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// view.cpp --
// $Id$
// This is part of Metakit, the homepage is
/** @file
* Implementation of main classes not involved in persistence
#include "header.h"
#include "derived.h"
#include "custom.h"
#include "store.h" // for RelocateRows
#include "field.h" // for RelocateRows
#include "persist.h"
#include "remap.h"
#if !q4_INLINE
#include "mk4.inl"
// c4_ThreadLock
class c4_ThreadLock
c4_ThreadLock ();
class Hold
Hold ();
~Hold ();
#if q4_MULTI
#if q4_WIN32
* On Win32, use a critical section to protect the global symbol table.
* Also uses special thread-safe calls to inc/dec all reference counts.
* This implementation replaces the previous use of TLS, which cannot
* be used without special tricks in dynamically loaded DLL's, as is
* required for OCX/ActiveX use (which uses LoadLibrary).
* Note: Could have used MFC's CCriticalSection and CSingleLock classes,
* but the code below is so trivial that it hardly matters.
#if q4_MSVC && !q4_STRICT
#pragma warning(disable: 4201) // nonstandard extension used : ...
#include <windows.h>
static CRITICAL_SECTION gCritSect;
c4_ThreadLock::c4_ThreadLock ()
c4_ThreadLock::Hold::Hold ()
c4_ThreadLock::Hold::~Hold ()
#else /* q4_WIN32 */
#include <pthread.h>
static pthread_mutex_t gMutex;
d4_inline c4_ThreadLock::c4_ThreadLock ()
pthread_mutex_init(&gMutex, 0);
d4_inline c4_ThreadLock::Hold::Hold ()
d4_dbgdef(int r =)
d4_assert(r == 0);
d4_inline c4_ThreadLock::Hold::~Hold ()
d4_dbgdef(int r =)
d4_assert(r == 0);
#endif /* q4_WIN32 */
#else /* q4_MULTI */
// All other implementations revert to the simple "thread-less" case.
d4_inline c4_ThreadLock::c4_ThreadLock ()
d4_inline c4_ThreadLock::Hold::Hold ()
d4_inline c4_ThreadLock::Hold::~Hold ()
static FILE* sPropModsFile = 0;
static int sPropModsProp = -1;
FILE* f4_LogPropMods(FILE* fp_, int propId_)
FILE* prevfp = sPropModsFile;
sPropModsFile = fp_;
sPropModsProp = propId_;
return prevfp;
void f4_DoLogProp(const c4_Handler* hp_, int id_, const char* fmt_, int arg_)
if (sPropModsFile != 0 && (sPropModsProp < 0 || sPropModsProp == id_)) {
fprintf(sPropModsFile, "handler 0x%x id %d: ", hp_, id_);
fprintf(sPropModsFile, fmt_, arg_);
/** @class c4_View
* A collection of data rows. This is the central public data structure of
* Metakit (often called "table", "array", or "relation" in other systems).
* Views are smart pointers to the actual collections, setting a view to a new
* value does not alter the collection to which this view pointed previously.
* The elements of views can be referred to by their 0-based index, which
* produces a row-reference of type c4_RowRef. These row references can
* be copied, used to get or set properties, or dereferenced (in which case
* an object of class c4_Row is returned). Taking the address of a row
* reference produces a c4_Cursor, which acts very much like a pointer.
* The following code creates a view with 1 row and 2 properties:
* @code
* c4_StringProp pName ("name");
* c4_IntProp pAge ("age");
* c4_Row data;
* pName (data) = "John Williams";
* pAge (data) = 43;
* c4_View myView;
* myView.Add(row);
* @endcode
/// Construct a view based on a sequence
c4_View::c4_View (c4_Sequence* seq_)
: _seq (seq_)
if (!_seq)
_seq = d4_new c4_HandlerSeq (0);
/// Construct a view based on a custom viewer
c4_View::c4_View (c4_CustomViewer* viewer_)
: _seq (0)
_seq = d4_new c4_CustomSeq (viewer_);
/// Construct a view based on an input stream
c4_View::c4_View (c4_Stream* stream_)
: _seq (c4_Persist::Load(stream_))
if (_seq == 0)
_seq = d4_new c4_HandlerSeq (0);
/// Construct an empty view with one property
c4_View::c4_View (const c4_Property& prop_)
: _seq (d4_new c4_HandlerSeq (0))
/// Copy constructor
c4_View::c4_View (const c4_View& view_)
: _seq (view_._seq)
/// Makes this view the same as another one.
c4_View& c4_View::operator= (const c4_View& view_)
if (_seq != view_._seq) {
_seq = view_._seq;
return *this;
/** Get a single data item in a generic way
* This can be used to access view data in a generalized way.
