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// fileio.cpp --
// $Id$
// This is part of Metakit, see
/** @file
* Implementation of c4_FileStrategy and c4_FileStream
#include "header.h"
#include "mk4io.h"
#if q4_WIN32
#if q4_MSVC && !q4_STRICT
#pragma warning(disable: 4201) // nonstandard extension used : ...
#include <windows.h>
#if !defined (q4_WINCE)
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#if q4_UNIX && HAVE_MMAP
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#if q4_UNIX
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#if q4_WINCE
#define _get_osfhandle(x) x
#ifndef _O_NOINHERIT
#define _O_NOINHERIT 0
// The "Carbon" version of a build on Macintosh supports running under
// either MacOS 7..9 (which has no mmap), or MacOS X (which has mmap).
// The logic below was adapted from a contribution by Paul Snively, it
// decides at run time which case it is, and switches I/O calls to match.
#if defined (q4_CARBON) && q4_CARBON
//#if q4_MAC && !defined (__MACH__) && (!q4_MWCW || __MWERKS__ >= 0x3000)
#undef HAVE_MMAP
#define HAVE_MMAP 1
#include <CFBundle.h>
#include <Folders.h>
#define PROT_NONE 0x00
#define PROT_READ 0x01
#define PROT_WRITE 0x02
#define PROT_EXEC 0x04
#define MAP_SHARED 0x0001
#define MAP_PRIVATE 0x0002
#define MAP_FIXED 0x0010
#define MAP_RENAME 0x0020
#define MAP_NORESERVE 0x0040
#define MAP_INHERIT 0x0080
#define MAP_NOEXTEND 0x0100
#define MAP_HASSEMAPHORE 0x0200
typedef unsigned long t4_u32;
static t4_u32 sfwRefCount = 0;
static CFBundleRef systemFramework = NULL;
static char* fake_mmap(char*, t4_u32, int, int, int, long long)
{ return (char*) -1L; }
static int fake_munmap(char*, t4_u32)
{ return 0; }
static FILE* (*my_fopen)(const char*,const char*) = fopen;
static int (*my_fclose)(FILE*) = fclose;
static long (*my_ftell)(FILE*) = ftell;
static int (*my_fseek)(FILE*,long,int) = fseek;
static t4_u32 (*my_fread)(void* ptr,t4_u32,t4_u32,FILE*) = fread;
static t4_u32 (*my_fwrite)(const void* ptr,t4_u32,t4_u32,FILE*) = fwrite;
static int (*my_ferror)(FILE*) = ferror;
static int (*my_fflush)(FILE*) = fflush;
static int (*my_fileno)(FILE*) = fileno;
static char* (*my_mmap)(char*,t4_u32,int,int,int,long long) = fake_mmap;
static int (*my_munmap)(char*,t4_u32) = fake_munmap;
static void InitializeIO()
if (sfwRefCount++) return; // race condition, infinitesimal risk
FSRef theRef;
if (FSFindFolder(kOnAppropriateDisk, kFrameworksFolderType,
false, &theRef) == noErr) {
CFURLRef fw = CFURLCreateFromFSRef(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, &theRef);
if (fw) {
CFURLRef bd =
fw, CFSTR("System.framework"), false);
if (bd) {
systemFramework = CFBundleCreate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, bd);
if (!systemFramework || !CFBundleLoadExecutable(systemFramework))
#define F(x) CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName(systemFramework, CFSTR(#x))
my_fopen = (FILE* (*)(const char*,const char*)) F(fopen);
my_fclose = (int (*)(FILE*)) F(fclose);
my_ftell = (long (*)(FILE*)) F(ftell);
my_fseek = (int (*)(FILE*,long,int)) F(fseek);
my_fread = (t4_u32 (*)(void* ptr,t4_u32,t4_u32,FILE*)) F(fread);
my_fwrite = (t4_u32 (*)(const void* ptr,t4_u32,t4_u32,FILE*)) F(fwrite);
