You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1329 lines
43 KiB

This file is part of kdepim.
Copyright (c) 2004 Cornelius Schumacher <>
Copyright (c) 2005 Volker Krause <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <typeinfo>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kio/job.h>
#include <kio/davjob.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <libkdepim/progressmanager.h>
#include <libkcal/vcaldrag.h>
#include <libkcal/vcalformat.h>
#include <libkcal/icalformat.h>
#include <libkcal/exceptions.h>
#include <libkcal/incidence.h>
#include <libkcal/event.h>
#include <libkcal/todo.h>
#include <libkcal/journal.h>
#include <libkcal/filestorage.h>
#include <libkcal/confirmsavedialog.h>
#include <kabc/locknull.h>
#include <kabc/stdaddressbook.h>
#include <kresources/configwidget.h>
#include "webdavhandler.h"
#include "kcalsloxprefs.h"
#include "sloxaccounts.h"
#include "kcalresourceslox.h"
using namespace KCal;
KCalResourceSlox::KCalResourceSlox( const KConfig *config )
: ResourceCached( config ), SloxBase( this )
mPrefs->addGroupPrefix( identifier() );
if ( config ) {
readConfig( config );
} else {
setResourceName( i18n( "OpenXchange Server" ) );
KCalResourceSlox::KCalResourceSlox( const KURL &url )
: ResourceCached( 0 ), SloxBase( this )
mPrefs->addGroupPrefix( identifier() );
mPrefs->setUrl( url.url() );
kdDebug() << "~KCalResourceSlox()" << endl;
if ( mLoadEventsJob ) mLoadEventsJob->kill();
if ( mLoadTodosJob ) mLoadTodosJob->kill();
if ( mUploadJob ) mUploadJob->kill();
delete mLock;
kdDebug() << "~KCalResourceSlox() done" << endl;
void KCalResourceSlox::init()
mPrefs = new SloxPrefs;
mWebdavHandler.setResource( this );
mLoadEventsJob = 0;
mLoadTodosJob = 0;
mUploadJob = 0;
mLoadEventsProgress = 0;
mLoadTodosProgress = 0;
mAccounts = 0;
mLock = new KABC::LockNull( true );
void KCalResourceSlox::readConfig( const KConfig *config )
mWebdavHandler.setUserId( mPrefs->user() );
ResourceCached::readConfig( config );
KURL url = mPrefs->url();
url.setUser( mPrefs->user() );
url.setPass( mPrefs->password() );
delete mAccounts;
mAccounts = new SloxAccounts( this, url );
void KCalResourceSlox::writeConfig( KConfig *config )
kdDebug() << "KCalResourceSlox::writeConfig()" << endl;
ResourceCalendar::writeConfig( config );
ResourceCached::writeConfig( config );
bool KCalResourceSlox::doLoad()
kdDebug() << "KCalResourceSlox::load() " << long( this ) << endl;
if ( mLoadEventsJob || mLoadTodosJob ) {
kdDebug() << "KCalResourceSlox::load(): download still in progress."
<< endl;
return true;
if ( mUploadJob ) {
kdWarning() << "KCalResourceSlox::load(): upload still in progress."
<< endl;
loadError( "Upload still in progress." );
return false;
emit resourceChanged( this );
TQString p = KURL( mPrefs->url() ).protocol();
if ( p != "http" && p != "https" && p != "webdav" && p != "webdavs" ) {
TQString err = i18n("Non-http protocol: '%1'").arg( p );
kdDebug() << "KCalResourceSlox::load(): " << err << endl;
loadError( err );
return false;
// The SLOX contacts are loaded asynchronously, so make sure that they are
// actually loaded.
