You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

147 lines
3.4 KiB

#ifndef __bugsystem_h__
#define __bugsystem_h__
#include "package.h"
#include "bug.h"
#include "bugdetails.h"
#include "bugcache.h"
#include <kurl.h>
#include <qobject.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qpair.h>
class KConfig;
class BugCommand;
class BugServer;
class BugServerConfig;
class BugJob;
class BugSystem : public QObject
friend class BugJob;
virtual ~BugSystem();
static BugSystem *self();
BugCache *cache()const;
BugServer *server() const { return mServer; }
BugSystem takes ownership of the BugServerConfig objects.
void setServerList( const QValueList<BugServerConfig> &servers );
QValueList<BugServer *> serverList();
void setCurrentServer( const QString & );
void retrievePackageList();
void retrieveBugList( const Package &, const QString &component );
void retrieveBugDetails( const Bug & );
* Load the bugs the user reported himself, or for which he is the assigned to person
void retrieveMyBugsList();
Queue a new command.
void queueCommand( BugCommand * );
Forget all commands for a given bug.
void clearCommands( const QString &bug );
Forget all commands for all bugs.
void clearCommands();
Send all commands (generate the mails).
void sendCommands();
void setDisconnected( bool );
bool disconnected() const;
Package::List packageList() const;
Package package( const QString &pkgname ) const;
Bug bug( const Package &pkg, const QString &component, const QString &number ) const;
static void saveQuery( const KURL &url );
static void saveResponse( const QByteArray &d );
static QString lastResponse();
void readConfig( KConfig * );
void writeConfig( KConfig * );
void packageListAvailable( const Package::List &pkgs );
void bugListAvailable( const Package &pkg, const QString &component, const Bug::List & );
void bugListAvailable( const QString &label, const Bug::List & );
void bugDetailsAvailable( const Bug &, const BugDetails & );
void packageListLoading();
void bugListLoading( const Package &, const QString &component );
void bugListLoading( const QString &label );
void bugDetailsLoading( const Bug & );
void packageListCacheMiss();
void bugListCacheMiss( const Package &package );
void bugListCacheMiss( const QString &label );
void bugDetailsCacheMiss( const Bug & );
void bugDetailsLoadingError();
void infoMessage( const QString &message );
void infoPercent( unsigned long percent );
void commandQueued( BugCommand * );
void commandCanceled( const QString & );
void loadingError( const QString &text );
BugServer *findServer( const QString &name );
void registerJob( BugJob * );
void connectJob( BugJob * );
void killAllJobs();
protected slots:
void unregisterJob( BugJob * );
private slots:
void setPackageList( const Package::List &pkgs );
void setBugList( const Package &pkg, const QString &component, const Bug::List &bugs );
void setBugDetails( const Bug &bug, const BugDetails &details );
bool m_disconnected;
BugServer *mServer;
QValueList<BugServer *> mServerList;
QPtrList<BugJob> mJobs;
static BugSystem *s_self;
static QString mLastResponse;
* vim:sw=4:ts=4:et