@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ cat << EOF > $LOCATION_ROOT/$APP_NAME_LC.lsm
Title: $APP_NAME
Version: R14.0.4
Entered-date: 2016-02-29
Entered-date: 2016-10-23
Description: .... for the Trinity Desktop Environment
Keywords: TDE Qt
Author: $AUTHOR <$EMAIL>
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Title: KAppTemplate
Description: Modular shell script that will automatically create a
framework for either a normal TDE application, a
KPart application, a KPart plugin, or convert an
Title: tdesdk
Description: Software Ddevelopment Kit for the Trinity Desktop Environment
Keywords: TDE X11 desktop Qt
Author: http://www.kde.org/
Title: Umbrello UML Modeller
Description: A UML diagram Modeller
Keywords: TDE uml diagram modeller
Author: Paul Hensgen <phensgen @ users.sourceforge.net>