You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1754 lines
59 KiB
1754 lines
59 KiB
This file is part of KAddressbook.
Copyright (c) 2003 - 2004 Tobias Koenig <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of TQt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for TQt in the source distribution.
// Needed for ugly hack, to be removed in 4.0
#include <unistd.h> // for usleep
#include <tqeventloop.h>
#include <tqclipboard.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqwidgetstack.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <tqvbox.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
#include <tdeabc/addresseelist.h>
#include <tdeabc/errorhandler.h>
#include <tdeabc/resource.h>
#include <tdeabc/stdaddressbook.h>
#include <tdeabc/vcardconverter.h>
#include <tdeabc/resourcefile.h>
#include <tdeaboutdata.h>
#include <tdeaccelmanager.h>
#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <dcopclient.h>
#include <tdeactionclasses.h>
#include <tdecmdlineargs.h>
#include <kcmultidialog.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdeversion.h>
#include <tdeimproxy.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdemessagebox.h>
#include <kprinter.h>
#include <kprotocolinfo.h>
#include <kpushbutton.h>
#include <tderesources/selectdialog.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kstatusbar.h>
#include <kstdguiitem.h>
#include <kxmlguiclient.h>
#include <tdetoolbar.h>
#include <libtdepim/addresseeview.h>
#include <libtdepim/categoryeditdialog.h>
#include <libtdepim/categoryselectdialog.h>
#include <libtdepim/resourceabc.h>
#include "distributionlisteditor.h"
#include "addresseeutil.h"
#include "addresseeeditordialog.h"
#include "distributionlistentryview.h"
#include "extensionmanager.h"
#include "filterselectionwidget.h"
#include "incsearchwidget.h"
#include "jumpbuttonbar.h"
#include "kablock.h"
#include "kabprefs.h"
#include "kabtools.h"
#include "kaddressbookservice.h"
#include "kaddressbookiface.h"
#include "ldapsearchdialog.h"
#include "locationmap.h"
#include "printing/printingwizard.h"
#include "searchmanager.h"
#include "undocmds.h"
#include "viewmanager.h"
#include "xxportmanager.h"
#include "kabcore.h"
KABCore::KABCore( KXMLGUIClient *client, bool readWrite, TQWidget *parent,
const TQString &file, const char *name )
: KAB::Core( client, parent, name ), mStatusBar( 0 ), mViewManager( 0 ),
mExtensionManager( 0 ), mJumpButtonBar( 0 ), mCategorySelectDialog( 0 ),
mCategoryEditDialog( 0 ), mLdapSearchDialog( 0 ), mReadWrite( readWrite ),
mModified( false )
mWidget = new TQWidget( parent, name );
mIsPart = !parent->isA( "KAddressBookMain" );
mAddressBookChangedTimer = new TQTimer( this );
connect( mAddressBookChangedTimer, TQT_SIGNAL( timeout() ),
this, TQT_SLOT( addressBookChanged() ) );
if ( file.isEmpty() ) {
mAddressBook = TDEABC::StdAddressBook::self( true );
} else {
kdDebug(5720) << "KABCore(): document '" << file << "'" << endl;
mAddressBook = new TDEABC::AddressBook;
mAddressBook->addResource( new TDEABC::ResourceFile( file ) );
if ( !mAddressBook->load() ) {
KMessageBox::error( parent, i18n("Unable to load '%1'.").arg( file ) );
mAddressBook->setErrorHandler( new TDEABC::GuiErrorHandler( mWidget ) );
#if ! KDE_IS_VERSION(3,5,8)
mAddressBook->addCustomField( i18n( "Department" ), TDEABC::Field::Organization,
"X-Department", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
mAddressBook->addCustomField( i18n( "Profession" ), TDEABC::Field::Organization,
"X-Profession", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
mAddressBook->addCustomField( i18n( "Assistant's Name" ), TDEABC::Field::Organization,
"X-AssistantsName", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
mAddressBook->addCustomField( i18n( "Manager's Name" ), TDEABC::Field::Organization,
"X-ManagersName", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
mAddressBook->addCustomField( i18n( "Partner's Name" ), TDEABC::Field::Personal,
"X-SpousesName", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
mAddressBook->addCustomField( i18n( "Office" ), TDEABC::Field::Personal,
"X-Office", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
mAddressBook->addCustomField( i18n( "IM Address" ), TDEABC::Field::Personal,
"X-IMAddress", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
mAddressBook->addCustomField( i18n( "Anniversary" ), TDEABC::Field::Personal,
"X-Anniversary", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
mAddressBook->addCustomField( i18n( "Blog" ), TDEABC::Field::Personal,
"BlogFeed", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
mSearchManager = new KAB::SearchManager( mAddressBook, parent );
connect( mSearchManager, TQT_SIGNAL( contactsUpdated() ),
this, TQT_SLOT( slotContactsUpdated() ) );
connect( mAddressBook, TQT_SIGNAL( addressBookChanged( AddressBook* ) ),
TQT_SLOT( delayedAddressBookChanged() ) );
connect( mAddressBook, TQT_SIGNAL( loadingFinished( Resource* ) ),
TQT_SLOT( delayedAddressBookChanged() ) );
connect( mViewManager, TQT_SIGNAL( selected( const TQString& ) ),
TQT_SLOT( setContactSelected( const TQString& ) ) );
connect( mViewManager, TQT_SIGNAL( executed( const TQString& ) ),
TQT_SLOT( editContact( const TQString& ) ) );
connect( mViewManager, TQT_SIGNAL( modified() ),
TQT_SLOT( setModified() ) );
connect( mViewManager, TQT_SIGNAL( urlDropped( const KURL& ) ),
mXXPortManager, TQT_SLOT( importVCard( const KURL& ) ) );
connect( mViewManager, TQT_SIGNAL( viewFieldsChanged() ),
TQT_SLOT( updateIncSearchWidget() ) );
connect( mExtensionManager, TQT_SIGNAL( modified( const TDEABC::Addressee::List& ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( extensionModified( const TDEABC::Addressee::List& ) ) );
connect( mExtensionManager, TQT_SIGNAL( deleted( const TQStringList& ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( extensionDeleted( const TQStringList& ) ) );
connect( mXXPortManager, TQT_SIGNAL( modified() ),
TQT_SLOT( setModified() ) );
connect( mDetailsViewer, TQT_SIGNAL( highlightedMessage( const TQString& ) ),
TQT_SLOT( detailsHighlighted( const TQString& ) ) );
connect( mIncSearchWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( scrollUp() ),
mViewManager, TQT_SLOT( scrollUp() ) );
connect( mIncSearchWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( scrollDown() ),
mViewManager, TQT_SLOT( scrollDown() ) );
mAddressBookService = new KAddressBookService( this );