KABC::StdAddressBook::self( true )->asyncLoad();
#if 1
return true;
void KCalResourceSlox::requestEvents()
KURL url = mPrefs->url();
url.setPath( "/servlet/webdav.calendar/" );
url.setUser( mPrefs->user() );
url.setPass( mPrefs->password() );
kdDebug() << "KCalResourceSlox::requestEvents(): " << url << endl;
TQString lastsync = "0";
if ( mPrefs->useLastSync() ) {
TQDateTime dt = mPrefs->lastEventSync();
if ( dt.isValid() ) {
lastsync = WebdavHandler::qDateTimeToSlox( dt.addDays( -1 ) );
TQDomDocument doc;
TQDomElement root = WebdavHandler::addDavElement( doc, doc, "propfind" );
TQDomElement prop = WebdavHandler::addDavElement( doc, root, "prop" );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( LastSync ), lastsync );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( FolderId ), mPrefs->calendarFolderId() );
if ( type() == "ox" ) {
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( ObjectType ), "NEW_AND_MODIFIED" );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( ObjectType ), "DELETED" );
} else
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( ObjectType ), "all" );
kdDebug() << "REQUEST CALENDAR: \n" << doc.toString( 2 ) << endl;
mLoadEventsJob = KIO::davPropFind( url, doc, "0", false );
connect( mLoadEventsJob, TQT_SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job * ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotLoadEventsResult( KIO::Job * ) ) );
connect( mLoadEventsJob, TQT_SIGNAL( percent( KIO::Job *, unsigned long ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotEventsProgress( KIO::Job *, unsigned long ) ) );
mLoadEventsProgress = KPIM::ProgressManager::instance()->createProgressItem(
KPIM::ProgressManager::getUniqueID(), i18n("Downloading events") );
connect( mLoadEventsProgress,
TQT_SIGNAL( progressItemCanceled( KPIM::ProgressItem * ) ),
TQT_SLOT( cancelLoadEvents() ) );
mPrefs->setLastEventSync( TQDateTime::currentDateTime() );
void KCalResourceSlox::requestTodos()
KURL url = mPrefs->url();
url.setPath( "/servlet/webdav.tasks/" );
url.setUser( mPrefs->user() );
url.setPass( mPrefs->password() );
kdDebug() << "KCalResourceSlox::requestTodos(): " << url << endl;
TQString lastsync = "0";
if ( mPrefs->useLastSync() ) {
TQDateTime dt = mPrefs->lastTodoSync();
if ( dt.isValid() ) {
lastsync = WebdavHandler::qDateTimeToSlox( dt.addDays( -1 ) );
TQDomDocument doc;
TQDomElement root = WebdavHandler::addDavElement( doc, doc, "propfind" );
TQDomElement prop = WebdavHandler::addDavElement( doc, root, "prop" );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( LastSync ), lastsync );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( FolderId ), mPrefs->taskFolderId() );
if ( type() == "ox" ) {
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( ObjectType ), "NEW_AND_MODIFIED" );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( ObjectType ), "DELETED" );
} else
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( ObjectType ), "all" );
kdDebug() << "REQUEST TASKS: \n" << doc.toString( 2 ) << endl;
mLoadTodosJob = KIO::davPropFind( url, doc, "0", false );
connect( mLoadTodosJob, TQT_SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job * ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotLoadTodosResult( KIO::Job * ) ) );
connect( mLoadTodosJob, TQT_SIGNAL( percent( KIO::Job *, unsigned long ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotTodosProgress( KIO::Job *, unsigned long ) ) );
mLoadTodosProgress = KPIM::ProgressManager::instance()->createProgressItem(
KPIM::ProgressManager::getUniqueID(), i18n("Downloading to-dos") );
connect( mLoadTodosProgress,
TQT_SIGNAL( progressItemCanceled( KPIM::ProgressItem * ) ),
TQT_SLOT( cancelLoadTodos() ) );
mPrefs->setLastTodoSync( TQDateTime::currentDateTime() );
void KCalResourceSlox::uploadIncidences()
TQDomDocument doc;
TQDomElement ms = WebdavHandler::addDavElement( doc, doc, "multistatus" );
TQDomElement pu = WebdavHandler::addDavElement( doc, ms, "propertyupdate" );
TQDomElement set = WebdavHandler::addElement( doc, pu, "D:set" );
TQDomElement prop = WebdavHandler::addElement( doc, set, "D:prop" );
mUploadIsDelete = false;
Incidence::List added = addedIncidences();
Incidence::List changed = changedIncidences();
Incidence::List deleted = deletedIncidences();
if ( !added.isEmpty() ) {
mUploadedIncidence = added.first();
} else if ( !changed.isEmpty() ) {
mUploadedIncidence = changed.first();
} else if ( !deleted.isEmpty() ) {
mUploadedIncidence = deleted.first();
mUploadIsDelete = true;
} else {
mUploadedIncidence = 0;
kdDebug() << "uploadIncidences(): FINISHED" << endl;
emit resourceSaved( this );
// Don't try to upload recurring incidences as long as the resource doesn't
// correctly write them in order to avoid corrupting data on the server.
// FIXME: Remove when recurrences are correctly written.
