account> accounts = Kopete::AccountManager::self()->accounts();
for(Kopete::Account *a = accounts.first(); a; a =
Kopete::Contact *self = a->myself();
statusMessageToUse = self->property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->awayMessage() ).value().toString();
if(statusMessageToUse == m_globalStatusMessageStored )
break; //keep this one
m_globalStatusMessageStored = statusMessageToUse;
m_globalStatusMessage->setText( m_globalStatusMessageStored );
KopeteAccountStatusBarIcon *i = static_cast<KopeteAccountStatusBarIcon *>( TQT_TQWIDGET(m_accountStatusBarIcons[ contact->account() ]) );
if( !i )
// Adds tooltip for each status icon,
// useful in case you have many accounts
// over one protocol
TQToolTip::remove( i );
TQToolTip::add( i, contact->toolTip() );
// Because we want null pixmaps to detect the need for a loadMovie
// we can't use the SmallIcon() method directly
KIconLoader *loader = KGlobal::instance()->iconLoader();
TQMovie mv = loader->loadMovie( status.overlayIcons().first(), KIcon::Small );
if ( mv.isNull() )
// No movie found, fallback to pixmap
// Get the icon for our status
//TQPixmap pm = SmallIcon( icon );
TQPixmap pm = status.iconFor( contact->account() );
// No Pixmap found, fallback to Unknown
if( pm.isNull() )
i->setPixmap( KIconLoader::unknown() );
i->setPixmap( pm );
//kdDebug( 14000 ) << k_funcinfo << "Using movie." << endl;
i->setMovie( mv );
void KopeteWindow::makeTrayToolTip()
//the tool-tip of the systemtray.
TQString tt = TQString::tqfromLatin1("<qt>");
TQPtrList<Kopete::Account> accounts = Kopete::AccountManager::self()->accounts();
for(Kopete::Account *a = accounts.first(); a; a =
Kopete::Contact *self = a->myself();
tt += i18n( "Account tooltip information: <nobr>ICON <b>PROTOCOL:</b> NAME (<i>STATUS</i>)<br/>",
"<nobr><img src=\"kopete-account-icon:%3:%4\"> <b>%1:</b> %2 (<i>%5</i>)<br/>" )
.tqarg( a->protocol()->displayName() ).tqarg( a->accountLabel(), KURL::encode_string( a->protocol()->pluginId() ),
KURL::encode_string( a->accountId() ), self->onlinetqStatus().description() );
tt += TQString::tqfromLatin1("</qt>");
TQToolTip::add(m_tray, tt);
void KopeteWindow::slotAccountStatusIconRightClicked( Kopete::Account *account, const TQPoint &p )
KActionMenu *actionMenu = account->actionMenu();
if ( !actionMenu )
connect( actionMenu->popupMenu(), TQT_SIGNAL( aboutToHide() ), actionMenu, TQT_SLOT( deleteLater() ) );
actionMenu->popupMenu()->popup( p );
void KopeteWindow::slotTrayAboutToShowMenu( KPopupMenu * popup )
TQPtrList<Kopete::Account> accounts = Kopete::AccountManager::self()->accounts();
for(Kopete::Account *a=accounts.first() ; a; )
KActionMenu *menu = a->actionMenu();
if( menu )
menu->plug(popup, 1 );
connect(popup , TQT_SIGNAL(aboutToHide()) , menu , TQT_SLOT(deleteLater()));
/*void KopeteWindow::slotProtocolStatusIconRightClicked( Kopete::Protocol *proto, const TQPoint &p )
//kdDebug( 14000 ) << k_funcinfo << endl;
if ( Kopete::AccountManager::self()->accounts( proto ).count() > 0 )
KActionMenu *menu = proto->protocolActions();
connect( menu->popupMenu(), TQT_SIGNAL( aboutToHide() ), menu, TQT_SLOT( deleteLater() ) );
menu->popupMenu()->popup( p );
void KopeteWindow::showExportDialog()
( new KabcExportWizard( this, "export_contact_dialog" ) )->show();
void KopeteWindow::leaveEvent( TQEvent * )
void KopeteWindow::showEvent( TQShowEvent * )
void KopeteWindow::slotAutoHide()
if ( this->tqgeometry().contains( TQCursor::pos() ) == false )
/* The autohide-timer doesn't need to emit
* timeouts when the window is hidden already. */
void KopeteWindow::startAutoHideTimer()
if ( m_autoHideTimeout > 0 && m_autoHide == true && isVisible() && KopetePrefs::prefs()->showTray())
m_autoHideTimer->start( m_autoHideTimeout * 1000 );
// Iterate each connected account, updating its status message bug keeping the
// same onlinestatus. Then update Kopete::Away and the UI.
