You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
638 lines
20 KiB
638 lines
20 KiB
This file is part of Kontact.
Copyright (c) 2003 Tobias Koenig <>
Copyright (c) 2004 Allen Winter <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of TQt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for TQt in the source distribution.
#include <tqcursor.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqimage.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
#include <dcopclient.h>
#include <dcopref.h>
#include <kabc/stdaddressbook.h>
#include <korganizer/stdcalendar.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kdialog.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kparts/part.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kurllabel.h>
#include <libkcal/event.h>
#include <libkcal/resourcecalendar.h>
#include <libkcal/resourcelocal.h>
#include <libtdepim/kpimprefs.h>
#include "core.h"
#include "plugin.h"
#include "sdsummarywidget.h"
enum SDIncidenceType {
IncidenceTypeContact, IncidenceTypeEvent
enum SDCategory {
CategoryBirthday, CategoryAnniversary, CategoryHoliday, CategoryOther
class SDEntry
SDIncidenceType type;
SDCategory category;
int yearsOld;
int daysTo;
TQDate date;
TQString summary;
TQString desc;
int span; // #days in the special occassion.
KABC::Addressee addressee;
bool operator<( const SDEntry &entry ) const
return daysTo < entry.daysTo;
SDSummaryWidget::SDSummaryWidget( Kontact::Plugin *plugin, TQWidget *parent,
const char *name )
: Kontact::Summary( parent, name ), mPlugin( plugin ), mCalendar( 0 ), mHolidays( 0 )
// Create the Summary Layout
TQVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new TQVBoxLayout( this, 3, 3 );
TQPixmap icon = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "cookie",
KIcon::Desktop, KIcon::SizeMedium );
TQWidget *header = createHeader( this, icon, i18n( "Special Dates" ) );
mLayout = new TQGridLayout( mainLayout, 7, 6, 3 );
mLayout->setRowStretch( 6, 1 );
// Setup the Addressbook
KABC::StdAddressBook *ab = KABC::StdAddressBook::self( true );
connect( ab, TQT_SIGNAL( addressBookChanged( AddressBook* ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( updateView() ) );
connect( mPlugin->core(), TQT_SIGNAL( dayChanged( const TQDate& ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( updateView() ) );
// Setup the Calendar
mCalendar = new KCal::CalendarResources( KPimPrefs::timezone() );
KCal::CalendarResourceManager *manager = mCalendar->resourceManager();
if ( manager->isEmpty() ) {
KConfig config( "korganizerrc" );
config.setGroup( "General" );
TQString fileName = config.readPathEntry( "Active Calendar" );
TQString resourceName;
if ( fileName.isEmpty() ) {
fileName = locateLocal( "data", "korganizer/std.ics" );
resourceName = i18n( "Default KOrganizer resource" );
} else {
resourceName = i18n( "Active Calendar" );
KCal::ResourceCalendar *defaultResource =
new KCal::ResourceLocal( fileName );
defaultResource->setResourceName( resourceName );
manager->add( defaultResource );
manager->setStandardResource( defaultResource );
mCalendar = KOrg::StdCalendar::self();
connect( mCalendar, TQT_SIGNAL( calendarChanged() ),
this, TQT_SLOT( updateView() ) );
connect( mPlugin->core(), TQT_SIGNAL( dayChanged( const TQDate& ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( updateView() ) );
// Update Configuration
void SDSummaryWidget::configUpdated()
KConfig config( "kcmsdsummaryrc" );
config.setGroup( "Days" );
mDaysAhead = config.readNumEntry( "DaysToShow", 7 );
