You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

250 lines
7.8 KiB

* tools_p.cpp
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 Frerich Raabe <>
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For licensing and distribution details, check the
* accompanying file 'COPYING'.
#include "tools_p.h"
#include <krfcdate.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
#include <kcharsets.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
namespace RSS {
time_t parseISO8601Date(const TQString &s)
// do some sanity check: 26-12-2004T00:00+00:00 is parsed to epoch+1 in the KRFCDate, which is wrong. So let's check if the date begins with YYYY -fo
if (s.stripWhiteSpace().left(4).toInt() < 1000)
return 0; // error
// FIXME: imho this is done in KRFCDate::parseDateISO8601() automatically, so we could omit it? -fo
if (s.find('T') != -1)
return KRFCDate::parseDateISO8601(s);
return KRFCDate::parseDateISO8601(s + "T12:00:00");
TQString childNodesAsXML(const TQDomNode& parent)
TQDomNodeList list = parent.childNodes();
TQString str;
TQTextStream ts( &str, IO_WriteOnly );
for (uint i = 0; i < list.count(); ++i)
ts << list.item(i);
return str.stripWhiteSpace();
static TQString plainTextToHtml(const TQString& plainText)
TQString str(plainText);
str.replace("&", "&amp;");
str.replace("\"", "&quot;");
str.replace("<", "&lt;");
//str.replace(">", "&gt;");
str.replace("\n", "<br/>");
return str;
enum ContentFormat { Text, HTML, XML, Binary };
static ContentFormat mapTypeToFormat(const TQString& modep, const TQString& typep, const TQString& src)
TQString mode = modep.isNull() ? "escaped" : modep;
TQString type = typep;
//"If neither the type attribute nor the src attribute is provided,
//Atom Processors MUST behave as though the type attribute were
//present with a value of "text""
if (type.isNull() && src.isEmpty())
type = TQString::fromUtf8("text");
if (type == TQString::fromUtf8("html")
|| type == TQString::fromUtf8("text/html"))
return HTML;
if (type == TQString::fromUtf8("text")
|| (type.tqstartsWith(TQString::fromUtf8("text/"), false)
&& !type.tqstartsWith(TQString::fromUtf8("text/xml"), false))
return Text;
TQStringList xmltypes;
// XML media types as defined in RFC3023:
if (xmltypes.contains(type)
|| type.tqendsWith(TQString::fromUtf8("+xml"), false)
|| type.tqendsWith(TQString::fromUtf8("/xml"), false))
return XML;
return Binary;
static TQString extractAtomContent(const TQDomElement& e)
ContentFormat format = mapTypeToFormat(e.attribute("mode"),
switch (format)
case HTML:
const bool hasPre = e.text().contains( "<pre>", false ) || e.text().contains( "<pre ", false );
return KCharsets::resolveEntities( hasPre ? e.text() : e.text().simplifyWhiteSpace() );
case Text:
return plainTextToHtml(e.text().stripWhiteSpace());
case XML:
return childNodesAsXML(e).simplifyWhiteSpace();
case Binary:
return TQString();
return TQString();
TQString extractNode(const TQDomNode &parent, const TQString &elemName, bool isInlined)
TQDomNode node = parent.namedItem(elemName);
if (node.isNull())
return TQString();
TQDomElement e = node.toElement();
TQString result = e.text().stripWhiteSpace(); // let's assume plain text
if (elemName == "content") // we have Atom here
result = extractAtomContent(e);
else // check for HTML; not necessary for Atom:content
bool hasPre = result.contains("<pre>", false) || result.contains("<pre ", false);
bool hasHtml = hasPre || result.contains("<"); // FIXME: test if we have html, should be more clever -> regexp
if(!isInlined && !hasHtml) // perform nl2br if not a inline elt and it has no html elts
result = result = result.replace(TQChar('\n'), "<br />");
if(!hasPre) // strip white spaces if no <pre>
result = result.simplifyWhiteSpace();
return result.isEmpty() ? TQString() : result;
TQString extractTitle(const TQDomNode & parent)
TQDomNode node = parent.namedItem(TQString::tqfromLatin1("title"));
if (node.isNull())
return TQString();
TQString result = node.toElement().text();
result = KCharsets::resolveEntities(KCharsets::resolveEntities(result).replace(TQRegExp("<[^>]*>"), "").remove("\\"));
result = result.simplifyWhiteSpace();
if (result.isEmpty())
return TQString();
return result;
static void authorFromString(const TQString& strp, TQString& name, TQString& email)
TQString str = strp.stripWhiteSpace();
if (str.isEmpty())
// look for something looking like a mail address ( "",
// "<>") and extract it
TQRegExp remail("<?([^@\\s<]+@[^>\\s]+)>?"); // FIXME: user "proper" regexp,
// search kmail source for it
int pos =;
if (pos != -1)
TQString all = remail.cap(0);
email = remail.cap(1);
str.replace(all, ""); // remove mail address
// simplify the rest and use it as name
name = str.simplifyWhiteSpace();
// after removing the email, str might have
// the format "(Foo M. Bar)". We cut off
// parentheses if there are any. However, if
// str is of the format "Foo M. Bar (President)",
// we should not cut anything.
TQRegExp rename("^\\(([^\\)]*)\\)");
pos =;
if (pos != -1)
name = rename.cap(1);
name = name.isEmpty() ? TQString() : name;
email = email.isEmpty() ? TQString() : email;
TQString parseItemAuthor(const TQDomElement& element, Format format, Version version)
TQString name;
TQString email;
TQDomElement dcCreator = element.namedItem("dc:creator").toElement();
if (!dcCreator.isNull())
authorFromString(dcCreator.text(), name, email);
else if (format == AtomFeed)
TQDomElement atomAuthor = element.namedItem("author").toElement();
if (atomAuthor.isNull())
atomAuthor = element.namedItem("atom:author").toElement();
if (!atomAuthor.isNull())
TQDomElement atomName = atomAuthor.namedItem("name").toElement();
if (atomName.isNull())
atomName = atomAuthor.namedItem("atom:name").toElement();
name = atomName.text().stripWhiteSpace();
TQDomElement atomEmail = atomAuthor.namedItem("email").toElement();
if (atomEmail.isNull())
atomEmail = atomAuthor.namedItem("atom:email").toElement();
email = atomEmail.text().stripWhiteSpace();
else if (format == RSSFeed)
authorFromString(element.namedItem("author").toElement().text(), name, email);
if (name.isNull())
name = email;
if (!email.isNull())
return TQString("<a href=\"mailto:%1\">%2</a>").tqarg(email).tqarg(name);
return name;
} // namespace RSS
// vim:noet:ts=4