You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

237 lines
5.9 KiB

This file is part of kdepim.
Copyright (c) 2003 - 2004 Tobias Koenig <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kdepimmacros.h>
#include "libkcal/calendarlocal.h"
#include "libkcal/incidence.h"
#include "libkcal/resourcecached.h"
#include "todostatemapper.h"
namespace KXMLRPC {
class Server;
class Synchronizer;
class QTimer;
namespace KCal {
class EGroupwarePrefs;
This class provides access to php/eGroupware calendar via XML-RPC.
class KDE_EXPORT ResourceXMLRPC : public ResourceCached
ResourceXMLRPC( const KConfig* );
virtual ~ResourceXMLRPC();
void readConfig( const KConfig* config );
void writeConfig( KConfig* config );
EGroupwarePrefs *prefs() const { return mPrefs; }
bool isSaving();
KABC::Lock *lock();
Add Event to calendar.
bool addEvent( Event* event );
Deletes an event from this calendar.
bool deleteEvent( Event* );
Retrieves an event on the basis of the unique string ID.
Event *event( const QString& uid );
Return unfiltered list of all events in calendar.
Event::List rawEvents();
Builds and then returns a list of all events that match for the
date specified. useful for dayView, etc. etc.
Event::List rawEventsForDate(
const QDate& date,
EventSortField sortField=EventSortUnsorted,
SortDirection sortDirection=SortDirectionAscending );
Get unfiltered events for date \a qdt.
Event::List rawEventsForDate( const QDateTime& qdt );
Get unfiltered events in a range of dates. If inclusive is set to true,
only events are returned, which are completely included in the range.
Event::List rawEvents( const QDate& start, const QDate& end,
bool inclusive = false );
Add a todo to the todolist.
bool addTodo( Todo* todo );
Remove a todo from the todolist.
bool deleteTodo( Todo* todo );
Searches todolist for an event with this unique string identifier,
returns a pointer or null.
Todo *todo( const QString& uid );
Return list of all todos.
Todo::List rawTodos();
Returns list of todos due on the specified date.
Todo::List rawTodosForDate( const QDate& date );
Add a Journal entry to calendar
virtual bool addJournal( Journal* journal );
Remove journal from the calendar.
bool deleteJournal( Journal* journal );
Return Journals for given date
virtual Journal::List journals( const QDate& );
Return Journal with given UID
virtual Journal *journal( const QString& uid );
Return all alarms, which ocur in the given time interval.
Alarm::List alarms( const QDateTime& from, const QDateTime& to );
Return all alarms, which ocur before given date.
Alarm::List alarmsTo( const QDateTime& to );
Public because needed in MultiCalendar::load()
bool doOpen();
void doClose();
void dump() const;
void setTimeZoneId( const QString& ) {}
protected slots:
void loginFinished( const QValueList<QVariant>&, const QVariant& );
void logoutFinished( const QValueList<QVariant>&, const QVariant& );
void listEventsFinished( const QValueList<QVariant>&, const QVariant& );
void addEventFinished( const QValueList<QVariant>&, const QVariant& );
void updateEventFinished( const QValueList<QVariant>&, const QVariant& );
void deleteEventFinished( const QValueList<QVariant>&, const QVariant& );
void loadEventCategoriesFinished( const QValueList<QVariant>&, const QVariant& );
void listTodosFinished( const QValueList<QVariant>&, const QVariant& );
void addTodoFinished( const QValueList<QVariant>&, const QVariant& );
void updateTodoFinished( const QValueList<QVariant>&, const QVariant& );
void deleteTodoFinished( const QValueList<QVariant>&, const QVariant& );
void loadTodoCategoriesFinished( const QValueList<QVariant>&, const QVariant& );
void fault( int, const QString&, const QVariant& );
bool doLoad();
bool doSave();
private slots:
void reload();
void init();
void initEGroupware();
void writeEvent( Event*, QMap<QString, QVariant>& );
void readEvent( const QMap<QString, QVariant>&, Event*, QString& );
void writeTodo( Todo*, QMap<QString, QVariant>& );
void readTodo( const QMap<QString, QVariant>&, Todo*, QString& );
void checkLoadingFinished();
KXMLRPC::Server *mServer;
EGroupwarePrefs *mPrefs;
QString mSessionID;
QString mKp3;
QMap<QString, int> mEventCategoryMap;
QMap<QString, int> mTodoCategoryMap;
TodoStateMapper mTodoStateMapper;
Synchronizer *mSynchronizer;
KABC::Lock *mLock;
int mLoaded;