You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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This file is part of KAddressBook.
Copyright (c) 2002 Mike Pilone <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of TQt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for TQt in the source distribution.
#ifndef CARDVIEW_H
#define CARDVIEW_H
#include <tqpair.h>
#include <tqpoint.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqrect.h>
#include <tqscrollview.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
class TQLabel;
class TQMouseEvent;
class TQPainter;
class TQResizeEvent;
class CardView;
class CardViewItemPrivate;
class CardViewPrivate;
class CardViewTip;
Represents a single card (item) in the card view. A card has a caption
and a list of fields. A Field is a label<->value pair. The labels in a
card should be unique, since they will be used to index the values.
class CardViewItem
friend class CardView;
A single field in the card view. The first item is the label
and the second item is the value.
typedef TQPair<TQString, TQString> Field;
@param tqparent The CardView that this card should be displayed on.
@param caption The caption of the card. This is the text that will
appear at the top of the card. This is also the string that will
be used to sort the cards in the view.
CardViewItem( CardView *tqparent, const TQString &caption = TQString() );
virtual ~CardViewItem();
@return The caption of the card, or TQString() if none was ever set.
const TQString &caption() const;
Sets the caption of the card. This is the text that will
appear at the top of the card. This is also the string that will
be used to sort the cards in the view.
void setCaption( const TQString &caption );
Paints the card using the given painter and color group. The
card will handle painting itself selected if it is selected.
virtual void paintCard( TQPainter *p, TQColorGroup &cg );
Repaints the card. This is done by sending a tqrepaint event to the
view with the clip rect defined as this card.
virtual void tqrepaintCard();
Adds a field to the card.
@param label The label of the field. The field labels must be unique
within a card.
@param value The value of the field.
void insertField( const TQString &label, const TQString &value );
Removes the field with label <i>label</i> from the card.
void removeField( const TQString &label );
@return The value of the field with label <i>label</i>.
TQString fieldValue( const TQString &label ) const;
Removes all the fields from this card.
void clearFields();
@return The next card item. The order of the items will be the same
as the display order in the view. 0 will be returned if this is the
last card.
CardViewItem *nextItem() const;
@return True if this card is currently selected, false otherwise.
bool isSelected() const;
Called by the tqparent card view when the mouse has been resting for
a certain amount of time. If the label or value at pos is obscured
(trimmed) make the label display the full text.
void showFullString( const TQPoint &pos, CardViewTip *tip );
@return a pointer to the Field at the position itempos
in this item. 0 is returned if itempos is in the caption.
@param itempos the position in item coordinates
Field *fieldAt( const TQPoint &itempos ) const;
CardView *cardView() const { return mView; };
@return The height of this item as rendered, in pixels.
if @p allowCache is true, the item may use an internally
cached value rather than recalculating from scratch. The
argument is mainly to allow the cardView to change global settings (like
maxFieldLines) that might influence the items heights
int height( bool allowCache = true ) const;
Sets the card as selected. This is usually only called from the
card view.
void setSelected( bool selected );
Sets the default values.
void initialize();
Trims a string to the width <i>width</i> using the font metrics
to determine the width of each char. If the string is longer than
<i>width</i>, then the string will be trimmed and a '...' will
be appended.
TQString trimString( const TQString &text, int width, TQFontMetrics &fm ) const;
CardViewItemPrivate *d;
CardView *mView;
The CardView is a method of displaying data in cards. This idea is
similar to the idea of a rolodex or business cards. Each card has a
caption and a list of fields, which are label<->value pairs. The CardView
displays multiple cards in a grid. The Cards are sorted based on their
The CardView class is designed to mirror the API of the TQListView or
TQIconView. The CardView is also completely independant of KAddressBook and
can be used elsewhere. With the exception of a few simple config checks,
the CardView is also 100% independant of KDE.
class CardView : public TQScrollView
friend class CardViewItem;
CardView( TQWidget *tqparent, const char *name );
virtual ~CardView();
Inserts the item into the card view. This method does not have
to be called if you created the item with a proper tqparent. Once
inserted, the CardView takes ownership of the item.
void insertItem( CardViewItem *item );
Takes the item from the view. The item will not be deleted and
ownership of the item is returned to the caller.
void takeItem( CardViewItem *item );
Clears the view and deletes all card view items
void clear();
@return The current item, the item that has the focus.
