You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
800 lines
24 KiB
800 lines
24 KiB
** Filename : accountwizard.cpp
** Created on : 07 February, 2005
** Copyright : (c) 2005 Tobias Koenig
** Email :
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
** permission to link the code of this program with any edition of
** the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions
** of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked
** combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General
** Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
** Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to
** your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
** you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from
** your version.
#include <kdialog.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <klineedit.h>
#include <klistbox.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <tqcheckbox.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqhbox.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqpushbutton.h>
#include <tqvbox.h>
#include "kmacctlocal.h"
#include "kmkernel.h"
#include "popaccount.h"
#include "kmacctimap.h"
#include "kmacctcachedimap.h"
#include "kmacctmaildir.h"
#include "accountmanager.h"
using KMail::AccountManager;
#include "globalsettings.h"
#include "kmservertest.h"
#include "kmtransport.h"
#include "libkpimidentities/identity.h"
#include "libkpimidentities/identitymanager.h"
#include "protocols.h"
#include "accountwizard.h"
enum Capabilities
Plain = 1,
Login = 2,
CRAM_MD5 = 4,
Digest_MD5 = 8,
Anonymous = 16,
APOP = 32,
Pipelining = 64,
TOP = 128,
UIDL = 256,
STLS = 512, // TLS for POP
STARTTLS = 512, // TLS for IMAP
GSSAPI = 1024,
NTLM = 2048,
AllCapa = 0xffffffff
class AccountTypeBox : public KListBox
enum Type { Local, POP3, IMAP, dIMAP, Maildir };
AccountTypeBox( TQWidget *parent )
: KListBox( parent, "AccountTypeBox" )
mTypeList << i18n( "Local mailbox" );
mTypeList << i18n( "POP3" );
mTypeList << i18n( "IMAP" );
mTypeList << i18n( "Disconnected IMAP" );
mTypeList << i18n( "Maildir mailbox" );
insertStringList( mTypeList );
void setType( Type type )
setCurrentItem( (int)type );
Type type() const
return (Type)currentItem();
TQStringList mTypeList;
AccountWizard::AccountWizard( KMKernel *kernel, TQWidget *parent )
: KWizard( parent, "KWizard" ), mKernel( kernel ),
mAccount( 0 ), mTransportInfo( 0 ), mServerTest( 0 )
void AccountWizard::start( KMKernel *kernel, TQWidget *parent )
KConfigGroup wizardConfig( KMKernel::config(), "AccountWizard" );
if ( wizardConfig.readBoolEntry( "ShowOnStartup", true ) ) {
AccountWizard wizard( kernel, parent );
int result = wizard.exec();
if ( result == TQDialog::Accepted ) {
wizardConfig.writeEntry( "ShowOnStartup", false );
void AccountWizard::showPage( TQWidget *page )
if ( page == mWelcomePage ) {
// do nothing
} else if ( page == mAccountTypePage ) {
if ( mTypeBox->currentItem() == -1 )
mTypeBox->setType( AccountTypeBox::POP3 );
} else if ( page == mAccountInformationPage ) {
if ( mRealName->text().isEmpty() && mEMailAddress->text().isEmpty() &&
mOrganization->text().isEmpty() ) {
KPIM::IdentityManager *manager = mKernel->identityManager();
const KPIM::Identity &identity = manager->defaultIdentity();
mRealName->setText( identity.fullName() );
mEMailAddress->setText( identity.primaryEmailAddress() );
mOrganization->setText( identity.organization() );
} else if ( page == mLoginInformationPage ) {
if ( mLoginName->text().isEmpty() ) {
// try to extract login from email address
TQString email = mEMailAddress->text();
int pos = email.find( '@' );
if ( pos != -1 )
mLoginName->setText( email.left( pos ) );
// take the whole email as login otherwise?!?
