You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

838 lines
24 KiB

This file is part of libkleopatra, the KDE keymanagement library
Copyright (c) 2004 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
Libkleopatra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
Libkleopatra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
permission to link the code of this program with any edition of
the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions
of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked
combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General
Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to
your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from
your version.
#include "qgpgmecryptoconfig.h"
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kprocio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <ktempfile.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <qtextcodec.h>
// Just for the Q_ASSERT in the dtor. Not thread-safe, but who would
// have 2 threads talking to gpgconf anyway? :)
static bool s_duringClear = false;
static const int GPGCONF_FLAG_GROUP = 1;
static const int GPGCONF_FLAG_OPTIONAL = 2;
static const int GPGCONF_FLAG_LIST = 4;
static const int GPGCONF_FLAG_RUNTIME = 8;
static const int GPGCONF_FLAG_DEFAULT = 16; // fixed default value available
static const int GPGCONF_FLAG_DEFAULT_DESC = 32; // runtime default value available
static const int GPGCONF_FLAG_NOARG_DESC = 64; // option with optional arg; special meaning if no arg set
static const int GPGCONF_FLAG_NO_CHANGE = 128; // readonly
// Change size of mFlags bitfield if adding new values here
: mComponents( 7 ), mParsed( false )
mComponents.setAutoDelete( true );
void QGpgMECryptoConfig::runGpgConf( bool showErrors )
// Run gpgconf --list-components to make the list of components
KProcIO proc( QTextCodec::codecForName( "utf8" ) );
proc << "gpgconf"; // must be in the PATH
proc << "--list-components";
QObject::connect( &proc, SIGNAL( readReady(KProcIO*) ),
this, SLOT( slotCollectStdOut(KProcIO*) ) );
// run the process:
int rc = 0;
if ( !proc.start( KProcess::Block ) )
rc = -1;
rc = ( proc.normalExit() ) ? proc.exitStatus() : -2 ;
// handle errors, if any (and if requested)
if ( showErrors && rc != 0 ) {
QString wmsg = i18n("<qt>Failed to execute gpgconf:<br>%1</qt>");
if ( rc == -1 )
wmsg = wmsg.arg( i18n( "program not found" ) );
else if ( rc == -2 )
wmsg = wmsg.arg( i18n( "program cannot be executed" ) );
wmsg = wmsg.arg( strerror(rc) );
kdWarning(5150) << wmsg << endl; // to see it from test_cryptoconfig.cpp
KMessageBox::error(0, wmsg);
mParsed = true;
void QGpgMECryptoConfig::slotCollectStdOut( KProcIO* proc )
QString line;
int result;
while( ( result = proc->readln(line) ) != -1 ) {
//kdDebug(5150) << "GOT LINE:" << line << endl;
QStringList lst = QStringList::split( ':', line, true );
if ( lst.count() >= 2 ) {
mComponents.insert( lst[0], new QGpgMECryptoConfigComponent( this, lst[0], lst[1] ) );
} else {
kdWarning(5150) << "Parse error on gpgconf --list-components output: " << line << endl;
QStringList QGpgMECryptoConfig::componentList() const
if ( !mParsed )
const_cast<QGpgMECryptoConfig*>( this )->runGpgConf( true );
QDictIterator<QGpgMECryptoConfigComponent> it( mComponents );
QStringList names;
for( ; it.current(); ++it )
names.push_back( it.currentKey() );
return names;
Kleo::CryptoConfigComponent* QGpgMECryptoConfig::component( const QString& name ) const
if ( !mParsed )
const_cast<QGpgMECryptoConfig*>( this )->runGpgConf( false );
return mComponents.find( name );
void QGpgMECryptoConfig::sync( bool runtime )
QDictIterator<QGpgMECryptoConfigComponent> it( mComponents );
for( ; it.current(); ++it )
it.current()->sync( runtime );
void QGpgMECryptoConfig::clear()
s_duringClear = true;
s_duringClear = false;
mParsed = false; // next call to componentList/component will need to run gpgconf again
QGpgMECryptoConfigComponent::QGpgMECryptoConfigComponent( QGpgMECryptoConfig*, const QString& name, const QString& description )
: mGroups( 7 ), mName( name ), mDescription( description )
mGroups.setAutoDelete( true );
void QGpgMECryptoConfigComponent::runGpgConf()
// Run gpgconf --list-options <component>, and create all groups and entries for that component
KProcIO proc( QTextCodec::codecForName( "utf8" ) );
proc << "gpgconf"; // must be in the PATH
proc << "--list-options";
proc << mName;
//kdDebug(5150) << "Running gpgconf --list-options " << mName << endl;
QObject::connect( &proc, SIGNAL( readReady(KProcIO*) ),
this, SLOT( slotCollectStdOut(KProcIO*) ) );
mCurrentGroup = 0;
// run the process:
int rc = 0;
if ( !proc.start( KProcess::Block ) )
rc = -1;
rc = ( proc.normalExit() ) ? proc.exitStatus() : -1 ;
if( rc != 0 ) // can happen when using the wrong version of gpg...