config.setGroup( "EventTypes" );
mShowBirthdaysFromKAB =
config.readBoolEntry( "ShowBirthdaysFromContacts", true );
mShowBirthdaysFromCal =
config.readBoolEntry( "ShowBirthdaysFromCalendar", true );
mShowAnniversariesFromKAB =
config.readBoolEntry( "ShowAnniversariesFromContacts", true );
mShowAnniversariesFromCal =
config.readBoolEntry( "ShowAnniversariesFromCalendar", true );
mShowHolidays =
config.readBoolEntry( "ShowHolidays", true );
mShowSpecialsFromCal =
config.readBoolEntry( "ShowSpecialsFromCalendar", true );
bool SDSummaryWidget::initHolidays()
KConfig hconfig( "korganizerrc" );
hconfig.setGroup( "Time & Date" );
TQString location = hconfig.readEntry( "Holidays" );
if ( !location.isEmpty() ) {
if ( mHolidays ) delete mHolidays;
mHolidays = new KHolidays( location );
return true;
return false;
// number of days remaining in an Event
int SDSummaryWidget::span( KCal::Event *event )
int span=1;
if ( event->isMultiDay() && event->doesFloat() ) {
TQDate d = event->dtStart().date();
if ( d < TQDate::tqcurrentDate() ) {
d = TQDate::tqcurrentDate();
while ( d < event->dtEnd().date() ) {
d=d.addDays( 1 );
return span;
// day of a multiday Event
int SDSummaryWidget::dayof( KCal::Event *event, const TQDate& date )
int dayof=1;
TQDate d = event->dtStart().date();
if ( d < TQDate::tqcurrentDate() ) {
d = TQDate::tqcurrentDate();
while ( d < event->dtEnd().date() ) {
if ( d < date ) {
d = d.addDays( 1 );
return dayof;
void SDSummaryWidget::updateView()
mLabels.setAutoDelete( true );
mLabels.setAutoDelete( false );
KIconLoader loader( "tdepim" );
KABC::StdAddressBook *ab = KABC::StdAddressBook::self( true );
TQValueList<SDEntry> dates;
TQLabel *label = 0;
// No reason to show the date year
TQString savefmt = KGlobal::locale()->dateFormat();
KGlobal::locale()->setDateFormat( KGlobal::locale()->
dateFormat().replace( 'Y', ' ' ) );
// Search for Birthdays and Anniversaries in the Addressbook
KABC::AddressBook::Iterator it;
for ( it = ab->begin(); it != ab->end(); ++it ) {
TQDate birthday = (*it).birthday().date();
if ( birthday.isValid() && mShowBirthdaysFromKAB ) {
SDEntry entry;
entry.type = IncidenceTypeContact;
entry.category = CategoryBirthday;
dateDiff( birthday, entry.daysTo, entry.yearsOld );
| = birthday;
entry.addressee = *it;
entry.span = 1;
if ( entry.daysTo <= mDaysAhead )
dates.append( entry );
TQString anniversaryAsString =
(*it).custom( "KADDRESSBOOK" , "X-Anniversary" );
if ( !anniversaryAsString.isEmpty() ) {
TQDate anniversary = TQDate::fromString( anniversaryAsString, Qt::ISODate );
if ( anniversary.isValid() && mShowAnniversariesFromKAB ) {
SDEntry entry;
entry.type = IncidenceTypeContact;
entry.category = CategoryAnniversary;
dateDiff( anniversary, entry.daysTo, entry.yearsOld );
| = anniversary;
entry.addressee = *it;
entry.span = 1;
if ( entry.daysTo <= mDaysAhead )
dates.append( entry );
// Search for Birthdays, Anniversaries, Holidays, and Special Occasions
// in the Calendar
TQDate dt;
TQDate tqcurrentDate = TQDate::tqcurrentDate();
for ( dt=tqcurrentDate;
dt<=tqcurrentDate.addDays( mDaysAhead - 1 );
dt=dt.addDays(1) ) {
KCal::Event::List events = mCalendar->events( dt,
KCal::SortDirectionAscending );
KCal::Event *ev;
KCal::Event::List::ConstIterator it;
for ( it=events.begin(); it!=events.end(); ++it ) {
ev = *it;
if ( !ev->categoriesStr().isEmpty() ) {
TQStringList::ConstIterator it2;
TQStringList c = ev->categories();
for ( it2=c.begin(); it2!=c.end(); ++it2 ) {
// Append Birthday Event?