if ( mUploadedIncidence->doesRecur() && type() == "slox" ) {
clearChange( mUploadedIncidence );
KURL url = mPrefs->url();
TQString sloxId = mUploadedIncidence->customProperty( "SLOX", "ID" );
if ( !sloxId.isEmpty() ) {
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( ObjectId ), sloxId );
} else {
if ( mUploadIsDelete ) {
kdError() << "Incidence to delete doesn't have a SLOX id" << endl;
clearChange( mUploadedIncidence );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, fieldName( ClientId ),
mUploadedIncidence->uid() );
if ( mUploadIsDelete ) {
if ( mUploadedIncidence->type() == "Event" ) {
url.setPath( "/servlet/webdav.calendar/" + sloxId );
} else if ( mUploadedIncidence->type() == "Todo" ) {
url.setPath( "/servlet/webdav.tasks/" + sloxId );
} else {
kdWarning() << "uploadIncidences(): Unsupported incidence type: "
<< mUploadedIncidence->type() << endl;
if ( type() == "ox" ) {
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, "method", "DELETE" );
} else {
TQDomElement remove = WebdavHandler::addElement( doc, pu, "D:remove" );
TQDomElement prop = WebdavHandler::addElement( doc, remove, "D:prop" );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, prop, "sloxid", sloxId );
} else {
createIncidenceAttributes( doc, prop, mUploadedIncidence );
// FIXME: Use a visitor
if ( mUploadedIncidence->type() == "Event" ) {
url.setPath( "/servlet/webdav.calendar/file.xml" );
createEventAttributes( doc, prop, static_cast<Event *>( mUploadedIncidence ) );
// TODO: OX supports recurrences also for tasks
createRecurrenceAttributes( doc, prop, mUploadedIncidence );
} else if ( mUploadedIncidence->type() == "Todo" ) {
url.setPath( "/servlet/webdav.tasks/file.xml" );
createTodoAttributes( doc, prop, static_cast<Todo *>( mUploadedIncidence ) );
} else {
kdWarning() << "uploadIncidences(): Unsupported incidence type: "
<< mUploadedIncidence->type() << endl;
url.setUser( mPrefs->user() );
url.setPass( mPrefs->password() );
kdDebug() << "KCalResourceSlox::uploadIncidences(): " << url << endl;
kdDebug() << "UPLOAD: \n" << doc.toString( 2 ) << endl;
mUploadJob = KIO::davPropPatch( url, doc, false );
connect( mUploadJob, TQT_SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job * ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotUploadResult( KIO::Job * ) ) );
connect( mUploadJob, TQT_SIGNAL( percent( KIO::Job *, unsigned long ) ),
TQT_SLOT( slotUploadProgress( KIO::Job *, unsigned long ) ) );
mUploadProgress = KPIM::ProgressManager::instance()->createProgressItem(
KPIM::ProgressManager::getUniqueID(), i18n("Uploading incidence") );
connect( mUploadProgress,
TQT_SIGNAL( progressItemCanceled( KPIM::ProgressItem * ) ),
TQT_SLOT( cancelUpload() ) );
void KCalResourceSlox::createIncidenceAttributes( TQDomDocument &doc,
TQDomElement &parent,
Incidence *incidence )
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( IncidenceTitle ),
incidence->summary() );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( Description ),
incidence->description() );
if ( incidence->attendeeCount() > 0 ) {
TQDomElement members = WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent,
fieldName( Participants ) );
Attendee::List attendees = incidence->attendees();
Attendee::List::ConstIterator it;
for( it = attendees.begin(); it != attendees.end(); ++it ) {
if ( mAccounts ) {
TQString userId = mAccounts->lookupId( (*it)->email() );
TQString status;
switch ( (*it)->status() ) {
case Attendee::Accepted: status = "accept"; break;
case Attendee::Declined: status = "decline"; break;
default: status = "none"; break;
TQDomElement el = WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, members, fieldName( Participant ), userId );
el.setAttribute( "confirm", status );
} else {
kdError() << "KCalResourceSlox: No accounts set." << endl;
// set read attributes - if SecrecyPublic, set it to users
// TODO OX support
if ( incidence->secrecy() == Incidence::SecrecyPublic && type() != "ox" )
TQDomElement rights = WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, "readrights" );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, rights, "group", "users" );
// set reminder as the number of minutes to the start of the event
KCal::Alarm::List alarms = incidence->alarms();
if ( !alarms.isEmpty() && alarms.first()->hasStartOffset() && alarms.first()->enabled() )
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( Reminder ),
TQString::number( (-1) * alarms.first()->startOffset().asSeconds() / 60 ) );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( Reminder ), "0" );
// categories
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( Categories ), incidence->categories().join( ", " ) );
void KCalResourceSlox::createEventAttributes( TQDomDocument &doc,
TQDomElement &parent,
Event *event )
TQString folderId = mPrefs->calendarFolderId();
if ( folderId.isEmpty() && type() == "ox" ) // SLOX and OX use diffrent default folders
folderId = "-1";
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( FolderId ), folderId );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( EventBegin ),
WebdavHandler::qDateTimeToSlox( event->dtStart(), timeZoneId() ) );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( EventEnd ),