mCommandHistory = new KCommandHistory( actionCollection(), true );
connect( mCommandHistory, TQT_SIGNAL( commandExecuted() ),
mSearchManager, TQT_SLOT( reload() ) );
setModified( false );
TDEAcceleratorManager::manage( mWidget );
mKIMProxy = ::KIMProxy::instance( kapp->dcopClient() );
mAddressBook = 0;
mKIMProxy = 0;
void KABCore::restoreSettings()
bool state = KABPrefs::instance()->jumpButtonBarVisible();
mActionJumpBar->setChecked( state );
setJumpButtonBarVisible( state );
state = KABPrefs::instance()->detailsPageVisible();
mActionDetails->setChecked( state );
setDetailsVisible( state );
mIncSearchWidget->setCurrentItem( KABPrefs::instance()->currentIncSearchField() );
TQValueList<int> splitterSize = KABPrefs::instance()->detailsSplitter();
if ( splitterSize.count() == 0 ) {
splitterSize.append( 360 );
splitterSize.append( 260 );
mDetailsSplitter->setSizes( splitterSize );
const TQValueList<int> leftSplitterSizes = KABPrefs::instance()->leftSplitter();
if ( !leftSplitterSizes.isEmpty() )
mLeftSplitter->setSizes( leftSplitterSizes );
void KABCore::saveSettings()
KABPrefs::instance()->setJumpButtonBarVisible( mActionJumpBar->isChecked() );
KABPrefs::instance()->setDetailsPageVisible( mActionDetails->isChecked() );
KABPrefs::instance()->setDetailsSplitter( mDetailsSplitter->sizes() );
KABPrefs::instance()->setLeftSplitter( mLeftSplitter->sizes() );
KABPrefs::instance()->setCurrentIncSearchField( mIncSearchWidget->currentItem() );
TDEABC::AddressBook *KABCore::addressBook() const
return mAddressBook;
TDEConfig *KABCore::config() const
return KABPrefs::instance()->config();
TDEActionCollection *KABCore::actionCollection() const
return guiClient()->actionCollection();
TDEABC::Field *KABCore::currentSortField() const
return mViewManager->currentSortField();
TQStringList KABCore::selectedUIDs() const
return mViewManager->selectedUids();
TDEABC::Resource *KABCore::requestResource( TQWidget *parent )
TQPtrList<TDEABC::Resource> tdeabcResources = addressBook()->resources();
TQPtrList<KRES::Resource> kresResources;
TQPtrListIterator<TDEABC::Resource> resIt( tdeabcResources );
TDEABC::Resource *resource;
while ( ( resource = resIt.current() ) != 0 ) {
bool writable = false;
if ( resource->inherits( "KPIM::ResourceABC" ) ) {
KPIM::ResourceABC *resAbc = static_cast<KPIM::ResourceABC *>( resource );
const TQStringList subresources = resAbc->subresources();
for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = subresources.begin(); it != subresources.end(); ++it ) {
if ( resAbc->subresourceActive(*it) && resAbc->subresourceWritable(*it) ) {
writable = true;
} else {
if ( !resource->readOnly() ) {
writable = true;
if ( writable ) {
KRES::Resource *res = resource; // downcast
kresResources.append( res );
KRES::Resource *res = KRES::SelectDialog::getResource( kresResources, parent );
return static_cast<TDEABC::Resource*>( res ); // upcast
TQWidget *KABCore::widget() const
return mWidget;
TDEAboutData *KABCore::createAboutData()
TDEAboutData *about = new TDEAboutData( "kaddressbook", I18N_NOOP( "KAddressBook" ),
"3.5.13", I18N_NOOP( "The TDE Address Book" ),
I18N_NOOP( "(c) 2008-2010, The Trinity Team\n(c) 1997-2005, The KDE PIM Team" ) );
about->addAuthor( "Timothy Pearson", I18N_NOOP( "Current maintainer" ), "" );
about->addAuthor( "Tobias Koenig", I18N_NOOP( "Previous maintainer" ), "" );
about->addAuthor( "Don Sanders", I18N_NOOP( "Original author" ) );
about->addAuthor( "Cornelius Schumacher",
I18N_NOOP( "Co-maintainer, libtdeabc port, CSV import/export" ),
"" );
about->addAuthor( "Mike Pilone", I18N_NOOP( "GUI and framework redesign" ),
"" );
about->addAuthor( "Greg Stern", I18N_NOOP( "DCOP interface" ) );
about->addAuthor( "Mark Westcott", I18N_NOOP( "Contact pinning" ) );
about->addAuthor( "Mischel Boyer de la Giroday", I18N_NOOP( "LDAP Lookup" ),
"" );
about->addAuthor( "Steffen Hansen", I18N_NOOP( "LDAP Lookup" ),
"" );
return about;
void KABCore::setStatusBar( KStatusBar *statusBar )
mStatusBar = statusBar;
KStatusBar *KABCore::statusBar() const
return mStatusBar;
void KABCore::setContactSelected( const TQString &uid )
// Avoid crash on exit
if ( !mAddressBook ) {
TDEABC::Addressee addr = mAddressBook->findByUid( uid );
if ( !mDetailsViewer->isHidden() )
mDetailsViewer->setAddressee( addr );
if ( !mSelectedDistributionList.isNull() && mDistListEntryView->isShown() ) {
showDistributionListEntry( uid );
TDEABC::Addressee::List list = mViewManager->selectedAddressees();
const bool someSelected = list.size() > 0;
const bool singleSelected = list.size() == 1;
bool writable = mReadWrite;
if ( writable ) {
//check if every single (sub)resource is writable
//### We have a performance problem here - everytime *one* item is added or
// removed we re-check *all* items. If this turns out to be a bottleneck
// we need to keep some state and check new items only.
TDEABC::Addressee::List::ConstIterator addrIt = list.constBegin();
for ( ; addrIt != list.constEnd(); ++addrIt ) {
TDEABC::Resource *res = ( *addrIt ).resource();
if ( !res ) {
kdDebug() << "KABCore::setContactSelected: this addressee has no resource!" << endl;
writable = false;
if ( res->readOnly() ) {
writable = false;
//HACK: manual polymorphism
if ( res->inherits( "KPIM::ResourceABC" ) ) {
KPIM::ResourceABC *resAbc = static_cast<KPIM::ResourceABC *>( res );
TQString subresource = resAbc->uidToResourceMap()[ ( *addrIt ).uid() ];
if ( !subresource.isEmpty() && !resAbc->subresourceWritable( subresource ) ) {
writable = false;
bool moreThanOneResource = mAddressBook->resources().count() > 1;
if ( !moreThanOneResource && !mAddressBook->resources().isEmpty() ) {
TDEABC::Resource *res = mAddressBook->resources().first();
if ( res->inherits( "KPIM::ResourceABC" ) ) {
KPIM::ResourceABC *resAbc = static_cast<KPIM::ResourceABC *>( res );
const TQStringList subresources = resAbc->subresources();
int writeables = 0;
for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = subresources.begin(); it != subresources.end(); ++it ) {
if ( resAbc->subresourceActive(*it) && resAbc->subresourceWritable(*it) ) {
moreThanOneResource = ( writeables >= 2 );
// update the actions
mActionCopy->setEnabled( someSelected );
mActionCut->setEnabled( someSelected && writable );
mActionDelete->setEnabled( someSelected && writable );
// the "edit" dialog doubles as the details dialog and it knows when the addressee is read-only
// (### this does not make much sense from the user perspective!)