if ( mShowBirthdaysFromCal &&
( ( *it2 ).upper() == i18n( "BIRTHDAY" ) ) ) {
SDEntry entry;
entry.type = IncidenceTypeEvent;
entry.category = CategoryBirthday;
| = dt;
entry.summary = ev->summary();
entry.desc = ev->description();
dateDiff( ev->dtStart().date(), entry.daysTo, entry.yearsOld );
entry.span = 1;
dates.append( entry );
// Append Anniversary Event?
if ( mShowAnniversariesFromCal &&
( ( *it2 ).upper() == i18n( "ANNIVERSARY" ) ) ) {
SDEntry entry;
entry.type = IncidenceTypeEvent;
entry.category = CategoryAnniversary;
| = dt;
entry.summary = ev->summary();
entry.desc = ev->description();
dateDiff( ev->dtStart().date(), entry.daysTo, entry.yearsOld );
entry.span = 1;
dates.append( entry );
// Append Holiday Event?
if ( mShowHolidays &&
( ( *it2 ).upper() == i18n( "HOLIDAY" ) ) ) {
SDEntry entry;
entry.type = IncidenceTypeEvent;
entry.category = CategoryHoliday;
| = dt;
entry.summary = ev->summary();
entry.desc = ev->description();
dateDiff( dt, entry.daysTo, entry.yearsOld );
entry.yearsOld = -1; //ignore age of holidays
entry.span = span( ev );
if ( entry.span > 1 && dayof( ev, dt ) > 1 ) // skip days 2,3,...
dates.append( entry );
// Append Special Occasion Event?
if ( mShowSpecialsFromCal &&
( ( *it2 ).upper() == i18n( "SPECIAL OCCASION" ) ) ) {
SDEntry entry;
entry.type = IncidenceTypeEvent;
entry.category = CategoryOther;
| = dt;
entry.summary = ev->summary();
entry.desc = ev->description();
dateDiff( dt, entry.daysTo, entry.yearsOld );
entry.yearsOld = -1; //ignore age of special occasions
entry.span = span( ev );
if ( entry.span > 1 && dayof( ev, dt ) > 1 ) // skip days 2,3,...
dates.append( entry );
// Seach for Holidays
if ( mShowHolidays ) {
if ( initHolidays() ) {
for ( dt=tqcurrentDate;
dt<=tqcurrentDate.addDays( mDaysAhead - 1 );
dt=dt.addDays(1) ) {
TQValueList<KHoliday> holidays = mHolidays->getHolidays( dt );
TQValueList<KHoliday>::ConstIterator it = holidays.begin();
for ( ; it != holidays.end(); ++it ) {
SDEntry entry;
entry.type = IncidenceTypeEvent;
entry.category = ((*it).Category==KHolidays::HOLIDAY)?CategoryHoliday:CategoryOther;
| = dt;
entry.summary = (*it).text;
dateDiff( dt, entry.daysTo, entry.yearsOld );
entry.yearsOld = -1; //ignore age of holidays
entry.span = 1;
dates.append( entry );
// Sort, then Print the Special Dates
qHeapSort( dates );
if ( !dates.isEmpty() ) {
int counter = 0;
TQValueList<SDEntry>::Iterator addrIt;
TQString lines;
for ( addrIt = dates.begin(); addrIt != dates.end(); ++addrIt ) {
bool makeBold = (*addrIt).daysTo == 0; // i.e., today
// Pixmap
TQImage icon_img;
TQString icon_name;
KABC::Picture pic;
switch( (*addrIt).category ) {
case CategoryBirthday:
icon_name = "calendarbirthday";
pic = (*addrIt);
if ( pic.isIntern() && ! ) {
TQImage img =;
if ( img.width() > img.height() ) {
icon_img = img.scaleWidth( 32 );
} else {
icon_img = img.scaleHeight( 32 );
case CategoryAnniversary:
icon_name = "calendaranniversary";
pic = (*addrIt);
if ( pic.isIntern() && ! ) {
TQImage img =;
if ( img.width() > img.height() ) {
icon_img = img.scaleWidth( 32 );
} else {