WebdavHandler::qDateTimeToSlox( event->dtEnd(), timeZoneId() ) );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( Location ), event->location() );
if ( event->doesFloat() ) {
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( FullTime ), boolToStr( true ) );
} else {
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( FullTime ), boolToStr( false ) );
void KCalResourceSlox::createTodoAttributes( TQDomDocument &doc,
TQDomElement &parent,
Todo *todo )
TQString folderId = mPrefs->taskFolderId();
if ( folderId.isEmpty() && type() == "ox" ) // SLOX and OX use diffrent default folders
folderId = "-1";
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( FolderId ), folderId );
if ( todo->hasStartDate() ) {
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( TaskBegin ),
WebdavHandler::qDateTimeToSlox( todo->dtStart(), timeZoneId() ) );
if ( todo->hasDueDate() ) {
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( TaskEnd ),
WebdavHandler::qDateTimeToSlox( todo->dtDue(), timeZoneId() ) );
int priority = todo->priority();
TQString txt;
switch ( priority ) {
case 9:
case 8:
txt = "1";
case 2:
case 1:
txt = "3";
txt = "2";
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( Priority ), txt );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( PercentComplete ),
TQString::number( todo->percentComplete() ) );
void KCalResourceSlox::createRecurrenceAttributes( TQDomDocument &doc,
TQDomElement &parent,
KCal::Incidence *incidence )
if ( !incidence->doesRecur() ) {
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceType ),
type() == "ox" ? "none" : "no" );
Recurrence *r = incidence->recurrence();
int monthOffset = ( type() == "ox" ? -1 : 0 );
switch ( r->recurrenceType() ) {
case Recurrence::rDaily:
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceType ), "daily" );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceDailyFreq ),
TQString::number( r->frequency() ) );
case Recurrence::rWeekly: {
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceType ), "weekly" );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceWeeklyFreq ),
TQString::number( r->frequency() ) );
// TODO: SLOX support
int oxDays = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < 7; ++i ) {
if ( r->days()[i] )
oxDays += 1 << ( ( i + 1 ) % 7 );
if ( type() == "ox" )
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, "days", TQString::number( oxDays ) );
break; }
case Recurrence::rMonthlyDay:
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceType ), "monthly" );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceMonthlyFreq ),
TQString::number( r->frequency() ) );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceMonthlyDay ),
TQString::number( r->monthDays().first() ) );
case Recurrence::rMonthlyPos: {
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceType ),
type() == "ox" ? "monthly" : "monthly2" );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceMonthly2Freq ),
TQString::number( r->frequency() ) );
RecurrenceRule::WDayPos wdp = r->monthPositions().first();
// TODO: SLOX support
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceMonthly2Day ),
TQString::number( 1 << ) );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceMonthly2Pos ),
TQString::number( wdp.pos() ) );
break; }
case Recurrence::rYearlyMonth:
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceType ), "yearly" );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceYearlyDay ),
TQString::number( r->yearDates().first() ) );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceYearlyMonth ),
TQString::number( r->yearMonths().first() + monthOffset ) );
if ( type() == "ox" )
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, "interval", "1" );
case Recurrence::rYearlyPos: {
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceType ),
type() == "ox" ? "yearly" : "yearly2" );
RecurrenceRule::WDayPos wdp = r->monthPositions().first();
// TODO: SLOX support
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceYearly2Day ),
TQString::number( 1 << ) );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceYearly2Pos ),
TQString::number( wdp.pos() ) );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceYearly2Month ),
TQString::number( r->yearMonths().first() + monthOffset ) );
if ( type() == "ox" )
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, "interval", "1" );
break; }
kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << "unsupported recurrence type: " << r->recurrenceType() << endl;
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceEnd ),
WebdavHandler::qDateTimeToSlox( r->endDateTime() ) );
// delete exceptions
DateList exlist = r->exDates();
TQStringList res;
for ( DateList::Iterator it = exlist.begin(); it != exlist.end(); ++it )
res.append( WebdavHandler::qDateTimeToSlox( *it ) );
WebdavHandler::addSloxElement( this, doc, parent, fieldName( RecurrenceDelEx ), res.join( "," ) );
void KCalResourceSlox::parseMembersAttribute( const TQDomElement &e,
Incidence *incidence )
TQDomNode n;
for( n = e.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() ) {
TQDomElement memberElement = n.toElement();
if ( memberElement.tagName() == fieldName( Participant ) ) {
TQString member = memberElement.text();
KABC::Addressee account;
if ( mAccounts ) account = mAccounts->lookupUser( member );