mActionEditAddressee->setEnabled( singleSelected && !mExtensionManager->isQuickEditVisible());
mActionCopyAddresseeTo->setEnabled( someSelected && moreThanOneResource );
mActionMoveAddresseeTo->setEnabled( someSelected && moreThanOneResource && writable );
mActionMail->setEnabled( someSelected );
mActionMailVCard->setEnabled( someSelected );
mActionChat->setEnabled( singleSelected && mKIMProxy && mKIMProxy->initialize() );
mActionWhoAmI->setEnabled( singleSelected );
mActionCategories->setEnabled( someSelected && writable );
mActionMerge->setEnabled( ( list.size() == 2 ) && writable );
if ( mReadWrite ) {
TQClipboard *cb = TQApplication::clipboard();
const TQMimeSource *data = cb->data( TQClipboard::Clipboard );
list = AddresseeUtil::clipboardToAddressees( data->encodedData( "text/x-vcard" ) );
list = AddresseeUtil::clipboardToAddressees( cb->text() );
mActionPaste->setEnabled( !list.isEmpty() );
mAddDistListButton->setEnabled( writable );
mRemoveDistListButton->setEnabled( someSelected && writable );
void KABCore::sendMail()
//FIXME: breaks with email addresses containing ","
sendMail( mViewManager->selectedEmails().join( ", " ) );
void KABCore::sendMail( const TQString& email )
kapp->invokeMailer( email, "" );
void KABCore::mailVCard()
TQStringList uids = mViewManager->selectedUids();
if ( !uids.isEmpty() )
mailVCard( uids );
void KABCore::mailVCard( const TQStringList &uids )
KABTools::mailVCards( uids, mAddressBook );
void KABCore::startChat()
TQStringList uids = mViewManager->selectedUids();
if ( !uids.isEmpty() )
mKIMProxy->chatWithContact( uids.first() );
void KABCore::browse( const TQString& url )
kapp->invokeBrowser( url );
void KABCore::selectAllContacts()
mViewManager->setSelected( TQString(), true );
void KABCore::deleteContacts()
TQStringList uidList = mViewManager->selectedUids();
deleteContacts( uidList );
void KABCore::deleteDistributionLists( const TQStringList & names )
if ( names.isEmpty() )
if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancelList( mWidget, i18n( "Do you really want to delete this distribution list?",
"Do you really want to delete these %n distribution lists?", names.count() ),
names, TQString(), KStdGuiItem::del() ) == KMessageBox::Cancel )
TQStringList uids;
for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = names.begin(); it != names.end(); ++it ) {
uids.append( KPIM::DistributionList::findByName( mAddressBook, *it ).uid() );
DeleteCommand *command = new DeleteCommand( mAddressBook, uids );
mCommandHistory->addCommand( command );
setModified( true );
void KABCore::deleteContacts( const TQStringList &uids )
if ( uids.count() > 0 ) {
TQStringList names;
TQStringList::ConstIterator it = uids.begin();
const TQStringList::ConstIterator endIt( uids.end() );
while ( it != endIt ) {
TDEABC::Addressee addr = mAddressBook->findByUid( *it );
names.append( addr.realName().isEmpty() ? addr.preferredEmail() : addr.realName() );
if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancelList(
i18n( "<qt>"
"Do you really want to delete this contact from your addressbook?<br>"
"<b>Note:</b>The contact will be also removed from all distribution lists."
"Do you really want to delete these %n contacts from your addressbook?<br>"
"<b>Note:</b>The contacts will be also removed from all distribution lists."
uids.count() ),
names, TQString(), KStdGuiItem::del() ) == KMessageBox::Cancel ) {
DeleteCommand *command = new DeleteCommand( mAddressBook, uids );
mCommandHistory->addCommand( command );
// now if we deleted anything, refresh
setContactSelected( TQString() );
setModified( true );
void KABCore::copyContacts()
TDEABC::Addressee::List addrList = mViewManager->selectedAddressees();
TQByteArray clipText = AddresseeUtil::addresseesToClipboard( addrList );
TQClipboard *cb = TQApplication::clipboard();
cb->setText( TQString::fromUtf8( ) );
TQString clipText = AddresseeUtil::addresseesToClipboard( addrList );
TQClipboard *cb = TQApplication::clipboard();
cb->setText( clipText );
void KABCore::cutContacts()
TQStringList uidList = mViewManager->selectedUids();
if ( uidList.size() > 0 ) {
CutCommand *command = new CutCommand( mAddressBook, uidList );
mCommandHistory->addCommand( command );
setModified( true );
void KABCore::pasteContacts()
TQClipboard *cb = TQApplication::clipboard();
const TQMimeSource *data = cb->data( TQClipboard::Clipboard );
TDEABC::Addressee::List list = AddresseeUtil::clipboardToAddressees( data->encodedData( "text/x-vcard" ) );
TDEABC::Addressee::List list = AddresseeUtil::clipboardToAddressees( cb->text() );
pasteContacts( list );
void KABCore::pasteContacts( TDEABC::Addressee::List &list )
TDEABC::Resource *resource = requestResource( mWidget );
if ( !resource )
TDEABC::Addressee::List::Iterator it;
const TDEABC::Addressee::List::Iterator endIt( list.end() );
for ( it = list.begin(); it != endIt; ++it )
(*it).setResource( resource );
PasteCommand *command = new PasteCommand( this, list );
mCommandHistory->addCommand( command );
setModified( true );
void KABCore::mergeContacts()
TDEABC::Addressee::List list = mViewManager->selectedAddressees();
if ( list.count() < 2 )
TDEABC::Addressee addr = KABTools::mergeContacts( list );
TDEABC::Addressee::List::Iterator it = list.begin();
const TDEABC::Addressee::List::Iterator endIt( list.end() );
TDEABC::Addressee origAddr = *it;
TQStringList uids;
while ( it != endIt ) {
uids.append( (*it).uid() );
DeleteCommand *command = new DeleteCommand( mAddressBook, uids );
mCommandHistory->addCommand( command );
EditCommand *editCommand = new EditCommand( mAddressBook, origAddr, addr );
mCommandHistory->addCommand( editCommand );
void KABCore::setWhoAmI()
TDEABC::Addressee::List addrList = mViewManager->selectedAddressees();
if ( addrList.count() > 1 ) {
// can probably be removed because we now check the selection in setContactSelected().