} else if ( page == mServerInformationPage ) {
if ( mTypeBox->type() == AccountTypeBox::Local ||
mTypeBox->type() == AccountTypeBox::Maildir ) {
mIncomingLabel->setText( i18n( "Location:" ) );
if ( mTypeBox->type() == AccountTypeBox::Local )
mIncomingLocation->setText( TQDir::homeDirPath() + "/inbox" );
mIncomingLocation->setText( TQDir::homeDirPath() + "/Mail/" );
} else {
mIncomingLabel->setText( i18n( "Incoming server:" ) );
setFinishEnabled( mServerInformationPage, true );
TQWizard::showPage( page );
void AccountWizard::setupWelcomePage()
mWelcomePage = new TQVBox( this );
((TQVBox*)mWelcomePage)->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
TQLabel *label = new TQLabel( i18n( "Welcome to KMail" ), mWelcomePage );
TQFont font = label->font();
font.setBold( true );
label->setFont( font );
new TQLabel( i18n( "<qt>It seems you have started KMail for the first time. "
"You can use this wizard to setup your mail accounts. Just "
"enter the connection data that you received from your email provider "
"into the following pages.</qt>" ), mWelcomePage );
addPage( mWelcomePage, i18n( "Welcome" ) );
void AccountWizard::setupAccountTypePage()
mAccountTypePage = new TQVBox( this );
((TQVBox*)mAccountTypePage)->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
new TQLabel( i18n( "Select what kind of account you would like to create" ), mAccountTypePage );
mTypeBox = new AccountTypeBox( mAccountTypePage );
addPage( mAccountTypePage, i18n( "Account Type" ) );
void AccountWizard::setupAccountInformationPage()
mAccountInformationPage = new TQWidget( this );
TQGridLayout *tqlayout = new TQGridLayout( mAccountInformationPage, 3, 2,
KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint() );
TQLabel *label = new TQLabel( i18n( "Real name:" ), mAccountInformationPage );
mRealName = new KLineEdit( mAccountInformationPage );
label->setBuddy( mRealName );
tqlayout->addWidget( label, 0, 0 );
tqlayout->addWidget( mRealName, 0, 1 );
label = new TQLabel( i18n( "E-mail address:" ), mAccountInformationPage );
mEMailAddress = new KLineEdit( mAccountInformationPage );
label->setBuddy( mEMailAddress );
tqlayout->addWidget( label, 1, 0 );
tqlayout->addWidget( mEMailAddress, 1, 1 );
label = new TQLabel( i18n( "Organization:" ), mAccountInformationPage );
mOrganization = new KLineEdit( mAccountInformationPage );
label->setBuddy( mOrganization );
tqlayout->addWidget( label, 2, 0 );
tqlayout->addWidget( mOrganization, 2, 1 );
addPage( mAccountInformationPage, i18n( "Account Information" ) );
void AccountWizard::setupLoginInformationPage()
mLoginInformationPage = new TQWidget( this );
TQGridLayout *tqlayout = new TQGridLayout( mLoginInformationPage, 2, 2,
KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint() );
TQLabel *label = new TQLabel( i18n( "Login name:" ), mLoginInformationPage );
mLoginName = new KLineEdit( mLoginInformationPage );
label->setBuddy( mLoginName );
tqlayout->addWidget( label, 0, 0 );
tqlayout->addWidget( mLoginName, 0, 1 );
label = new TQLabel( i18n( "Password:" ), mLoginInformationPage );
mPassword = new KLineEdit( mLoginInformationPage );
mPassword->setEchoMode( TQLineEdit::Password );
label->setBuddy( mPassword );
tqlayout->addWidget( label, 1, 0 );
tqlayout->addWidget( mPassword, 1, 1 );
addPage( mLoginInformationPage, i18n( "Login Information" ) );
void AccountWizard::setupServerInformationPage()
mServerInformationPage = new TQWidget( this );
TQGridLayout *tqlayout = new TQGridLayout( mServerInformationPage, 3, 2,
KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint() );
mIncomingLabel = new TQLabel( mServerInformationPage );
