You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

990 lines
30 KiB

* main.cpp *
* *
* KonsoleKalendar is a command line interface to KDE calendars *
* Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Tuukka Pasanen <> *
* Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Allen Winter <> *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. *
* *
* As a special exception, permission is given to link this program *
* with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, *
* without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. *
* *
* @file main.cpp
* KonsoleKalendar main program.
* @author Tuukka Pasanen
* @author Allen Winter
#include "config.h"
# include <sys/time.h>
# include <time.h>
# include <sys/time.h>
# else
# include <time.h>
# endif
#include <kcmdlineargs.h>
#include <kaboutdata.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <libkcal/calformat.h>
#include <libkcal/calendarresources.h>
#include <libkcal/resourcelocal.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "stdcalendar.h"
#include "konsolekalendar.h"
#include "konsolekalendarepoch.h"
#include "konsolekalendarvariables.h"
using namespace KCal;
using namespace std;
static const char progName[] = "konsolekalendar";
static const char progDisplay[] = "KonsoleKalendar";
static const char progVersion[] = "1.3.5";
static const char progDesc[] = "A command line interface to KDE calendars";
static const char progURL[] = "";
static KCmdLineOptions options[] =
{ "verbose",
I18N_NOOP( "Print helpful runtime messages" ), 0 },
{ "dry-run",
I18N_NOOP( "Print what would have been done, but do not execute" ), 0 },
{ "file <calendar-file>",
I18N_NOOP( "Specify which calendar you want to use" ), 0 },
{ ":",
I18N_NOOP( "Incidence types (these options can be combined):" ), 0 },
{ "event",
I18N_NOOP( " Operate for Events only (Default)" ), 0 },
{ "todo",
I18N_NOOP( " Operate for To-dos only [NOT WORKING YET]" ), 0 },
{ "journal",
I18N_NOOP( " Operate for Journals only [NOT WORKING YET]" ), 0 },
{ ":",
I18N_NOOP( "Major operation modes:" ), 0 },
{ "view",
I18N_NOOP( " Print incidences in specified export format" ), 0 },
{ "add",
I18N_NOOP( " Insert an incidence into the calendar" ), 0 },
{ "change",
I18N_NOOP( " Modify an existing incidence" ), 0 },
{ "delete",
I18N_NOOP( " Remove an existing incidence" ), 0 },
{ "create",
I18N_NOOP( " Create new calendar file if one does not exist" ), 0 },
{ "import <import-file>",
I18N_NOOP( " Import this calendar to main calendar" ), 0 },
{ ":",
I18N_NOOP( "Operation modifiers:" ), 0 },
{ "all",
I18N_NOOP( " View all calendar entries" ), 0 },
{ "next",
I18N_NOOP( " View next activity in calendar" ), 0 },
{ "show-next <days>",
I18N_NOOP( " From start date show next # days' activities" ), 0 },
{ "uid <uid>",
I18N_NOOP( " Incidence Unique-string identifier" ), 0 },
{ "date <start-date>",
I18N_NOOP( " Start from this day [YYYY-MM-DD]" ), 0 },
{ "time <start-time>",
I18N_NOOP( " Start from this time [HH:MM:SS]" ), 0 },
{ "end-date <end-date>",
I18N_NOOP( " End at this day [YYYY-MM-DD]" ), 0 },
{ "end-time <end-time>",
I18N_NOOP( " End at this time [HH:MM:SS]" ), 0 },
{ "epoch-start <epoch-time>",
I18N_NOOP( " Start from this time [secs since epoch]" ), 0 },
{ "epoch-end <epoch-time>",
I18N_NOOP( " End at this time [secs since epoch]" ), 0 },
{ "summary <summary>",
I18N_NOOP( " Add summary to incidence (for add/change modes)" ), 0 },
{ "description <description>",
I18N_NOOP( "Add description to incidence (for add/change modes)" ), 0 },
{ "location <location>",
I18N_NOOP( " Add location to incidence (for add/change modes)" ), 0 },
{ ":", I18N_NOOP( "Export options:" ), 0 },
{ "export-type <export-type>",
I18N_NOOP( "Export file type (Default: text)" ), 0 },
{ "export-file <export-file>",
I18N_NOOP( "Export to file (Default: stdout)" ), 0 },
{ "export-list",
I18N_NOOP( " Print list of export types supported and exit" ), 0 },
{ "",
I18N_NOOP( "Examples:\n"
" konsolekalendar --view\n"
" konsolekalendar --add --date 2003-06-04 "
"--time 10:00 --end-time 12:00 \\\n"
" --summary \"Doctor Visit\" "
"--description \"Get My Head Examined\"\n"
" konsolekalendar --delete --uid KOrganizer-1740326.803" ), 0 },
{ "",
I18N_NOOP( "For more information visit the program home page at:\n"
"" ), 0 },
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
KAboutData aboutData(
progName, // internal program name
I18N_NOOP( progDisplay ), // displayable program name.