KMessageBox::sorry( mWidget, i18n( "Please select only one contact." ) );
TQString text( i18n( "<qt>Do you really want to use <b>%1</b> as your new personal contact?</qt>" ) );
if ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo( mWidget, text.arg( addrList[ 0 ].assembledName() ), TQString(), i18n("Use"), i18n("Do Not Use") ) == KMessageBox::Yes )
static_cast<TDEABC::StdAddressBook*>( TDEABC::StdAddressBook::self( true ) )->setWhoAmI( addrList[ 0 ] );
void KABCore::incrementalTextSearch( const TQString& text )
setContactSelected( TQString() );
mSearchManager->search( text, mIncSearchWidget->currentFields() );
void KABCore::incrementalJumpButtonSearch( const TQString& character )
mViewManager->setSelected( TQString(), false );
TDEABC::AddresseeList list = mSearchManager->contacts();
TDEABC::Field *field = mViewManager->currentSortField();
if ( field ) {
list.sortByField( field );
TDEABC::AddresseeList::ConstIterator it;
const TDEABC::AddresseeList::ConstIterator endIt( list.end() );
for ( it = list.begin(); it != endIt; ++it ) {
if ( field->value( *it ).startsWith( character, false ) ) {
mViewManager->setSelected( (*it).uid(), true );
void KABCore::setModified()
setModified( true );
void KABCore::setModified( bool modified )
mModified = modified;
mActionSave->setEnabled( mModified );
bool KABCore::modified() const
return mModified;
void KABCore::contactModified( const TDEABC::Addressee &addr )
Command *command = 0;
// check if it exists already
TDEABC::Addressee origAddr = mAddressBook->findByUid( addr.uid() );
if ( origAddr.isEmpty() ) {
TDEABC::Addressee::List addressees;
addressees.append( addr );
command = new NewCommand( mAddressBook, addressees );
} else {
command = new EditCommand( mAddressBook, origAddr, addr );
mCommandHistory->addCommand( command );
setContactSelected( addr.uid() );
setModified( true );
void KABCore::newDistributionList()
TDEABC::Resource *resource = requestResource( mWidget );
if ( !resource )
TQString name = i18n( "New Distribution List" );
const KPIM::DistributionList distList = KPIM::DistributionList::findByName( addressBook(), name );
if ( !distList.isEmpty() ) {
bool foundUnused = false;
int i = 1;
while ( !foundUnused ) {
name = i18n( "New Distribution List (%1)" ).arg( i++ );
foundUnused = KPIM::DistributionList::findByName( addressBook(), name ).isEmpty();
KPIM::DistributionList list;
list.setUid( TDEApplication::randomString( 10 ) );
list.setName( name );
list.setResource( resource );
editDistributionList( list );
void KABCore::newContact()
AddresseeEditorDialog *dialog = 0;
TDEABC::Resource* resource = requestResource( mWidget );
if ( resource ) {
TDEABC::Addressee addr;
addr.setResource( resource );
if ( !KABLock::self( mAddressBook )->lock( addr.resource() ) )
dialog = createAddresseeEditorDialog( mWidget );
dialog->setAddressee( addr );
} else
mEditorDict.insert( dialog->addressee().uid(), dialog );
void KABCore::addEmail( const TQString &aStr )
TQString fullName, email;
TDEABC::Addressee::parseEmailAddress( aStr, fullName, email );
#if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,4,89)
// This ugly hack will be removed in 4.0
// addressbook may not be reloaded yet, as done asynchronously sometimes, so wait
while ( !mAddressBook->loadingHasFinished() ) {
TQApplication::eventLoop()->processEvents( TQEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput );
// use sleep here to reduce cpu usage
usleep( 100 );
// Try to lookup the addressee matching the email address
bool found = false;
TQStringList emailList;
TDEABC::AddressBook::Iterator it;
const TDEABC::AddressBook::Iterator endIt( mAddressBook->end() );
for ( it = mAddressBook->begin(); !found && (it != endIt); ++it ) {
emailList = (*it).emails();
if ( emailList.contains( email ) > 0 ) {
found = true;
(*it).setNameFromString( fullName );
editContact( (*it).uid() );
if ( !found ) {
TDEABC::Addressee addr;
addr.setNameFromString( fullName );
addr.insertEmail( email, true );
mAddressBook->insertAddressee( addr );
mViewManager->refreshView( addr.uid() );
editContact( addr.uid() );
void KABCore::importVCard( const KURL &url )
mXXPortManager->importVCard( url );
void KABCore::importVCardFromData( const TQString &vCard )
mXXPortManager->importVCardFromData( vCard );
void KABCore::editContact( const TQString &uid )
if ( mExtensionManager->isQuickEditVisible() )
// First, locate the contact entry
TQString localUID = uid;
if ( localUID.isNull() ) {
TQStringList uidList = mViewManager->selectedUids();
if ( uidList.count() > 0 )
localUID = *( 0 ) );
#if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,4,89)
// This ugly hack will be removed in 4.0
// for calls with given uid, as done from commandline and DCOP
// addressbook may not be reloaded yet, as done asynchronously, so wait
else while ( !mAddressBook->loadingHasFinished() ) {
TQApplication::eventLoop()->processEvents( TQEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput );
// use sleep here to reduce cpu usage
usleep( 100 );
TDEABC::Addressee addr = mAddressBook->findByUid( localUID );
if ( !addr.isEmpty() ) {
AddresseeEditorDialog *dialog = mEditorDict.find( addr.uid() );
if ( !dialog ) {
if ( !addr.resource()->readOnly() )
if ( !KABLock::self( mAddressBook )->lock( addr.resource() ) ) {
dialog = createAddresseeEditorDialog( mWidget );
mEditorDict.insert( addr.uid(), dialog );
dialog->setAddressee( addr );
void KABCore::copySelectedContactToResource()
storeContactIn( TQString(), true /*copy*/);
void KABCore::moveSelectedContactToResource()
storeContactIn( TQString(), false /*copy*/);
void KABCore::storeContactIn( const TQString &uid, bool copy /*false*/ )
// First, locate the contact entry
TQStringList uidList;
if ( uid.isNull() ) {
uidList = mViewManager->selectedUids();
} else {
uidList << uid;
TDEABC::Resource *resource = requestResource( mWidget );
if ( !resource )
if ( copy ) {
CopyToCommand *command = new CopyToCommand( mAddressBook, uidList, resource );
mCommandHistory->addCommand( command );
else {
MoveToCommand *command = new MoveToCommand( this, uidList, resource );
mCommandHistory->addCommand( command );
setModified( true );
void KABCore::save()
TQPtrList<TDEABC::Resource> resources = mAddressBook->resources();
TQPtrListIterator<TDEABC::Resource> it( resources );
while ( it.current() && !it.current()->readOnly() ) {
TDEABC::Ticket *ticket = mAddressBook->requestSaveTicket( it.current() );
if ( ticket ) {
if ( !mAddressBook->save( ticket ) ) {
KMessageBox::error( mWidget,
i18n( "<qt>Unable to save address book <b>%1</b>.</qt>" ).arg( it.current()->resourceName() ) );
mAddressBook->releaseSaveTicket( ticket );
} else {
setModified( false );
} else {
KMessageBox::error( mWidget,
i18n( "<qt>Unable to get access for saving the address book <b>%1</b>.</qt>" )
.arg( it.current()->resourceName() ) );
void KABCore::load()
TQPtrList<TDEABC::Resource> resources = mAddressBook->resources();
TQPtrListIterator<TDEABC::Resource> it( resources );
while ( it.current() ) {
void KABCore::setJumpButtonBarVisible( bool visible )
if ( visible ) {
if ( !mJumpButtonBar )
} else
if ( mJumpButtonBar )
void KABCore::setDetailsVisible( bool visible )
if ( visible )
void KABCore::extensionModified( const TDEABC::Addressee::List &list )
if ( list.count() != 0 ) {
TDEABC::Addressee::List::ConstIterator it;
const TDEABC::Addressee::List::ConstIterator endIt( list.end() );
for ( it = list.begin(); it != endIt; ++it ) {
Command *command = 0;
// check if it exists already
TDEABC::Addressee origAddr = mAddressBook->findByUid( (*it).uid() );
if ( origAddr.isEmpty() ) {
TDEABC::Addressee::List addressees;
addressees.append( *it );
command = new NewCommand( mAddressBook, addressees );
} else
command = new EditCommand( mAddressBook, origAddr, *it );
mCommandHistory->blockSignals( true );
mCommandHistory->addCommand( command );
mCommandHistory->blockSignals( false );
void KABCore::extensionDeleted( const TQStringList &uidList )
DeleteCommand *command = new DeleteCommand( mAddressBook, uidList );
mCommandHistory->addCommand( command );
// now if we deleted anything, refresh
setContactSelected( TQString() );
setModified( true );
TQString KABCore::getNameByPhone( const TQString &phone )
#if KDE_IS_VERSION(3,4,89)
// This ugly hack will be removed in 4.0
// addressbook may not be reloaded yet, as done asynchronously, so wait
while ( !mAddressBook->loadingHasFinished() ) {
TQApplication::eventLoop()->processEvents( TQEventLoop::ExcludeUserInput );
// use sleep here to reduce cpu usage
usleep( 100 );
TQRegExp r( "[/*/-/ ]" );
TQString localPhone( phone );
bool found = false;
TQString ownerName = "";
TDEABC::PhoneNumber::List phoneList;
TDEABC::AddressBook::ConstIterator iter;
const TDEABC::AddressBook::ConstIterator endIter( mAddressBook->end() );
for ( iter = mAddressBook->begin(); !found && ( iter != endIter ); ++iter ) {
phoneList = (*iter).phoneNumbers();
TDEABC::PhoneNumber::List::Iterator phoneIter( phoneList.begin() );
const TDEABC::PhoneNumber::List::Iterator phoneEndIter( phoneList.end() );
for ( ; !found && ( phoneIter != phoneEndIter ); ++phoneIter) {
// Get rid of separator chars so just the numbers are compared.