kdWarning(5150) << "Running 'gpgconf --list-options " << mName << "' failed. " << strerror( rc ) << ", but try that command to see the real output" << endl;
else {
if ( mCurrentGroup && !mCurrentGroup->mEntries.isEmpty() ) // only add non-empty groups
mGroups.insert( mCurrentGroupName, mCurrentGroup );
void QGpgMECryptoConfigComponent::slotCollectStdOut( KProcIO* proc )
QString line;
int result;
while( ( result = proc->readln(line) ) != -1 ) {
//kdDebug(5150) << "GOT LINE:" << line << endl;
const QStringList lst = QStringList::split( ':', line, true );
if ( lst.count() >= 10 ) {
const int flags = lst[1].toInt();
const int level = lst[2].toInt();
if ( level > 2 ) // invisible or internal -> skip it;
if ( flags & GPGCONF_FLAG_GROUP ) {
if ( mCurrentGroup && !mCurrentGroup->mEntries.isEmpty() ) // only add non-empty groups
mGroups.insert( mCurrentGroupName, mCurrentGroup );
// kdDebug(5150) << "Discarding empty group " << mCurrentGroupName << endl;
mCurrentGroup = new QGpgMECryptoConfigGroup( lst[0], lst[3], level );
mCurrentGroupName = lst[0];
} else {
// normal entry
if ( !mCurrentGroup ) { // first toplevel entry -> create toplevel group
mCurrentGroup = new QGpgMECryptoConfigGroup( "<nogroup>", QString::null, 0 );
mCurrentGroupName = "<nogroup>";
mCurrentGroup->mEntries.insert( lst[0], new QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry( lst ) );
} else {
// This happens on lines like
// dirmngr[31465]: error opening `/home/dfaure/.gnupg/dirmngr_ldapservers.conf': No such file or directory
// so let's not bother the user with it.
//kdWarning(5150) << "Parse error on gpgconf --list-options output: " << line << endl;
QStringList QGpgMECryptoConfigComponent::groupList() const
QDictIterator<QGpgMECryptoConfigGroup> it( mGroups );
QStringList names;
for( ; it.current(); ++it )
names.push_back( it.currentKey() );
return names;
Kleo::CryptoConfigGroup* QGpgMECryptoConfigComponent::group(const QString& name ) const
return mGroups.find( name );
void QGpgMECryptoConfigComponent::sync( bool runtime )
KTempFile tmpFile;
tmpFile.setAutoDelete( true );
QValueList<QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry *> dirtyEntries;
// Collect all dirty entries
QDictIterator<QGpgMECryptoConfigGroup> groupit( mGroups );
for( ; groupit.current(); ++groupit ) {
QDictIterator<QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry> it( groupit.current()->mEntries );
for( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
if ( it.current()->isDirty() ) {
// OK, we can set it.currentKey() to it.current()->outputString()
QString line = it.currentKey();
if ( it.current()->isSet() ) { // set option
line += ":0:";
line += it.current()->outputString();
} else { // unset option
line += ":16:";
line += '\n';
QCString line8bit = line.utf8(); // encode with utf8, and KProcIO uses utf8 when reading.