icon_img = img.scaleHeight( 32 );
case CategoryHoliday:
icon_name = "calendarholiday"; break;
case CategoryOther:
icon_name = "cookie"; break;
label = new TQLabel( this );
if ( icon_img.isNull() ) {
label->setPixmap( KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( icon_name,
KIcon::Small ) );
} else {
label->setPixmap( icon_img );
label->setMaximumWidth( label->tqminimumSizeHint().width() );
label->tqsetAlignment( AlignVCenter );
mLayout->addWidget( label, counter, 0 );
mLabels.append( label );
// Event date
TQString datestr;
//Muck with the year -- change to the year 'daysTo' days away
int year = tqcurrentDate.addDays( (*addrIt).daysTo ).year();
TQDate sD = TQDate( year, (*addrIt).date.month(), (*addrIt) );
if ( (*addrIt).daysTo == 0 ) {
datestr = i18n( "Today" );
} else if ( (*addrIt).daysTo == 1 ) {
datestr = i18n( "Tomorrow" );
} else {
datestr = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( sD );
// Print the date span for multiday, floating events, for the
// first day of the event only.
if ( (*addrIt).span > 1 ) {
TQString endstr =
KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( sD.addDays( (*addrIt).span - 1 ) );
datestr += " -\n " + endstr;
label = new TQLabel( datestr, this );
label->tqsetAlignment( AlignLeft | AlignVCenter );
mLayout->addWidget( label, counter, 1 );
mLabels.append( label );
if ( makeBold ) {
TQFont font = label->font();
font.setBold( true );
label->setFont( font );
// Countdown
label = new TQLabel( this );
if ( (*addrIt).daysTo == 0 ) {
label->setText( i18n( "now" ) );
} else {
label->setText( i18n( "in 1 day", "in %n days", (*addrIt).daysTo ) );
label->tqsetAlignment( AlignLeft | AlignVCenter );
mLayout->addWidget( label, counter, 2 );
mLabels.append( label );
// What
TQString what;
switch( (*addrIt).category ) {
case CategoryBirthday:
what = i18n( "Birthday" ); break;
case CategoryAnniversary:
what = i18n( "Anniversary" ); break;
case CategoryHoliday:
what = i18n( "Holiday" ); break;
case CategoryOther:
what = i18n( "Special Occasion" ); break;
label = new TQLabel( this );
label->setText( what );
label->tqsetAlignment( AlignLeft | AlignVCenter );
mLayout->addWidget( label, counter, 3 );
mLabels.append( label );
// Description
if ( (*addrIt).type == IncidenceTypeContact ) {
KURLLabel *urlLabel = new KURLLabel( this );
urlLabel->installEventFilter( this );
urlLabel->setURL( (*addrIt).addressee.uid() );
urlLabel->setText( (*addrIt).addressee.realName() );
urlLabel->setTextFormat( TQt::RichText );
mLayout->addWidget( urlLabel, counter, 4 );
mLabels.append( urlLabel );
connect( urlLabel, TQT_SIGNAL( leftClickedURL( const TQString& ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( mailContact( const TQString& ) ) );
connect( urlLabel, TQT_SIGNAL( rightClickedURL( const TQString& ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( popupMenu( const TQString& ) ) );
} else {
label = new TQLabel( this );
label->setText( (*addrIt).summary );
label->setTextFormat( TQt::RichText );
mLayout->addWidget( label, counter, 4 );
mLabels.append( label );
if ( !(*addrIt).desc.isEmpty() ) {