if ( (*phoneIter).number().replace( r, "" ) == localPhone.replace( r, "" ) ) {
ownerName = (*iter).realName();
found = true;
return ownerName;
void KABCore::openLDAPDialog()
if ( !KProtocolInfo::isKnownProtocol( KURL( "ldap://localhost" ) ) ) {
KMessageBox::error( mWidget, i18n( "Your TDE installation is missing LDAP "
"support, please ask your administrator or distributor for more information." ),
i18n( "No LDAP IO Slave Available" ) );
if ( !mLdapSearchDialog ) {
mLdapSearchDialog = new LDAPSearchDialog( mAddressBook, this, mWidget );
connect( mLdapSearchDialog, TQT_SIGNAL( addresseesAdded() ),
TQT_SLOT( addressBookChanged() ) );
connect( mLdapSearchDialog, TQT_SIGNAL( addresseesAdded() ),
TQT_SLOT( setModified() ) );
} else
if ( mLdapSearchDialog->isOK() )
void KABCore::configure()
// Save the current config so we do not loose anything if the user accepts
KCMultiDialog dlg( mWidget, "", true );
connect( &dlg, TQT_SIGNAL( configCommitted() ),
this, TQT_SLOT( configurationChanged() ) );
dlg.addModule( "kabconfig.desktop" );
dlg.addModule( "kabldapconfig.desktop" );
dlg.addModule( "kabcustomfields.desktop" );
void KABCore::print()
KPrinter printer;
printer.setDocName( i18n( "Address Book" ) );
printer.setDocFileName( "addressbook" );
if ( !printer.setup( mWidget, i18n("Print Addresses") ) )
KABPrinting::PrintingWizard wizard( &printer, mAddressBook,
mViewManager->selectedUids(), mWidget );
void KABCore::detailsHighlighted( const TQString &msg )
if ( mStatusBar ) {
if ( !mStatusBar->hasItem( 2 ) )
mStatusBar->insertItem( msg, 2 );
mStatusBar->changeItem( msg, 2 );
void KABCore::showContactsAddress( const TQString &addrUid )
TQStringList uidList = mViewManager->selectedUids();
if ( uidList.isEmpty() )
TDEABC::Addressee addr = mAddressBook->findByUid( uidList.first() );
if ( addr.isEmpty() )
const TDEABC::Address::List list = addr.addresses();
TDEABC::Address::List::ConstIterator it;
const TDEABC::Address::List::ConstIterator endIt( list.end() );
for ( it = list.begin(); it != endIt; ++it )
if ( (*it).id() == addrUid ) {
LocationMap::instance()->showAddress( *it );
void KABCore::configurationChanged()
bool KABCore::queryClose()
TQPtrList<TDEABC::Resource> resources = mAddressBook->resources();
TQPtrListIterator<TDEABC::Resource> it( resources );
while ( it.current() ) {
return true;
void KABCore::reinitXMLGUI()
void KABCore::delayedAddressBookChanged()
mAddressBookChangedTimer->start( 1000 );
void KABCore::addressBookChanged()
const TQStringList selectedUids = mViewManager->selectedUids();
if ( mJumpButtonBar )
mViewManager->setSelected( TQString(), false );
TQString uid = TQString();
if ( !selectedUids.isEmpty() ) {
uid = selectedUids.first();
mViewManager->setSelected( uid, true );
setContactSelected( uid );
AddresseeEditorDialog *KABCore::createAddresseeEditorDialog( TQWidget *parent,
const char *name )
AddresseeEditorDialog *dialog = new AddresseeEditorDialog( this, parent,
name ? name : "editorDialog" );
connect( dialog, TQT_SIGNAL( contactModified( const TDEABC::Addressee& ) ),
TQT_SLOT( contactModified( const TDEABC::Addressee& ) ) );
connect( dialog, TQT_SIGNAL( editorDestroyed( const TQString& ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotEditorDestroyed( const TQString& ) ) );
return dialog;
void KABCore::activateDetailsWidget( TQWidget *widget )
if ( mDetailsStack->visibleWidget() == widget )
mDetailsStack->raiseWidget( widget );
void KABCore::deactivateDetailsWidget( TQWidget *widget )
if ( mDetailsStack->visibleWidget() != widget )
mDetailsStack->raiseWidget( mDetailsWidget );
void KABCore::slotEditorDestroyed( const TQString &uid )
AddresseeEditorDialog *dialog = mEditorDict.take( uid );
TDEABC::Addressee addr = dialog->addressee();
if ( !addr.resource()->readOnly() ) {
TQApplication::setOverrideCursor( TQt::waitCursor );
KABLock::self( mAddressBook )->unlock( addr.resource() );
void KABCore::initGUI()
TQVBoxLayout *topLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( mWidget, 0, 0 );
TDEToolBar* searchTB = new TDEToolBar( mWidget, "search toolbar");
searchTB->boxLayout()->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
mIncSearchWidget = new IncSearchWidget( searchTB, "tde toolbar widget");
searchTB->setStretchableWidget( mIncSearchWidget );
connect( mIncSearchWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( doSearch( const TQString& ) ),
TQT_SLOT( incrementalTextSearch( const TQString& ) ) );
mDetailsSplitter = new TQSplitter( mWidget );
mLeftSplitter = new TQSplitter( mDetailsSplitter );
mLeftSplitter->setOrientation( KABPrefs::instance()->contactListAboveExtensions() ? TQt::Vertical : TQt::Horizontal );
topLayout->addWidget( searchTB );
topLayout->addWidget( mDetailsSplitter );
mDetailsStack = new TQWidgetStack( mDetailsSplitter );
mExtensionManager = new ExtensionManager( new TQWidget( mLeftSplitter ), mDetailsStack, this, this );
connect( mExtensionManager, TQT_SIGNAL( detailsWidgetDeactivated( TQWidget* ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( deactivateDetailsWidget( TQWidget* ) ) );
connect( mExtensionManager, TQT_SIGNAL( detailsWidgetActivated( TQWidget* ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( activateDetailsWidget( TQWidget* ) ) );
TQWidget *viewWidget = new TQWidget( mLeftSplitter );
if ( KABPrefs::instance()->contactListAboveExtensions() )
mLeftSplitter->moveToFirst( viewWidget );
TQVBoxLayout *viewLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( viewWidget );
viewLayout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
mViewHeaderLabel = new TQLabel( viewWidget );
// mViewHeaderLabel->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Fixed );
mViewHeaderLabel->setText( i18n( "Contacts" ) );
viewLayout->addWidget( mViewHeaderLabel );
mViewManager = new ViewManager( this, viewWidget );
viewLayout->addWidget( mViewManager, 1 );
mDistListButtonWidget = new TQWidget( viewWidget );
TQHBoxLayout *buttonLayout = new TQHBoxLayout( mDistListButtonWidget );
buttonLayout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
buttonLayout->addStretch( 1 );
mAddDistListButton = new KPushButton( mDistListButtonWidget );
mAddDistListButton->setEnabled( false );
mAddDistListButton->setText( i18n( "Add" ) );
TQToolTip::add( mAddDistListButton, i18n( "Add contacts to the distribution list" ) );
TQWhatsThis::add( mAddDistListButton,