* Useful for c4_CustomViewers which are based on other views.
* @return true if the item is non-empty
bool c4_View::GetItem(int row_, int col_, c4_Bytes& buf_) const
const c4_Property& prop = NthProperty(col_);
return prop (GetAt(row_)).GetData(buf_);
/// Set a single data item in a generic way
void c4_View::SetItem(int row_, int col_, const c4_Bytes& buf_) const
const c4_Property& prop = NthProperty(col_);
prop (GetAt(row_)).SetData(buf_);
/// Set an entry, growing the view if needed
void c4_View::SetAtGrow(int index_, const c4_RowRef& newElem_)
if (index_ >= GetSize())
SetSize(index_ + 1);
_seq->SetAt(index_, &newElem_);
/** Add a new entry, same as "SetAtGrow(GetSize(), ...)"
* @return the index of the newly added row
int c4_View::Add(const c4_RowRef& newElem_)
int i = GetSize();
InsertAt(i, newElem_);
return i;
/** Construct a new view with a copy of the data
* The copy is a deep copy, because subviews are always copied in full.
c4_View c4_View::Duplicate() const
// insert all rows, sharing any subviews as needed
c4_View result = Clone();
result.InsertAt(0, _seq);
return result;
/** Constructs a new view with the same structure but no data
* Structural information can only be maintain for the top level,
* subviews will be included but without any properties themselves.
c4_View c4_View::Clone() const
c4_View view;
for (int i = 0; i < NumProperties(); ++i)
return view;
/** Adds a property column to a view if not already present
* @return 0-based column position of the property
int c4_View::AddProperty(const c4_Property& prop_)
return _seq->PropIndex(prop_);
/** Returns the N-th property (using zero-based indexing)
* @return reference to the specified property
const c4_Property& c4_View::NthProperty(
int index_ ///< the zero-based property index
) const
return _seq->NthHandler(index_).Property();
/** Find the index of a property, given its name
* @return 0-based column index
* @retval -1 property not present in this view
int c4_View::FindPropIndexByName(
const char* name_ ///< property name (case insensitive)
) const
// use a slow linear scan to find the untyped property by name
for (int i = 0; i < NumProperties(); ++i) {
c4_String s = NthProperty(i).Name();
if (s.CompareNoCase(name_) == 0)
return i;
return -1;
/** Defines a column for a property.
* The following code defines an empty view with three properties:
* @code
* c4_IntProp p1, p2, p3;
* c4_View myView = (p1, p2, p3);
* @endcode
* @return the new view object (without any data rows)
* @sa c4_Property
c4_View c4_View::operator, (const c4_Property& prop_) const
c4_View view = Clone();
return view;
/// Insert copies of all rows of the specified view
void c4_View::InsertAt(int index_, const c4_View& view_)
int n = view_.GetSize();
if (n > 0) {
c4_Row empty;
InsertAt(index_, empty, n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
SetAt(index_ + i, view_[i]);
bool c4_View::IsCompatibleWith(const c4_View& dest_) const
// can't determine table without handlers (and can't be a table)
if (NumProperties() == 0 || dest_.NumProperties() == 0)
return false;
c4_Sequence* s1 = _seq;
c4_Sequence* s2 = dest_._seq;
c4_HandlerSeq* h1 = (c4_HandlerSeq*) s1->HandlerContext(0);
c4_HandlerSeq* h2 = (c4_HandlerSeq*) s2->HandlerContext(0);
// both must be real handler views, not derived ones
if (h1 != s1 || h2 != s2)
return false;
// both must not contain any temporary handlers
if (s1->NumHandlers() != h1->NumFields() ||
s2->NumHandlers() != h2->NumFields())
return false;
// both must be in the same storage
if (h1->Persist() == 0 || h1->Persist() != h2->Persist())
return false;
// both must have the same structure (is this expensive?)
c4_String d1 = h1->Definition().Description(true);
c4_String d2 = h1->Definition().Description(true);
return d1 == d2; // ignores all names
/** Move attached rows to somewhere else in same storage
* There is a lot of trickery going on here. The whole point of this
* code is that moving rows between (compatible!) subviews should not
* use copying when potentially large memo's and subviews are involved.
