You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

329 lines
11 KiB

cwbuglistcontainer.cpp - Container for the bug list
copyright : (c) 2001 by Martijn Klingens
email :
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qwidgetstack.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <klistview.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdialog.h>
#if KDE_IS_VERSION( 3, 2, 90 )
#include <klistviewsearchline.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include "bugsystem.h"
#include "cwloadingwidget.h"
#include "buglvi.h"
#include "kbbprefs.h"
#include "kfind.h"
#include "cwbuglistcontainer.h"
#include <kfinddialog.h>
using namespace KBugBusterMainWindow;
CWBugListContainer::CWBugListContainer( QWidget *parent , const char * name )
: QWidget( parent, name ), m_find(0), m_findItem(0)
QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
topLayout->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
topLayout->setMargin( KDialog::marginHint() );
m_listLabel = new QLabel( this );
topLayout->addWidget( m_listLabel );
topLayout->setStretchFactor( m_listLabel, 0 );
QFont f = m_listLabel->font();
f.setBold( true );
m_listLabel->setFont( f );
m_listStack = new QWidgetStack( this );
// Create Outstanding Bugs listview
m_listBugs = new KListView( m_listStack );
topLayout->addWidget( new KListViewSearchLineWidget( m_listBugs, this ) );
topLayout->addWidget( m_listStack );
topLayout->setStretchFactor( m_listStack, 1 );
m_listBugs->addColumn( i18n( "Number" ) );
m_listBugs->addColumn( i18n( "Age" ) );
m_listBugs->addColumn( i18n( "Title" ), 500 ); // so that the widthmode isn't "Maximum"
m_listBugs->addColumn( i18n( "Status" ) );
m_listBugs->addColumn( i18n( "Severity" ) );
m_listBugs->addColumn( i18n( "Sender" ), 150 ); // idem. hardcoded widths suck a bit, but...
m_listBugs->setAllColumnsShowFocus( true );
m_listBugs->setColumnAlignment( 0, AlignRight );
m_listBugs->setSorting( 0, false );
m_listBugs->setShowSortIndicator( true );
m_listBugs->setSelectionMode( QListView::Extended ); // needed for merging bugs
m_listBugs->restoreLayout( KBBPrefs::instance()->config(), "BugListLayout" );
connect( m_listBugs, SIGNAL( executed( QListViewItem * ) ),
SLOT( execute( QListViewItem * ) ) );
connect( m_listBugs, SIGNAL( returnPressed( QListViewItem * ) ),
SLOT( execute( QListViewItem * ) ) );
connect( m_listBugs, SIGNAL( currentChanged( QListViewItem * ) ),
SLOT( changeCurrent( QListViewItem * ) ) );
// Fill WidgetStack in Outstanding Bugs pane
m_listLoading = new CWLoadingWidget( CWLoadingWidget::TopFrame,
m_listStack );
connect( m_listLoading, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SIGNAL( searchPackage() ) );
m_listStack->addWidget( m_listBugs, 0 );
m_listStack->addWidget( m_listLoading, 1 );
connect( BugSystem::self(), SIGNAL( bugListLoading( const Package &, const QString & ) ),
SLOT( setLoading( const Package &, const QString & ) ) );
connect( BugSystem::self(), SIGNAL( bugListLoading( const QString & ) ),
SLOT( setLoading( const QString & ) ) );
connect( BugSystem::self(), SIGNAL( bugListCacheMiss( const Package & ) ),
SLOT( setCacheMiss( const Package & ) ) );
connect( BugSystem::self(), SIGNAL( bugListCacheMiss( const QString & ) ),
SLOT( setCacheMiss( const QString & ) ) );
connect( BugSystem::self(), SIGNAL( commandQueued( BugCommand * ) ),
SLOT( markBugCommand( BugCommand * ) ) );
connect( BugSystem::self(), SIGNAL( commandCanceled( const QString & ) ),
SLOT( clearCommand( const QString & ) ) );
m_listBugs->saveLayout( KBBPrefs::instance()->config(), "BugListLayout" );
delete m_find;
void CWBugListContainer::setBugList( const QString &label, const Bug::List &bugs )
// List pane is invisible by default, make visible
emit resetProgressBar();
bool showClosed = KBBPrefs::instance()->mShowClosedBugs;
bool showWishes = KBBPrefs::instance()->mShowWishes;
uint noBugs = 0;
uint noWishes = 0;
for ( Bug::List::ConstIterator it = bugs.begin(); it != bugs.end(); ++it )
if ( ( *it ).status() != Bug::Closed || showClosed )
if ( ( *it ).severity() != Bug::Wishlist || showWishes )
new BugLVI( m_listBugs, *it );
if ( ( *it ).severity() != Bug::Wishlist )
m_listLabel->setText( i18n( "%1 (%2 bugs, %3 wishes)" ).arg( label ).arg( noBugs ).arg( noWishes ) );
m_listStack->raiseWidget( 0 );