i18n( "Click this button if you want to add more contacts to "
"the current distribution list. You will be shown a dialog that allows "
"to enter a list of existing contacts to this distribution list." ) );
connect( mAddDistListButton, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ),
this, TQT_SLOT( editSelectedDistributionList() ) );
buttonLayout->addWidget( mAddDistListButton );
mDistListButtonWidget->setShown( false );
viewLayout->addWidget( mDistListButtonWidget );
mRemoveDistListButton = new KPushButton( mDistListButtonWidget );
mRemoveDistListButton->setEnabled( false );
mRemoveDistListButton->setText( i18n( "Remove" ) );
TQToolTip::add( mRemoveDistListButton, i18n( "Remove contacts from the distribution list" ) );
TQWhatsThis::add( mRemoveDistListButton,
i18n( "Click this button if you want to remove the selected contacts from "
"the current distribution list." ) );
connect( mRemoveDistListButton, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ),
this, TQT_SLOT( removeSelectedContactsFromDistList() ) );
buttonLayout->addWidget( mRemoveDistListButton );
mFilterSelectionWidget = new FilterSelectionWidget( searchTB , "tde toolbar widget" );
mViewManager->setFilterSelectionWidget( mFilterSelectionWidget );
connect( mFilterSelectionWidget, TQT_SIGNAL( filterActivated( int ) ),
mViewManager, TQT_SLOT( setActiveFilter( int ) ) );
mDetailsWidget = new TQWidget( mDetailsSplitter );
mDetailsLayout = new TQHBoxLayout( mDetailsWidget );
mDetailsPage = new TQWidget( mDetailsWidget );
mDetailsLayout->addWidget( mDetailsPage );
TQHBoxLayout *detailsPageLayout = new TQHBoxLayout( mDetailsPage, 0, 0 );
mDetailsViewer = new KPIM::AddresseeView( mDetailsPage );
mDetailsViewer->setVScrollBarMode( TQScrollView::Auto );
detailsPageLayout->addWidget( mDetailsViewer );
mDistListEntryView = new KAB::DistributionListEntryView( this, mWidget );
connect( mDistListEntryView, TQT_SIGNAL( distributionListClicked( const TQString& ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( sendMailToDistributionList( const TQString& ) ) );
mDetailsStack->addWidget( mDistListEntryView );
mDetailsStack->addWidget( mDetailsWidget );
mDetailsStack->raiseWidget( mDetailsWidget );
mDetailsSplitter->moveToLast( mDetailsStack );
connect( mDetailsViewer, TQT_SIGNAL( addressClicked( const TQString&) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( showContactsAddress( const TQString& ) ) );
topLayout->setStretchFactor( mDetailsSplitter, 1 );
mXXPortManager = new XXPortManager( this, mWidget );
void KABCore::createJumpButtonBar()
mJumpButtonBar = new JumpButtonBar( this, mDetailsWidget );
mDetailsLayout->addWidget( mJumpButtonBar );
mDetailsLayout->setStretchFactor( mJumpButtonBar, 1 );
connect( mJumpButtonBar, TQT_SIGNAL( jumpToLetter( const TQString& ) ),
TQT_SLOT( incrementalJumpButtonSearch( const TQString& ) ) );
connect( mViewManager, TQT_SIGNAL( sortFieldChanged() ),
mJumpButtonBar, TQT_SLOT( updateButtons() ) );
void KABCore::initActions()
connect( TQApplication::clipboard(), TQT_SIGNAL( dataChanged() ),
TQT_SLOT( clipboardDataChanged() ) );
TDEAction *action;
// file menu
mActionMail = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Send Email to Contact..." ), "mail-send", 0,
this, TQT_SLOT( sendMail() ), actionCollection(), "file_mail" );
action = KStdAction::print( this, TQT_SLOT( print() ), actionCollection() );
mActionMail->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Send a mail to all selected contacts." ) );
action->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Print a special number of contacts." ) );
mActionSave = KStdAction::save( this,
TQT_SLOT( save() ), actionCollection(), "file_sync" );
mActionSave->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Save all changes of the address book to the storage backend." ) );
action = new TDEAction( i18n( "&New Contact..." ), "identity", CTRL+Key_N, this,
TQT_SLOT( newContact() ), actionCollection(), "file_new_contact" );
action->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Create a new contact<p>You will be presented with a dialog where you can add all data about a person, including addresses and phone numbers." ) );
action = new TDEAction( i18n( "&New Distribution List..." ), "kontact_contacts", 0, this,
TQT_SLOT( newDistributionList() ), actionCollection(), "file_new_distributionlist" );
action->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Create a new distribution list<p>You will be presented with a dialog where you can create a new distribution list." ) );
mActionMailVCard = new TDEAction( i18n("Send &Contact..."), "mail_post_to", 0,
this, TQT_SLOT( mailVCard() ),
actionCollection(), "file_mail_vcard" );
mActionMailVCard->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Send a mail with the selected contact as attachment." ) );
mActionChat = new TDEAction( i18n("Chat &With..."), 0,
this, TQT_SLOT( startChat() ),
actionCollection(), "file_chat" );
mActionChat->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Start a chat with the selected contact." ) );
mActionEditAddressee = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Edit Contact..." ), "edit", 0,
this, TQT_SLOT( editContact() ),
actionCollection(), "file_properties" );
mActionEditAddressee->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Edit a contact<p>You will be presented with a dialog where you can change all data about a person, including addresses and phone numbers." ) );
mActionMerge = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Merge Contacts" ), "", 0,
this, TQT_SLOT( mergeContacts() ),
actionCollection(), "edit_merge" );
// edit menu
mActionCopy = KStdAction::copy( this, TQT_SLOT( copyContacts() ), actionCollection() );
mActionCut = KStdAction::cut( this, TQT_SLOT( cutContacts() ), actionCollection() );
mActionPaste = KStdAction::paste( this, TQT_SLOT( pasteContacts() ), actionCollection() );
action = KStdAction::selectAll( this, TQT_SLOT( selectAllContacts() ), actionCollection() );
mActionCopy->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Copy the currently selected contact(s) to system clipboard in vCard format." ) );
mActionCut->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Cuts the currently selected contact(s) to system clipboard in vCard format." ) );
mActionPaste->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Paste the previously cut or copied contacts from clipboard." ) );