tmpFile.file()->writeBlock(, line8bit.size()-1 /*no 0*/ );
dirtyEntries.append( it.current() );
if ( dirtyEntries.isEmpty() )
// Call gpgconf --change-options <component>
QString commandLine = "gpgconf";
if ( runtime )
commandLine += " --runtime";
commandLine += " --change-options ";
commandLine += KProcess::quote( mName );
commandLine += " < ";
commandLine += KProcess::quote( );
//kdDebug(5150) << commandLine << endl;
//system( QCString( "cat " ) + ); // DEBUG
KProcess proc;
proc.setUseShell( true );
proc << commandLine;
// run the process:
int rc = 0;
if ( !proc.start( KProcess::Block ) )
rc = -1;
rc = ( proc.normalExit() ) ? proc.exitStatus() : -1 ;
if ( rc == -1 )
QString wmsg = i18n( "Could not start gpgconf\nCheck that gpgconf is in the PATH and that it can be started" );
kdWarning(5150) << wmsg << endl;
KMessageBox::error(0, wmsg);
else if( rc != 0 ) // Happens due to bugs in gpgconf (e.g. issues 104/115)
QString wmsg = i18n( "Error from gpgconf while saving configuration: %1" ).arg( QString::fromLocal8Bit( strerror( rc ) ) );
kdWarning(5150) << k_funcinfo << ":" << strerror( rc ) << endl;
KMessageBox::error(0, wmsg);
QValueList<QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry *>::Iterator it = dirtyEntries.begin();
for( ; it != dirtyEntries.end(); ++it ) {
(*it)->setDirty( false );
QGpgMECryptoConfigGroup::QGpgMECryptoConfigGroup( const QString & name, const QString& description, int level )
: mEntries( 29 ),
mName( name ),
mDescription( description ),
mLevel( static_cast<Kleo::CryptoConfigEntry::Level>( level ) )
mEntries.setAutoDelete( true );
QStringList QGpgMECryptoConfigGroup::entryList() const
QDictIterator<QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry> it( mEntries );
QStringList names;
for( ; it.current(); ++it )
names.push_back( it.currentKey() );
return names;
Kleo::CryptoConfigEntry* QGpgMECryptoConfigGroup::entry( const QString& name ) const
return mEntries.find( name );
static QString gpgconf_unescape( const QString& str )
// Looks like it's the same rules as KURL.
return KURL::decode_string( str, 106 );
static QString gpgconf_escape( const QString& str )
// Escape special chars (including ':' and '%')
QString enc = KURL::encode_string( str, 106 ); // and convert to utf8 first (to get %12%34 for one special char)
// Also encode commas, for lists.
enc.replace( ',', "%2c" );
return enc;
static QString urlpart_encode( const QString& str )
QString enc( str );
enc.replace( '%', "%25" ); // first!
enc.replace( ':', "%3a" );
//kdDebug() << " urlpart_encode: " << str << " -> " << enc << endl;
return enc;
static QString urlpart_decode( const QString& str )
return KURL::decode_string( str );
// gpgconf arg type number -> CryptoConfigEntry arg type enum mapping
static Kleo::CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType knownArgType( int argType, bool& ok ) {
ok = true;
switch( argType ) {
case 0: // none
return Kleo::CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_None;
case 1: // string
return Kleo::CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_String;
case 2: // int32
return Kleo::CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_Int;
case 3: // uint32
return Kleo::CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_UInt;
case 32: // pathname
return Kleo::CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_Path;
case 33: // ldap server
return Kleo::CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_LDAPURL;
ok = false;
return Kleo::CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_None;
QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry( const QStringList& parsedLine )
assert( parsedLine.count() >= 10 ); // called checked for it already
QStringList::const_iterator it = parsedLine.begin();
mName = *it++;
mFlags = (*it++).toInt();
mLevel = (*it++).toInt();
mDescription = *it++;
bool ok;
// we keep the real (int) arg type, since it influences the parsing (e.g. for ldap urls)
mRealArgType = (*it++).toInt();
mArgType = knownArgType( mRealArgType, ok );
if ( !ok && !(*it).isEmpty() ) {
// use ALT-TYPE
mRealArgType = (*it).toInt();
mArgType = knownArgType( mRealArgType, ok );
if ( !ok )
kdWarning(5150) << "Unsupported datatype: " << parsedLine[4] << " : " << *it << " for " << parsedLine[0] << endl;
++it; // done with alt-type
++it; // skip argname (not useful in GUIs)
mSet = false;
QString value;
if ( mFlags & GPGCONF_FLAG_DEFAULT ) {
value = *it; // get default value
mDefaultValue = stringToValue( value, true );
++it; // done with DEFAULT
++it; // ### skip ARGDEF for now. It's only for options with an "optional arg"
//kdDebug(5150) << "Entry " << parsedLine[0] << " val=" << *it << endl;
if ( !(*it).isEmpty() ) { // a real value was set
mSet = true;
value = *it;
mValue = stringToValue( value, true );
else {
mValue = mDefaultValue;
mDirty = false;
QVariant QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::stringToValue( const QString& str, bool unescape ) const
bool isString = isStringType();
if ( isList() ) {
QValueList<QVariant> lst;
QStringList items = QStringList::split( ',', str );
for( QStringList::const_iterator valit = items.begin(); valit != items.end(); ++valit ) {
QString val = *valit;
if ( isString ) {
if ( val.isEmpty() ) {
lst << QString::null;
else if ( unescape ) {
if( val[0] != '"' ) // see README.gpgconf
kdWarning(5150) << "String value should start with '\"' : " << val << endl;
val = val.mid( 1 );
lst << QVariant( unescape ? gpgconf_unescape( val ) : val );
return lst;
} else { // not a list
QString val( str );
if ( isString ) {
if ( val.isEmpty() )
return QVariant( QString::null ); // not set [ok with lists too?]
