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# Ruleset file for the Belgium Interzonal calls applicable since 98/03/15.
# Rules:
# - Peak hours: 08:00 -> 18:00.
# - Off-peak : the rest + national holidays.
# - Minimum entry costs (flat_init_costs) are halfed when off-peak.
# (how to implement?)
# - Calls longer than 10' have 30% reduction when off-peak to a bbs.
# Calls longer than 10' have 50% reduction when off-peak to the net!
# (how to implement?)
# Guy Zelck,
# NAME OF THE RULESET. This is NEEDED for accounting purposes.
# currency settings
# Currency symbol, default = "$".
# define Bf (Begische Frank) to be used as currency
# Position of the currency symbol, default is "right".
# Define the number of significant digits.
# (not absolutely needed, default is "2"
# connection settings
# NOTE: rules are applied from top to bottom - the
# LAST matching rule is the one used for the
# cost computations.
# This is charged whenever you connect. If you don't have to
# pay per-connection, use "0" here or comment it out.
# Minimum costs per connection. If the costs of a phone
# call are less than this value, this value is used instead
# This is the minimum time slice you allways have to pay, here its 180 sec.
# It has priority over the default rule.
# Trouble here is that during peak-hours it's 6 Bf, during off-peak hours it's 3 Bf.
# How can this be implemented?
# Let's take the off-peak hour rate as the default.
# During off-peak hours when a call takes > 10' you have 30% reduction.
# ?
# Peak hours.
on (monday..friday) between (08:00..18:00) use (2,60)
# Holidays (mm/dd) in '98 have the off-peak rate.
on (01/01, easter, easter+1, 05/01, easter+39, easter+49, easter+50, 07/21, 08/15, 11/01, 11/11, 12/25) between () use (1,60)
# 01/01 Nieuwjaar.
# easter Pasen
# easter+1 Paasmaandag
# 05/01 Feest van de arbeid
# easter+39 O.H.-Hemelvaart
# easter+49 Pinksteren
# easter+50 Pinkstermaandag
# 07/21 Nationale Feestdag
# 08/15 O.L.V.-Hemelvaart
# 11/01 Allerheiligen
# 11/11 Wapenstilstand 1918
# 12/25 Kerstmis