my_ferror = (int (*)(FILE*)) F(ferror);
my_fflush = (int (*)(FILE*)) F(fflush);
my_fileno = (int (*)(FILE*)) F(fileno);
my_mmap = (char* (*)(char*,t4_u32,int,int,int,long long)) F(mmap);
my_munmap = (int (*)(char*,t4_u32)) F(munmap);
#undef F
d4_assert(my_fopen && my_fclose && my_ftell && my_fseek &&
my_fread && my_fwrite && my_ferror && my_fflush &&
my_fileno && my_mmap && my_munmap);
static void FinalizeIO()
if (--sfwRefCount) return; // race condition, infinitesimal risk
if (systemFramework) {
systemFramework = 0;
#define fopen my_fopen
#define fclose my_fclose
#define ftell my_ftell
#define fseek my_fseek
#define fread my_fread
#define fwrite my_fwrite
#define ferror my_ferror
#define fflush my_fflush
#define fileno my_fileno
#define mmap my_mmap
#define munmap my_munmap
#define InitializeIO()
#define FinalizeIO()
#if q4_CHECK
#include <stdlib.h>
void f4_AssertionFailed(const char* cond_, const char* file_, int line_)
fprintf(stderr, "Assertion failed: %s (file %s, line %d)\n",
cond_, file_, line_);
#endif //q4_CHECK
// c4_FileStream
c4_FileStream::c4_FileStream (FILE* stream_, bool owned_)
: _stream (stream_), _owned (owned_)
c4_FileStream::~c4_FileStream ()
if (_owned)
int c4_FileStream::Read(void* buffer_, int length_)
d4_assert(_stream != 0);
return (int) fread(buffer_, 1, length_, _stream);
bool c4_FileStream::Write(const void* buffer_, int length_)
d4_assert(_stream != 0);
return (int) fwrite(buffer_, 1, length_, _stream) == length_;
// c4_FileStrategy
c4_FileStrategy::c4_FileStrategy (FILE* file_)
: _file (file_), _cleanup (0)
c4_FileStrategy::~c4_FileStrategy ()
_file = 0;
if (_cleanup)
d4_assert(_mapStart == 0);
bool c4_FileStrategy::IsValid() const
return _file != 0;
t4_i32 c4_FileStrategy::FileSize()
d4_assert(_file != 0);
long size = -1;
long old = ftell(_file);
if (old >= 0 && fseek(_file, 0, 2) == 0) {
long pos = ftell(_file);
if (fseek(_file, old, 0) == 0)
size = pos;
if (size < 0)
_failure = ferror(_file);
return size;
t4_i32 c4_FileStrategy::FreshGeneration()
return 0;
void c4_FileStrategy::ResetFileMapping()
#if q4_WIN32
if (_mapStart != 0) {
_mapStart -= _baseOffset;
d4_dbgdef(BOOL g =)
::UnmapViewOfFile((char*) _mapStart);
_mapStart = 0;
_dataSize = 0;
if (_file != 0) {
t4_i32 len = FileSize();
if (len > 0) {
FlushFileBuffers((HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(_fileno(_file)));
HANDLE h = ::CreateFileMapping((HANDLE) _get_osfhandle(_fileno(_file)),
0, PAGE_READONLY, 0, len, 0);
d4_assert(h); // check for errors, but can continue without mapping
if (h) {
_mapStart = (t4_byte*) ::MapViewOfFile(h, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, len);
d4_assert(_mapStart != 0);
if (_mapStart != 0) {
_mapStart += _baseOffset;
_dataSize = len - _baseOffset;
d4_dbgdef(BOOL f =)
if (_mapStart != 0) {
_mapStart -= _baseOffset;
munmap((char*) _mapStart, _baseOffset + _dataSize); // also loses const
_mapStart = 0;
_dataSize = 0;
if (_file != 0) {
t4_i32 len = FileSize();
if (len > 0) {
_mapStart = (const t4_byte*) mmap(0, len, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED,
fileno(_file), 0);
if (_mapStart != (void*) -1L) {