else kdError() << "KCalResourceSlox: no accounts set" << endl;
TQString name;
TQString email;
Attendee *a = incidence->attendeeByUid( member );
if ( account.isEmpty() ) {
if ( a ) continue;
name = member;
email = member + "@" + KURL( mPrefs->url() ).host();
} else {
name = account.realName();
email = account.preferredEmail();
if ( a ) {
a->setName( name );
a->setEmail( email );
} else {
a = new Attendee( name, email );
a->setUid( member );
incidence->addAttendee( a );
TQString status = memberElement.attribute( "confirm" );
if ( !status.isEmpty() ) {
if ( status == "accept" ) {
a->setStatus( Attendee::Accepted );
} else if ( status == "decline" ) {
a->setStatus( Attendee::Declined );
} else {
a->setStatus( Attendee::NeedsAction );
} else {
kdDebug() << "Unknown tag in members attribute: "
<< memberElement.tagName() << endl;
void KCalResourceSlox::parseReadRightsAttribute( const TQDomElement &e,
Incidence *incidence )
TQDomNode n;
for( n = e.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() ) {
TQDomElement rightElement = n.toElement();
if ( rightElement.tagName() == "group" ) {
TQString groupName = rightElement.text();
if ( groupName == "users" )
incidence->setSecrecy( Incidence::SecrecyPublic );
void KCalResourceSlox::parseIncidenceAttribute( const TQDomElement &e,
Incidence *incidence )
TQString tag = e.tagName();
TQString text = decodeText( e.text() );
if ( text.isEmpty() ) return;
if ( tag == fieldName( IncidenceTitle ) ) {
incidence->setSummary( text );
} else if ( e.tagName() == fieldName( Description ) ) {
incidence->setDescription( text );
} else if ( tag == fieldName( Reminder ) ) {
int minutes = text.toInt();
if ( minutes != 0 ) {
Alarm::List alarms = incidence->alarms();
Alarm *alarm;
if ( alarms.isEmpty() ) alarm = incidence->newAlarm();
else alarm = alarms.first();
if ( alarm->type() == Alarm::Invalid ) {
alarm->setType( Alarm::Display );
Duration d( minutes * -60 );
alarm->setStartOffset( d );
alarm->setEnabled( true );
} else {
// 0 reminder -> disable alarm
} else if ( tag == fieldName( CreatedBy ) ) {
KABC::Addressee a;
if ( mAccounts ) a = mAccounts->lookupUser( text );
else kdDebug() << "KCalResourceSlox: no accounts set" << endl;
incidence->setOrganizer( Person( a.formattedName(), a.preferredEmail() ) );
} else if ( tag == fieldName( Participants ) ) {
parseMembersAttribute( e, incidence );
} else if ( tag == "readrights" ) {
parseReadRightsAttribute( e, incidence );
} else if ( tag == fieldName( Categories ) ) {
incidence->setCategories( TQStringList::split( TQRegExp(",\\s*"), text ) );
void KCalResourceSlox::parseEventAttribute( const TQDomElement &e,
Event *event )
TQString tag = e.tagName();
TQString text = decodeText( e.text() );
if ( text.isEmpty() ) return;
if ( tag == fieldName( EventBegin ) ) {
TQDateTime dt;
if ( event->doesFloat() ) {
if ( type() == "ox" )
dt = WebdavHandler::sloxToTQDateTime( text, timeZoneId() );
dt = WebdavHandler::sloxToTQDateTime( text ); // ### is this really correct for SLOX?
} else
dt = WebdavHandler::sloxToTQDateTime( text, timeZoneId() );
event->setDtStart( dt );
} else if ( tag == fieldName( EventEnd ) ) {
TQDateTime dt;
if ( event->doesFloat() ) {
dt = WebdavHandler::sloxToTQDateTime( text );
dt = dt.addSecs( -1 );
else dt = WebdavHandler::sloxToTQDateTime( text, timeZoneId() );
event->setDtEnd( dt );
} else if ( tag == fieldName( Location ) ) {
event->setLocation( text );
void KCalResourceSlox::parseRecurrence( const TQDomNode &node, Event *event )
TQString type;
int dailyValue = -1;
TQDateTime end;
int weeklyValue = -1;
TQBitArray days( 7 ); // days, starting with monday
bool daysSet = false;
int monthlyValueDay = -1;
int monthlyValueMonth = -1;
int yearlyValueDay = -1;
int yearlyMonth = -1;
int monthly2Recurrency = 0;
int monthly2Day = 0;
int monthly2ValueMonth = -1;
int yearly2Recurrency = 0;
int yearly2Day = 0;
int yearly2Month = -1;
DateList deleteExceptions;
TQDomNode n;
for( n = node.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() ) {
TQDomElement e = n.toElement();
TQString tag = e.tagName();
TQString text = decodeText( e.text() );
kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << tag << ": " << text << endl;
if ( tag == fieldName( RecurrenceType ) ) {
type = text;
} else if ( tag == "daily_value" ) {
dailyValue = text.toInt();
} else if ( tag == fieldName( RecurrenceEnd ) ) {
end = WebdavHandler::sloxToTQDateTime( text );
} else if ( tag == "weekly_value" ) {
weeklyValue = text.toInt();
} else if ( tag.left( 11 ) == "weekly_day_" ) {
int day = tag.mid( 11, 1 ).toInt();
int index;
if ( day == 1 ) index = 0;
else index = day - 2;
days.setBit( index );
} else if ( tag == "monthly_value_day" ) {
monthlyValueDay = text.toInt();
} else if ( tag == "monthly_value_month" ) {
monthlyValueMonth = text.toInt();
} else if ( tag == "yearly_value_day" ) {
yearlyValueDay = text.toInt();
} else if ( tag == "yearly_month" ) {
yearlyMonth = text.toInt();
} else if ( tag == "monthly2_recurrency" ) {
monthly2Recurrency = text.toInt();
} else if ( tag == "monthly2_day" ) {
monthly2Day = text.toInt();
} else if ( tag == "monthly2_value_month" ) {
monthly2ValueMonth = text.toInt();
} else if ( tag == "yearly2_reccurency" ) { // this is not a typo, this is what SLOX really sends!