* In that case, the best solution is really to move pointers, not data.
void c4_View::RelocateRows(int from_, int count_, c4_View& dest_, int pos_)
if (count_ < 0)
count_ = GetSize() - from_;
if (pos_ < 0)
pos_ = dest_.GetSize();
d4_assert(0 <= from_ && from_ <= GetSize());
d4_assert(0 <= count_ && from_ + count_ <= GetSize());
d4_assert(0 <= pos_ && pos_ <= dest_.GetSize());
if (count_ > 0) {
// the destination must not be inside the source rows
d4_assert(&dest_ != this || from_ > pos_ || pos_ >= from_ + count_);
// this test is slow, so do it only as a debug check
// make space, swap rows, drop originals
c4_Row empty;
dest_.InsertAt(pos_, empty, count_);
// careful if insert moves origin
if (&dest_ == this && pos_ <= from_)
from_ += count_;
for (int i = 0; i < count_; ++i)
((c4_HandlerSeq*) _seq)->ExchangeEntries(from_ + i,
*(c4_HandlerSeq*) dest_._seq, pos_ + i);
RemoveAt(from_, count_);
/** Create view with all rows in natural (property-wise) order
* The result is virtual, it merely maintains a permutation to access the
* underlying view. This "derived" view uses change notification to track
* changes to the underlying view, but unfortunately there are some major
* limitations with this scheme - one of them being that deriving another
* view from this sorted one will not properly track changes.
c4_View c4_View::Sort() const
return f4_CreateSort(*_seq);
/** Create view sorted according to the specified properties
* The result is virtual, it merely maintains a permutation to access the
* underlying view. This "derived" view uses change notification to track
* changes to the underlying view, but unfortunately there are some major
* limitations with this scheme - one of them being that deriving another
* view from this sorted one will not properly track changes.
c4_View c4_View::SortOn(const c4_View& up_) const
c4_Sequence* seq = f4_CreateProject(*_seq, *up_._seq, true);
return f4_CreateSort(*seq);
/** Create sorted view, with some properties sorted in reverse
* The result is virtual, it merely maintains a permutation to access the
* underlying view. This "derived" view uses change notification to track
* changes to the underlying view, but unfortunately there are some major
* limitations with this scheme - one of them being that deriving another
* view from this sorted one will not properly track changes.
c4_View c4_View::SortOnReverse(
const c4_View& up_, ///< the view which defines the sort order
const c4_View& down_ ///< subset of up_, defines reverse order
) const
c4_Sequence* seq = f4_CreateProject(*_seq, *up_._seq, true);
return f4_CreateSort(*seq, down_._seq);
/** Create view with rows matching the specified value
* The result is virtual, it merely maintains a permutation to access the
* underlying view. This "derived" view uses change notification to track
* changes to the underlying view, but this only works when based on views
* which properly generate change notifications (.e. raw views, other
* selections, and projections).
c4_View c4_View::Select(const c4_RowRef& crit_) const
return f4_CreateFilter(*_seq, &crit_, &crit_);
/** Create view with row values within the specified range
* The result is virtual, it merely maintains a permutation to access the
* underlying view. This "derived" view uses change notification to track
* changes to the underlying view, but this only works when based on views
* which properly generate change notifications (.e. raw views, other
* selections, and projections).
c4_View c4_View::SelectRange(
const c4_RowRef& low_, ///< values of the lower bounds (inclusive)
const c4_RowRef& high_ ///< values of the upper bounds (inclusive)
) const
return f4_CreateFilter(*_seq, &low_, &high_);
/** Create view with the specified property arrangement
* The result is virtual, it merely maintains a permutation to access the
* underlying view. This "derived" view uses change notification to track
* changes to the underlying view, but this only works when based on views
* which properly generate change notifications (.e. raw views, selections,
* and other projections).