else if ( unescape ) {
Q_ASSERT( val[0] == '"' ); // see README.gpgconf
val = val.mid( 1 );
return QVariant( unescape ? gpgconf_unescape( val ) : val );
#ifndef NDEBUG
if ( !s_duringClear && mDirty )
kdWarning(5150) << "Deleting a QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry that was modified (" << mDescription << ")\n"
<< "You forgot to call sync() (to commit) or clear() (to discard)" << endl;
bool QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::isOptional() const
bool QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::isReadOnly() const
bool QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::isList() const
return mFlags & GPGCONF_FLAG_LIST;
bool QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::isRuntime() const
bool QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::isSet() const
return mSet;
bool QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::boolValue() const
Q_ASSERT( mArgType == ArgType_None );
Q_ASSERT( !isList() );
return mValue.toBool();
QString QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::stringValue() const
return toString( false );
int QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::intValue() const
Q_ASSERT( mArgType == ArgType_Int );
Q_ASSERT( !isList() );
return mValue.toInt();
unsigned int QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::uintValue() const
Q_ASSERT( mArgType == ArgType_UInt );
Q_ASSERT( !isList() );
return mValue.toUInt();
static KURL parseURL( int mRealArgType, const QString& str )
if ( mRealArgType == 33 ) { // LDAP server
QStringList items = QStringList::split( ':', str, true );
if ( items.count() == 5 ) {
QStringList::const_iterator it = items.begin();
KURL url;
url.setProtocol( "ldap" );
url.setHost( urlpart_decode( *it++ ) );
url.setPort( (*it++).toInt() );
url.setPath( "/" ); // workaround KURL parsing bug
url.setUser( urlpart_decode( *it++ ) );
url.setPass( urlpart_decode( *it++ ) );
url.setQuery( urlpart_decode( *it ) );
return url;
} else
kdWarning(5150) << "parseURL: malformed LDAP server: " << str << endl;
// other URLs : assume wellformed URL syntax.
return KURL( str );
// The opposite of parseURL
static QString splitURL( int mRealArgType, const KURL& url )
if ( mRealArgType == 33 ) { // LDAP server
Q_ASSERT( url.protocol() == "ldap" );
return urlpart_encode( ) + ":" +
QString::number( url.port() ) + ":" +
urlpart_encode( url.user() ) + ":" +
urlpart_encode( url.pass() ) + ":" +
// KURL automatically encoded the query (e.g. for spaces inside it),
// so decode it before writing it out to gpgconf (issue119)
urlpart_encode( KURL::decode_string( url.query().mid(1) ) );
return url.path();
KURL QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::urlValue() const
Q_ASSERT( mArgType == ArgType_Path || mArgType == ArgType_URL || mArgType == ArgType_LDAPURL );
Q_ASSERT( !isList() );
QString str = mValue.toString();
if ( mArgType == ArgType_Path )
KURL url;
url.setPath( str );
return url;
return parseURL( mRealArgType, str );
unsigned int QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::numberOfTimesSet() const
Q_ASSERT( mArgType == ArgType_None );
Q_ASSERT( isList() );
return mValue.toUInt();
QStringList QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::stringValueList() const
Q_ASSERT( isStringType() );
Q_ASSERT( isList() );
return mValue.toStringList();
QValueList<int> QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::intValueList() const
Q_ASSERT( mArgType == ArgType_Int );
Q_ASSERT( isList() );
QValueList<int> ret;
QValueList<QVariant> lst = mValue.toList();
for( QValueList<QVariant>::const_iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) {
ret.append( (*it).toInt() );
return ret;
QValueList<unsigned int> QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::uintValueList() const
Q_ASSERT( mArgType == ArgType_UInt );
Q_ASSERT( isList() );
QValueList<unsigned int> ret;
QValueList<QVariant> lst = mValue.toList();
for( QValueList<QVariant>::const_iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) {
ret.append( (*it).toUInt() );
return ret;
KURL::List QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::urlValueList() const
Q_ASSERT( mArgType == ArgType_Path || mArgType == ArgType_URL || mArgType == ArgType_LDAPURL );
Q_ASSERT( isList() );
QStringList lst = mValue.toStringList();
KURL::List ret;
for( QStringList::const_iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) {
if ( mArgType == ArgType_Path ) {
KURL url;
url.setPath( *it );
ret << url;
} else {
ret << parseURL( mRealArgType, *it );
return ret;
void QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::resetToDefault()
mSet = false;
mDirty = true;
mValue = mDefaultValue;
else if ( mArgType == ArgType_None )
mValue = false;
void QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::setBoolValue( bool b )
Q_ASSERT( mArgType == ArgType_None );
Q_ASSERT( !isList() );
// A "no arg" option is either set or not set.