yearly2Recurrency = text.toInt();
} else if ( tag == "yearly2_day" ) {
yearly2Day = text.toInt();
} else if ( tag == "yearly2_month" ) {
yearly2Month = text.toInt() + 1;
// OX recurrence fields
} else if ( tag == "interval" ) {
dailyValue = text.toInt();
weeklyValue = text.toInt();
monthlyValueMonth = text.toInt();
monthly2ValueMonth = text.toInt();
} else if ( tag == "days" ) {
int tmp = text.toInt(); // OX encodes days binary: 1=Su, 2=Mo, 4=Tu, ...
for ( int i = 0; i < 7; ++i ) {
if ( tmp & (1 << i) )
days.setBit( (i + 6) % 7 );
daysSet = true;
} else if ( tag == "day_in_month" ) {
monthlyValueDay = text.toInt();
monthly2Recurrency = text.toInt();
yearlyValueDay = text.toInt();
yearly2Recurrency = text.toInt();
} else if ( tag == "month" ) {
yearlyMonth = text.toInt() + 1; // starts at 0
yearly2Month = text.toInt() + 1;
} else if ( tag == fieldName( RecurrenceDelEx ) ) {
TQStringList exdates = TQStringList::split( ",", text );
TQStringList::Iterator it;
for ( it = exdates.begin(); it != exdates.end(); ++it )
deleteExceptions.append( WebdavHandler::sloxToTQDateTime( *it ).date() );
if ( daysSet && type == "monthly" )
type = "monthly2"; // HACK: OX doesn't cleanly distinguish between monthly and monthly2
if ( daysSet && type == "yearly" )
type = "yearly2";
Recurrence *r = event->recurrence();
if ( type == "daily" ) {
r->setDaily( dailyValue );
} else if ( type == "weekly" ) {
r->setWeekly( weeklyValue, days );
} else if ( type == "monthly" ) {
r->setMonthly( monthlyValueMonth );
r->addMonthlyDate( monthlyValueDay );
} else if ( type == "yearly" ) {
r->setYearly( 1 );
r->addYearlyDate( yearlyValueDay );
r->addYearlyMonth( yearlyMonth );
} else if ( type == "monthly2" ) {
r->setMonthly( monthly2ValueMonth );
TQBitArray _days( 7 );
if ( daysSet )
_days = days;
_days.setBit( event->dtStart().date().dayOfWeek() );
r->addMonthlyPos( monthly2Recurrency, _days );
} else if ( type == "yearly2" ) {
r->setYearly( 1 );
r->addYearlyMonth( yearly2Month );
TQBitArray _days( 7 );
if ( daysSet )
_days = days;
_days.setBit( ( yearly2Day + 5 ) % 7 );
r->addYearlyPos( yearly2Recurrency, _days );
r->setEndDate( );
r->setExDates( deleteExceptions );
void KCalResourceSlox::parseTodoAttribute( const TQDomElement &e,
Todo *todo )
TQString tag = e.tagName();
TQString text = decodeText( e.text() );
if ( text.isEmpty() ) return;
if ( tag == fieldName( TaskBegin ) ) {
TQDateTime dt = WebdavHandler::sloxToTQDateTime( text );
if ( dt.isValid() ) {
todo->setDtStart( dt );
todo->setHasStartDate( true );
} else if ( tag == fieldName( TaskEnd ) ) {
TQDateTime dt = WebdavHandler::sloxToTQDateTime( text );
if ( dt.isValid() ) {
todo->setDtDue( dt );
todo->setHasDueDate( true );
} else if ( tag == fieldName( Priority ) ) {
int p = text.toInt();
if ( p < 1 || p > 3 ) {
kdError() << "Unknown priority: " << text << endl;
} else {
int priority;
switch ( p ) {
case 1:
priority = 9;
case 2:
priority = 5;
case 3:
priority = 1;
todo->setPriority( priority );
} else if ( tag == fieldName( PercentComplete ) ) {
int completed = text.toInt();
todo->setPercentComplete( completed );
void KCalResourceSlox::slotLoadTodosResult( KIO::Job *job )
kdDebug() << "KCalResourceSlox::slotLoadTodosJobResult()" << endl;
if ( job->error() ) {
loadError( job->errorString() );
} else {
kdDebug() << "KCalResourceSlox::slotLoadTodosJobResult() success" << endl;
TQDomDocument doc = mLoadTodosJob->response();
mWebdavHandler.log( doc.toString( 2 ) );
TQValueList<SloxItem> items = WebdavHandler::getSloxItems( this, doc );
bool changed = false;
TQValueList<SloxItem>::ConstIterator it;
for( it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it ) {
SloxItem item = *it;
TQString uid = sloxIdToTodoUid( item.sloxId );
if ( item.status == SloxItem::Delete ) {
Todo *todo = mCalendar.todo( uid );
if ( todo ) {
mCalendar.deleteTodo( todo );
changed = true;
} else if ( item.status == SloxItem::Create ) {
Todo *newTodo = 0;
Todo *todo = mCalendar.todo( uid );
if ( !todo ) {
newTodo = new Todo;
todo = newTodo;
