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This file is part of libkcal.
Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Cornelius Schumacher <>
Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Reinhold Kainhofer <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include "recurrence.h"
#include "alarm.h"
#include "attachment.h"
#include "libkcal_export.h"
#include "incidencebase.h"
#include <kdepimmacros.h>
namespace KCal {
class Calendar;
typedef QStringList IncidenceList;
typedef QStringList::iterator IncidenceListIterator;
This class provides the base class common to all calendar components.
class LIBKCAL_EXPORT Incidence : public IncidenceBase, public Recurrence::Observer
This class implements a visitor for adding an Incidence to a resource
supporting addEvent(), addTodo() and addJournal() calls.
template<class T>
class AddVisitor : public IncidenceBase::Visitor
AddVisitor( T *r ) : mResource( r ) {}
bool visit( Event *e ) { return mResource->addEvent( e ); }
bool visit( Todo *t ) { return mResource->addTodo( t ); }
bool visit( Journal *j ) { return mResource->addJournal( j ); }
T *mResource;
This class implements a visitor for deleting an Incidence from a resource
supporting deleteEvent(), deleteTodo() and deleteJournal() calls.
template<class T>
class DeleteVisitor : public IncidenceBase::Visitor
DeleteVisitor( T *r ) : mResource( r ) {}
bool visit( Event *e ) { mResource->deleteEvent( e ); return true; }
bool visit( Todo *t ) { mResource->deleteTodo( t ); return true; }
bool visit( Journal *j ) { mResource->deleteJournal( j ); return true; }
T *mResource;
/** Enumeration for describing an event's status. */
enum Status {
StatusNone, StatusTentative, StatusConfirmed, StatusCompleted,
StatusNeedsAction, StatusCanceled, StatusInProcess, StatusDraft,
StatusX // indicates a non-standard status string
/** enumeration for describing an event's secrecy. */
enum { SecrecyPublic = 0, SecrecyPrivate = 1, SecrecyConfidential = 2 };
typedef ListBase<Incidence> List;
Incidence( const Incidence & );
Incidence& operator=( const Incidence &i );
bool operator==( const Incidence & ) const;
Return copy of this object. The returned object is owned by the caller.
virtual Incidence *clone() = 0;
Set readonly state of incidence.
@param readonly If true, the incidence is set to readonly, if false the
incidence is set to readwrite.
void setReadOnly( bool readonly );
/** Set whether the incidence floats, i.e. has a date but no time attached to it. */
void setFloats( bool f );
Recreate event. The event is made a new unique event, but already stored
event information is preserved. Sets uniquie id, creation date, last
modification date and revision number.
void recreate();
Set creation date.
void setCreated( const TQDateTime & );
Return time and date of creation.
TQDateTime created() const;
Set the number of revisions this event has seen.
void setRevision( int rev );
Return the number of revisions this event has seen.
int revision() const;
Set starting date/time.
virtual void setDtStart( const TQDateTime &dtStart );
Return the incidence's ending date/time as a TQDateTime.
virtual TQDateTime dtEnd() const { return TQDateTime(); }
Set the long description.
void setDescription( const TQString &description );
Return long description.
TQString description() const;
Set short summary.
void setSummary( const TQString &summary );
Return short summary.
TQString summary() const;
Set categories.
void setCategories( const TQStringList &categories );
Set categories based on a comma delimited string.
void setCategories(const TQString &catStr);
Return categories as a list of strings.
TQStringList categories() const;
Return categories as a comma separated string.
TQString categoriesStr() const;
Point at some other event to which the event relates. This function should
only be used when constructing a calendar before the related Incidence
void setRelatedToUid(const TQString &);
What event does this one relate to? This function should
only be used when constructing a calendar before the related Incidence
TQString relatedToUid() const;
Point at some other event to which the event relates
void setRelatedTo(Incidence *relatedTo);
What event does this one relate to?
Incidence *relatedTo() const;
All events that are related to this event.
Incidence::List relations() const;
Add an event which is related to this event.
void addRelation(Incidence *);
Remove event that is related to this event.
void removeRelation(Incidence *);
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// %%%%% Recurrence-related methods
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Return the recurrence rule associated with this incidence. If there is
none, returns an appropriate (non-0) object.
Recurrence *recurrence() const;
/** Removes all recurrence and exception rules and dates. */
void clearRecurrence();
Forward to Recurrence::doesRecur().
bool doesRecur() const;
uint recurrenceType() const;
Returns true if the date specified is one on which the incidence will
virtual bool recursOn( const TQDate &qd ) const;
Returns true if the date/time specified is one on which the incidence will
bool recursAt( const TQDateTime &qdt ) const;
Returns true if the date specified is one on which the incidence will
This function takes RECURRENCE-ID parameters into account
@param cal the calendar owning the incidence
virtual bool recursOn( const TQDate &qd, Calendar *cal ) const;
Returns true if the date/time specified is one on which the incidence will
This function takes RECURRENCE-ID parameters into account
@param cal the calendar owning the incidence
bool recursAt( const TQDateTime &qdt, Calendar *cal ) const;
Calculates the start date/time for all recurrences that happen at some time
on the given date (might start before that date, but end on or after the
given date).
@param date the date where the incidence should occur
@return the start date/time of all occurences that overlap with the given
date. Empty list if the incidence does not overlap with the date at all
virtual TQValueList<TQDateTime> startDateTimesForDate( const TQDate &date ) const;
Calculates the start date/time for all recurrences that happen at the given
@param datetime the date/time where the incidence should occur
@return the start date/time of all occurences that overlap with the given
date/time. Empty list if the incidence does not happen at the given
time at all.
virtual TQValueList<TQDateTime> startDateTimesForDateTime( const TQDateTime &datetime ) const;
/** Return the end time of the occurrence if it starts at the given date/time */
virtual TQDateTime endDateForStart( const TQDateTime &startDt ) const;
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// %%%%% Attachment-related methods
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Add attachment.
void addAttachment( Attachment *attachment );
Remove and delete a specific attachment.
void deleteAttachment( Attachment *attachment );
Remove and delete all attachments with this mime type.
void deleteAttachments( const TQString &mime );
Return list of all associated attachments.
