You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

421 lines
13 KiB

#include <kapp.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <ntqrect.h>
#include <ntqregexp.h>
#include <ntqmessagebox.h>
#include <ntqfile.h>
#include <ntqtextstream.h>
#include "board.h"
#include "bitmaps.h"
Board::Board(int size) : TQArray<int> (size)
sz = size; // set size of board
map = "";
mapName = ""; // no map loaded so far
init(None); // initialize varibales
void Board::init(Image image, TQString levelName)
prisonEntry = OUT;
prisonExit = OUT;
fruitHome = OUT;
fruitPosition = OUT;
pacmanHome = OUT;
pacmanPosition = OUT;
for (int m = 0; m < 8; m++) {
monsterHome[m] = OUT;
monsterPosition[m] = OUT;
for (int e = 0; e < 8; e++) {
energizerPosition[e] = OUT;
for (int e = 0; e < 8; e++) {
tunnelPosition[e] = OUT;
numPoints = 0;
numEnergizers = 0;
numMonsters = 0;
numTunnels = 0;
if (!levelName.isNull() && !levelName.isEmpty())
if (mapName == levelName)
image = File;
else {
TQFile levelFile(levelName);
if (! {
TQString msg = i18n("The levelmap could not be constructed.\n\n"
"The file '@LEVELNAME@' does not exist,\n"
"or could not be opened for reading.");
msg.replace(TQRegExp("@LEVELNAME@"), levelName);
// TQMessageBox::information(0, i18n("Initialization Error"), msg);
} else {
map.fill(' ', BoardHeight*BoardWidth);
int height = 0;
TQTextStream levelStream(&levelFile);
while (!levelStream.eof() && height < BoardHeight) {
TQString line = levelStream.readLine();
if (line.find(TQRegExp("^ *;")) == -1) {
line.replace(TQRegExp(";.*"), ""); // strip off comments
line.replace(TQRegExp("\" *$"), ""); // strip off trailing "
line.replace(TQRegExp("^ *\""), ""); // strip off leading "
(line.length() > BoardWidth) ? BoardWidth : line.length(),;
mapName = levelName;
image = File;
switch (image) {
case Intro : // setup(demo_bits);
case Demo : setup(demo_bits);
case Level : setup(demo_bits);
case File : setup((uchar *);
default : break;
void Board::setup(const uchar *buf)
for ( int index = 0; buf[index] != 0 && index < BoardWidth*BoardHeight; index++ ) {
switch (buf[index]) {
case '*' : set(index, brick); break;
case '+' : set(index, out); break;
case '#' : set(index, prison); break;
case '-' : set(index, gate); break;
case 'E' : set(index, tunnel); break;
case '.' : set(index, Point); break;
case 'o' : set(index, energizer); break;
case 'I' : set(index, prisonentry); break;
case 'O' : set(index, prisonexit); break;
case 'F' : set(index, fruithome); break;
case 'P' : set(index, pacmanhome); break;
default : if (buf[index] >= '0' && buf[index] <= '7') {
set(index, monsterhome, buf[index]-(uchar)'0');
bool Board::inBounds(int pos)
return ( pos < 0 || pos > sz-1 ? FALSE : TRUE);
void Board::set(int pos, Square sq, int m)
if (inBounds(pos))
switch (sq) {
case out : at(pos) = OUT; break;
case Point : at(pos) |= pointBit; numPoints++; break;
case tunnel : at(pos) = sq;
for (int e = 0; e < numTunnels; e++) { // if tunnel is already on board
if (tunnelPosition[e] == pos) // don't do it again.
pos = OUT;
if (pos != OUT) {
tunnelPosition[numTunnels] = pos;
case energizer : at(pos) |= energizerBit;
for (int e = 0; e < numEnergizers; e++) {
if (energizerPosition[e] == pos)
pos = OUT;
if (pos != OUT) {
energizerPosition[numEnergizers] = pos;
case fruit : at(pos) |= fruitBit; fruitPosition = pos; break;
case pacman : at(pos) |= pacmanBit; pacmanPosition = pos; break;
case monster : at(pos) |= (monsterBit << m);
monsterPosition[m] = pos; break;
case prisonentry : prisonEntry = pos; at(pos) = empty; break;
case prisonexit : prisonExit = pos; at(pos) = empty; break;
case fruithome : fruitHome = pos; at(pos) = empty; break;
case pacmanhome : pacmanHome = pos; at(pos) = empty; break;
case monsterhome : monsterHome[m] = pos; at(pos) = empty;
if (m == 0 && prisonExit == OUT)
prisonExit = pos;
if (m == 1 && prisonEntry == OUT)
prisonEntry = pos;
default : at(pos) = sq;
void Board::reset(int pos, Square sq, int m)
bool found = FALSE;
if (inBounds(pos))
switch (sq) {
case out : at(pos) = empty; break;
case Point : at(pos) &= ~ pointBit; numPoints--; break;
case energizer : at(pos) &= ~ energizerBit;
for (int e = 0; e < numEnergizers; e++) { // delete the position of the eaten
if (found) // energizer in the position array
energizerPosition[e-1] = energizerPosition[e];
if (energizerPosition[e] == pos)
found = TRUE;
energizerPosition[numEnergizers--] = OUT;
case fruit : at(pos) &= ~ fruitBit; fruitPosition = OUT; break;
case pacman : at(pos) &= ~ pacmanBit; pacmanPosition = OUT; break;
case monster : at(pos) &= ~ (monsterBit << m);
monsterPosition[m] = OUT; break;
default : at(pos) = at(pos) & varBits;