progVersion, // version string
I18N_NOOP( progDesc ), // short porgram description
KAboutData::License_GPL, // license type
"(c) 2002-2005, Tuukka Pasanen and Allen Winter", // copyright statement
0, // any free form text
progURL, // program home page address
"" // bug report email address
"Tuukka Pasanen", // developer's name
I18N_NOOP( "Primary Author" ), // task or role
"", // email address
0 // home page or relevant link
"Allen Winter", // developer's name
I18N_NOOP( "Author" ), // task or role
"", // email address
0 // home page or relevant link
//TODO: KDE 4.0, add the StdCmdLineArgs option to init()
KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &aboutData );
KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options ); // Add our own options.
KApplication app(
false, //do not allowstyles - disable the loading on plugin based styles
false //GUI is not enabled - disable all GUI stuff
KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs();
// Default values for start date/time (today at 07:00)
QDate startdate = QDate::currentDate();
QTime starttime( 7, 0 );
// Default values for end date/time (today at 17:00)
QDate enddate = QDate::currentDate();
QTime endtime( 17, 0 );
// Default values for switches
bool view = true;
bool add = false;
bool change = false;
bool del = false;
bool create = false;
bool calendarFile = false;
bool importFile = false;
QString option;
KonsoleKalendarVariables variables;
KonsoleKalendarEpoch epochs;
variables.setFloating( false ); // by default, new events do NOT float
if ( args->isSet( "verbose" ) ) {
variables.setVerbose( true );
if ( args->isSet( "dry-run" ) ) {
variables.setDryRun( true );
* Switch on export list
if ( args->isSet( "export-list" ) ) {
cout << endl;
cout << i18n( "%1 supports these export formats:" ).
arg( progDisplay ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
cout << i18n( " %1 [Default]" ).
arg( "Text" ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
cout << i18n( " %1 (like %2, but more compact)" ).
arg( "Short", "Text" ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
cout << i18n( " %1" ).
arg( "HTML" ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
cout << i18n( " %1 (like %2, but in a month view)" ).
arg( "HTMLmonth", "HTML" ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
cout << i18n( " %1 (Comma-Separated Values)" ).
arg( "CSV" ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;
* Set incidence type(s)
if ( args->isSet( "event" ) ) {
variables.setUseEvents( true );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | use Events" << endl;
if ( args->isSet( "todo" ) ) {
variables.setUseTodos( true );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | use To-dos" << endl;
cout << i18n( "Sorry, To-dos are not working yet." ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
return 1;
if ( args->isSet( "journal" ) ) {
variables.setUseJournals( true );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | use Journals" << endl;
cout << i18n( "Sorry, Journals are not working yet." ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
return 1;
// Use Events if no incidence type is specified on the command line
if ( !args->isSet( "event" ) &&
!args->isSet( "todo" ) &&
!args->isSet( "journal" ) ) {
variables.setUseEvents( true );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | use Events (Default)" << endl;
* Switch on exporting
variables.setExportType( ExportTypeText );
if ( args->isSet( "export-type" ) ) {
option = args->getOption( "export-type" );
if ( option.upper() == "HTML" ) {
kdDebug() << "main | export-type | Export to HTML" << endl;
variables.setExportType( ExportTypeHTML );
} else if ( option.upper() == "HTMLMONTH" ) {
kdDebug() << "main | export-type | Export to HTML by Month" << endl;
variables.setExportType( ExportTypeMonthHTML );
} else if ( option.upper() == "CSV" ) {
kdDebug() << "main | export-type | Export to CSV" << endl;
variables.setExportType( ExportTypeCSV );
} else if ( option.upper() == "TEXT" ) {
kdDebug() << "main | export-type | Export to TEXT (default)" << endl;
variables.setExportType( ExportTypeText );
} else if ( option.upper() == "SHORT" ) {
kdDebug() << "main | export-type | Export to TEXT-SHORT" << endl;
variables.setExportType( ExportTypeTextShort );
} else {
cout << i18n( "Invalid Export Type Specified: %1" ).
