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filter_opera.cxx - Opera mail import
begin : Januar 26 2005
copyright : (C) 2005 by Danny Kukawka
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <config.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdefiledialog.h>
#include <tdetempfile.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "filter_opera.hxx"
FilterOpera::FilterOpera() :
Filter( i18n("Import Opera Emails"),
"Danny Kukawka",
i18n("<p><b>Opera email import filter</b></p>"
"<p>This filter will import mails from Opera mail folder. Use this filter "
"if you want to import all mails within a account in the Opera maildir.</p>"
"<p>Select the directory of the account (usually ~/.opera/mail/store/account*).</p>"
"<p><b>Note:</b> Emails will be imported into a folder named after the account "
"they came from, prefixed with OPERA-</p>" ))
void FilterOpera::import(FilterInfo *info)
/** try to go to opera mailfolder in the home of the user */
TQString startdir = TQDir::homeDirPath() + "/.opera/mail/store/";
TQDir d( startdir );
if ( !d.exists() ) {
startdir = TQDir::homeDirPath();
//TQString mailDir = KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory(TQDir::homeDirPath(), info->parent());
KFileDialog *kfd;
kfd = new KFileDialog( startdir, "", 0, "tdefiledialog", true );
kfd->setMode(KFile::Directory | KFile::LocalOnly);
TQString operaDir = kfd->selectedFile();
delete kfd;
if (operaDir.isEmpty()) {
info->alert(i18n("No directory selected."));
* If the user only select homedir no import needed because
* there should be no files and we surely import wrong files.
else if ( operaDir == TQDir::homeDirPath() || operaDir == (TQDir::homeDirPath() + "/")) {
info->addLog(i18n("No files found for import."));
} else {
TQDir importDir (operaDir);
TQStringList files = importDir.entryList("*.[mM][bB][sS]", TQDir::Files, TQDir::Name);
// Count total number of files to be processed
info->addLog(i18n("Counting files..."));
int totalFiles = files.count();
int currentFile = 1;
if(totalFiles > 0) {
int overall_status = 0;
info->addLog(i18n("Importing new mail files..."));
for ( TQStringList::Iterator mailFile = files.begin(); mailFile != files.end(); ++mailFile) {
TQFile operaArchiv( importDir.filePath(*mailFile) );
if (! IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
info->alert( i18n("Unable to open %1, skipping").arg( *mailFile ) );
} else {
info->addLog( i18n("Importing emails from %1...").arg( *mailFile ) );
TQFileInfo filenameInfo( importDir.filePath(*mailFile) );
TQString folderName( "OPERA-" + importDir.dirName() );
info->setFrom( *mailFile );
info->setTo( folderName );
TQByteArray input(MAX_LINE);
long l = 0;
bool first_msg = true;
while ( !operaArchiv.atEnd() ) {
KTempFile tmp;
/* comment by Danny:
* Don't use TQTextStream to read from mbox, etter use TQDataStream. TQTextStream only
* support Unicode/Latin1/Locale. So you lost information from emails with
* charset!=Unicode/Latin1/Locale (e.g. KOI8-R) and Content-Transfer-Encoding != base64
* (e.g. 8Bit). It also not help to convert the TQTextStream to Unicode. By this you
* get Unicode/UTF-email but KMail can't detect the correct charset.
TQCString seperate;
tmp.file()->writeBlock( input, l );
l = operaArchiv.readLine(,MAX_LINE); // read the first line, prevent "From "
tmp.file()->writeBlock( input, l );
while ( ! operaArchiv.atEnd() && (l = operaArchiv.readLine(,MAX_LINE)) && ((seperate = != "From ")) {
/** remove in KMail unneeded Flags from Opera (for example: X-Opera-Status)*/
if(seperate.left(8) != "X-Opera-")
tmp.file()->writeBlock( input, l );
first_msg = false;
addMessage( info, folderName, );
addMessage_fastImport( info, folderName, );
int currentPercentage = (int) ( ( (float) / filenameInfo.size() ) * 100 );
info->setCurrent( currentPercentage );
if (currentFile == 1)
overall_status = (int) ( currentPercentage * ( (float) currentFile / totalFiles ) );
overall_status = (int)(((currentFile-1)*(100.0/(float)totalFiles))+(currentPercentage*(1.0/(float)totalFiles)));
info->setOverall( overall_status );
if ( info->shouldTerminate() ) break;
info->addLog( i18n("Finished importing emails from %1").arg( *mailFile ));
if (count_duplicates > 0) {
info->addLog( i18n("1 duplicate message not imported", "%n duplicate messages not imported", count_duplicates));
count_duplicates = 0;
if ( info->shouldTerminate() ) break;
} else {
info->addLog(i18n("No files found for import."));
if (info->shouldTerminate()) info->addLog( i18n("Finished import, canceled by user."));