todo->setUid( uid );
todo->setSecrecy( Incidence::SecrecyPrivate );
todo->setCustomProperty( "SLOX", "ID", item.sloxId );
TQDomNode n;
for( n = item.domNode.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() ) {
TQDomElement e = n.toElement();
mWebdavHandler.parseSloxAttribute( e );
parseIncidenceAttribute( e, todo );
parseTodoAttribute( e, todo );
mWebdavHandler.setSloxAttributes( todo );
if ( newTodo ) mCalendar.addTodo( todo );
changed = true;
if ( changed ) emit resourceChanged( this );
emit resourceLoaded( this );
mLoadTodosJob = 0;
if ( mLoadTodosProgress ) mLoadTodosProgress->setComplete();
mLoadTodosProgress = 0;
void KCalResourceSlox::slotLoadEventsResult( KIO::Job *job )
kdDebug() << "KCalResourceSlox::slotLoadEventsResult() " << long( this ) << endl;
if ( job->error() ) {
loadError( job->errorString() );
} else {
kdDebug() << "KCalResourceSlox::slotLoadEventsResult() success" << endl;
TQDomDocument doc = mLoadEventsJob->response();
mWebdavHandler.log( doc.toString( 2 ) );
TQValueList<SloxItem> items = WebdavHandler::getSloxItems( this, doc );
bool changed = false;
TQValueList<SloxItem>::ConstIterator it;
for( it = items.begin(); it != items.end(); ++it ) {
SloxItem item = *it;
TQString uid = sloxIdToEventUid( item.sloxId );
if ( item.status == SloxItem::Delete ) {
Event *event = mCalendar.event( uid );
if ( event ) {
mCalendar.deleteEvent( event );
changed = true;
} else if ( item.status == SloxItem::Create ) {
Event *newEvent = 0;
Event *event = mCalendar.event( uid );
if ( !event ) {
newEvent = new Event;
event = newEvent;
event->setUid( uid );
event->setSecrecy( Incidence::SecrecyPrivate );
event->setCustomProperty( "SLOX", "ID", item.sloxId );
TQDomNode n = item.domNode.namedItem( fieldName( FullTime ) );
event->setFloats( n.toElement().text() == boolToStr( true ) );
bool doesRecur = false;
for( n = item.domNode.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() ) {
TQDomElement e = n.toElement();
mWebdavHandler.parseSloxAttribute( e );
parseIncidenceAttribute( e, event );
parseEventAttribute( e, event );
if ( e.tagName() == fieldName( RecurrenceType ) && e.text() != "no" ) {
doesRecur = true;
if ( doesRecur )
parseRecurrence( item.domNode, event );
mWebdavHandler.setSloxAttributes( event );
// kdDebug() << "EVENT " << item.uid << " " << event->summary() << endl;
if ( newEvent ) mCalendar.addEvent( event );
changed = true;
if ( changed ) emit resourceChanged( this );
emit resourceLoaded( this );
mLoadEventsJob = 0;
if ( mLoadEventsProgress ) mLoadEventsProgress->setComplete();
mLoadEventsProgress = 0;
void KCalResourceSlox::slotUploadResult( KIO::Job *job )
kdDebug() << "KCalResourceSlox::slotUploadResult()" << endl;
if ( job->error() ) {
saveError( job->errorString() );
} else {
kdDebug() << "KCalResourceSlox::slotUploadResult() success" << endl;
if ( !mUploadJob )
kdDebug() << "KCalResourceSlox::slotUploadResult() - mUploadJob was 0" << endl;
TQDomDocument doc = mUploadJob->response();
kdDebug() << "UPLOAD RESULT:" << endl;
kdDebug() << doc.toString( 2 ) << endl;
TQDomElement docElement = doc.documentElement();
TQDomNode responseNode;
for( responseNode = docElement.firstChild(); !responseNode.isNull();
responseNode = responseNode.nextSibling() ) {
TQDomElement responseElement = responseNode.toElement();
if ( responseElement.tagName() == "response" ) {
TQDomNode propstat = responseElement.namedItem( "propstat" );
if ( propstat.isNull() ) {
kdError() << "Unable to find propstat tag." << endl;
TQDomNode status = propstat.namedItem( "status" );
if ( !status.isNull() ) {
TQDomElement statusElement = status.toElement();
TQString response = statusElement.text();
if ( !response.contains( "200" ) ) {
TQString error = "'" + mUploadedIncidence->summary() + "'\n";
error += response;
TQDomNode dn = propstat.namedItem( "responsedescription" );
TQString d = dn.toElement().text();
if ( !d.isEmpty() ) error += "\n" + d;
saveError( error );
TQDomNode prop = propstat.namedItem( "prop" );
if ( prop.isNull() ) {