mIncomingServerWdg = new TQVBox( mServerInformationPage );
mIncomingServer = new KLineEdit( mIncomingServerWdg );
mIncomingUseSSL = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Use secure connection (SSL)" ), mIncomingServerWdg );
mIncomingLocationWdg = new TQHBox( mServerInformationPage );
mIncomingLocation = new KLineEdit( mIncomingLocationWdg );
mChooseLocation = new TQPushButton( i18n( "Choose..." ), mIncomingLocationWdg );
connect( mChooseLocation, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ),
this, TQT_SLOT( chooseLocation() ) );
tqlayout->addWidget( mIncomingLabel, 0, 0, AlignTop );
tqlayout->addWidget( mIncomingLocationWdg, 0, 1 );
tqlayout->addWidget( mIncomingServerWdg, 0, 1 );
TQLabel *label = new TQLabel( i18n( "Outgoing server:" ), mServerInformationPage );
mOutgoingServer = new KLineEdit( mServerInformationPage );
label->setBuddy( mOutgoingServer );
tqlayout->addWidget( label, 1, 0 );
tqlayout->addWidget( mOutgoingServer, 1, 1 );
mOutgoingUseSSL = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Use secure connection (SSL)" ), mServerInformationPage );
tqlayout->addWidget( mOutgoingUseSSL, 2, 1 );
mLocalDelivery = new TQCheckBox( i18n( "Use local delivery" ),
mServerInformationPage );
tqlayout->addWidget( mLocalDelivery, 3, 0 );
connect( mLocalDelivery, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ),
mOutgoingServer, TQT_SLOT( setDisabled( bool ) ) );
addPage( mServerInformationPage, i18n( "Server Information" ) );
void AccountWizard::chooseLocation()
TQString location;
if ( mTypeBox->type() == AccountTypeBox::Local ) {
location = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( TQString(), TQString(), this );
} else if ( mTypeBox->type() == AccountTypeBox::Maildir ) {
location = KFileDialog::getExistingDirectory( TQString(), this );
if ( !location.isEmpty() )
mIncomingLocation->setText( location );
TQString AccountWizard::accountName() const
// create account name
TQString name( i18n( "None" ) );
TQString email = mEMailAddress->text();
int pos = email.find( '@' );
if ( pos != -1 ) {
name = email.mid( pos + 1 );
name[ 0 ] = name[ 0 ].upper();
return name;
TQLabel *AccountWizard::createInfoLabel( const TQString &msg )
TQLabel *label = new TQLabel( msg, this );
label->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::Panel | TQFrame::Raised );
label->resize( fontMetrics().width( msg ) + 20, label->height() * 2 );
label->move( width() / 2 - label->width() / 2, height() / 2 - label->height() / 2 );
return label;
void AccountWizard::accept()
// store identity information
KPIM::IdentityManager *manager = mKernel->identityManager();
KPIM::Identity &identity = manager->modifyIdentityForUoid( manager->defaultIdentity().uoid() );
identity.setFullName( mRealName->text() );
identity.setPrimaryEmailAddress( mEMailAddress->text() );
identity.setOrganization( mOrganization->text() );
TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQT_SLOT( createTransport() ) );
void AccountWizard::createTransport()
// create outgoing account
KConfigGroup general( KMKernel::config(), "General" );
uint numTransports = general.readNumEntry( "transports", 0 );
for ( uint i = 1 ; i <= numTransports ; i++ ) {
KMTransportInfo *info = new KMTransportInfo();
info->readConfig( i );
mTransportInfoList.append( info );
mTransportInfo = new KMTransportInfo();
if ( mLocalDelivery->isChecked() ) { // local delivery
mTransportInfo->type = "sendmail";
mTransportInfo->name = i18n( "Sendmail" );
mTransportInfo->host = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"; // TODO: search for sendmail in PATH
mTransportInfo->auth = false;
