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40 lines
537 B

# $Id$
mimelibdir = $(includedir)/mimelib
mimelib_HEADERS= \
address.h \
addrlist.h \
body.h \
bodypart.h \
boyermor.h \
config.h \
datetime.h \
debug.h \
disptype.h \
entity.h \
enum.h \
field.h \
fieldbdy.h \
group.h \
headers.h \
mailbox.h \
mboxlist.h \
mechansm.h \
mediatyp.h \
message.h \
mimepp.h \
msgcmp.h \
msgid.h \
nntp.h \
param.h \
pop.h \
protocol.h \
string.h \
text.h \
token.h \
utility.h \
uuencode.h \