TQToolTip::add( label, (*addrIt).desc );
// Age
if ( (*addrIt).category == CategoryBirthday ||
(*addrIt).category == CategoryAnniversary ) {
label = new TQLabel( this );
if ( (*addrIt).yearsOld <= 0 ) {
label->setText( "" );
} else {
label->setText( i18n( "one year", "%n years", (*addrIt).yearsOld ) );
label->tqsetAlignment( AlignLeft | AlignVCenter );
mLayout->addWidget( label, counter, 5 );
mLabels.append( label );
} else {
label = new TQLabel(
i18n( "No special dates within the next 1 day",
"No special dates pending within the next %n days",
mDaysAhead ), this, "nothing to see" );
label->tqsetAlignment( AlignHCenter | AlignVCenter );
mLayout->addMultiCellWidget( label, 0, 0, 0, 4 );
mLabels.append( label );
for ( label = mLabels.first(); label; label = )
KGlobal::locale()->setDateFormat( savefmt );
void SDSummaryWidget::mailContact( const TQString &uid )
KABC::StdAddressBook *ab = KABC::StdAddressBook::self( true );
TQString email = ab->findByUid( uid ).fullEmail();
kapp->invokeMailer( email, TQString() );
void SDSummaryWidget::viewContact( const TQString &uid )
if ( !mPlugin->isRunningStandalone() )
mPlugin->core()->selectPlugin( "kontact_kaddressbookplugin" );
DCOPRef dcopCall( "kaddressbook", "KAddressBookIface" );
dcopCall.send( "showContactEditor(TQString)", uid );
void SDSummaryWidget::popupMenu( const TQString &uid )
KPopupMenu popup( this );
popup.insertItem( KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "kmail", KIcon::Small ),
i18n( "Send &Mail" ), 0 );
popup.insertItem( KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( "kaddressbook", KIcon::Small ),
i18n( "View &Contact" ), 1 );
switch ( popup.exec( TQCursor::pos() ) ) {
case 0:
mailContact( uid );
case 1:
viewContact( uid );
bool SDSummaryWidget::eventFilter( TQObject *obj, TQEvent* e )
if ( obj->inherits( "KURLLabel" ) ) {
KURLLabel* label = static_cast<KURLLabel*>( TQT_TQWIDGET(obj) );
if ( e->type() == TQEvent::Enter )
emit message( i18n( "Mail to:\"%1\"" ).tqarg( label->text() ) );
if ( e->type() == TQEvent::Leave )
emit message( TQString() );
return Kontact::Summary::eventFilter( obj, e );
void SDSummaryWidget::dateDiff( const TQDate &date, int &days, int &years )
TQDate tqcurrentDate;
TQDate eventDate;
if ( TQDate::leapYear( date.year() ) && date.month() == 2 && == 29 ) {
tqcurrentDate = TQDate( date.year(), TQDate::tqcurrentDate().month(), TQDate::tqcurrentDate().day() );
if ( !TQDate::leapYear( TQDate::tqcurrentDate().year() ) )
eventDate = TQDate( date.year(), date.month(), 28 ); // celebrate one day earlier ;)
eventDate = TQDate( date.year(), date.month(), );
} else {
tqcurrentDate = TQDate( 0, TQDate::tqcurrentDate().month(), TQDate::tqcurrentDate().day() );
eventDate = TQDate( 0, date.month(), );
int offset = tqcurrentDate.daysTo( eventDate );
if ( offset < 0 ) {
days = 365 + offset;
years = TQDate::tqcurrentDate().year() + 1 - date.year();
} else {
days = offset;
years = TQDate::tqcurrentDate().year() - date.year();
TQStringList SDSummaryWidget::configModules() const
return TQStringList( "kcmsdsummary.desktop" );
#include "sdsummarywidget.moc"