arg( option ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
return 1;
* Switch on export file name
if ( args->isSet( "export-file" ) ) {
option = args->getOption( "export-file" );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "Export File: "
<< "(" << option << ")"
<< endl;
variables.setExportFile( option );
* Switch on View (Print Entries). This is the default mode of operation.
if ( args->isSet( "view" ) ) {
view = true;
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "Mode: (Print incidences)"
<< endl;
* Switch on Add (Insert Entry)
if ( args->isSet( "add" ) ) {
view = false;
add = true;
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "Mode: (Add incidence)"
<< endl;
* Switch on Change (Modify Entry)
if ( args->isSet( "change" ) ) {
view = false;
change = true;
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "Mode: (Change incidence)"
<< endl;
* Switch on Delete (Remove Entry)
if ( args->isSet( "delete" ) ) {
view = false;
del = true;
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "Mode: (Delete incidence)"
<< endl;
* Switch on Create
if ( args->isSet( "create" ) ) {
view = false;
create = true;
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "Calendar File: (Create)"
<< endl;
* If there is summary attached.
if ( args->isSet( "summary" ) ) {
option = args->getOption( "summary" );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "Summary: "
<< "(" << option << ")"
<< endl;
variables.setSummary( option );
* If there is description attached.
if ( args->isSet( "description" ) ) {
option = args->getOption( "description" );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "Description: "
<< "(" << option << ")"
<< endl;
variables.setDescription( option );
* If there is location information
if ( args->isSet( "location" ) ) {
option = args->getOption( "location" );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "Location: "
<< "(" << option << ")"
<< endl;
variables.setLocation( option );
* Show next happening and exit
if ( args->isSet( "next" ) ) {
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "Show next incidence only"
<< endl;
variables.setNext( true );
* Set incidence unique string identifier
if ( args->isSet( "uid" ) ) {
option = args->getOption( "uid" );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "incidence UID: "
<< "(" << option << ")"
<< endl;
variables.setUID( option );
* Set starting date for calendar
if ( args->isSet( "date" ) ) {
option = args->getOption( "date" );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "Start date before conversion: "
<< "(" << option << ")"
<< endl;
startdate = QDate::fromString( option, Qt::ISODate );
if ( !startdate.isValid() ) {
cout << i18n( "Invalid Start Date Specified: %1" ).
arg( option ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
return 1;
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "Start date after conversion: "
<< "(" << startdate.toString() << ")"
<< endl;
* Set starting time
if ( args->isSet( "time" ) ) {
option = args->getOption( "time" );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "Start time before conversion : "
<< "(" << option << ")"
<< endl;
if ( option.upper() != "FLOAT" ) {
starttime = QTime::fromString( option, Qt::ISODate );
if ( !starttime.isValid() ) {
cout << i18n( "Invalid Start Time Specified: %1" ).
arg( option ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
return 1;
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "Start time after conversion: "
<< "(" << starttime.toString() << ")"
<< endl;
} else {
variables.setFloating( true );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "Floating event time specified"
<< endl;
* Set end date for calendar
if ( args->isSet( "end-date" ) ) {
option = args->getOption( "end-date" );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "End date before conversion: "
<< "(" << option << ")"
<< endl;
enddate = QDate::fromString( option, Qt::ISODate );
if ( !enddate.isValid() ) {
cout << i18n( "Invalid End Date Specified: %1" ).
