You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

376 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Christian Loose <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <dcopref.h>
#include <dcopobject.h>
class TQString;
class TDE_EXPORT CvsService : public DCOPObject
* Adds new files to an existing project. The files don't actually
* appear in the repository until a subsequent commit is performed.
* @param files A list of files that should be added to the repository.
* @param isBinary Set to true to treat the files as binary files (-kb)
* @return A DCOP reference to the cvs job or in case of failure a
* null reference.
DCOPRef add(const TQStringList& files, bool isBinary);
DCOPRef addWatch(const TQStringList& files, int events);
* Shows information on who last modified each line of a file and when.
* @param fileName the name of the file to show annotations for
* @param revision show annotations for this revision (number or tag)
* @return A DCOP reference to the cvs job or in case of failure a
* null reference.
DCOPRef annotate(const TQString& fileName, const TQString& revision);
* Checks out a module from the repository into a working copy.
* @param workingDir path to a local working copy directory
* @param repository
* @param module the name of the module
* @param tag
* @param pruneDirs remove empty directories from the working copy.
* @return A DCOP reference to the cvs job or in case of failure a
* null reference.
DCOPRef checkout(const TQString& workingDir, const TQString& repository,
const TQString& module, const TQString& tag, bool pruneDirs);
* Checks out a module from the repository into a working copy.
* @param workingDir path to a local working copy directory
* @param repository
* @param module the name of the module
* @param tag
* @param pruneDirs remove empty directories from the working copy.
* @param alias alternative directory to check out to
* @param exportOnly flag to show we want a cvs export rather than a checkout
* @return A DCOP reference to the cvs job or in case of failure a
* null reference.
//### KDE4: merge with above checkout() method
DCOPRef checkout(const TQString& workingDir, const TQString& repository,
const TQString& module, const TQString& tag, bool pruneDirs,
const TQString& alias, bool exportOnly);
* Checks out a module from the repository into a working copy.
* @param workingDir path to a local working copy directory
* @param repository
* @param module the name of the module
* @param tag
* @param pruneDirs remove empty directories from the working copy.
* @param alias alternative directory to check out to
* @param exportOnly flag to show we want a cvs export rather than a checkout
* @param recursive check out dirs recursively
* @return A DCOP reference to the cvs job or in case of failure a
* null reference.
DCOPRef checkout(const TQString& workingDir, const TQString& repository,
const TQString& module, const TQString& tag, bool pruneDirs,
const TQString& alias, bool exportOnly, bool recursive);
* @param files A list of files with changes that should be committed to
* the repository.
* @param commitMessage log message describing the changes
* @param recursive
* @return A DCOP reference to the cvs job or in case of failure a
* null reference.
DCOPRef commit(const TQStringList& files, const TQString& commitMessage,
bool recursive);
* Creates a new root repository.
* @param repository
DCOPRef createRepository(const TQString& repository);
DCOPRef createTag(const TQStringList& files, const TQString& tag,
bool branch, bool force);
DCOPRef deleteTag(const TQStringList& files, const TQString& tag,
bool branch, bool force);
DCOPRef downloadCvsIgnoreFile(const TQString& repository,
const TQString& outputFile);
DCOPRef downloadRevision(const TQString& fileName, const TQString& revision,
const TQString& outputFile);
DCOPRef downloadRevision(const TQString& fileName, const TQString& revA,
const TQString& outputFileA, const TQString& revB,
const TQString& outputFileB);
* @param fileName
* @param revA
* @param revB
* @param diffOptions
* @param contextLines
* @return A DCOP reference to the cvs job or in case of failure a
* null reference.
DCOPRef diff(const TQString& fileName, const TQString& revA,
const TQString& revB, const TQString& diffOptions,
unsigned contextLines);
* @param fileName
* @param revA
* @param revB
* @param diffOptions
* @param format
* @return A DCOP reference to the cvs job or in case of failure a
* null reference.