// Being set means mSet==true + mValue==true, being unset means resetToDefault(), i.e. both false
mValue = b;
mSet = b;
mDirty = true;
void QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::setStringValue( const QString& str )
mValue = stringToValue( str, false );
// When setting a string to empty (and there's no default), we need to act like resetToDefault
// Otherwise we try e.g. "ocsp-responder:0:" and gpgconf answers:
// "gpgconf: argument required for option ocsp-responder"
if ( str.isEmpty() && !isOptional() )
mSet = false;
mSet = true;
mDirty = true;
void QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::setIntValue( int i )
Q_ASSERT( mArgType == ArgType_Int );
Q_ASSERT( !isList() );
mValue = i;
mSet = true;
mDirty = true;
void QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::setUIntValue( unsigned int i )
mValue = i;
mSet = true;
mDirty = true;
void QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::setURLValue( const KURL& url )
QString str = splitURL( mRealArgType, url );
if ( str.isEmpty() && !isOptional() )
mSet = false;
mSet = true;
mValue = str;
mDirty = true;
void QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::setNumberOfTimesSet( unsigned int i )
Q_ASSERT( mArgType == ArgType_None );
Q_ASSERT( isList() );
setUIntValue( i );
void QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::setStringValueList( const QStringList& lst )
mValue = lst;
if ( lst.isEmpty() && !isOptional() )
mSet = false;
mSet = true;
mDirty = true;
void QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::setIntValueList( const QValueList<int>& lst )
QValueList<QVariant> ret;
for( QValueList<int>::const_iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) {
ret << QVariant( *it );
mValue = ret;
if ( ret.isEmpty() && !isOptional() )
mSet = false;
mSet = true;
mDirty = true;
void QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::setUIntValueList( const QValueList<unsigned int>& lst )
QValueList<QVariant> ret;
for( QValueList<unsigned int>::const_iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) {
ret << QVariant( *it );
if ( ret.isEmpty() && !isOptional() )
mSet = false;
mSet = true;
mValue = ret;
mDirty = true;
void QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::setURLValueList( const KURL::List& urls )
QStringList lst;
for( KURL::List::const_iterator it = urls.begin(); it != urls.end(); ++it ) {
lst << splitURL( mRealArgType, *it );
mValue = lst;
if ( lst.isEmpty() && !isOptional() )
mSet = false;
mSet = true;
mDirty = true;
QString QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::toString( bool escape ) const
// Basically the opposite of stringToValue
if ( isStringType() ) {
if ( mValue.isNull() )
return QString::null;
else if ( isList() ) { // string list
QStringList lst = mValue.toStringList();
if ( escape ) {
for( QStringList::iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) {
if ( !(*it).isNull() )
*it = gpgconf_escape( *it ).prepend( "\"" );
QString res = lst.join( "," );
kdDebug(5150) << "toString: " << res << endl;
return res;
} else { // normal string
QString res = mValue.toString();
if ( escape )
res = gpgconf_escape( res ).prepend( "\"" );
return res;
if ( !isList() ) // non-list non-string
if ( mArgType == ArgType_None ) {
return mValue.toBool() ? QString::fromLatin1( "1" ) : QString::null;
} else { // some int
Q_ASSERT( mArgType == ArgType_Int || mArgType == ArgType_UInt );
return mValue.toString(); // int to string conversion
// Lists (of other types than strings)
if ( mArgType == ArgType_None )
return QString::number( numberOfTimesSet() );
QStringList ret;
QValueList<QVariant> lst = mValue.toList();
for( QValueList<QVariant>::const_iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it ) {
ret << (*it).toString(); // QVariant does the conversion
return ret.join( "," );
QString QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::outputString() const
Q_ASSERT( mSet );
return toString( true );
bool QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::isStringType() const
return ( mArgType == Kleo::CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_String
|| mArgType == Kleo::CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_Path
|| mArgType == Kleo::CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_URL
|| mArgType == Kleo::CryptoConfigEntry::ArgType_LDAPURL );
void QGpgMECryptoConfigEntry::setDirty( bool b )
mDirty = b;
#include "qgpgmecryptoconfig.moc"