c4_View c4_View::Project(const c4_View& in_) const
return f4_CreateProject(*_seq, *in_._seq, false);
/** Create derived view with some properties omitted
* The result is virtual, it merely maintains a permutation to access the
* underlying view. This "derived" view uses change notification to track
* changes to the underlying view, but this only works when based on views
* which properly generate change notifications (.e. raw views, selections,
* and other projections).
c4_View c4_View::ProjectWithout(const c4_View& out_) const
return f4_CreateProject(*_seq, *_seq, false, out_._seq);
/** Create view which is a segment/slice (default is up to end)
* Returns a view which is a subset, either a contiguous range, or
* a "slice" with element taken from every step_ entries. If the
* step is negative, the same entries are returned, but in reverse
* order (start_ is still lower index, it'll then be returned last).
* This view operation is based on a custom viewer and is modifiable.
c4_View c4_View::Slice(int first_, int limit_, int step_) const
return f4_CustSlice(*_seq, first_, limit_, step_);
/** Create view which is the cartesian product with given view
* The cartesian product is defined as every combination of rows
* in both views. The number of entries is the product of the
* number of entries in the two views, properties which are present
* in both views will use the values defined in this view.
* This view operation is based on a read-only custom viewer.
c4_View c4_View::Product(const c4_View& view_) const
return f4_CustProduct(*_seq, view_);
/** Create view which remaps another given view
* Remapping constructs a view with the rows indicated by another
* view. The first property in the order_ view must be an int
* property with index values referring to this one. The size of
* the resulting view is determined by the order_ view and can
* differ, for example to act as a subset selection (if smaller).
* This view operation is based on a custom viewer and is modifiable.
c4_View c4_View::RemapWith(const c4_View& view_) const
return f4_CustRemapWith(*_seq, view_);
/** Create view which pairs each row with corresponding row
* This is like a row-by-row concatenation. Both views must have
* the same number of rows, the result has all properties from
* this view plus any other properties from the other view.
* This view operation is based on a custom viewer and is modifiable.
c4_View c4_View::Pair(const c4_View& view_) const
return f4_CustPair(*_seq, view_);
/** Create view with rows from another view appended
* Constructs a view which has all rows of this view, and all rows
* of the second view appended. The structure of the second view
* is assumed to be identical to this one. This operation is a bit
* similar to appending all rows from the second view, but it does
* not actually store the result anywhere, it just looks like it.
* This view operation is based on a custom viewer and is modifiable.
c4_View c4_View::Concat(const c4_View& view_) const
return f4_CustConcat(*_seq, view_);
/** Create view with one property renamed (must be of same type)
* This view operation is based on a custom viewer and is modifiable.
c4_View c4_View::Rename(const c4_Property& old_, const c4_Property& new_) const
return f4_CustRename(*_seq, old_, new_);
/** Create view with a subview, grouped by the specified properties
* This operation is similar to the SQL 'GROUP BY', but it takes
* advantage of the fact that Metakit supports nested views. The
* view returned from this member has one row per distinct group,
* with an extra view property holding the remaining properties.
* If there are N rows in the original view matching key X, then
* the result is a row for key X, with a subview of N rows. The
* properties of the subview are all the properties not in the key.
* This view operation is based on a read-only custom viewer.
c4_View c4_View::GroupBy(
const c4_View& keys_, ///< properties in this view determine grouping
const c4_ViewProp& result_ ///< name of new subview defined in result
) const
return f4_CustGroupBy(*_seq, keys_, result_);
/** Create view with count of duplicates, when grouped by key
* This is similar to c4_View::GroupBy, but it determines only the
* number of rows in each group and does not create a nested view.