arg( option ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
return 1;
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "End date after conversion: "
<< "(" << enddate.toString() << ")"
<< endl;
* Show next # days and exit
if ( args->isSet( "show-next" ) ) {
bool ok;
option = args->getOption( "show-next" );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "Show " << option << " days ahead"
<< endl;
variables.setDaysCount( option.toInt( &ok, 10 ) );
if ( !ok ) {
cout << i18n( "Invalid Date Count Specified: %1" ).
arg( option ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
return 1;
enddate = startdate;
enddate = enddate.addDays( variables.getDaysCount() );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "End date after conversion: "
<< "(" << enddate.toString() << ")"
<< endl;
* Set ending time
if ( args->isSet( "end-time" ) ) {
option = args->getOption( "end-time" );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "End time before conversion: "
<< "(" << option << ")"
<< endl;
if ( option.upper() != "FLOAT" ) {
endtime = QTime::fromString( option, Qt::ISODate );
if ( !endtime.isValid() ) {
cout << i18n( "Invalid End Time Specified: %1" ).
arg( option ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
return 1;
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "End time after conversion: "
<< "(" << endtime.toString() << ")"
<< endl;
} else {
variables.setFloating( true );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "Floating event time specified"
<< endl;
* Set start date/time from epoch
time_t epochstart = 0;
if ( args->isSet( "epoch-start" ) ) {
option = args->getOption( "epoch-start" );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "Epoch start: "
<< "(" << option << ")"
<< endl;
epochstart = ( time_t ) option.toULong( 0, 10 );
* Set end date/time from epoch
time_t epochend = 0;
if ( args->isSet( "epoch-end" ) ) {
option = args->getOption( "epoch-end" );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "Epoch end: "
<< "(" << option << ")"
<< endl;
epochend = ( time_t ) option.toULong( 0, 10 );
if ( args->isSet( "all" ) ) {
variables.setAll( true );
} else {
variables.setAll( false );
if ( args->isSet( "import" ) ) {
view = false;
importFile = true;
option = args->getOption( "import" );
variables.setImportFile( option );
kdDebug() << "main | parse options | "
<< "importing file from: "
<< "(" << option << ")"
<< endl;
KonsoleKalendar *konsolekalendar = new KonsoleKalendar( &variables );
if ( args->isSet( "file" ) ) {
calendarFile = true;
option = args->getOption( "file" );
variables.setCalendarFile( option );
* All modes need to know if the calendar file exists
* This must be done before we get to opening biz
bool exists, remote;
KURL url = KURL::fromPathOrURL( variables.getCalendarFile() );
if ( url.isLocalFile() ) {
variables.setCalendarFile( url.path() );
exists = QFile::exists( variables.getCalendarFile() );
remote = false;
} else if ( url.protocol().isEmpty() ) {
QFileInfo info( variables.getCalendarFile() );
variables.setCalendarFile( info.absFilePath() );
exists = QFile::exists( variables.getCalendarFile() );
remote = false;
} else {
exists = true; // really have no idea if the remote file exists
remote = true;
if ( create ) {
kdDebug() << "main | createcalendar | "
<< "check if calendar file already exists"
<< endl;
if ( remote ) {
cout << i18n( "Attempting to create a remote file %1" ).
arg( variables.getCalendarFile() ).local8Bit() << endl;
return 1;
} else {
if ( exists ) {
cout << i18n( "Calendar %1 already exists" ).
arg( variables.getCalendarFile() ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
return 1;
if ( konsolekalendar->createCalendar() ) {
cout << i18n( "Calendar %1 successfully created" ).
arg( variables.getCalendarFile() ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
return 0;
} else {
cout << i18n( "Unable to create calendar: %1" ).
arg( variables.getCalendarFile() ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
return 1;
if ( !exists ) {
cout << i18n( "Calendar file not found %1" ).
arg( variables.getCalendarFile() ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
cout << i18n( "Try --create to create new calendar file" ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
return 1;
CalendarResources *calendarResource = NULL;
* Should we use local calendar or resource?
if ( args->isSet( "file" ) ) {
calendarResource = new StdCalendar( variables.getCalendarFile(),
i18n( "Active Calendar" ) );
} else {
// TODO: when certain resources (kolab) don't try to gain access to
// an X server, or dcopserver, then put back the following line which
// supports all resources, not just the standard resource.
