You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
722 lines
24 KiB
722 lines
24 KiB
This file is part of KOrganizer.
Copyright (c) 2003,2004 Cornelius Schumacher <>
Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Reinhold Kainhofer <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
#include "resourceview.h"
#include <kcolordialog.h>
#include <kdialog.h>
#include <klistview.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kinputdialog.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kresources/resource.h>
#include <kresources/configdialog.h>
#include <libkcal/calendarresources.h>
#include <qhbox.h>
#include <qheader.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <qtooltip.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include "koprefs.h"
using namespace KCal;
ResourceViewFactory::ResourceViewFactory( KCal::CalendarResources *calendar,
CalendarView *view )
: mCalendar( calendar ), mView( view ), mResourceView( 0 )
CalendarViewExtension *ResourceViewFactory::create( QWidget *parent )
mResourceView = new ResourceView( mCalendar, parent );
QObject::connect( mResourceView, SIGNAL( resourcesChanged() ),
mView, SLOT( resourcesChanged() ) );
QObject::connect( mResourceView, SIGNAL( resourcesChanged() ),
mView, SLOT( updateCategories() ) );
QObject::connect( mCalendar,
SIGNAL( signalResourceAdded( ResourceCalendar * ) ),
SLOT( addResourceItem( ResourceCalendar * ) ) );
QObject::connect( mCalendar,
SIGNAL( signalResourceModified( ResourceCalendar * ) ),
SLOT( updateResourceItem( ResourceCalendar * ) ) );
QObject::connect( mCalendar, SIGNAL( signalResourceAdded( ResourceCalendar * ) ),
mView, SLOT( updateCategories() ) );
QObject::connect( mCalendar, SIGNAL( signalResourceModified( ResourceCalendar * ) ),
mView, SLOT( updateCategories() ) );
return mResourceView;
ResourceView *ResourceViewFactory::resourceView() const
return mResourceView;
ResourceItem::ResourceItem( ResourceCalendar *resource, ResourceView *view,
KListView *parent )
: QCheckListItem( parent, resource->resourceName(), CheckBox ),
mResource( resource ), mView( view ), mBlockStateChange( false ),
mIsSubresource( false ), mResourceIdentifier( QString::null ),
mSubItemsCreated( false ), mIsStandardResource( false )
mResourceColor = QColor();
if ( mResource->isActive() ) {
void ResourceItem::createSubresourceItems()
const QStringList subresources = mResource->subresources();
if ( !subresources.isEmpty() ) {
setOpen( true );
setExpandable( true );
// This resource has subresources
QStringList::ConstIterator it;
for ( it=subresources.begin(); it!=subresources.end(); ++it ) {
ResourceItem *item = new ResourceItem( mResource, *it, mResource->labelForSubresource( *it ),
mView, this );
QColor resourceColor = *KOPrefs::instance()->resourceColor( *it );
item->setResourceColor( resourceColor );
mSubItemsCreated = true;
ResourceItem::ResourceItem( KCal::ResourceCalendar *resource,
const QString& sub, const QString& label,
ResourceView *view, ResourceItem* parent )
: QCheckListItem( parent, label, CheckBox ), mResource( resource ),
mView( view ), mBlockStateChange( false ), mIsSubresource( true ),
mSubItemsCreated( false ), mIsStandardResource( false )
mResourceColor = QColor();
mResourceIdentifier = sub;
void ResourceItem::setGuiState()
mBlockStateChange = true;
if ( mIsSubresource )
setOn( mResource->subresourceActive( mResourceIdentifier ) );
setOn( mResource->isActive() );
mBlockStateChange = false;
void ResourceItem::stateChange( bool active )
if ( mBlockStateChange ) return;
if ( mIsSubresource ) {
mResource->setSubresourceActive( mResourceIdentifier, active );
} else {
if ( active ) {
if ( mResource->load() ) {
mResource->setActive( true );
if ( !mSubItemsCreated )
} else {
if ( mResource->save() ) mResource->setActive( false );
