You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

498 lines
12 KiB

Copyright (C) 2002 Bo Thorsen <>
This file is part of KTNEF, the KDE TNEF support library/program.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <config.h>
#endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
#include "ktnef/ktnefwriter.h"
#include "ktnef/ktnefproperty.h"
#include "ktnef/ktnefpropertyset.h"
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <tqdatastream.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "ktnef/ktnefdefs.h"
class KTNEFWriter::PrivateData {
PrivateData() { mFirstAttachNum = TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime().toTime_t(); }
KTNEFPropertySet properties;
TQ_UINT16 mFirstAttachNum;
KTNEFWriter::KTNEFWriter() {
mData = new PrivateData;
// This is not something the user should fiddle with
// First set the TNEF version
TQVariant v(0x00010000);
addProperty( attTNEFVERSION, atpDWORD, v );
// Now set the code page to something reasonable. TODO: Use the right one
TQVariant v1( (TQ_UINT32)0x4e4 );
TQVariant v2( (TQ_UINT32)0x0 );
TQValueList<TQVariant> list;
list << v1;
list << v2;
v = TQVariant( list );
addProperty( attOEMCODEPAGE, atpBYTE, list );
KTNEFWriter::~KTNEFWriter() {
delete mData;
void KTNEFWriter::addProperty( int tag, int type, const TQVariant& value ) {
mData->properties.addProperty( tag, type, value );
void addToChecksum( TQ_UINT32 i, TQ_UINT16 &checksum ) {
checksum += i & 0xff;
checksum += (i >> 8) & 0xff;
checksum += (i >> 16) & 0xff;
checksum += (i >> 24) & 0xff;
void addToChecksum( TQCString &cs, TQ_UINT16 &checksum ) {
int len = cs.length();
for (int i=0; i<len; i++)
checksum += (TQ_UINT8)cs[i];
void writeCString( TQDataStream &stream, TQCString &str ) {
stream.writeRawBytes(, str.length() );
stream << (TQ_UINT8)0;
TQ_UINT32 mergeTagAndType( TQ_UINT32 tag, TQ_UINT32 type ) {
return ( ( type & 0xffff ) << 16 ) | ( tag & 0xffff );
/* This writes a TNEF property to the file.
* A TNEF property has a 1 byte type (LVL_MESSAGE or LVL_ATTACHMENT),
* a 4 byte type/tag, a 4 byte length, the data and finally the checksum.
* The checksum is a 16 byte int with all bytes in the data added.
bool KTNEFWriter::writeProperty( TQDataStream &stream, int &bytes, int tag) {
TQMap<int,KTNEFProperty*>& properties = mData->;
TQMap<int,KTNEFProperty*>::Iterator it = properties.find( tag );
if ( it == properties.end() )
return false;
KTNEFProperty *property = *it;
TQ_UINT32 i;
TQ_UINT16 checksum = 0;
TQValueList<TQVariant> list;
TQString s;
TQCString cs, cs2;
TQDateTime dt;
TQDate date;
TQTime time;
switch( tag ) {
case attMSGSTATUS:
i = property->value().toUInt() & 0xff;
checksum = i;
stream << (TQ_UINT8)LVL_MESSAGE;
stream << mergeTagAndType( tag, property->type() );
stream << (TQ_UINT32)1;
stream << (TQ_UINT8)i;
bytes += 10;
// TQ_UINT16
i = property->value().toUInt() & 0xffff;
addToChecksum( i, checksum );
stream << (TQ_UINT8)LVL_MESSAGE;
stream << mergeTagAndType( tag, property->type() );
stream << (TQ_UINT32)2;
stream << (TQ_UINT16)i;
bytes += 11;
// TQ_UINT32
i = property->value().toUInt();
addToChecksum( i, checksum );
stream << (TQ_UINT8)LVL_MESSAGE;
stream << mergeTagAndType( tag, property->type() );
stream << (TQ_UINT32)4;
stream << (TQ_UINT32)i;
bytes += 13;
// 2 TQ_UINT32
list = property->value().toList();
assert( list.count() == 2 );
stream << (TQ_UINT8)LVL_MESSAGE;
stream << mergeTagAndType( tag, property->type() );
stream << (TQ_UINT32)8;
i = list[0].toInt();
addToChecksum( i, checksum );
stream << (TQ_UINT32)i;
i = list[1].toInt();
addToChecksum( i, checksum );
stream << (TQ_UINT32)i;
bytes += 17;
case attMSGCLASS:
case attSUBJECT:
case attBODY:
case attMSGID:
// QCString
cs = property->value().toString().local8Bit();
addToChecksum( cs, checksum );
stream << (TQ_UINT8)LVL_MESSAGE;
stream << mergeTagAndType( tag, property->type() );
stream << (TQ_UINT32)cs.length()+1;
writeCString( stream, cs );
bytes += 9 + cs.length()+1;
case attFROM:
// 2 TQString encoded to a TRP structure
list = property->value().toList();
assert( list.count() == 2 );
cs = list[0].toString().local8Bit(); // Name
cs2 = (TQString("smtp:") + list[1].toString()).local8Bit(); // Email address
i = 18 + cs.length() + cs2.length(); // 2 * sizof(TRP) + strings + 2x'\0'
stream << (TQ_UINT8)LVL_MESSAGE;
stream << mergeTagAndType( tag, property->type() );
stream << (TQ_UINT32)i;
// The stream has to be aligned to 4 bytes for the strings
// TODO: Or does it? Looks like Outlook doesn't do this
// bytes += 17;
// Write the first TRP structure
stream << (TQ_UINT16)4; // trpidOneOff
stream << (TQ_UINT16)i; // totalsize
stream << (TQ_UINT16)(cs.length()+1); // sizeof name
stream << (TQ_UINT16)(cs2.length()+1); // sizeof address
// if ( bytes % 4 != 0 )
// Align the buffer
// Write the strings
writeCString( stream, cs );
writeCString( stream, cs2 );
// Write the empty padding TRP structure (just zeroes)
stream << (TQ_UINT32)0 << (TQ_UINT32)0;
addToChecksum( 4, checksum );
addToChecksum( i, checksum );
addToChecksum( cs.length()+1, checksum );
addToChecksum( cs2.length()+1, checksum );
addToChecksum( cs, checksum );
addToChecksum( cs2, checksum );
bytes += 10;
case attDATESENT:
case attDATERECD:
// QDateTime
dt = property->value().toDateTime();
time = dt.time();
date =;
stream << (TQ_UINT8)LVL_MESSAGE;
stream << mergeTagAndType( tag, property->type() );
stream << (TQ_UINT32)14;
i = (TQ_UINT16)date.year();
addToChecksum( i, checksum );
stream << (TQ_UINT16)i;
i = (TQ_UINT16)date.month();
addToChecksum( i, checksum );
stream << (TQ_UINT16)i;
i = (TQ_UINT16);
addToChecksum( i, checksum );
stream << (TQ_UINT16)i;
i = (TQ_UINT16)time.hour();
addToChecksum( i, checksum );
stream << (TQ_UINT16)i;
i = (TQ_UINT16)time.minute();
addToChecksum( i, checksum );
stream << (TQ_UINT16)i;
i = (TQ_UINT16)time.second();
addToChecksum( i, checksum );
stream << (TQ_UINT16)i;
i = (TQ_UINT16)date.dayOfWeek();
addToChecksum( i, checksum );
stream << (TQ_UINT16)i;
case attMSGSTATUS:
TQ_UINT32 flag = 0;
if ( c & fmsRead ) flag |= MSGFLAG_READ;
if ( !( c & fmsModified ) ) flag |= MSGFLAG_UNMODIFIED;
if ( c & fmsSubmitted ) flag |= MSGFLAG_SUBMIT;
if ( c & fmsHasAttach ) flag |= MSGFLAG_HASATTACH;
if ( c & fmsLocal ) flag |= MSGFLAG_UNSENT;
d->stream_ >> c;
i = property->value().toUInt();
stream << (TQ_UINT8)LVL_MESSAGE;
stream << (TQ_UINT32)type;
stream << (TQ_UINT32)2;
stream << (TQ_UINT8)i;
addToChecksum( i, checksum );
// from reader: d->message_->addProperty( 0x0E07, MAPI_TYPE_ULONG, flag );
kdDebug() << "Message Status" << " (length=" << i2 << ")" << endl;
kdDebug() << "Unknown TNEF tag: " << tag << endl;
return false;
stream << (TQ_UINT16)checksum;
return true;
bool KTNEFWriter::writeFile( TQIODevice &file ) {
if ( ! IO_WriteOnly ) )
return false;
TQDataStream stream( &file );
return writeFile( stream );
bool KTNEFWriter::writeFile( TQDataStream &stream ) {
stream.setByteOrder( TQDataStream::LittleEndian );
// Start by writing the opening TNEF stuff
// Store the PR_ATTACH_NUM value for the first attachment
// ( must be stored even if *no* attachments are stored )
stream << mData->mFirstAttachNum;
// Now do some writing
bool ok = true;
int bytesWritten = 0;
ok &= writeProperty( stream, bytesWritten, attTNEFVERSION );