DCOPRef diff(const TQString& fileName, const TQString& revA,
const TQString& revB, const TQString& diffOptions,
const TQString& format);
* @param files
DCOPRef edit(const TQStringList& files);
* @param files
DCOPRef editors(const TQStringList& files);
* Shows a history of activity (like checkouts, commits, etc) in the
* repository for all users and all record types.
* @return A DCOP reference to the cvs job or in case of failure a
* null reference.
DCOPRef history();
* @return A DCOP reference to the cvs job or in case of failure a
* null reference.
DCOPRef import(const TQString& workingDir, const TQString& repository,
const TQString& module, const TQString& ignoreList,
const TQString& comment, const TQString& vendorTag,
const TQString& releaseTag, bool importAsBinary);
* @return A DCOP reference to the cvs job or in case of failure a
* null reference.
//### KDE4: merge with above import() method
DCOPRef import(const TQString& workingDir, const TQString& repository,
const TQString& module, const TQString& ignoreList,
const TQString& comment, const TQString& vendorTag,
const TQString& releaseTag, bool importAsBinary,
bool useModificationTime);
* @param files
DCOPRef lock(const TQStringList& files);
* Shows log messages for a file.
* @param fileName the name of the file to show log messages for
* @return A DCOP reference to the cvs job or in case of failure a
* null reference.
DCOPRef log(const TQString& fileName);
* @param repository
* @return A DCOP reference to the cvs job or in case of failure a
* null reference.
DCOPRef login(const TQString& repository);
* @param repository
* @return A DCOP reference to the cvs job or in case of failure a
* null reference.
DCOPRef logout(const TQString& repository);
DCOPRef makePatch();
//### KDE4: merge with above makePatch() method
DCOPRef makePatch(const TQString& diffOptions, const TQString& format);
* @param repository
* @return A DCOP reference to the cvs job or in case of failure a
* null reference.
DCOPRef moduleList(const TQString& repository);
* Deletes files from the local working copy and schedules them to be
* removed from the repository. The files don't actually disappear from
* the repository until a subsequent commit is performed.
* @param files A list of files that should be removed from the repository.
* @param recursive descend into subdirectories.
* @return A DCOP reference to the cvs job or in case of failure a
* null reference.
DCOPRef remove(const TQStringList& files, bool recursive);
DCOPRef removeWatch(const TQStringList& files, int events);
DCOPRef rlog(const TQString& repository, const TQString& module,
bool recursive);
* Shows a summary of what's been done locally, without changing the
* working copy. (cvs -n update)
* @param files
* @param recursive descend into subdirectories.
* @param createDirs
* @param pruneDirs
* @return A DCOP reference to the cvs job or in case of failure a
* null reference.
DCOPRef simulateUpdate(const TQStringList& files, bool recursive,
bool createDirs, bool pruneDirs);
* Shows the status of the files in the working copy.
* @param files
* @param recursive descend into subdirectories.
* @param tagInfo show tag information for the file.
* @return A DCOP reference to the cvs job or in case of failure a
* null reference.
DCOPRef status(const TQStringList& files, bool recursive, bool tagInfo);
* @param files
DCOPRef unedit(const TQStringList& files);
* @param files
DCOPRef unlock(const TQStringList& files);
* Merges changes from the repository into the files of the
* working copy.
* @param files A list of files that should be updated.
* @param recursive descend into subdirectories.
* @param createDirs create directories that exist in the repository
* but not yet in the working copy.
* @param pruneDirs remove empty directories from the working copy.
* @param extraOpt
* @return A DCOP reference to the cvs job or in case of failure a
* null reference.
DCOPRef update(const TQStringList& files, bool recursive, bool createDirs,
bool pruneDirs, const TQString& extraOpt);
* @param files
DCOPRef watchers(const TQStringList& files);
* Quits the DCOP service.
void quit();
struct Private;
Private* d;