mView->requestClose( mResource );
setOpen( mResource->isActive() && childCount() > 0 );
void ResourceItem::update()
void ResourceItem::setResourceColor(QColor& color)
if ( color.isValid() ) {
if ( mResourceColor != color ) {
QPixmap px(height()-4,height()-4);
mResourceColor = color;
} else {
mResourceColor = color ;
void ResourceItem::setStandardResource( bool std )
if ( mIsStandardResource != std ) {
mIsStandardResource = std;
void ResourceItem::paintCell(QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg,
int column, int width, int alignment)
QFont oldFont = p->font();
QFont newFont = oldFont;
newFont.setBold( mIsStandardResource && !mIsSubresource );
p->setFont( newFont );
QCheckListItem::paintCell( p, cg, column, width, alignment );
p->setFont( oldFont );
/* QColorGroup _cg = cg;
if(!mResource) return;
_cg.setColor(QColorGroup::Base, getTextColor(mResourceColor));*/
ResourceView::ResourceView( KCal::CalendarResources *calendar,
QWidget *parent, const char *name )
: CalendarViewExtension( parent, name ), mCalendar( calendar )
QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this, 0, KDialog::spacingHint() );
QHBoxLayout *buttonBox = new QHBoxLayout();
buttonBox->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
topLayout->addLayout( buttonBox );
QLabel *calLabel = new QLabel( i18n( "Calendar" ), this );
buttonBox->addWidget( calLabel );
buttonBox->addStretch( 1 );
mAddButton = new QPushButton( this, "add" );
mAddButton->setIconSet( SmallIconSet( "add" ) );
buttonBox->addWidget( mAddButton );
QToolTip::add( mAddButton, i18n( "Add calendar" ) );
QWhatsThis::add( mAddButton,
i18n( "<qt><p>Press this button to add a resource to "
"<p>Events, journal entries and to-dos are retrieved "
"and stored on resources. Available "
"resources include groupware servers, local files, "
"journal entries as blogs on a server, etc... </p>"
"<p>If you have more than one active resource, "
"when creating incidents you will either automatically "
"use the default resource or be prompted "
"to select the resource to use.</p></qt>" ) );
mEditButton = new QPushButton( this, "edit" );
mEditButton->setIconSet( SmallIconSet( "edit" ) );
buttonBox->addWidget( mEditButton );
QToolTip::add( mEditButton, i18n( "Edit calendar settings" ) );
QWhatsThis::add( mEditButton,
i18n( "Press this button to edit the resource currently "
"selected on the KOrganizer resources list above." ) );
mDeleteButton = new QPushButton( this, "del" );
mDeleteButton->setIconSet( SmallIconSet( "remove" ) );
buttonBox->addWidget( mDeleteButton );
QToolTip::add( mDeleteButton, i18n( "Remove calendar" ) );
QWhatsThis::add( mDeleteButton,
i18n( "Press this button to delete the resource currently "
"selected on the KOrganizer resources list above." ) );
mDeleteButton->setDisabled( true );
mEditButton->setDisabled( true );
mListView = new KListView( this );
QWhatsThis::add( mListView,
i18n( "<qt><p>Select on this list the active KOrganizer "
"resources. Check the resource box to make it "
"active. Press the \"Add...\" button below to add new "
"resources to the list.</p>"
"<p>Events, journal entries and to-dos are retrieved "
"and stored on resources. Available "
"resources include groupware servers, local files, "
"journal entries as blogs on a server, etc...</p>"
"<p>If you have more than one active resource, "
"when creating incidents you will either automatically "
"use the default resource or be prompted "
"to select the resource to use.</p></qt>" ) );
mListView->addColumn( i18n("Calendar") );
mListView->setResizeMode( QListView::LastColumn );
topLayout->addWidget( mListView );
connect( mListView, SIGNAL( clicked( QListViewItem * ) ),
SLOT( currentChanged( QListViewItem * ) ) );
connect( mAddButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( addResource() ) );
connect( mDeleteButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( removeResource() ) );
connect( mEditButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( editResource() ) );
connect( mListView, SIGNAL( doubleClicked ( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &,
int ) ),
SLOT( editResource() ) );
connect( mListView, SIGNAL( contextMenuRequested ( QListViewItem *,
const QPoint &, int ) ),
SLOT( contextMenuRequested( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &,
int ) ) );
void ResourceView::updateView()
KCal::CalendarResourceManager *manager = mCalendar->resourceManager();
KCal::CalendarResourceManager::Iterator it;
for( it = manager->begin(); it != manager->end(); ++it ) {
addResourceItem( *it );
void ResourceView::emitResourcesChanged()
emit resourcesChanged();
void ResourceView::addResource()
bool ok = false;
KCal::CalendarResourceManager *manager = mCalendar->resourceManager();
ResourceItem *i = static_cast<ResourceItem*>( mListView->selectedItem() );
if ( i && ( i->isSubresource() || i->resource()->canHaveSubresources() ) ) {
const QString folderName = KInputDialog::getText( i18n( "Add Subresource" ),
i18n( "Please enter a name for the new subresource" ), QString::null,
&ok, this );
if ( !ok )
const QString parentId = i->isSubresource() ? i->resourceIdentifier() : QString:: null;
if ( !i->resource()->addSubresource( folderName, parentId ) ) {
KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("<qt>Unable to create subresource <b>%1</b>.</qt>")
.arg( folderName ) );
QStringList types = manager->resourceTypeNames();
QStringList descs = manager->resourceTypeDescriptions();
QString desc = KInputDialog::getItem( i18n( "Resource Configuration" ),
i18n( "Please select type of the new resource:" ), descs, 0, false, &ok,
this );
if ( !ok )
QString type = types[ descs.findIndex( desc ) ];
// Create new resource
ResourceCalendar *resource = manager->createResource( type );
if( !resource ) {
KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("<qt>Unable to create resource of type <b>%1</b>.</qt>")
.arg( type ) );
resource->setResourceName( i18n("%1 resource").arg( type ) );
KRES::ConfigDialog *dlg = new KRES::ConfigDialog( this, QString("calendar"), resource,
"KRES::ConfigDialog" );
bool success = true;
if ( !dlg || !dlg->exec() )
success = false;
if ( success ) {
resource->setTimeZoneId( KOPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId );
if ( resource->isActive() && ( !resource->open() || !resource->load() ) ) {
// ### There is a resourceLoadError() signal declared in ResourceCalendar
// but no subclass seems to make use of it. We could do better.
KMessageBox::error( this, i18n("Unable to create the resource.")
.arg( type ) );
success = false;
if ( success ) {
manager->add( resource );
// we have to call resourceAdded manually, because for in-process changes
// the dcop signals are not connected, so the resource's signals would not
// be connected otherwise
mCalendar->resourceAdded( resource );
if ( !success )
delete resource;
delete dlg;
//### maybe only do this if ( success )
void ResourceView::addResourceItem( ResourceCalendar *resource )
ResourceItem *item=new ResourceItem( resource, this, mListView );
// assign a color, but only if this is a resource that actually
// hold items at top level
if ( !resource->canHaveSubresources() || resource->subresources().isEmpty() ) {
QColor resourceColor = *KOPrefs::instance()->resourceColor(resource->identifier());
connect( resource, SIGNAL( signalSubresourceAdded( ResourceCalendar *,
const QString &,
const QString &,
const QString & ) ),
SLOT( slotSubresourceAdded( ResourceCalendar *, const QString &,
const QString &, const QString & ) ) );
connect( resource, SIGNAL( signalSubresourceRemoved( ResourceCalendar *,
const QString &,
const QString & ) ),
SLOT( slotSubresourceRemoved( ResourceCalendar *, const QString &,
const QString & ) ) );
connect( resource, SIGNAL( resourceSaved( ResourceCalendar * ) ),
SLOT( closeResource( ResourceCalendar * ) ) );
emit resourcesChanged();
// Add a new entry
void ResourceView::slotSubresourceAdded( ResourceCalendar *calendar,
const QString& /*type*/,
const QString& resource,
const QString& label)
QListViewItem *i = mListView->findItem( calendar->resourceName(), 0 );
if ( !i )
// Not found
if ( findItemByIdentifier( resource ) ) return;
ResourceItem *item = static_cast<ResourceItem *>( i );
ResourceItem *newItem = new ResourceItem( calendar, resource, label, this, item );
QColor resourceColor = *KOPrefs::instance()->resourceColor( resource );
newItem->setResourceColor( resourceColor );
// Remove an entry
void ResourceView::slotSubresourceRemoved( ResourceCalendar * /*calendar*/,
const QString &/*type*/,
const QString &resource )
delete findItemByIdentifier( resource );
emit resourcesChanged();
void ResourceView::closeResource( ResourceCalendar *r )
if ( mResourcesToClose.find( r ) >= 0 ) {
mResourcesToClose.remove( r );
void ResourceView::updateResourceItem( ResourceCalendar *resource )
ResourceItem *item = findItem( resource );
if ( item ) {
ResourceItem *ResourceView::currentItem()
QListViewItem *item = mListView->currentItem();
ResourceItem *rItem = static_cast<ResourceItem *>( item );
return rItem;
void ResourceView::removeResource()
ResourceItem *item = currentItem();
if ( !item ) return;
const QString warningMsg = item->isSubresource() ?
i18n("<qt>Do you really want to remove the subresource <b>%1</b>? "
"Note that its contents will be completely deleted. This "
"operation cannot be undone. </qt>").arg( item->text( 0 ) ) :
i18n("<qt>Do you really want to remove the resource <b>%1</b>?</qt>").arg( item->text( 0 ) );
int km = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this, warningMsg, "",
KGuiItem( i18n("&Remove" ), "editdelete") );
if ( km == KMessageBox::Cancel ) return;
// Don't be so restricitve
#if 0
if ( item->resource() == mCalendar->resourceManager()->standardResource() ) {
KMessageBox::sorry( this,
i18n( "You cannot delete your standard resource." ) );
if ( item->isSubresource() ) {
if ( !item->resource()->removeSubresource( item->resourceIdentifier() ) )
KMessageBox::sorry( this,
i18n ("<qt>Failed to remove the subresource <b>%1</b>. The "
"reason could be that it is a built-in one which cannot "
"be removed, or that the removal of the underlying storage "
"folder failed.</qt>").arg( item->resource()->name() ) );
} else {
mCalendar->resourceManager()->remove( item->resource() );
mListView->takeItem( item );
delete item;
emit resourcesChanged();
void ResourceView::editResource()
ResourceItem *item = currentItem();
if (!item) return;
ResourceCalendar *resource = item->resource();
KRES::ConfigDialog dlg( this, QString("calendar"), resource,
"KRES::ConfigDialog" );
if ( dlg.exec() ) {
item->setText( 0, resource->resourceName() );
mCalendar->resourceManager()->change( resource );
void ResourceView::currentChanged( QListViewItem *item )
ResourceItem *i = currentItem();
if ( !item || i->isSubresource() ) {
mDeleteButton->setEnabled( false );
mEditButton->setEnabled( false );
} else {
mDeleteButton->setEnabled( true );
mEditButton->setEnabled( true );
ResourceItem *ResourceView::findItem( ResourceCalendar *r )
QListViewItem *item;
ResourceItem *i = 0;
for( item = mListView->firstChild(); item; item = item->nextSibling() ) {
i = static_cast<ResourceItem *>( item );
if ( i->resource() == r ) break;
return i;
ResourceItem *ResourceView::findItemByIdentifier( const QString& id )
QListViewItem *item;
ResourceItem *i = 0;
for( item = mListView->firstChild(); item; item = item->itemBelow() ) {
i = static_cast<ResourceItem *>( item );
if ( i->resourceIdentifier() == id )
return i;
return 0;
void ResourceView::contextMenuRequested ( QListViewItem *i,
const QPoint &pos, int )
KCal::CalendarResourceManager *manager = mCalendar->resourceManager();
ResourceItem *item = static_cast<ResourceItem *>( i );
QPopupMenu *menu = new QPopupMenu( this );
connect( menu, SIGNAL( aboutToHide() ), menu, SLOT( deleteLater() ) );
if ( item ) {
int reloadId = menu->insertItem( i18n("Re&load"), this,
SLOT( reloadResource() ) );
menu->setItemEnabled( reloadId, item->resource()->isActive() );
int saveId = menu->insertItem( i18n("&Save"), this,
SLOT( saveResource() ) );
menu->setItemEnabled( saveId, item->resource()->isActive() );
menu->insertItem( i18n("Show &Info"), this, SLOT( showInfo() ) );
//FIXME: This is better on the resource dialog
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->agendaViewColors() != KOPrefs::CategoryOnly ) {
QPopupMenu *assignMenu= new QPopupMenu( menu );
assignMenu->insertItem( i18n( "&Assign Color" ), this, SLOT( assignColor() ) );
if ( item->resourceColor().isValid() )
assignMenu->insertItem( i18n( "&Disable Color" ), this, SLOT( disableColor() ) );
menu->insertItem( i18n( "Resources Colors" ), assignMenu );
menu->insertItem( i18n("&Edit..."), this, SLOT( editResource() ) );
menu->insertItem( i18n("&Remove"), this, SLOT( removeResource() ) );
if ( item->resource() != manager->standardResource() ) {
menu->insertItem( i18n("Use as &Default Calendar"), this,
SLOT( setStandard() ) );
menu->insertItem( i18n("&Add..."), this, SLOT( addResource() ) );
menu->popup( pos );
void ResourceView::assignColor()
ResourceItem *item = currentItem();
if ( !item )
// A color without initialized is a color invalid
QColor myColor;
KCal::ResourceCalendar *cal = item->resource();
QString identifier = cal->identifier();
if ( item->isSubresource() )
identifier = item->resourceIdentifier();
QColor defaultColor =*KOPrefs::instance()->resourceColor( identifier );
int result = KColorDialog::getColor( myColor,defaultColor);
if ( result == KColorDialog::Accepted ) {
KOPrefs::instance()->setResourceColor( identifier, myColor );
item->setResourceColor( myColor );
void ResourceView::disableColor()
ResourceItem *item = currentItem();
if ( !item )
QColor colorInvalid;
KCal::ResourceCalendar *cal = item->resource();
QString identifier = cal->identifier();
if ( item->isSubresource() )
identifier = item->resourceIdentifier();
KOPrefs::instance()->setResourceColor( identifier, colorInvalid );
item->setResourceColor( colorInvalid );
void ResourceView::showInfo()
ResourceItem *item = currentItem();
if ( !item ) return;
QString txt = "<qt>" + item->resource()->infoText() + "</qt>";
KMessageBox::information( this, txt );
void ResourceView::reloadResource()
ResourceItem *item = currentItem();
if ( !item ) return;
ResourceCalendar *r = item->resource();
void ResourceView::saveResource()
ResourceItem *item = currentItem();
if ( !item ) return;
ResourceCalendar *r = item->resource();
void ResourceView::setStandard()
ResourceItem *item = currentItem();
if ( !item ) return;
ResourceCalendar *r = item->resource();
KCal::CalendarResourceManager *manager = mCalendar->resourceManager();
manager->setStandardResource( r );
void ResourceView::updateResourceList()
QListViewItemIterator it( mListView );
ResourceCalendar* stdRes = mCalendar->resourceManager()->standardResource();
while ( it.current() ) {
ResourceItem *item = static_cast<ResourceItem *>( it.current() );
item->setStandardResource( item->resource() == stdRes );
void ResourceView::showButtons( bool visible )
if ( visible ) {
} else {
void ResourceView::requestClose( ResourceCalendar *r )
mResourcesToClose.append( r );
#include "resourceview.moc"