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Michele Calgaro 477975ca20
3 個月前
interfaces Use new TQ_METHOD, TQ_SIGNAL, TQ_SLOT defines 3 個月前
pics Fix invalid headers in PNG files and optimize for size 8 年前
plugins Use new TQ_METHOD, TQ_SIGNAL, TQ_SLOT defines 3 個月前
profiles Desktop file translations: 4 年前
src Use new TQ_METHOD, TQ_SIGNAL, TQ_SLOT defines 3 個月前
CMakeL10n.txt Desktop file translations: 4 年前
CMakeLists.txt Additional renaming of kde to tde 13 年前
DESIGN.dcopinteraction Replace Q_SIGNALS and Q_SLOTS 3 個月前
HACKING Copy the KDE 3.5 branch to branches/trinity for new KDE 3.5 features. 15 年前
Makefile.am Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
TODO Rename KIcon to enhance compatibility with KDE4 11 年前
Thoughts Replace QObject, QWidget, QImage, QPair, QRgb, QColor, QChar, QString, QIODevice with TQ* version 7 個月前