action->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Selects all visible contacts from current view." ) );
// mActionUndo->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Undoes the last <b>Cut</b>, <b>Copy</b> or <b>Paste</b>." ) );
// mActionRedo->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Redoes the last <b>Cut</b>, <b>Copy</b> or <b>Paste</b>." ) );
mActionDelete = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Delete Contact" ), "edit-delete",
Key_Delete, this, TQT_SLOT( deleteContacts() ),
actionCollection(), "edit_delete" );
mActionDelete->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Delete all selected contacts." ) );
mActionCopyAddresseeTo = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Copy Contact To..." ), "", 0,
this, TQT_SLOT( copySelectedContactToResource() ),
actionCollection(), "copy_contact_to" );
const TQString copyMoveWhatsThis = i18n( "Store a contact in a different Addressbook<p>You will be presented with a dialog where you can select a new storage place for this contact." );
mActionCopyAddresseeTo->setWhatsThis( copyMoveWhatsThis );
mActionMoveAddresseeTo = new TDEAction( i18n( "M&ove Contact To..." ), "", 0,
this, TQT_SLOT( moveSelectedContactToResource() ),
actionCollection(), "move_contact_to" );
mActionMoveAddresseeTo->setWhatsThis( copyMoveWhatsThis );
// settings menu
mActionJumpBar = new TDEToggleAction( i18n( "Show Jump Bar" ), "next", 0,
actionCollection(), "options_show_jump_bar" );
mActionJumpBar->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Toggle whether the jump button bar shall be visible." ) );
mActionJumpBar->setCheckedState( i18n( "Hide Jump Bar") );
connect( mActionJumpBar, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), TQT_SLOT( setJumpButtonBarVisible( bool ) ) );
mActionDetails = new TDEToggleAction( i18n( "Show Details" ), 0, 0,
actionCollection(), "options_show_details" );
mActionDetails->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Toggle whether the details page shall be visible." ) );
mActionDetails->setCheckedState( i18n( "Hide Details") );
connect( mActionDetails, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), TQT_SLOT( setDetailsVisible( bool ) ) );
if ( mIsPart )
action = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Configure Address Book..." ), "configure", 0,
this, TQT_SLOT( configure() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_configure" );
action = KStdAction::preferences( this, TQT_SLOT( configure() ), actionCollection() );
action->setWhatsThis( i18n( "You will be presented with a dialog, that offers you all possibilities to configure KAddressBook." ) );
// misc
action = new TDEAction( i18n( "&Lookup Addresses in LDAP Directory..." ), "edit-find", 0,
this, TQT_SLOT( openLDAPDialog() ), actionCollection(), "ldap_lookup" );
action->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Search for contacts on a LDAP server<p>You will be presented with a dialog, where you can search for contacts and select the ones you want to add to your local address book." ) );
mActionWhoAmI = new TDEAction( i18n( "Set as Personal Contact Data" ), "preferences-desktop-personal", 0, this,
TQT_SLOT( setWhoAmI() ), actionCollection(),
"edit_set_personal" );
mActionWhoAmI->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Set the personal contact<p>The data of this contact will be used in many other TDE applications, so you do not have to input your personal data several times." ) );
mActionCategories = new TDEAction( i18n( "Select Categories..." ), 0, this,
TQT_SLOT( setCategories() ), actionCollection(),
"edit_set_categories" );
mActionCategories->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Set the categories for all selected contacts." ) );
TDEAction *clearLocation = new TDEAction( i18n( "Clear Search Bar" ),
TQApplication::reverseLayout() ? "clear_left" : "locationbar_erase",
CTRL+Key_L, this, TQT_SLOT( slotClearSearchBar() ), actionCollection(), "clear_search" );
clearLocation->setWhatsThis( i18n( "Clear Search Bar<p>"
"Clears the content of the quick search bar." ) );
void KABCore::clipboardDataChanged()
if ( mReadWrite )
mActionPaste->setEnabled( !TQApplication::clipboard()->text().isEmpty() );
void KABCore::updateIncSearchWidget()
mIncSearchWidget->setViewFields( mViewManager->viewFields() );
void KABCore::updateCategories()
TQStringList categories( allCategories() );
const TQStringList customCategories( KABPrefs::instance()->customCategories() );
TQStringList::ConstIterator it;
const TQStringList::ConstIterator endIt( customCategories.end() );
for ( it = customCategories.begin(); it != endIt; ++it ) {
if ( categories.find( *it ) == categories.end() ) {
categories.append( *it );
KABPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories = categories;
if ( mCategoryEditDialog )
TQStringList KABCore::allCategories() const
TQStringList categories, allCategories;
TQStringList::ConstIterator catIt;
// Avoid crash on exit
if ( !mAddressBook ) {
return allCategories;
TDEABC::AddressBook::ConstIterator it;
const TDEABC::AddressBook::ConstIterator endIt( mAddressBook->end() );
for ( it = mAddressBook->begin(); it != endIt; ++it ) {
categories = (*it).categories();
const TQStringList::ConstIterator catEndIt( categories.end() );
for ( catIt = categories.begin(); catIt != catEndIt; ++catIt ) {
if ( !allCategories.contains( *catIt ) )
allCategories.append( *catIt );
return allCategories;
void KABCore::setCategories()
// Show the category dialog
if ( mCategorySelectDialog == 0 ) {
mCategorySelectDialog = new KPIM::CategorySelectDialog( KABPrefs::instance(), mWidget );
connect( mCategorySelectDialog, TQT_SIGNAL( categoriesSelected( const TQStringList& ) ),
TQT_SLOT( categoriesSelected( const TQStringList& ) ) );
connect( mCategorySelectDialog, TQT_SIGNAL( editCategories() ), TQT_SLOT( editCategories() ) );
void KABCore::categoriesSelected( const TQStringList &categories )
bool merge = false;
TQString msg = i18n( "Merge with existing categories?" );
if ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo( mWidget, msg, TQString(), i18n( "Merge" ), i18n( "Do Not Merge" ) ) == KMessageBox::Yes )
merge = true;
TQStringList uids = mViewManager->selectedUids();
TQStringList::ConstIterator it;
const TQStringList::ConstIterator endIt( uids.end() );
for ( it = uids.begin(); it != endIt; ++it ) {