* This view operation is based on a read-only custom viewer.
c4_View c4_View::Counts(
const c4_View& keys_, ///< properties in this view determine grouping
const c4_IntProp& result_ ///< new count property defined in result
) const
return f4_CustGroupBy(*_seq, keys_, result_); // third arg is c4_IntProp
/** Create view with all duplicate rows omitted
* This view operation is based on a read-only custom viewer.
c4_View c4_View::Unique() const
c4_IntProp count ("#N#");
return Counts(Clone(), count).ProjectWithout(count);
/** Create view which is the set union (assumes no duplicate rows)
* Calculates the set union. This will only work if both input
* views are sets, i.e. they have no duplicate rows in them.
* This view operation is based on a read-only custom viewer.
c4_View c4_View::Union(const c4_View& view_) const
return Concat(view_).Unique();
/** Create view with all rows also in the given view (no dups)
* Calculates the set intersection. This will only work if both
* input views are sets, i.e. they have no duplicate rows in them.
* This view operation is based on a read-only custom viewer.
c4_View c4_View::Intersect(const c4_View& view_) const
c4_View v = Concat(view_);
// assume neither view has any duplicates
c4_IntProp count ("#N#");
return v.Counts(Clone(), count).Select(count [2]).ProjectWithout(count);
/** Create view with all rows not in both views (no dups)
* Calculates the "XOR" of two sets. This will only work if both
* input views are sets, i.e. they have no duplicate rows in them.
* This view operation is based on a read-only custom viewer.
c4_View c4_View::Different(const c4_View& view_) const
c4_View v = Concat(view_);
// assume neither view has any duplicates
c4_IntProp count ("#N#");
return v.Counts(Clone(), count).Select(count [1]).ProjectWithout(count);
/** Create view with all rows not in the given view (no dups)
* Calculates set-difference of this view minus arg view. Result
* is a subset, unlike c4_View::Different. Will only work if both
* input views are sets, i.e. they have no duplicate rows in them.
* This view operation is based on a read-only custom viewer.
c4_View c4_View::Minus(
const c4_View& view_ ///< the second view
) const
// inefficient: calculate difference, then keep only those in self
return Intersect(Different(view_));
/** Create view with a specific subview expanded, like a join
* This operation is the inverse of c4_View::GroupBy, expanding
* all rows in specified subview and returning a view which looks
* as if the rows in each subview were "expanded in place".
* This view operation is based on a read-only custom viewer.
c4_View c4_View::JoinProp(
const c4_ViewProp& sub_, ///< name of the subview to expand
bool outer_ ///< true: keep rows with empty subviews
) const
return f4_CustJoinProp(*_seq, sub_, outer_);
/** Create view which is the relational join on the given keys
* This view operation is based on a read-only custom viewer.
c4_View c4_View::Join(
const c4_View& keys_, ///< properties in this view determine the join
const c4_View& view_, ///< second view participating in the join
bool outer_ ///< true: keep rows with no match in second view
) const
// inefficient: calculate difference, then keep only those in self
return f4_CustJoin(*_seq, keys_, view_, outer_);
/** Create an identity view which only allows reading
* This view operation is based on a custom viewer.
c4_View c4_View::ReadOnly() const
return f4_CreateReadOnly(*_seq);
/** Create mapped view which adds a hash lookup layer
* This view creates and manages a special hash map view, to implement a
* fast find on the key. The key is defined to consist of the first
* numKeys_ properties of the underlying view.
* The map_ view must be empty the first time this hash view is used, so
* that Metakit can fill it based on whatever rows are already present in
* the underlying view. After that, neither the underlying view nor the
* map view may be modified other than through this hash mapping layer.
* The defined structure of the map view must be "_H:I,_R:I".
* This view is modifiable. Insertions and changes to key field properties
* can cause rows to be repositioned to maintain hash uniqueness. Careful:
* when a row is changed in such a way that its key is the same as in another
* row, that other row will be deleted from the view.
* Example of use:
* @code
* c4_View data = storage.GetAs("people[name:S,age:I]");
* c4_View datah = storage.GetAs("people_H[_H:I,_R:I]");
* c4_View hash = raw.Hash(datah, 1);
* ... hash.GetSize() ...
* hash.Add(...)