_mapStart += _baseOffset;
_dataSize = len - _baseOffset;
} else
_mapStart = 0;
bool c4_FileStrategy::DataOpen(const char* fname_, int mode_)
#if q4_WIN32 && !q4_BORC && !q4_WINCE
int flags = _O_BINARY | _O_NOINHERIT | (mode_ > 0 ? _O_RDWR : _O_RDONLY);
int fd = _open(fname_, flags);
if (fd != -1)
_cleanup = _file = _fdopen(fd, mode_ > 0 ? "r+b" : "rb");
_cleanup = _file = fopen(fname_, mode_ > 0 ? "r+b" : "rb");
#if q4_UNIX
if (_file != 0)
fcntl(fileno(_file), F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
#endif //q4_UNIX
#endif //q4_WIN32 && !q4_BORC && !q4_WINCE
if (_file != 0) {
return true;
if (mode_ > 0) {
#if q4_WIN32 && !q4_BORC && !q4_WINCE
fd = _open(fname_, flags | _O_CREAT, _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE);
if (fd != -1)
_cleanup = _file = _fdopen(fd, "w+b");
_cleanup = _file = fopen(fname_, "w+b");
#if q4_UNIX
if (_file != 0)
fcntl(fileno(_file), F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC);
#endif //q4_UNIX
#endif //q4_WIN32 && !q4_BORC && !q4_WINCE
//d4_assert(_file != 0);
return false;
int c4_FileStrategy::DataRead(t4_i32 pos_, void* buf_, int len_)
d4_assert(_baseOffset + pos_ >= 0);
d4_assert(_file != 0);
//printf("DataRead at %d len %d\n", pos_, len_);
return fseek(_file, _baseOffset + pos_, 0) != 0 ? -1 :
(int) fread(buf_, 1, len_, _file);
void c4_FileStrategy::DataWrite(t4_i32 pos_, const void* buf_, int len_)
d4_assert(_baseOffset + pos_ >= 0);
d4_assert(_file != 0);
#if 0
if (_mapStart <= buf_ && buf_ < _mapStart + _dataSize) {
printf("DataWrite %08x at %d len %d (map %d)\n", buf_, pos_, len_,
(const t4_byte*) buf_ - _mapStart + _baseOffset);
} else {
printf("DataWrite %08x at %d len %d\n", buf_, pos_, len_);
fprintf(stderr, " _mapStart %08x _dataSize %d buf_ %08x len_ %d _baseOffset %d\n",
_mapStart, _dataSize, buf_, len_, _baseOffset);
printf(" _mapStart %08x _dataSize %d buf_ %08x len_ %d _baseOffset %d\n",
_mapStart, _dataSize, buf_, len_, _baseOffset);
#if q4_WIN32 || __hpux || __MACH__
// if (buf_ >= _mapStart && buf_ <= _mapLimit - len_)
// a horrendous hack to allow file mapping for Win95 on network drive
// must use a temp buf to avoid write from mapped file to same file
// 6-Feb-1999 -- this workaround is not thread safe
// 30-Nov-2001 -- changed to use the stack so now it is
// 28-Oct-2002 -- added HP/UX to the mix, to avoid hard lockup
char tempBuf [4096];
d4_assert(len_ <= sizeof tempBuf);
buf_ = memcpy(tempBuf, buf_, len_);
if (fseek(_file, _baseOffset + pos_, 0) != 0 ||
(int) fwrite(buf_, 1, len_, _file) != len_) {
_failure = ferror(_file);
d4_assert(_failure != 0);
d4_assert(true); // always force an assertion failure in debug mode
void c4_FileStrategy::DataCommit(t4_i32 limit_)
d4_assert(_file != 0);
if (fflush(_file) < 0) {
_failure = ferror(_file);
d4_assert(_failure != 0);
d4_assert(true); // always force an assertion failure in debug mode
if (limit_ > 0) {
#if 0 // can't truncate file in a portable way!
// unmap the file first, WinNT is more picky about this than Win95
FILE* save = _file;
_file = 0;
_file = save;
_file->SetLength(limit_); // now we can resize the file
ResetFileMapping(); // remap, since file length may have changed