mTransportInfo->setStorePasswd( false );
TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQT_SLOT( transportCreated() ) );
} else { // delivery via SMTP
mTransportInfo->type = "smtp";
mTransportInfo->name = accountName();
mTransportInfo->host = mOutgoingServer->text();
mTransportInfo->user = mLoginName->text();
mTransportInfo->setPasswd( mPassword->text() );
int port = (mOutgoingUseSSL->isChecked() ? 465 : 25);
checkSmtpCapabilities( mTransportInfo->host, port );
void AccountWizard::transportCreated()
mTransportInfoList.append( mTransportInfo );
KConfigGroup general( KMKernel::config(), "General" );
general.writeEntry( "transports", mTransportInfoList.count() );
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < mTransportInfoList.count() ; i++ )
mTransportInfo->writeConfig( i + 1 );
// No default transport? => set the first transport as the default
if ( GlobalSettings::self()->defaultTransport().isEmpty() ) {
KConfigGroup general( KMKernel::config(), "General" );
if ( mTransportInfoList.count() > 0 ) {
KMTransportInfo info;
info.readConfig( 1 );
KConfigGroup composer( KMKernel::config(), "Composer" );
GlobalSettings::self()->setDefaultTransport( );
GlobalSettings::self()->setCurrentTransport( );
mTransportInfoList.setAutoDelete( true );
TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQT_SLOT( createAccount() ) );
void AccountWizard::createAccount()
// create incoming account
AccountManager *acctManager = mKernel->acctMgr();
int port = 0;
switch ( mTypeBox->type() ) {
case AccountTypeBox::Local:
mAccount = acctManager->create( "local", i18n( "Local Account" ) );
static_cast<KMAcctLocal*>( mAccount )->setLocation( mIncomingLocation->text() );
case AccountTypeBox::POP3:
mAccount = acctManager->create( "pop", accountName() );
KMail::PopAccount *acct = static_cast<KMail::PopAccount*>( mAccount );
acct->setLogin( mLoginName->text() );
acct->setPasswd( mPassword->text() );
acct->setHost( mIncomingServer->text() );
port = mIncomingUseSSL->isChecked() ? 995 : 110;
case AccountTypeBox::IMAP:
mAccount = acctManager->create( "imap", accountName() );
KMAcctImap *acct = static_cast<KMAcctImap*>( mAccount );
acct->setLogin( mLoginName->text() );
acct->setPasswd( mPassword->text() );
acct->setHost( mIncomingServer->text() );
port = mIncomingUseSSL->isChecked() ? 993 : 143;
case AccountTypeBox::dIMAP:
mAccount = acctManager->create( "cachedimap", accountName() );
KMAcctCachedImap *acct = static_cast<KMAcctCachedImap*>( mAccount );
acct->setLogin( mLoginName->text() );
acct->setPasswd( mPassword->text() );
acct->setHost( mIncomingServer->text() );
port = mIncomingUseSSL->isChecked() ? 993 : 143;
case AccountTypeBox::Maildir:
mAccount = acctManager->create( "maildir", i18n( "Local Account" ) );
static_cast<KMAcctMaildir*>( mAccount )->setLocation( mIncomingLocation->text() );
if ( mTypeBox->type() == AccountTypeBox::POP3 )
checkPopCapabilities( mIncomingServer->text(), port );
else if ( mTypeBox->type() == AccountTypeBox::IMAP || mTypeBox->type() == AccountTypeBox::dIMAP )
checkImapCapabilities( mIncomingServer->text(), port );
TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQT_SLOT( accountCreated() ) );
void AccountWizard::accountCreated()
if ( mAccount )
mKernel->acctMgr()->add( mAccount );
void AccountWizard::finished()
// ----- Security Checks --------------
void AccountWizard::checkPopCapabilities( const TQString &server, int port )
delete mServerTest;
mServerTest = new KMServerTest( POP_PROTOCOL, server, port );
connect( mServerTest, TQT_SIGNAL( capabilities( const TQStringList&, const TQStringList& ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( popCapabilities( const TQStringList&, const TQStringList& ) ) );