* @endcode
c4_View c4_View::Hash(const c4_View& map_, int numKeys_) const
return f4_CreateHash(*_seq, numKeys_, map_._seq);
/** Create mapped view which blocks its rows in two levels
* This view acts like a large flat view, even though the actual rows are
* stored in blocks, which are rebalanced automatically to maintain a good
* trade-off between block size and number of blocks.
* The underlying view must be defined with a single view property, with
* the structure of the subview being as needed. An example of a blocked
* view definition which will act like a single one containing 2 properties:
* @code
* c4_View raw = storage.GetAs("people[_B[name:S,age:I]]");
* c4_View flat = raw.Blocked();
* ... flat.GetSize() ...
* flat.InsertAt(...)
* @endcode
* This view operation is based on a custom viewer and is modifiable.
c4_View c4_View::Blocked() const
return f4_CreateBlocked(*_seq);
/** Create mapped view which keeps its rows ordered
* This is an identity view, which has as only use to inform Metakit that
* the underlying view can be considered to be sorted on its first numKeys_
* properties. The effect is that c4_View::Find will try to use binary
* search when the search includes key properties (results will be identical
* to unordered views, the find will just be more efficient).
* This view is modifiable. Insertions and changes to key field properties
* can cause rows to be repositioned to maintain the sort order. Careful:
* when a row is changed in such a way that its key is the same as in another
* row, that other row will be deleted from the view.
* This view can be combined with c4_View::Blocked, to create a 2-level
* btree structure.
c4_View c4_View::Ordered(int numKeys_) const
return f4_CreateOrdered(*_seq, numKeys_);
/** Create mapped view which maintains an index permutation
* This is an identity view which somewhat resembles the ordered view, it
* maintains a secondary "map" view to contain the permutation to act as
* an index. The indexed view presents the same order of rows as the
* underlying view, but the index map is set up in such a way that binary
* search is possible on the keys specified. When the "unique" parameter
* is true, insertions which would create a duplicate key are ignored.
* This view is modifiable. Careful: when a row is changed in such a way
* that its key is the same as in another row, that other row will be
* deleted from the view.
c4_View c4_View::Indexed(const c4_View& map_, const c4_View& props_,
bool unique_) const
return f4_CreateIndexed(*_seq, *map_._seq, props_, unique_);
/** Return the index of the specified row in this view (or -1)
* This function can be used to "unmap" an index of a derived view back
* to the original underlying view.
int c4_View::GetIndexOf(const c4_RowRef& row_) const
c4_Cursor cursor = &row_;
return cursor._seq->RemapIndex(cursor._index, _seq);
/// Restrict the search range for rows
int c4_View::RestrictSearch(const c4_RowRef& c_, int& pos_, int& count_)
return _seq->RestrictSearch(&c_, pos_, count_) ? 0 : ~0;
/** Find index of the the next entry matching the specified key.
* Defaults to linear search, but hash- and ordered-views will use a better
* algorithm if possible. Only the properties present in the search key
* are used to determine whether a row matches the key.
* @return position where match occurred
* @retval -1 if not found
int c4_View::Find(
const c4_RowRef& crit_, ///< the value to look for
int start_ ///< the index to start with
) const
d4_assert(start_ >= 0);
c4_Row copy = crit_; // the lazy (and slow) solution: make a copy
int count = GetSize() - start_;
if (_seq->RestrictSearch(&copy, start_, count)) {
c4_View refView = copy.Container();
c4_Sequence* refSeq = refView._seq;
d4_assert(refSeq != 0);
c4_Bytes data;
for (int j = 0; j < count; ++j) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < refSeq->NumHandlers(); ++i) {
c4_Handler& h = refSeq->NthHandler(i); // no context issues
if (!_seq->Get(start_ + j, h.PropId(), data))
if (h.Compare(0, data) != 0) // always row 0
if (i == refSeq->NumHandlers())
return start_ + j;
return -1;
/** Search for a key, using the native sort order of the view
* @return position where found, or where it may be inserted,
* this position can also be just past the last row
int c4_View::Search(const c4_RowRef& crit_) const
int l = -1, u = GetSize();
while (l + 1 != u) {
const int m = (l + u) >> 1;
if (_seq->Compare(m, &crit_) < 0)
//if (crit_ > (*this)[m]) // Dec 2001: see comments below
l = m;
u = m;
return u;
/// Return number of matching keys, and pos of first one as arg
int c4_View::Locate(const c4_RowRef& crit_, int* pos_) const
// Dec 2001: fixed a problem with searching of partial rows.