// calendarResource = new StdCalendar();
calendarResource = new StdCalendar( locateLocal( "data",
"korganizer/std.ics" ),
i18n( "Default Calendar" ) );
if ( !args->isSet( "import" ) ) {
variables.setCalendar( calendarResource );
* Glorious date/time checking and setting code *
QDateTime startdatetime, enddatetime;
// Handle case with either date or end-date unspecified
if ( !args->isSet( "end-date" ) && !args->isSet( "show-next" ) &&
args->isSet( "date" ) ) {
enddate = startdate;
kdDebug() << "main | datetimestamp | "
<< "setting enddate to startdate"
<< endl;
} else if ( args->isSet( "end-date" ) && !args->isSet( "date" ) ) {
startdate = enddate;
kdDebug() << "main | datetimestamp | "
<< "setting startdate to enddate"
<< endl;
// NOTE: If neither date nor end-date specified, then event will be today.
// Case:
// End time (or epoch) unspecified, and start time (or epoch) IS specified.
// In this case, set the ending to 1 hour after starting.
if ( !args->isSet( "end-time" ) && !args->isSet( "epoch-end" ) ) {
if ( args->isSet( "time" ) ) {
endtime = starttime.addSecs( 60 * 60 ); // end is 1 hour after start
kdDebug() << "main | datetimestamp | "
<< "setting endtime 1 hour after starttime"
<< endl;
} else if ( args->isSet( "epoch-start" ) ) {
startdatetime = epochs.epoch2QDateTime( epochstart );
enddatetime = startdatetime.addSecs( 60 * 60 );
kdDebug() << "main | datetimestamp | "
<< "setting endtime 1 hour after epochstart"
<< endl;
// Case:
// Time (or epoch) unspecified, and end-time (or epoch) IS specified.
// In this case, set the starting to 1 hour before ending.
if ( !args->isSet( "time" ) && !args->isSet( "epoch-start" ) ) {
if ( args->isSet( "end-time" ) ) {
starttime = endtime.addSecs( -60 * 60 ); // start is 1 hour before end
kdDebug() << "main | datetimestamp | "
<< "setting starttime 1 hour before endtime"
<< endl;
} else if ( args->isSet( "epoch-end" ) ) {
enddatetime = epochs.epoch2QDateTime( epochend );
startdatetime = enddatetime.addSecs( -60 * 60 );
kdDebug() << "main | datetimestamp | "
<< "setting starttime 1 before after epochend"
<< endl;
// Case:
// Time (or epoch) unspecified, and end-time (or epoch) unspecified.
