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Michele Calgaro 6d2f3127be
Adjusted to use new TQStringVariantMap type.
5 年前
birthdays Add CMakeL10n rules. 5 年前
blogging Adjusted to use new TQStringVariantMap type. 5 年前
caldav Add CMakeL10n rules. 5 年前
carddav Add CMakeL10n rules. 5 年前
egroupware Adjusted to use new TQStringVariantMap type. 5 年前
exchange Add CMakeL10n rules. 5 年前
featureplan Add CMakeL10n rules. 5 年前
groupdav Add CMakeL10n rules. 5 年前
groupware Add CMakeL10n rules. 5 年前
groupwise Add CMakeL10n rules. 5 年前
kolab Add CMakeL10n rules. 5 年前
lib Add CMakeL10n rules. 5 年前
newexchange Fix FTBFS with GCC6 8 年前
remote Add CMakeL10n rules. 5 年前
scalix Add CMakeL10n rules. 5 年前
slox Add CMakeL10n rules. 5 年前
tvanytime Add CMakeL10n rules. 5 年前
CMakeL10n.txt Add CMakeL10n rules. 5 年前
CMakeLists.txt Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前
Makefile.am Rename a number of libraries and executables to avoid conflicts with KDE4 11 年前