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Kopete Oscar Protocol
userdetails.h - user details from the extended status packet
Copyright (c) 2004 by Matt Rogers <>
Kopete (c) 2002-2004 by the Kopete developers <>
* *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public *
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either *
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <ksocketaddress.h>
#include "oscartypes.h"
#include "kopete_export.h"
class Buffer;
using namespace Oscar;
* Holds information from the extended user info packet
* @author Matt Rogers
class KOPETE_EXPORT UserDetails
TQString userId() const; //! User ID accessor
int warningLevel() const; //! Warning level accessor
WORD idleTime() const; //! Idle time accessor
KNetwork::KIpAddress dcInternalIp() const; //! DC local IP accessor
KNetwork::KIpAddress dcExternalIp() const; //! DC outside IP accessor
DWORD dcPort() const; //! DC port number
TQDateTime onlineSinceTime() const; //! Online since accessor
TQDateTime memberSinceTime() const; //! Member since accessor
int userClass() const; //! User class accessor
DWORD extendedStatus() const; //!User status accessor
BYTE iconCheckSumType() const; //!Buddy icon hash type
TQByteArray buddyIconHash() const; //! Buddy icon md5 hash accessor
TQString clientName() const; //! Client name and version
bool hasCap( int capNumber ) const; //! Tell if we have this capability
* Fill the class with data from a buffer
* It only updates what's available.
void fill( Buffer* buffer );
* Merge only those data from another UserDetails
* which are marked as specified.
void merge( const UserDetails& ud );
bool userClassSpecified() const { return m_userClassSpecified; }
bool memberSinceSpecified() const { return m_memberSinceSpecified; }
bool onlineSinceSpecified() const { return m_onlineSinceSpecified; }
bool numSecondsOnlineSpecified() const { return m_numSecondsOnlineSpecified; }
bool idleTimeSpecified() const { return m_idleTimeSpecified; }
bool extendedStatusSpecified() const { return m_extendedStatusSpecified; }
bool capabilitiesSpecified() const { return m_capabilitiesSpecified; }
bool dcOutsideSpecified() const { return m_dcOutsideSpecified; }
bool dcInsideSpecified() const { return m_dcInsideSpecified; }
bool iconSpecified() const { return m_iconSpecified; }
//! Do client detection
void detectClient();
TQString m_userId; /// the screename/uin of the contact
int m_warningLevel; /// the warning level of the contact
int m_userClass; /// the class of the user - TLV 0x01
TQDateTime m_memberSince; /// how long the user's been a member - TLV 0x05
TQDateTime m_onlineSince; /// how long the contact's been online - TLV 0x03
DWORD m_numSecondsOnline; /// how long the contact's been online in seconds
WORD m_idleTime; /// the idle time of the contact - TLV 0x0F
DWORD m_extendedStatus; /// the extended status of the contact - TLV 0x06
DWORD m_capabilities; //TLV 0x05
TQString m_clientVersion; /// the version of client they're using
TQString m_clientName; /// the name of the client they're using
KNetwork::KIpAddress m_dcOutsideIp; /// DC Real IP Address - TLV 0x0A
KNetwork::KIpAddress m_dcInsideIp; /// DC Internal IP Address - TLV 0x0C
DWORD m_dcPort; /// DC Port - TLV 0x0C
BYTE m_dcType; /// DC Type - TLV 0x0C
WORD m_dcProtoVersion; /// DC Protocol Version - TLV 0x0C
DWORD m_dcAuthCookie; /// DC Authorization Cookie - TLV 0x0C
DWORD m_dcWebFrontPort; /// DC Web Front Port - TLV 0x0C
DWORD m_dcClientFeatures; /// DC client features( whatever they are ) - TLV 0x0C
DWORD m_dcLastInfoUpdateTime; /// DC last info update time - TLV 0x0C
DWORD m_dcLastExtInfoUpdateTime; /// DC last exteneded info update time - TLV 0x0C
DWORD m_dcLastExtStatusUpdateTime; /// DC last extended status update time - TLV 0x0C
BYTE m_iconChecksumType; /// The OSCAR checksum type for the buddy icon TLV 0x1D
TQByteArray m_md5IconHash; /// Buddy Icon MD5 Hash - TLV 0x1D
TQString m_availableMessage; /// Message a person can have when available - TLV 0x0D
bool m_userClassSpecified;
bool m_memberSinceSpecified;
bool m_onlineSinceSpecified;
bool m_numSecondsOnlineSpecified;
bool m_idleTimeSpecified;
bool m_extendedStatusSpecified;
bool m_capabilitiesSpecified;
bool m_dcOutsideSpecified;
bool m_dcInsideSpecified;
bool m_iconSpecified;
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