TDEABC::Addressee addr = mAddressBook->findByUid( *it );
if ( !addr.isEmpty() ) {
if ( !merge )
addr.setCategories( categories );
else {
TQStringList addrCategories = addr.categories();
TQStringList::ConstIterator catIt;
const TQStringList::ConstIterator catEndIt( categories.end() );
for ( catIt = categories.begin(); catIt != catEndIt; ++catIt ) {
if ( !addrCategories.contains( *catIt ) )
addrCategories.append( *catIt );
addr.setCategories( addrCategories );
mAddressBook->insertAddressee( addr );
if ( uids.count() > 0 )
setModified( true );
void KABCore::editCategories()
if ( mCategoryEditDialog == 0 ) {
mCategoryEditDialog = new KPIM::CategoryEditDialog( KABPrefs::instance(), mWidget );
connect( mCategoryEditDialog, TQT_SIGNAL( categoryConfigChanged() ),
mCategorySelectDialog, TQT_SLOT( updateCategoryConfig() ) );
void KABCore::slotClearSearchBar()
void KABCore::slotContactsUpdated()
if ( mStatusBar ) {
TQString msg( i18n( "%n contact matches", "%n contacts matching", mSearchManager->contacts().count() ) );
if ( !mStatusBar->hasItem( 1 ) )
mStatusBar->insertItem( msg, 1 );
mStatusBar->changeItem( msg, 1 );
emit contactsUpdated();
bool KABCore::handleCommandLine( KAddressBookIface* iface )
TDECmdLineArgs *args = TDECmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
TQCString addrStr = args->getOption( "addr" );
TQCString uidStr = args->getOption( "uid" );
TQString addr, uid, vcard;
if ( !addrStr.isEmpty() )
addr = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( addrStr );
if ( !uidStr.isEmpty() )
uid = TQString::fromLocal8Bit( uidStr );
bool doneSomething = false;
// Can not see why anyone would pass both a uid and an email address, so I'll leave it that two contact editors will show if they do
if ( !addr.isEmpty() ) {
iface->addEmail( addr );
doneSomething = true;
if ( !uid.isEmpty() ) {
iface->showContactEditor( uid );
doneSomething = true;
if ( args->isSet( "new-contact" ) ) {
doneSomething = true;
if ( args->count() >= 1 ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < args->count(); ++i )
iface->importVCard( args->url( i ).url() );
doneSomething = true;
return doneSomething;
void KABCore::removeSelectedContactsFromDistList()
KPIM::DistributionList dist = KPIM::DistributionList::findByName( addressBook(), mSelectedDistributionList );
if ( dist.isEmpty() )
const TQStringList uids = selectedUIDs();
if ( uids.isEmpty() )
TQStringList names;
TQStringList::ConstIterator it = uids.begin();
const TQStringList::ConstIterator endIt( uids.end() );
while ( it != endIt ) {
TDEABC::Addressee addr = mAddressBook->findByUid( *it );
names.append( addr.realName().isEmpty() ? addr.preferredEmail() : addr.realName() );
if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancelList(
i18n( "<qt>"
"Do you really want to remove this contact from the %1 distribution list?<br>"
"<b>Note:</b>The contact will be not be removed from your addressbook nor from "
"any other distribution list."
"Do you really want to remove these %n contacts from the %1 distribution list?<br>"
"<b>Note:</b>The contacts will be not be removed from your addressbook nor from "
"any other distribution list."
uids.count() ).arg( mSelectedDistributionList ),
names, TQString(), KStdGuiItem::del() ) == KMessageBox::Cancel ) {
for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator uidIt = uids.begin(); uidIt != uids.end(); ++uidIt ) {
typedef KPIM::DistributionList::Entry::List EntryList;
const EntryList entries = dist.entries( addressBook() );
for ( EntryList::ConstIterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).addressee.uid() == (*uidIt) ) {
dist.removeEntry( (*it).addressee, (*it).email );
addressBook()->insertAddressee( dist );
void KABCore::sendMailToDistributionList( const TQString &name )
KPIM::DistributionList dist = KPIM::DistributionList::findByName( addressBook(), name );
if ( dist.isEmpty() )
typedef KPIM::DistributionList::Entry::List EntryList;
TQStringList mails;
const EntryList entries = dist.entries( addressBook() );
for ( EntryList::ConstIterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it )
mails += (*it).addressee.fullEmail( (*it).email );
sendMail( mails.join( ", " ) );
void KABCore::editSelectedDistributionList()
editDistributionList( KPIM::DistributionList::findByName( addressBook(), mSelectedDistributionList ) );
void KABCore::editDistributionList( const TQString &name )
editDistributionList( KPIM::DistributionList::findByName( addressBook(), name ) );
void KABCore::showDistributionListEntry( const TQString& uid )
KPIM::DistributionList dist = KPIM::DistributionList::findByName( addressBook(), mSelectedDistributionList );
if ( !dist.isEmpty() ) {
typedef KPIM::DistributionList::Entry::List EntryList;
const EntryList entries = dist.entries( addressBook() );
for (EntryList::ConstIterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).addressee.uid() == uid ) {
mDistListEntryView->setEntry( dist, *it );
void KABCore::editDistributionList( const KPIM::DistributionList &dist )
if ( dist.isEmpty() )
TQGuardedPtr<KPIM::DistributionListEditor::EditorWidget> dlg = new KPIM::DistributionListEditor::EditorWidget( addressBook(), widget() );
dlg->setDistributionList( dist );
if ( dlg->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted && dlg ) {
const KPIM::DistributionList newDist = dlg->distributionList();
if ( newDist != dist ) {
delete dlg;
KPIM::DistributionList::List KABCore::distributionLists() const
return mSearchManager->distributionLists();
void KABCore::setSelectedDistributionList( const TQString &name )
mSelectedDistributionList = name;
mSearchManager->setSelectedDistributionList( name );
mViewHeaderLabel->setText( name.isNull() ?
i18n( "Contacts" ) :
i18n( "Distribution List: %1" ).arg( name ) );
mDistListButtonWidget->setShown( !mSelectedDistributionList.isNull() );
if ( !name.isNull() ) {
mDetailsStack->raiseWidget( mDistListEntryView );
if ( selectedUIDs().isEmpty() ) {
mViewManager->setFirstSelected( true );
const TQStringList selectedUids = selectedUIDs();
showDistributionListEntry( selectedUids.isEmpty() ? TQString() : selectedUids.first() );
} else {
mDetailsStack->raiseWidget( mExtensionManager->activeDetailsWidget() ?
mExtensionManager->activeDetailsWidget() : mDetailsWidget );
TQStringList KABCore::distributionListNames() const
return mSearchManager->distributionListNames();
#include "kabcore.moc"