kdError() << "Unable to find WebDAV property" << endl;
TQDomNode sloxIdNode = prop.namedItem( fieldName( ObjectId ) );
if ( sloxIdNode.isNull() ) {
kdError() << "Unable to find SLOX id." << endl;
TQDomElement sloxIdElement = sloxIdNode.toElement();
TQString sloxId = sloxIdElement.text();
kdDebug() << "SLOXID: " << sloxId << endl;
if ( mUploadIsDelete ) {
kdDebug() << "Incidence deleted" << endl;
} else {
TQDomNode clientIdNode = prop.namedItem( fieldName( ClientId ) );
if ( clientIdNode.isNull() ) {
kdError() << "Unable to find client id." << endl;
TQDomElement clientidElement = clientIdNode.toElement();
TQString clientId = clientidElement.text();
kdDebug() << "CLIENTID: " << clientId << endl;
Incidence *i = mUploadedIncidence->clone();
TQString uid;
if ( i->type() == "Event" ) uid = sloxIdToEventUid( sloxId );
else if ( i->type() == "Todo" ) uid = sloxIdToTodoUid( sloxId );
else {
kdError() << "KCalResourceSlox::slotUploadResult(): Unknown type: "
<< i->type() << endl;
i->setUid( uid );
i->setCustomProperty( "SLOX", "ID", sloxId );
mCalendar.deleteIncidence( mUploadedIncidence );
mCalendar.addIncidence( i );
emit resourceChanged( this );
mUploadJob = 0;
mUploadProgress = 0;
clearChange( mUploadedIncidence );
void KCalResourceSlox::slotEventsProgress( KIO::Job *job,
unsigned long percent )
#if 0
kdDebug() << "PROGRESS: events " << int( job ) << ": " << percent << endl;
Q_UNUSED( job );
Q_UNUSED( percent );
if ( mLoadEventsProgress ) mLoadEventsProgress->setProgress( percent );
void KCalResourceSlox::slotTodosProgress( KIO::Job *job, unsigned long percent )
#if 0
kdDebug() << "PROGRESS: todos " << int( job ) << ": " << percent << endl;
Q_UNUSED( job );
Q_UNUSED( percent );
if ( mLoadTodosProgress ) mLoadTodosProgress->setProgress( percent );
void KCalResourceSlox::slotUploadProgress( KIO::Job *job, unsigned long percent )
#if 0
kdDebug() << "PROGRESS: upload " << int( job ) << ": " << percent << endl;
Q_UNUSED( job );
Q_UNUSED( percent );
if ( mUploadProgress ) mUploadProgress->setProgress( percent );
bool KCalResourceSlox::confirmSave()
if ( !hasChanges() ) return true;
ConfirmSaveDialog dlg( resourceName(), 0 );
dlg.addIncidences( addedIncidences(), i18n("Added") );
dlg.addIncidences( changedIncidences(), i18n("Changed") );
dlg.addIncidences( deletedIncidences(), i18n("Deleted") );
int result = dlg.exec();
return result == TQDialog::Accepted;
bool KCalResourceSlox::doSave()
kdDebug() << "KCalResourceSlox::save()" << endl;
if ( readOnly() || !hasChanges() ) {
emit resourceSaved( this );
return true;
if ( mLoadEventsJob || mLoadTodosJob ) {
kdWarning() << "KCalResourceSlox::save(): download still in progress."
<< endl;
return false;
if ( mUploadJob ) {
kdWarning() << "KCalResourceSlox::save(): upload still in progress."
<< endl;
return false;
if ( !confirmSave() ) return false;
return true;
bool KCalResourceSlox::isSaving()
return mUploadJob;
void KCalResourceSlox::doClose()
kdDebug() << "KCalResourceSlox::doClose()" << endl;
if ( mUploadJob ) {
kdError() << "KCalResourceSlox::doClose() Still saving" << endl;
} else {
KABC::Lock *KCalResourceSlox::lock()
return mLock;
void KCalResourceSlox::dump() const
kdDebug(5800) << " Url: " << mPrefs->url() << endl;
void KCalResourceSlox::cancelLoadEvents()
if ( mLoadEventsJob ) mLoadEventsJob->kill();
mLoadEventsJob = 0;
if ( mLoadEventsProgress ) mLoadEventsProgress->setComplete();
mLoadEventsProgress = 0;
void KCalResourceSlox::cancelLoadTodos()
if ( mLoadTodosJob ) mLoadTodosJob->kill();
mLoadTodosJob = 0;
if ( mLoadTodosProgress ) mLoadTodosProgress->setComplete();
mLoadTodosProgress = 0;
void KCalResourceSlox::cancelUpload()
if ( mUploadJob ) mUploadJob->kill();
mUploadJob = 0;
if ( mUploadProgress ) mUploadProgress->setComplete();
TQString KCalResourceSlox::sloxIdToEventUid( const TQString &sloxId )
return "KResources_SLOX_Event_" + sloxId;
TQString KCalResourceSlox::sloxIdToTodoUid( const TQString &sloxId )
return "KResources_SLOX_Todo_" + sloxId;
#include "kcalresourceslox.moc"