mAuthInfoLabel = createInfoLabel( i18n( "Check for supported security capabilities of %1..." ).arg( server ) );
void AccountWizard::checkImapCapabilities( const TQString &server, int port )
delete mServerTest;
mServerTest = new KMServerTest( IMAP_PROTOCOL, server, port );
connect( mServerTest, TQT_SIGNAL( capabilities( const TQStringList&, const TQStringList& ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( imapCapabilities( const TQStringList&, const TQStringList& ) ) );
mAuthInfoLabel = createInfoLabel( i18n( "Check for supported security capabilities of %1..." ).arg( server ) );
void AccountWizard::checkSmtpCapabilities( const TQString &server, int port )
delete mServerTest;
mServerTest = new KMServerTest( SMTP_PROTOCOL, server, port );
connect( mServerTest, TQT_SIGNAL( capabilities( const TQStringList&, const TQStringList&,
const TQString&, const TQString&, const TQString& ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( smtpCapabilities( const TQStringList&, const TQStringList&,
const TQString&, const TQString&, const TQString& ) ) );
mAuthInfoLabel = createInfoLabel( i18n( "Check for supported security capabilities of %1..." ).arg( server ) );
void AccountWizard::popCapabilities( const TQStringList &capaNormalList,
const TQStringList &capaSSLList )
uint capaNormal = popCapabilitiesFromStringList( capaNormalList );
uint capaTLS = 0;
if ( capaNormal & STLS )
capaTLS = capaNormal;
uint capaSSL = popCapabilitiesFromStringList( capaSSLList );
KMail::NetworkAccount *account = static_cast<KMail::NetworkAccount*>( mAccount );
bool useSSL = !capaSSLList.isEmpty();
bool useTLS = capaTLS != 0;
account->setUseSSL( useSSL );
account->setUseTLS( useTLS );
uint capa = (useSSL ? capaSSL : (useTLS ? capaTLS : capaNormal));
if ( capa & Plain )
account->setAuth( "PLAIN" );
else if ( capa & Login )
account->setAuth( "LOGIN" );
else if ( capa & CRAM_MD5 )
account->setAuth( "CRAM-MD5" );
else if ( capa & Digest_MD5 )
account->setAuth( "DIGEST-MD5" );
else if ( capa & NTLM )
account->setAuth( "NTLM" );
else if ( capa & GSSAPI )
account->setAuth( "GSSAPI" );
else if ( capa & APOP )
account->setAuth( "APOP" );
account->setAuth( "USER" );
account->setPort( useSSL ? 995 : 110 );
mServerTest = 0;
delete mAuthInfoLabel;
mAuthInfoLabel = 0;
void AccountWizard::imapCapabilities( const TQStringList &capaNormalList,
const TQStringList &capaSSLList )
uint capaNormal = imapCapabilitiesFromStringList( capaNormalList );
uint capaTLS = 0;
if ( capaNormal & STARTTLS )
capaTLS = capaNormal;
uint capaSSL = imapCapabilitiesFromStringList( capaSSLList );
KMail::NetworkAccount *account = static_cast<KMail::NetworkAccount*>( mAccount );
bool useSSL = !capaSSLList.isEmpty();
bool useTLS = (capaTLS != 0);
account->setUseSSL( useSSL );
account->setUseTLS( useTLS );
uint capa = (useSSL ? capaSSL : (useTLS ? capaTLS : capaNormal));
if ( capa & CRAM_MD5 )
account->setAuth( "CRAM-MD5" );
else if ( capa & Digest_MD5 )
account->setAuth( "DIGEST-MD5" );
else if ( capa & NTLM )
account->setAuth( "NTLM" );
else if ( capa & GSSAPI )
account->setAuth( "GSSAPI" );
else if ( capa & Anonymous )
account->setAuth( "ANONYMOUS" );
else if ( capa & Login )
account->setAuth( "LOGIN" );
else if ( capa & Plain )
account->setAuth( "PLAIN" );
account->setAuth( "*" );
account->setPort( useSSL ? 993 : 143 );
mServerTest = 0;
delete mAuthInfoLabel;
mAuthInfoLabel = 0;
void AccountWizard::smtpCapabilities( const TQStringList &capaNormal,
const TQStringList &capaSSL,
const TQString &authNone,