Whenever the view has focus, this item has a focus rectangle painted
at it's border.
@sa setCurrentItem()
CardViewItem *currentItem() const;
Sets the CardViewItem @p item to the current item in the view.
void setCurrentItem( CardViewItem *item );
@return The item found at the given point, or 0 if there is no item
at that point.
CardViewItem *itemAt( const TQPoint &viewPos ) const;
@return The bounding rect of the given item.
TQRect tqitemRect( const CardViewItem *item ) const;
Ensures that the given item is in the viewable area of the widget
void ensureItemVisible( const CardViewItem *item );
Repaints the given item.
void tqrepaintItem( const CardViewItem *item );
enum SelectionMode { Single, Multi, Extended, NoSelection };
Sets the selection mode.
@see TQListView
void setSelectionMode( SelectionMode mode );
@return The current selection mode.
SelectionMode selectionMode() const;
Selects or deselects the given item. This method honors the current
selection mode, so if other items are selected, they may be unselected.
void setSelected( CardViewItem *item, bool selected );
Selects or deselects all items.
void selectAll( bool state );
@return True if the given item is selected, false otherwise.
bool isSelected( CardViewItem *item ) const;
@return The first selected item. In single select mode, this will be
the only selected item, in other modes this will be the first selected
item, but others may exist. 0 if no item is selected.
CardViewItem *selectedItem() const;
@return The first item in the view. This may be 0 if no items have
been inserted. This method combined with CardViewItem::nextItem()
can be used to iterator through the list of items.
CardViewItem *firstItem() const;
@return The item after the given item or 0 if the item is the last
CardViewItem *itemAfter( const CardViewItem *item ) const;
@return The number of items in the view.
int childCount() const;
Attempts to find the first item matching the params.
@param text The text to match.
@param label The label of the field to match against.
@param compare The compare method to use in doing the search.
@return The first matching item, or 0 if no items match.
CardViewItem *findItem( const TQString &text, const TQString &label,
TQt::StringComparisonMode compare = TQt::BeginsWith ) const;
Returns the amounts of pixels required for one column.
This depends on wheather drawSeparators is enabled:
If so, it is itemWidth + 2*itemSpacing + separatorWidth
If not, it is itemWidth + itemSpacing
@see itemWidth(), setItemWidth(), itemSpacing() and setItemSpacing()
uint columnWidth() const;
Sets if the border around a card should be draw. The border is a thing
(1 or 2 pixel) line that bounds the card. When drawn, it shows when
a card is highlighted and when it isn't.
void setDrawCardBorder( bool enabled );
@return True if borders are drawn, false otherwise.
bool drawCardBorder() const;
Sets if the column separator should be drawn. The column separator
is a thin verticle line (1 or 2 pixels) that is used to separate the
columns in the list view. The separator is just for esthetics and it
does not serve a functional purpose.
void setDrawColSeparators( bool enabled );
@return True if column separators are drawn, false otherwise.
bool drawColSeparators() const;
Sets if the field labels should be drawn. The field labels are the
unique strings used to identify the fields. Sometimes drawing these
labels makes sense as a source of clarity for the user, othertimes they
waste too much space and do not assist the user.
void setDrawFieldLabels( bool enabled );
@return True if the field labels are drawn, false otherwise.
bool drawFieldLabels() const;
Sets if fields with no value should be drawn (of cause the label only,
but it allows for embedded editing sometimes...)
void setShowEmptyFields( bool show );
@return Wheather empty fields should be shown
bool showEmptyFields() const;
@return the advisory internal margin in items. Setting a value above 1 means
a space between the item contents and the focus recttangle drawn around
the current item. The default value is 0.