if ( !args->isSet( "time" ) && !args->isSet( "epoch-start" ) &&
!args->isSet( "end-time" ) && !args->isSet( "epoch-end" ) ) {
// set default start date/time
startdatetime = QDateTime::QDateTime( startdate, starttime );
kdDebug() << "main | datetimestamp | "
<< "setting startdatetime from "
<< "default startdate (today) and starttime"
<< endl;
// set default end date/time
enddatetime = QDateTime::QDateTime( enddate, endtime );
kdDebug() << "main | datetimestamp | "
<< "setting enddatetime from "
<< "default enddate (today) and endtime"
<< endl;
// Set startdatetime, enddatetime if still necessary
if ( startdatetime.isNull() ) {
startdatetime = QDateTime::QDateTime( startdate, starttime );
kdDebug() << "main | datetimestamp | "
<< "setting startdatetime from startdate and starttime"
<< endl;
if ( enddatetime.isNull() ) {
enddatetime = QDateTime::QDateTime( enddate, endtime );
kdDebug() << "main | datetimestamp | "
<< "setting enddatetime from enddate and endtime"
<< endl;
// Float check for add mode:
// Events float if time AND end-time AND epoch times are UNspecified
if ( add ) {
if ( !args->isSet( "time" ) && !args->isSet( "end-time" ) &&
!args->isSet( "epoch-start" ) && !args->isSet( "epoch-end" ) ) {
variables.setFloating( true );
kdDebug() << "main | floatingcheck | "
<< "turn-on floating event"
<< endl;
// Finally! Set the start/end date times
if ( !change ) {
variables.setStartDateTime( startdatetime );
variables.setEndDateTime( enddatetime );
} else {
// Do NOT set start/end datetimes in change mode,
// unless they were specified on commandline
if ( args->isSet( "time" ) || args->isSet( "epoch-start" ) ||
args->isSet( "end-time" ) || args->isSet( "epoch-end" ) ) {
variables.setStartDateTime( startdatetime );
variables.setEndDateTime( enddatetime );
// Some more debug prints
kdDebug() << "main | datetimestamp | StartDate="
<< startdatetime.toString( Qt::TextDate )
<< endl;
kdDebug() << "main | datetimestamp | EndDate="
<< enddatetime.toString( Qt::TextDate )
<< endl;
* Sanity checks *
// Cannot combine modes
if ( create + view + add + change + del > 1 ) {
cout << i18n(
"Only 1 operation mode "
"(view, add, change, delete, create) "
"permitted at any one time"
).local8Bit() << endl;
return 1;
// Cannot have a ending before starting
if ( startdatetime > enddatetime ) {
cout << i18n(
"Ending Date/Time occurs before the Starting Date/Time"
).local8Bit() << endl;
return 1;
* And away we go with the real work... *
args->clear(); // Free up some memory.
* Set our application name for use in unique IDs and error messages,
* and product ID for incidence PRODID property
QString prodId = "-//K Desktop Environment//NONSGML %1 %2//EN";
CalFormat::setApplication( progDisplay,
prodId.arg( progDisplay ).arg( progVersion ) );
if ( importFile ) {
if ( konsolekalendar->importCalendar() ) {
cout << i18n( "Calendar %1 successfully imported" ).
arg( variables.getImportFile() ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
return 0;
} else {
cout << i18n( "Unable to import calendar: %1" ).
arg( variables.getImportFile() ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
return 1;
if ( add ) {
if ( !konsolekalendar->isEvent( startdatetime, enddatetime,
variables.getSummary() ) ) {
kdDebug() << "main | modework | "
<< "calling addEvent()"
<< endl;
} else {
cout << i18n(
"Attempting to insert an event that already exists"
).local8Bit() << endl;
return 1;
if ( change ) {
kdDebug() << "main | modework | "
<< "calling changeEvent()"
<< endl;
if ( !variables.isUID() ) {
cout << i18n( "Missing event UID: "
"use --uid command line option" ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
return 1;
if ( konsolekalendar->changeEvent() != true ) {
cout << i18n( "No such event UID: change event failed" ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
return 1;
kdDebug() << "main | modework | "
<< "successful changeEvent()"
<< endl;
if ( del ) {
kdDebug() << "main | modework | "
<< "calling deleteEvent()"
<< endl;
if ( !variables.isUID() ) {
cout << i18n( "Missing event UID: "
"use --uid command line option" ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
return 1;
if ( konsolekalendar->deleteEvent() != true ) {
cout << i18n( "No such event UID: delete event failed").local8Bit()
<< endl;
return 1;
kdDebug() << "main | modework | "
<< "successful deleteEvent()"
<< endl;
if ( view ) {
kdDebug() << "main | modework | "
<< "calling showInstance() to view events"
<< endl;
if ( !konsolekalendar->showInstance() ) {
cout << i18n( "Cannot open specified export file: %1" ).
arg( variables.getExportFile() ).local8Bit()
<< endl;
return 1;
delete konsolekalendar;
delete calendarResource;
kdDebug() << "main | exiting"
<< endl;
return 0;