void KopeteWindow::setStatusMessage( const TQString & message )
bool changed = false;
for ( TQPtrListIterator<Kopete::Account> it( Kopete::AccountManager::self()->accounts() ); it.current(); ++it )
Kopete::Contact *self = it.current()->myself();
bool isInvisible = self && self->onlinetqStatus().status() == Kopete::OnlineStatus::Invisible;
if ( it.current()->isConnected() && !isInvisible )
changed = true;
it.current()->setOnlineStatus( self->onlinetqStatus(), message );
Kopete::Away::getInstance()->setGlobalAwayMessage( message );
m_globalStatusMessageStored = message;
m_globalStatusMessage->setText( message );
void KopeteWindow::slotBuildStatusMessageMenu()
TQObject * senderObj = TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast<TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME*>( sender() ));
m_globalStatusMessageMenu = static_cast<KPopupMenu *>( TQT_TQWIDGET(senderObj) );
// pop up a menu containing the away messages, and a lineedit
// see kopeteaway
//messageMenu = new KPopupMenu( this );
// messageMenu->insertTitle( i18n( "Status Message" ) );
TQHBox * newMessageBox = new TQHBox( 0 );
newMessageBox->setMargin( 1 );
TQLabel * newMessagePix = new TQLabel( newMessageBox );
newMessagePix->setPixmap( SmallIcon( "edit" ) );
/* TQLabel * newMessageLabel = new TQLabel( i18n( "Add " ), newMessageBox );*/
m_newMessageEdit = new TQLineEdit( newMessageBox, "newmessage" );
newMessageBox->setFocusProxy( m_newMessageEdit );
newMessageBox->setFocusPolicy( TQ_ClickFocus );
/* newMessageLabel->setFocusProxy( newMessageEdit );
newMessageLabel->setBuddy( newMessageEdit );
newMessageLabel->setFocusPolicy( TQ_ClickFocus );*/
newMessagePix->setFocusProxy( m_newMessageEdit );
newMessagePix->setFocusPolicy( TQ_ClickFocus );
connect( m_newMessageEdit, TQT_SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), TQT_SLOT( slotNewStatusMessageEntered() ) );
m_globalStatusMessageMenu->insertItem( newMessageBox );
int i = 0;
m_globalStatusMessageMenu->insertItem( SmallIcon( "remove" ), i18n( "No Message" ), i++ );
TQStringList awayMessages = Kopete::Away::getInstance()->getMessages();
for( TQStringList::iterator it = awayMessages.begin(); it != awayMessages.end(); ++it, ++i )
m_globalStatusMessageMenu->insertItem( KStringHandler::rsqueeze( *it ), i );
// connect( m_globalStatusMessageMenu, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotStatusMessageSelected( int ) ) );
// connect( messageMenu, TQT_SIGNAL( aboutToHide() ), messageMenu, TQT_SLOT( deleteLater() ) );
//messageMenu->popup( e->globalPos(), 1 );
void KopeteWindow::slotStatusMessageSelected( int i )
Kopete::Away *away = Kopete::Away::getInstance();
if ( 0 == i )
setStatusMessage( "" );
setStatusMessage( away->getMessage( i - 1 ) );
void KopeteWindow::slotNewStatusMessageEntered()
TQString newMessage = m_newMessageEdit->text();
if ( !newMessage.isEmpty() )
Kopete::Away::getInstance()->addMessage( newMessage );
setStatusMessage( m_newMessageEdit->text() );
void KopeteWindow::slotGlobalStatusMessageIconClicked( const TQPoint &position )
KPopupMenu *statusMessageIconMenu = new KPopupMenu(this, "statusMessageIconMenu");
connect(statusMessageIconMenu, TQT_SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotBuildStatusMessageMenu()));
connect( statusMessageIconMenu, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotStatusMessageSelected( int ) ) );
void KopeteWindow::slotAddContactDialogInternal( const TQString & accountIdentifier )
TQString protocolId = accountIdentifier.section( TQChar(0xE000), 0, 0 );
TQString accountId = accountIdentifier.section( TQChar(0xE000), 1, 1 );
Kopete::Account *account = Kopete::AccountManager::self()->findAccount( protocolId, accountId );
showAddContactDialog( account );
void KopeteWindow::showAddContactDialog( Kopete::Account * account )
if ( !account ) {
kdDebug( 14000 ) << k_funcinfo << "no account given" << endl;
KDialogBase *addDialog = new KDialogBase( this, "addDialog", true,
i18n( "Add Contact" ), KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Cancel,
KDialogBase::Ok, true );
TQVBox * mainWid = new TQVBox( addDialog );
AddContactPage *addContactPage =
account->protocol()->createAddContactWidget( mainWid, account );
GroupKABCSelectorWidget * groupKABC = new GroupKABCSelectorWidget( mainWid, "groupkabcwidget" );
// Populate the groups list
Kopete::GroupList groups=Kopete::ContactList::self()->groups();
TQDict<Kopete::Group> groupItems;
for( Kopete::Group *it = groups.first(); it; it = )
TQString groupname = it->displayName();
if ( !groupname.isEmpty() )
groupItems.insert( groupname, it );
groupKABC->groupCombo->insertItem( groupname );
if (!addContactPage)
kdDebug(14000) << k_funcinfo <<
"Error while creating addcontactpage" << endl;
addDialog->setMainWidget( mainWid );
if( addDialog->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted )
if( addContactPage->validateData() )
Kopete::MetaContact * metacontact = new Kopete::MetaContact();
metacontact->addToGroup( groupItems[ groupKABC->groupCombo->currentText() ] );
metacontact->setMetaContactId( groupKABC->widAddresseeLink->uid() );
if (addContactPage->apply( account, metacontact ))
Kopete::ContactList::self()->addMetaContact( metacontact );
delete metacontact;
#include "kopetewindow.moc"
// vim: set noet ts=4 sts=4 sw=4: