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This file is part of libkleopatra, the KDE keymanagement library
Copyright (c) 2004 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
Libkleopatra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
Libkleopatra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
permission to link the code of this program with any edition of
the TQt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions
of TQt that use the same license as TQt), and distribute linked
combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General
Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
TQt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to
your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from
your version.
#include <gpgmepp/interfaces/progressprovider.h>
#include <gpgmepp/interfaces/passphraseprovider.h>
#include <gpgmepp/key.h>
#include <gpgmepp/context.h>
#include <tqcstring.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <vector>
#include <kdepimmacros.h>
namespace GpgME {
class Data;
namespace Kleo {
class Job;
namespace QGpgME {
class TQByteArrayDataProvider;
class TQString;
class TQStringList;
namespace Kleo {
/** This is a hackish helper class to avoid code duplication in this
backend's Kleo::Job subclasses. It contains several workarounds
for tqmoc/signal/slot shortcomings, most of which the author of
this thinks are TQt bugs (lazy implementations), first and
foremost the inability of tqmoc to handle inheritance from
multiple TQObject-derived subclasses.
To use it, inherit from the Job-subclass, then from this class,
add TQGPGME_JOB to just after Q OBJECT and implement
doOperationDoneEvent() by emitting your variant of the result()
signal there. Pass "this" as the first argument this QGpgMEJOb's
ctor. The rest is dealt with automatically.
class KDE_EXPORT QGpgMEJob : public GpgME::ProgressProvider, public GpgME::PassphraseProvider {
QGpgMEJob( Kleo::Job * _this, GpgME::Context * context );
/*! Called on operation-done events, between emitting done() and
calling deleteLater(). You should emit your result signal here. */
virtual void doOperationDoneEvent( const GpgME::Error & e ) = 0;
/*! Hooks up mCtx to be managed by the event loop interactor */
void hookupContextToEventLoopInteractor();
/*! Fills mPatterns from the stringlist, resets chunking to the full list */
void setPatterns( const TQStringList & sl, bool allowEmpty=false );
/*! Returnes the number of patterns set */
unsigned int numPatterns() const { return mNumPatterns; }
/*! Skips to the next chunk of patterns. @return patterns() */
const char* * nextChunk();
/*! @return patterns, offset by the current chunk */
const char* * patterns() const;
/*! Set the current pattern chunksize to size and reset the chunk index to zero */
void setChunkSize( unsigned int size );
/*! @return current chunksize */
unsigned int chunkSize() const { return mChunkSize; }
/*! Creates an empty GpgME::Data/QGpgME::TQByteArrayDataProvider pair */
void createOutData();
/*! Creates a GpgME::Data/QGpgME::TQByteArrayDataProvider pair,
filled with the contents of \a in */
void createInData( const TQByteArray & in );
/*! Sets the list of signing keys */
GpgME::Error setSigningKeys( const std::vector<GpgME::Key> & signers );
/*! Call this to implement a slotOperationDoneEvent() */
void doSlotOperationDoneEvent( GpgME::Context * context, const GpgME::Error & e );
/*! Call this to extract the audit log from mCtx */
void getAuditLog();
// only boring stuff below this line...
virtual void doEmitProgressSignal( const TQString & what, int current, int total ) = 0;
virtual void doEmitDoneSignal() = 0;
void doSlotCancel();
TQString auditLogAsHtml() const { return mAuditLogAsHtml; }
GpgME::Error auditLogError() const { return mAuditLogError; }
/*! \reimp from GpgME::ProgressProvider */
void showProgress( const char * what, int type, int current, int total );
char * getPassphrase( const char * useridHint, const char * description,
bool previousWasBad, bool & canceled );
void deleteAllPatterns();
void checkInvariants() const;
Kleo::Job * mThis;
GpgME::Context * mCtx;
GpgME::Data * mInData;
QGpgME::TQByteArrayDataProvider * mInDataDataProvider;
GpgME::Data * mOutData;
QGpgME::TQByteArrayDataProvider * mOutDataDataProvider;
const char* * mPatterns;
// holds the entry - if any - in mPattern that was replaced with
// NULL to create a temporary end-of-array marker for gpgme:
const char * mReplacedPattern;
unsigned int mNumPatterns;
unsigned int mChunkSize;
unsigned int mPatternStartIndex, mPatternEndIndex;
GpgME::Error mAuditLogError;
TQString mAuditLogAsHtml;
#define make_slot_cancel private: void slotCancel() { QGpgMEJob::doSlotCancel(); }
#define make_progress_emitter private: void doEmitProgressSignal( const TQString & what, int cur, int tot ) { emit progress( what, cur, tot ); }
#define make_done_emitter private: void doEmitDoneSignal() { emit done(); }
#define make_auditLogAsHtml private: TQString auditLogAsHtml() const { return QGpgMEJob::auditLogAsHtml(); } GpgME::Error auditLogError() const { return QGpgMEJob::auditLogError(); }
#define TQGPGME_JOB make_slot_cancel make_progress_emitter make_done_emitter make_auditLogAsHtml
#endif // __KLEO_TQGPGMEJOB_H__