Clean up the code slightly

Timothy Pearson 12 years ago
parent b99db6aa82
commit 94881634c4

@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
VPN support
Prompt user when connection fails
Tell the user when he/she enters an invalid setting
Better VPN support; there should be a visual indication of VPN status in the tray icon

@ -60,22 +60,18 @@ VPNWidgetImpl::Init()
// fill in all possible VPN services
VPNServiceList list = VPNManager::getVPNServices();
if (list.isEmpty())
if (list.isEmpty()) {
// FIXME Do something useful here
else {
int index = 0;
for (VPNServiceList::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
for (VPNServiceList::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
TQString icon;
TQString disp_name;
// get service icon and display name
VPNService* service = *it;
if (service)
if (service) {
icon = service->getIcon();
disp_name = service->getDisplayName();
@ -99,14 +95,14 @@ VPNWidgetImpl::Init()
// no special icon for this service, use default
if (icon.isEmpty())
if (icon.isEmpty()) {
icon = "encrypted";
_mainWid->cboServices->insertItem(SmallIcon(icon, TQIconSet::Automatic), disp_name, index);
_mapServiceCombo.insert(index++, *it);
if (service->getService() == _vpnsetting->vpnPluginID)
if (service->getService() == _vpnsetting->vpnPluginID) {
// preselect the correct service
_mainWid->cboServices->setCurrentItem(index - 1);
slotServiceComboActivated(index - 1);
@ -115,10 +111,10 @@ VPNWidgetImpl::Init()
// lock the combo when editing an already existing connection
if (!_new_conn)
if (!_new_conn) {
else {
// preselect the correct service
@ -135,17 +131,14 @@ VPNWidgetImpl::Init()
VPNWidgetImpl::getVPNConfigWidget(VPNService* service)
if (_mapServiceWidget.find(service) != _mapServiceWidget.end())
if (_mapServiceWidget.find(service) != _mapServiceWidget.end()) {
// return the already available config widget
return *_mapServiceWidget.find(service);
else {
// we have to create a new one
VPNPlugin* plugin = service->getVPNPlugin();
if (plugin)
if (plugin) {
VPNConfigWidget* config = plugin->CreateConfigWidget(_mainWid->widgetStack);
_mapServiceWidget.insert(service, config);
return config;
@ -159,19 +152,16 @@ void
VPNWidgetImpl::slotServiceComboActivated(int index)
VPNService* service;
if (_mapServiceCombo.find(index) != _mapServiceCombo.end())
if (_mapServiceCombo.find(index) != _mapServiceCombo.end()) {
service = *_mapServiceCombo.find(index);
if (service)
if (service) {
VPNConfigWidget* config = getVPNConfigWidget(service);
config->setVPNData(_vpnsetting->ipConfig.routeConfigurations, _vpnsetting->pluginData, _vpnsetting->pluginSecrets);
else {
//FIXME - do something useful here
@ -181,14 +171,12 @@ VPNWidgetImpl::Deactivate()
// update the setting from the currently selected vpn service
VPNService* service = *_mapServiceCombo.find(_mainWid->cboServices->currentItem());
if (service)
if (service) {
// set the correct service type
_vpnsetting->vpnPluginID = service->getService();
VPNConfigWidget* config = *_mapServiceWidget.find(service);
if (config)
if (config) {
// update the vpn properties
_vpnsetting->pluginData = config->getVPNProperties();
// update the vpn secrets

@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ class ConnectionListViewItem : public KListViewItem
else if (_conn->type() == TDENetworkConnectionType::WiFi) {
setPixmap(0, KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("wireless", KIcon::Small));
// else if (_conn->type() == TDENetworkConnectionType::VPN) {
// setPixmap(0, KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("encrypted", KIcon::Small));
// }
else if (_conn->type() == TDENetworkConnectionType::VPN) {
setPixmap(0, KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("encrypted", KIcon::Small));
else {
setPixmap(0, KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon("help", KIcon::Small));

@ -119,39 +119,32 @@ void StrongswanConfig::setVPNData(TDENetworkSingleRouteConfigurationList& routes
m_vpnSecrets = secrets;
// fill up our inputfields (only textfields atm)
for(TQMap<TQString, TQString>::ConstIterator it = properties.begin(); it != properties.end(); ++it)
for(TDENetworkSettingsMap::iterator it = properties.begin(); it != properties.end(); ++it) {
TQString entry = it.key();
TQString value =;
if (entry == "gateway")
if (entry == "gateway") {
else if (entry == "certificate")
else if (entry == "certificate") {
else if (entry == "username")
else if (entry == "username") {
else if (entry == "method")
StrongswanConnectionType::CONNECTIONTYPE type = StrongswanConnectionType::mapString2ConnectionType(value.toInt());
else if (entry == "method") {
StrongswanConnectionType::CONNECTIONTYPE type = StrongswanConnectionType::mapString2ConnectionType(value.toInt());
// Options
else if (entry == "chkUDPenc")
else if (entry == "chkUDPenc") {
_strongswanWidget->chkUDPenc->setChecked(value == "true");
else if (entry == "chkIPcomp")
else if (entry == "chkIPcomp") {
_strongswanWidget->chkIPcomp->setChecked(value == "true");
else if (entry == "chkIPinner")
else if (entry == "chkIPinner") {
_strongswanWidget->chkIPinner->setChecked(value == "true");