Attachment::List attachments() const;
Find a list of attachments with this mime type.
Attachment::List attachments( const TQString &mime ) const;
Remove and delete all attachments.
void clearAttachments();
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// %%%%% Secrecy and Status methods
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Sets secrecy status. This can be Public, Private or Confidential. See
separate enum.
void setSecrecy( int );
Return the event's secrecy.
int secrecy() const;
Return secrecy as translated string.
TQString secrecyStr() const;
Return list of all available secrecy states as list of translated strings.
static TQStringList secrecyList();
Return human-readable translated name of secrecy class.
static TQString secrecyName( int );
Sets the incidence status to a standard status value. See
separate enum. Note that StatusX cannot be specified.
void setStatus( Status status );
Sets the incidence status to a non-standard status value.
@param status non-standard status string. If empty,
the incidence status will be set to StatusNone.
void setCustomStatus( const TQString &status );
Return the event's status.
Status status() const;
Return the event's status string.
TQString statusStr() const;
Return human-readable translated name of status value.
static TQString statusName( Status );
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// %%%%% Other methods
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Set resources used, such as Office, Car, etc.
void setResources( const TQStringList &resources );
Return list of current resources.
TQStringList resources() const;
Set the incidences priority. The priority has to be a value between 0 and
9, 0 is undefined, 1 the highest, 9 the lowest priority (decreasing
void setPriority( int priority );
Return priority. The priority is a number between 1 and 9. 1 is highest
priority. If the priority is undefined 0 is returned.
int priority() const;
Returns true if the incidence has recurrenceID, otherwise return false.
@see setHasRecurrenceID(), setRecurrenceID(TQDateTime)
@since 3.5.12
bool hasRecurrenceID() const;
Sets if the incidence has recurrenceID.
@param hasRecurrenceID true if incidence has recurrenceID, otherwise false
@see hasRecurrenceID(), recurrenceID()
@since 3.5.12
void setHasRecurrenceID( bool hasRecurrenceID );
Set the incidences recurrenceID.
@param recurrenceID is the incidence recurrenceID to set
@see recurrenceID().
@since 3.5.12
void setRecurrenceID( const TQDateTime &recurrenceID );
Returns the incidence recurrenceID.
@return incidences recurrenceID value
@see setRecurrenceID().
@since 3.5.12
TQDateTime recurrenceID() const;
Attach a child incidence to a parent incidence.
@param childIncidence is the child incidence to add
@since 3.5.12
void addChildIncidence( TQString childIncidence );
Detach a child incidence from its parent incidence.
@param childIncidence is the child incidence to remove
@since 3.5.12
void deleteChildIncidence( TQString childIncidence );
Returns an EventList of all child incidences.
@return EventList of all child incidences.
@since 3.5.12
IncidenceList childIncidences() const;
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// %%%%% Alarm-related methods
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
All alarms that are associated with this incidence.
const Alarm::List &alarms() const;
Create a new alarm which is associated with this incidence.
Alarm *newAlarm();
Add an alarm which is associated with this incidence.
void addAlarm( Alarm * );
Remove an alarm that is associated with this incidence.
void removeAlarm( Alarm * );
Remove all alarms that are associated with this incidence.
void clearAlarms();
Return whether any alarm associated with this incidence is enabled.
bool isAlarmEnabled() const;
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
// %%%%% Other methods
// %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
Set the event's/todo's location. Do _not_ use it with journal.
void setLocation(const TQString &location);
Return the event's/todo's location. Do _not_ use it with journal.
TQString location() const;
Set the event's/todo's scheduling ID. Does not make sense for journals.
This is used for accepted invitations as the place to store the UID
of the invitation. It is later used again if updates to the
invitation comes in.
If we did not set a new UID on incidences from invitations, we can
end up with more than one resource having events with the same UID,
if you have access to other peoples resources.
void setSchedulingID( const TQString& sid );
Return the event's/todo's scheduling ID. Does not make sense for journals
If this is not set, it will return uid().
TQString schedulingID() const;
/** Observer interface for the recurrence class. If the recurrence is changed,
this method will be called for the incidence the recurrence object
belongs to. */
virtual void recurrenceUpdated( Recurrence * );
/** Return the end date/time of the base incidence (e.g. due date/time for
to-dos, end date/time for events).
This method needs to be reimplemented by derived classes. */
virtual TQDateTime endDateRecurrenceBase() const { return dtStart(); }
int mRevision;
// base components of jounal, event and todo
TQDateTime mCreated;
TQString mDescription;
TQString mSummary;
TQStringList mCategories;
Incidence *mRelatedTo;
TQString mRelatedToUid;
Incidence::List mRelations;
Attachment::List mAttachments;
TQStringList mResources;
TQString mStatusString;
Status mStatus;
int mSecrecy;
int mPriority; // 1 = highest, 2 = less, etc.
Alarm::List mAlarms;
Recurrence *mRecurrence;
TQString mLocation;
// Scheduling ID - used only to identify between scheduling mails
TQString mSchedulingID;
TQDateTime mRecurrenceID; // recurrenceID
bool mHasRecurrenceID; // if incidence has recurrenceID
IncidenceList mChildRecurrenceEvents;
class Private;
Private *d;