// There is an *extremely* tricky issue in here, in that the
// comparison operator for rows is not symmetric. So in the
// general case, "a == b" is not euivalent to "b == a". This
// is without doubt a design mistake (and should have at least
// been named differently).
// The reason is that the number of properties in both rowrefs
// need not be the same. Only the properties of the leftmost
// rowref are compared against the other one. This also applies
// to the other comparisons, i.e. !=, <, >, <=, and >=.
// All Compare calls below have been changed to use comparisons
// in the proper order and now use "rowref <op> rowref" syntax.
c4_Cursor curr (*(c4_Sequence*) _seq, 0); // loses const
int l = -1, u = GetSize();
while (l + 1 != u) {
curr._index = (l + u) >> 1;
if (crit_ > *curr)
l = curr._index;
u = curr._index;
if (pos_ != 0)
*pos_ = u;
// only look for more if the search hit an exact match
curr._index = u;
if (u == GetSize() || crit_ != *curr)
return 0;
// as Jon Bentley wrote in DDJ Apr 2000, setting l2 to -1 is better than u
int l2 = -1, u2 = GetSize();
while (l2 + 1 != u2) {
curr._index = (l2 + u2) >> 1;
if (crit_ >= *curr)
l2 = curr._index;
u2 = curr._index;
return u2 - u;
/// Compare two views lexicographically (rows 0..N-1).
int c4_View::Compare(const c4_View& view_) const
if (_seq == view_._seq)
return 0;
int na = GetSize();
int nb = view_.GetSize();
int i;
for (i = 0; i < na && i < nb; ++i)
if (GetAt(i) != view_.GetAt(i))
return GetAt(i) < view_.GetAt(i) ? -1 : +1;
return na == nb ? 0 : i < na ? +1 : -1;
/** @class c4_Cursor
* An iterator for collections of rows (views).
* Cursor objects can be used to point to specific entries in a view.
* A cursor acts very much like a pointer to a row in a view, and is
* returned when taking the address of a c4_RowRef. Dereferencing
* a cursor leads to the original row reference again. You can construct a
* cursor for a c4_Row, but since such rows are not part of a collection,
* incrementing or decrementing these cursors is meaningless (and wrong).
* The usual range of pointer operations can be applied to these objects:
* pre/post-increment and decrement, adding or subtracting integer offsets,
* as well as the full range of comparison operators. If two cursors
* point to entries in the same view, their difference can be calculated.
* As with regular pointers, care must be taken to avoid running off of
* either end of a view (the debug build includes assertions to check this).
/** @class c4_RowRef
* Reference to a data row, can be used on either side of an assignment.
* Row references are created when dereferencing a c4_Cursor or when
* indexing an element of a c4_View. Assignment will change the
* corresponding item. Rows (objects of type c4_Row) are a special
* case of row references, consisting of a view with exactly one item.
* Internally, row references are very similar to cursors, in fact they are
* little more than a wrapper around them. The essential difference is one
* of semantics: comparing row references compares contents, copying row
* references copies the contents, whereas cursor comparison and copying
* deals with the pointer to the row, not its contents.
// c4_Row
c4_Row::c4_Row ()
: c4_RowRef (* Allocate())
c4_Row::c4_Row (const c4_Row& row_)
: c4_RowRef (* Allocate())
operator= (row_);
c4_Row::c4_Row (const c4_RowRef& rowRef_)
: c4_RowRef (* Allocate())
operator= (rowRef_);
c4_Row::~c4_Row ()
c4_Row& c4_Row::operator= (const c4_Row& row_)
return operator= ((const c4_RowRef&) row_);
/// Assignment from a reference to a row.
c4_Row& c4_Row::operator= (const c4_RowRef& rowRef_)
d4_assert(_cursor._seq != 0);
if (_cursor != &rowRef_) {
d4_assert(_cursor._index == 0);
_cursor._seq->SetAt(0, &rowRef_);
return *this;
/// Adds all properties and values into this row.