void CWBugListContainer::setBugList( const Package &package, const QString &component, const Bug::List &bugs )
QString listLabel;
if ( component.isEmpty() )
if ( package.components().count() > 1 )
listLabel = i18n( "Product '%1', all components" ).arg( );
listLabel = i18n( "Product '%1'" ).arg( );
listLabel = i18n( "Product '%1', component '%2'" ).arg(, component );
setBugList( listLabel, bugs );
void CWBugListContainer::execute( QListViewItem *lvi )
BugLVI *item = dynamic_cast<BugLVI *>( lvi );
if( !item )
kdWarning() << "CWBugListContainer::execute() Selected bug "
<< lvi->text( 0 )
<< " is not a BugLVI! Ignoring event." << endl;
emit executed( item->bug() );
void CWBugListContainer::changeCurrent( QListViewItem *lvi )
if( !lvi ) {
emit currentChanged( Bug() );
BugLVI *item = dynamic_cast<BugLVI *>( lvi );
if( !item )
kdWarning() << "CWBugListContainer::changeCurrent() Selected bug "
<< lvi->text( 0 )
<< " is not a BugLVI! Ignoring event." << endl;
emit currentChanged( item->bug() );
void CWBugListContainer::setNoList()
m_listLabel->setText( i18n("Outstanding Bugs") );
m_listLoading->setText( i18n( "Click here to select a product" ) );
m_listStack->raiseWidget( 1 );
void CWBugListContainer::setLoading( const Package &package, const QString &component )
if ( component.isEmpty() )
setLoading( i18n( "Retrieving List of Outstanding Bugs for Product '%1'..." ).arg( ) );
setLoading( i18n( "Retrieving List of Outstanding Bugs for Product '%1' (Component %2)..." ).arg(, component ) );
void CWBugListContainer::setLoading( const QString &label )
m_listLoading->setText( label );
m_listStack->raiseWidget( 1 );
void CWBugListContainer::setCacheMiss( const Package &package )
setCacheMiss( i18n( "Package '%1'" ).arg( ) );
void CWBugListContainer::setCacheMiss( const QString &label )
m_listLoading->setText( i18n( "%1 is not available offline." ).arg( label ) );
m_listStack->raiseWidget( 1 );
void CWBugListContainer::markBugCommand( BugCommand *cmd )
BugLVI *item = (BugLVI *)m_listBugs->firstChild();
while( item ) {
if ( item->bug().number() == cmd->bug().number() ) {
item->setCommandState( BugCommand::Queued );
item = (BugLVI *)item->nextSibling();
void CWBugListContainer::clearCommand( const QString &bug )
BugLVI *item = (BugLVI *)m_listBugs->firstChild();
while( item ) {
if ( item->bug().number() == bug ) {
item->setCommandState( BugCommand::None );
item = (BugLVI *)item->nextSibling();
void CWBugListContainer::searchBugByTitle( int options, const QString& pattern )
m_find = new KFind( pattern, options, this );
// Connect signals to code which handles highlighting
// of found text.
connect(m_find, SIGNAL( highlight( const QString &, int, int ) ),
this, SLOT( searchHighlight( const QString &, int, int ) ) );
connect(m_find, SIGNAL( findNext() ), this, SLOT( slotFindNext() ) );
m_findItem = (BugLVI *)m_listBugs->firstChild();
if ( options & KFindDialog::FromCursor && m_listBugs->currentItem() )
m_findItem = (BugLVI *)m_listBugs->currentItem();
// Note: if a 'find next' action is added, then one should also ensure
// that m_findItem never becomes dangling (i.e. clear it when clearing the listview).
void CWBugListContainer::slotFindNext()
KFind::Result res = KFind::NoMatch;
while( res == KFind::NoMatch && m_findItem ) {
if ( m_find->needData() )
m_find->setData( m_findItem->text(2) );
// Let KFind inspect the text fragment, and display a dialog if a match is found
res = m_find->find();
if ( res == KFind::NoMatch ) {
if ( m_find->options() & KFindDialog::FindBackwards )
m_findItem = (BugLVI *)m_findItem->itemAbove();
m_findItem = (BugLVI *)m_findItem->itemBelow();
if ( res == KFind::NoMatch ) // i.e. at end
if ( m_find->shouldRestart() ) {
m_findItem = (BugLVI *)m_listBugs->firstChild();
} else {
delete m_find;
m_find = 0L;
void CWBugListContainer::searchHighlight( const QString &, int, int )
if ( m_findItem ) {
m_listBugs->setSelected( m_findItem, true );
m_listBugs->ensureItemVisible( m_findItem );
QStringList CWBugListContainer::selectedBugs() const
QStringList lst;
BugLVI *item = (BugLVI *)m_listBugs->firstChild();
while( item ) {
if ( item->isSelected() )
lst.append( item->bug().number() );
item = (BugLVI *)item->nextSibling();
return lst;
#include "cwbuglistcontainer.moc"
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