const TQString &authSSL,
const TQString &authTLS )
uint authBitsNone, authBitsSSL, authBitsTLS;
if ( authNone.isEmpty() && authSSL.isEmpty() && authTLS.isEmpty() ) {
// slave doesn't seem to support "* AUTH METHODS" metadata (or server can't do AUTH)
authBitsNone = authMethodsFromStringList( capaNormal );
if ( capaNormal.findIndex( "STARTTLS" ) != -1 )
authBitsTLS = authBitsNone;
authBitsTLS = 0;
authBitsSSL = authMethodsFromStringList( capaSSL );
} else {
authBitsNone = authMethodsFromString( authNone );
authBitsSSL = authMethodsFromString( authSSL );
authBitsTLS = authMethodsFromString( authTLS );
uint authBits = 0;
if ( capaNormal.findIndex( "STARTTLS" ) != -1 ) {
mTransportInfo->encryption = "TLS";
authBits = authBitsTLS;
} else if ( !capaSSL.isEmpty() ) {
mTransportInfo->encryption = "SSL";
authBits = authBitsSSL;
} else {
mTransportInfo->encryption = "NONE";
authBits = authBitsNone;
if ( authBits & Login )
mTransportInfo->authType = "LOGIN";
else if ( authBits & CRAM_MD5 )
mTransportInfo->authType = "CRAM-MD5";
else if ( authBits & Digest_MD5 )
mTransportInfo->authType = "DIGEST-MD5";
else if ( authBits & NTLM )
mTransportInfo->authType = "NTLM";
else if ( authBits & GSSAPI )
mTransportInfo->authType = "GSSAPI";
mTransportInfo->authType = "PLAIN";
mTransportInfo->port = ( !capaSSL.isEmpty() ? "465" : "25" );
mServerTest = 0;
delete mAuthInfoLabel;
mAuthInfoLabel = 0;
uint AccountWizard::popCapabilitiesFromStringList( const TQStringList & l )
unsigned int capa = 0;
for ( TQStringList::const_iterator it = l.begin() ; it != l.end() ; ++it ) {
TQString cur = (*it).upper();
if ( cur == "PLAIN" )
capa |= Plain;
else if ( cur == "LOGIN" )
capa |= Login;
else if ( cur == "CRAM-MD5" )
capa |= CRAM_MD5;
else if ( cur == "DIGEST-MD5" )
capa |= Digest_MD5;
else if ( cur == "NTLM" )
capa |= NTLM;
else if ( cur == "GSSAPI" )
capa |= GSSAPI;
else if ( cur == "APOP" )
capa |= APOP;
else if ( cur == "STLS" )
capa |= STLS;
return capa;
uint AccountWizard::imapCapabilitiesFromStringList( const TQStringList & l )
unsigned int capa = 0;
for ( TQStringList::const_iterator it = l.begin() ; it != l.end() ; ++it ) {
TQString cur = (*it).upper();
if ( cur == "AUTH=PLAIN" )
capa |= Plain;
else if ( cur == "AUTH=LOGIN" )
capa |= Login;
else if ( cur == "AUTH=CRAM-MD5" )
capa |= CRAM_MD5;
else if ( cur == "AUTH=DIGEST-MD5" )
capa |= Digest_MD5;
else if ( cur == "AUTH=NTLM" )
capa |= NTLM;
else if ( cur == "AUTH=GSSAPI" )
capa |= GSSAPI;
else if ( cur == "AUTH=ANONYMOUS" )
capa |= Anonymous;
else if ( cur == "STARTTLS" )
capa |= STARTTLS;
return capa;
uint AccountWizard::authMethodsFromString( const TQString & s )
unsigned int result = 0;
TQStringList sl = TQStringList::split( '\n', s.upper() );
for ( TQStringList::const_iterator it = sl.begin() ; it != sl.end() ; ++it )
if ( *it == "SASL/LOGIN" )
result |= Login;
else if ( *it == "SASL/PLAIN" )
result |= Plain;
else if ( *it == "SASL/CRAM-MD5" )
result |= CRAM_MD5;
else if ( *it == "SASL/DIGEST-MD5" )
result |= Digest_MD5;
else if ( *it == "SASL/NTLM" )
result |= NTLM;
else if ( *it == "SASL/GSSAPI" )
result |= GSSAPI;
return result;
uint AccountWizard::authMethodsFromStringList( const TQStringList & sl )
unsigned int result = 0;
for ( TQStringList::const_iterator it = sl.begin() ; it != sl.end() ; ++it )
if ( *it == "LOGIN" )
result |= Login;
else if ( *it == "PLAIN" )
result |= Plain;
else if ( *it == "CRAM-MD5" )
result |= CRAM_MD5;
else if ( *it == "DIGEST-MD5" )
result |= Digest_MD5;
else if ( *it == "NTLM" )
result |= NTLM;
else if ( *it == "GSSAPI" )
result |= GSSAPI;
return result;
#include "accountwizard.moc"