void c4_Row::ConcatRow(const c4_RowRef& rowRef_)
d4_assert(_cursor._seq != 0);
c4_Cursor cursor = &rowRef_; // trick to access private rowRef_._cursor
d4_assert(cursor._seq != 0);
c4_Sequence& rhSeq = * cursor._seq;
c4_Bytes data;
for (int i = 0; i < rhSeq.NumHandlers(); ++i) {
c4_Handler& h = rhSeq.NthHandler(i);
h.GetBytes(cursor._index, data);
_cursor._seq->Set(_cursor._index, h.Property(), data);
c4_Row operator+ (const c4_RowRef& a_, const c4_RowRef& b_)
c4_Row row = a_;
return row;
c4_Cursor c4_Row::Allocate()
c4_Sequence* seq = d4_new c4_HandlerSeq (0);
return c4_Cursor (*seq, 0);
void c4_Row::Release(c4_Cursor row_)
d4_assert(row_._seq != 0);
d4_assert(row_._index == 0);
/** @class c4_Property
* Base class for the basic data types.
* Property objects exist independently of view, row, and storage objects.
* They have a name and type, and can appear in any number of views.
* You will normally only use derived classes, to maintain strong typing.
// This is a workaround for the fact that the initialization order of
// static objects is not always adequate (implementation dependent).
// Extremely messy solution, to allow statically declared properties.
// These are the only static variables in the entire Metakit core lib.
static c4_ThreadLock* sThreadLock = 0;
static c4_StringArray* sPropNames = 0;
static c4_DWordArray* sPropCounts = 0;
/// Call this to get rid of some internal datastructues (on exit)
void c4_Property::CleanupInternalData()
delete sPropNames;
sPropNames = 0; // race
delete sPropCounts;
sPropCounts = 0; // race
delete sThreadLock;
sThreadLock = 0; // race
c4_Property::c4_Property (char type_, const char* name_)
: _type (type_)
if (sThreadLock == 0)
sThreadLock = d4_new c4_ThreadLock;
c4_ThreadLock::Hold lock; // grabs the lock until end of scope
if (sPropNames == 0)
sPropNames = d4_new c4_StringArray;
if (sPropCounts == 0)
sPropCounts = d4_new c4_DWordArray;
c4_String temp = name_;
_id = sPropNames->GetSize();
while (-- _id >= 0) {
const char* p = sPropNames->GetAt(_id);
// optimize for first char case-insensitive match
if (((*p ^ *name_) & ~0x20) == 0 && temp.CompareNoCase(p) == 0)
if (_id < 0) {
int size = sPropCounts->GetSize();
for (_id = 0; _id < size; ++_id)
if (sPropCounts->GetAt(_id) == 0)
if (_id >= size) {
sPropCounts->SetSize(_id + 1);
sPropNames->SetSize(_id + 1);
sPropCounts->SetAt(_id, 0);
sPropNames->SetAt(_id, name_);
c4_Property::c4_Property (const c4_Property& prop_)
: _id (prop_.GetId()), _type (prop_.Type())
c4_ThreadLock::Hold lock;
d4_assert(sPropCounts != 0);
d4_assert(sPropCounts->GetAt(_id) > 0);
c4_Property::~c4_Property ()
c4_ThreadLock::Hold lock;
void c4_Property::operator= (const c4_Property& prop_)
c4_ThreadLock::Hold lock;
_id = prop_.GetId();
_type = prop_.Type();
/// Return the name of this property
const char* c4_Property::Name() const
c4_ThreadLock::Hold lock;
d4_assert(sPropNames != 0);
return sPropNames->GetAt(_id);
/** Adjust the reference count
* This is part of the implementation and shouldn't normally be called.
* This code is only called with the lock held, and always thread-safe.
void c4_Property::Refs(int diff_) const
d4_assert(diff_ == -1 || diff_ == +1);
d4_assert(sPropCounts != 0);
sPropCounts->ElementAt(_id) += diff_;
#if q4_CHECK
// get rid of the cache when the last property goes away
static t4_i32 sPropTotals;
sPropTotals += diff_;
if (sPropTotals == 0)