The value should be used by CardViewItem and derived classes.
Note that this should not be greater than half of the minimal item width,
which is 80. It is currently not checked, so setting a value greater than 40
will probably mean a crash in the items painting routine.
// Note: I looked for a value in TQStyle::PixelMetric to use, but I could
// not see a useful one. One may turn up in a future version of TQt.
uint itemMargin() const;
Sets the internal item margin. See itemMargin().
void setItemMargin( uint margin );
@return the item spacing.
The item spacing is the space (in pixels) between each item in a
column, between the items and column separators if drawn, and between
the items and the borders of the widget. The default value is set to 10.
// Note: There is no useful TQStyle::PixelMetric to use for this atm.
// An option would be using KDialog::spacingHint().
uint itemSpacing() const;
Sets the item spacing.
@see itemSpacing()
void setItemSpacing( uint spacing );
@return the width made available to the card items.
int itemWidth() const;
Sets the width made available to card items.
void setItemWidth( int width );
Sets the header font
void setHeaderFont( const TQFont &fnt );
@return the header font
TQFont headerFont() const;
Reimplementation from TQWidget
void setFont( const TQFont &fnt );
Sets the column separator width
void setSeparatorWidth( int width );
@return the column separator width
int separatorWidth() const;
Sets the maximum number of lines to display pr field.
If set to 0 (the default) all lines will be displayed.
void setMaxFieldLines( int howmany );
@return the maximum number of lines pr field
int maxFieldLines() const;
Emitted whenever the selection changes. This means a user highlighted
a new item or unhighlighted a currently selected item.
void selectionChanged();
Same as above method, only it carries the item that was selected. This
method will only be emitted in single select mode, since it defineds
which item was selected.
void selectionChanged( CardViewItem* );
This method is emitted whenever an item is clicked.
void clicked( CardViewItem* );
Emitted whenever the user 'executes' an item. This is dependant on
the KDE global config. This could be a single click or a doubleclick.
Also emitted when the return key is pressed on an item.
void executed( CardViewItem* );
Emitted whenever the user double clicks on an item.
void doubleClicked( CardViewItem* );
Emitted when the current item changes
void currentChanged( CardViewItem* );
Emitted when the return key is pressed in an item.
void returnPressed( CardViewItem* );
Emitted when the context menu is requested in some way.
void contextMenuRequested( CardViewItem*, const TQPoint& );
Determines which cards intersect that region and tells them to paint
void drawContents( TQPainter *p, int clipx, int clipy, int clipw, int cliph );
Sets the tqlayout to dirty and tqrepaints.
void resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent* );
Changes the direction the canvas scolls.
void contentsWheelEvent( TQWheelEvent* );
Sets the tqlayout to dirty and calls for a tqrepaint.
void setLayoutDirty( bool dirty );
Does the math based on the bounding rect of the cards to properly
lay the cards out on the screen. This is only done if the tqlayout is
marked as dirty.
void calcLayout();
virtual void contentsMousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent* );
virtual void contentsMouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent* );
virtual void contentsMouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent* );
virtual void contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent* );
virtual void enterEvent( TQEvent* );
virtual void leaveEvent( TQEvent* );
virtual void focusInEvent( TQFocusEvent* );
virtual void focusOutEvent( TQFocusEvent* );
virtual void keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent* );
Overload this method to be told when a drag should be started.
In most cases you will want to start a drag event with the currently
selected item.
virtual void startDrag();
private slots:
Called by a timer to display a label with truncated text.
Pop up a label, if there is a field with obscured text or
label at the cursor position.
void tryShowFullText();
draws and erases the rubber bands while columns are resized.
@p pos is the horizontal position inside the viewport to use as
the anchor.
If pos is 0, only erase is done.
void drawRubberBands( int pos );
CardViewPrivate *d;