ok &= writeProperty( stream, bytesWritten, attOEMCODEPAGE );
ok &= writeProperty( stream, bytesWritten, attMSGCLASS );
ok &= writeProperty( stream, bytesWritten, attMSGPRIORITY );
ok &= writeProperty( stream, bytesWritten, attSUBJECT );
ok &= writeProperty( stream, bytesWritten, attDATESENT );
ok &= writeProperty( stream, bytesWritten, attDATESTART );
ok &= writeProperty( stream, bytesWritten, attDATEEND );
// ok &= writeProperty( stream, bytesWritten, attAIDOWNER );
ok &= writeProperty( stream, bytesWritten, attREQUESTRES );
ok &= writeProperty( stream, bytesWritten, attFROM );
ok &= writeProperty( stream, bytesWritten, attDATERECD );
ok &= writeProperty( stream, bytesWritten, attMSGSTATUS );
ok &= writeProperty( stream, bytesWritten, attBODY );
return ok;
void KTNEFWriter::setSender(const TQString &name, const TQString &email) {
assert( !name.isEmpty() );
assert( !email.isEmpty() );
TQVariant v1( name );
TQVariant v2( email );
TQValueList<TQVariant> list;
list << v1;
list << v2;
TQVariant v( list );
addProperty( attFROM, 0, list ); // What's up with the 0 here ??
void KTNEFWriter::setMessageType(MessageType m) {
// Note that the MessageType list here is probably not long enough,
// more entries are most likely needed later
TQVariant v;
switch( m ) {
case Appointment:
v = TQVariant( TQString( "IPM.Appointment" ) );
case MeetingCancelled:
v = TQVariant( TQString( "IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Cancelled" ) );
case MeetingRequest:
v = TQVariant( TQString( "IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Request" ) );
case MeetingNo:
v = TQVariant( TQString( "IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Neg" ) );
case MeetingYes:
v = TQVariant( TQString( "IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Pos" ) );
case MeetingTent:
// Tent?
v = TQVariant( TQString( "IPM.Schedule.Meeting.Resp.Tent" ) );
addProperty( attMSGCLASS, atpWORD, v );
void KTNEFWriter::setMethod( Method )
void KTNEFWriter::clearAttendees()
void KTNEFWriter::addAttendee( const TQString& /*cn*/, Role /*r*/, PartStat /*p*/,
bool /*rsvp*/, const TQString& /*mailto*/ )
// I assume this is the same as the sender?
// U also assume that this is like "Name <address>"
void KTNEFWriter::setOrganizer( const TQString& organizer ) {
int i = organizer.find( '<' );
if ( i == -1 )
TQString name = organizer.left( i );
TQString email = organizer.right( i+1 );
email = email.left( email.length()-1 );
setSender( name, email );
void KTNEFWriter::setDtStart( const TQDateTime& dtStart ) {
TQVariant v( dtStart );
addProperty( attDATESTART, atpDATE, v );
void KTNEFWriter::setDtEnd( const TQDateTime& dtEnd ) {
TQVariant v( dtEnd );
addProperty( attDATEEND, atpDATE, v );
void KTNEFWriter::setLocation( const TQString& /*location*/ )
void KTNEFWriter::setUID( const TQString& uid ) {
TQVariant v( uid );
addProperty( attMSGID, atpSTRING, v );
// Date sent
void KTNEFWriter::setDtStamp( const TQDateTime& dtStamp ) {
TQVariant v( dtStamp );
addProperty( attDATESENT, atpDATE, v );
void KTNEFWriter::setCategories( const TQStringList& )
// I hope this is the body
void KTNEFWriter::setDescription( const TQString &body ) {
TQVariant v( body );
addProperty( attBODY, atpTEXT, v );
void KTNEFWriter::setSummary( const TQString &s ) {
TQVariant v( s );
addProperty( attSUBJECT, atpSTRING, v );
// TNEF encoding: Normal = 3, high = 2, low = 1
// MAPI encoding: Normal = -1, high = 0, low = 1
void KTNEFWriter::setPriority( Priority p ) {
TQVariant v( (TQ_UINT32)p );
addProperty( attMSGPRIORITY, atpSHORT, v );
void KTNEFWriter::setAlarm( const TQString& /*description*/, AlarmAction /*action*/,
const TQDateTime& /*wakeBefore*/ )