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154 lines
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154 lines
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#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kstaticdeleter.h>
#include "clientiface_stub.h"
#include "networkstatuscommon.h"
#include "connectionmanager.h"
// ConnectionManager's private parts
class ConnectionManagerPrivate
// this holds the currently active state
ConnectionManager::State m_state;
ClientIface_stub * m_stub;
bool m_userInitiatedOnly;
// Connection manager itself
ConnectionManager::ConnectionManager( QObject * parent, const char * name ) : DCOPObject( "ConnectionManager" ),QObject( parent, name )
d = new ConnectionManagerPrivate;
d->m_stub = new ClientIface_stub( kapp->dcopClient(), "kded", "networkstatus" );
connectDCOPSignal( "kded", "networkstatus", "statusChange(QString,int)", "slotStatusChanged(QString,int)", false );
d->m_userInitiatedOnly = false;
ConnectionManager *ConnectionManager::s_self = 0L;
ConnectionManager *ConnectionManager::self()
static KStaticDeleter<ConnectionManager> deleter;
deleter.setObject( s_self, new ConnectionManager( 0, "connection_manager" ) );
return s_self;
void ConnectionManager::initialise()
// determine initial state and set the state object accordingly.
d->m_state = Inactive;
void ConnectionManager::updateStatus()
NetworkStatus::EnumStatus daemonStatus = (NetworkStatus::EnumStatus)d->m_stub->status( QString::null );
kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;
switch ( daemonStatus )
case NetworkStatus::Offline:
case NetworkStatus::OfflineFailed:
case NetworkStatus::OfflineDisconnected:
case NetworkStatus::ShuttingDown:
if ( d->m_state == Online )
kdDebug() << "STATE IS PENDING" << endl;
d->m_state = Pending;
kdDebug() << "STATE IS OFFLINE" << endl;
d->m_state = Offline;
case NetworkStatus::Establishing:
case NetworkStatus::Online:
kdDebug() << "STATE IS ONLINE" << endl;
d->m_state = Online;
case NetworkStatus::NoNetworks:
case NetworkStatus::Unreachable:
kdDebug() << "STATE IS INACTIVE" << endl;
d->m_state = Inactive;
delete d;
NetworkStatus::EnumStatus ConnectionManager::status( const QString & host )
// need also to check that the daemon hasn't died
if ( d->m_state == Pending )
return NetworkStatus::Offline;
if ( d->m_state == Online )
return NetworkStatus::Online;
if ( d->m_state == Offline )
return NetworkStatus::Offline;
return NetworkStatus::NoNetworks;
NetworkStatus::EnumRequestResult ConnectionManager::requestConnection( QWidget * mainWidget, const QString & host, bool userInitiated )
kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;
NetworkStatus::EnumRequestResult result;
// if offline and the user has previously indicated they didn't want any new connections, suppress it
if ( d->m_state == Offline && !userInitiated && d->m_userInitiatedOnly )
result = NetworkStatus::UserRefused;
// if offline, ask the user whether this connection should be allowed
if ( d->m_state == Offline )
if ( askToConnect( mainWidget ) )
//result = NetworkStatus::Connected;
result = (NetworkStatus::EnumRequestResult)d->m_stub->request( host, userInitiated );
result = NetworkStatus::UserRefused;
// otherwise, just ask for the connection
result = (NetworkStatus::EnumRequestResult)d->m_stub->request( host, userInitiated );
return result;
void ConnectionManager::relinquishConnection( const QString & host )
d->m_stub->relinquish( host );
void ConnectionManager::slotStatusChanged( QString host, int status )
kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl;
// reset user initiated only flag if we are now online
if ( d->m_state == Online )
d->m_userInitiatedOnly = false;
emit statusChanged( host, (NetworkStatus::EnumStatus)status );
bool ConnectionManager::askToConnect( QWidget * mainWidget )
i18n( "A network connection was disconnected. The application is now in offline mode. Do you want the application to resume network operations when the network is available again?" );
i18n( "This application is currently in offline mode. Do you want to connect?" );
return ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo( mainWidget,
i18n("This application is currently in offline mode. Do you want to connect in order to carry out this operation?"),
i18n("Leave Offline Mode?"),
i18n("Connect"), i18n("Stay Offline"),
QString::fromLatin1("OfflineModeAlwaysGoOnline") ) == KMessageBox::Yes );
#include "connectionmanager.moc"