int Board::position(Square sq, int m)
switch(sq) {
case prisonentry : return prisonEntry;
case prisonexit : return prisonExit;
case fruit : return fruitPosition;
case fruithome : return fruitHome;
case pacman : return pacmanPosition;
case pacmanhome : return pacmanHome;
case monster : return monsterPosition[m];
case monsterhome : return monsterHome[m];
case energizer : return energizerPosition[m];
case tunnel : return tunnelPosition[m];
default : return OUT;
bool Board::isOut(int pos)
if (inBounds(pos))
return (at(pos) == OUT ? TRUE : FALSE);
return TRUE;
bool Board::isEmpty(int pos)
if (inBounds(pos))
return ((at(pos) & fixBits) == empty ? TRUE : FALSE);
return TRUE;
bool Board::isBrick(int pos)
if (inBounds(pos))
return ((at(pos) & fixBits) == brick ? TRUE : FALSE);
return FALSE;
bool Board::isPrison(int pos)
if (inBounds(pos))
return ((at(pos) & fixBits) == prison ? TRUE : FALSE);
return FALSE;
bool Board::isGate(int pos)
if (inBounds(pos))
return ((at(pos) & fixBits) == gate ? TRUE : FALSE);
return FALSE;
bool Board::isTunnel(int pos)
if (inBounds(pos))
return ((at(pos) & fixBits) == tunnel ? TRUE : FALSE);
return FALSE;
bool Board::isPoint(int pos)
if (inBounds(pos) && at(pos) != OUT)
return ((at(pos) & pointBit) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
return FALSE;
bool Board::isEnergizer(int pos)
if (inBounds(pos) && at(pos) != OUT)
return ((at(pos) & energizerBit) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
return FALSE;
bool Board::isFruit(int pos)
if (inBounds(pos) && at(pos) != OUT)
return ((at(pos) & fruitBit) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
return FALSE;
bool Board::isPacman(int pos)
if (inBounds(pos) && at(pos) != OUT)
return ((at(pos) & pacmanBit) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
return FALSE;
bool Board::isMonster(int pos)
if (inBounds(pos) && at(pos) != OUT)
return ((at(pos) & monsterBits) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE);
return FALSE;
bool Board::isWay(int pos, int dir, Square sq) {
int p1 = move(pos, dir, 2);
if (p1 == OUT)
return (sq == out ? TRUE : FALSE);
int p2, p3;
if (dir == N || dir == S) {
p2 = move(p1, E);
p3 = move(p1, W);
} else {
p2 = move(p1, N);
p3 = move(p1, S);
switch (sq) {
case out : return isOut(p1) | isOut(p2) | isOut(p3);
case empty : return isEmpty(p1) & isEmpty(p2) & isEmpty(p3);
case brick : return isBrick(p1) | isBrick(p2) | isBrick(p3);
case prison : return isPrison(p1) | isPrison(p2) | isPrison(p3);
case gate : return isGate(p1) & isGate(p2) & isGate(p3);
case tunnel : return isTunnel(p1) &
(isTunnel(p2) || isEmpty(p2)) &
(isTunnel(p3) || isEmpty(p3));
default : return FALSE;
bool Board::isJump(int pos, int dir) {
switch (dir) {
case NW: return pos < BoardWidth || x(pos) == 0;
case N: return pos < BoardWidth;
case NE: return pos < BoardWidth || x(pos) == BoardWidth-1;
case W: return x(pos) == 0;
case E: return x(pos) == BoardWidth-1;
case SW: return pos >= sz-BoardWidth || x(pos) == 0;
case S: return pos >= sz-BoardWidth;
case SE: return pos >= sz-BoardWidth || x(pos) == BoardWidth-1;
return FALSE;
int Board::move(int pos, int dir, int steps)
if (steps < 0) { // move backwards
dir = turn(dir); // turn around and do your steps
steps *= -1;
while (steps-- != 0) { // until all steps are gone
switch (dir) {
case NW: pos = pos >= BoardWidth && x(pos) > 0 ? (pos-BoardWidth)-1 : sz-1;
case N: pos = pos >= BoardWidth ? pos-BoardWidth : (sz-BoardWidth)+x(pos);
case NE: pos = pos >= BoardWidth && x(pos) < BoardWidth-1 ?
(pos-BoardWidth)+1 : sz-BoardWidth;
case W: pos = x(pos) > 0 ? pos-1 : pos+(BoardWidth-1);
case E: pos = x(pos) < BoardWidth-1 ? pos+1 : pos-(BoardWidth-1);
case SW: pos = pos < sz-BoardWidth && x(pos) > 0 ? (pos+BoardWidth)-1 : BoardWidth-1;
case S: pos = pos < sz-BoardWidth ? pos+BoardWidth : x(pos);
case SE: pos = pos < sz-BoardWidth && x(pos) < BoardWidth-1 ? (pos+BoardWidth)+1 : 0;
return pos; // here we are
int Board::closeup(int pos, int dir, int target)
if (dir == N || dir == S) {
if (x(target) < x(pos))
return W;
if (x(target) > x(pos))
return E;
} else {
if (y(target) < y(pos))
return N;
if (y(target) > y(pos))
return S;
return dir;
int Board::x(int pos)
return pos % BoardWidth;
int Board::y(int pos)
return pos/BoardWidth;
int Board::turn(int dir)
switch (dir) {
case N : return S;
case NE : return SW;
case E : return W;
case SE : return NW;
case S : return N;
case SW : return NE;
case W : return E;
case NW : return SE;
default : return dir;
int Board::points()
return numPoints;
int Board::energizers()
return numEnergizers;
int Board::monsters()
return numMonsters;
int Board::tunnels()
return numTunnels;