You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
537 lines
16 KiB
537 lines
16 KiB
/* ****************************************************************************
This file is part of KBabel
Copyright (C) 2000 by Matthias Kiefer
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
permission to link the code of this program with any edition of
the TQt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions
of TQt that use the same license as TQt), and distribute linked
combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General
Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
TQt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to
your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from
your version.
**************************************************************************** */
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <tqptrlist.h>
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tdeaboutdata.h>
#include <tdeconfigbase.h>
* This class gives information about the translator, etc.
* Information, that is not available in a specific implementation of
* the SearchEngine, should be left empty.
class TDE_EXPORT TranslationInfo
* Information about the location, where this entry was found.
* For example the PO-file it was found in, etc.
* */
TQString location;
* The complete path of the file, where this entry was found
TQString filePath;
/** The date of the last change */
TQDateTime lastChange;
/** The language, the translation belongs to */
TQString languageCode;
* The translator of this string
* For example the translator found in the header of the PO-file.
TQString translator;
* The name of a project this translation is a part of.
TQString projectName;
* Keywords defined for @ref projectName. For example KDE_3_1_BRANCH (project branch)
TQStringList projectKeywords;
* Part/context in a project, for example "multimedia", "admin", etc.
TQString projectContext;
* Status of the translation, for example "approved", "spellchecked", "unknown"
TQString status;
* Additional information to be presented to the user, for example a comment
TQString description;
* This class contains a result from the search
* plus additional information where it was found,
* the date and time of the last change, the translator, etc.
class TDE_EXPORT SearchResult
SearchResult(const SearchResult&);
/** The requested string to search for */
TQString requested;
/** The string that, was found (a list if it is a plural form) */
TQStringList found;
/** The number of a plural form to search for */
uint requestedPluralForm;
/** The translation of the found string */
TQString translation;
/** The number of a plural form of the translated string found */
uint translationPluralForm;
* This string contains the plain translation if you are
* using rich text. If you don't use rich text, you can leave
* it empty
TQString plainTranslation;
* This string contains the plain string, that was found, if you are
* using rich text. If you don't use rich text, you can leave
* it empty
TQString plainFound;
* This string contains the plain requested string if you are
* using rich text. If you don't use rich text, you can leave
* it empty
TQString plainRequested;
* Constains a score for the found translation. 0 means exact matching.
* The higher the score is, the worse is the matching.
* How to compute the score is not yet really clear :-(
int score;
TQPtrList<TranslationInfo> descriptions;
class TDE_EXPORT SearchFilter
SearchFilter() :
, _location( TQString() )
, _languageCode( TQString() )
, _origLanguageCode( TQString() )
, _translators()
, _projectKeywords()
, _projectContexts()
, _translationStatus()
virtual ~SearchFilter() {}
void setProjectName( const TQString& project ) { _projects = project; }
void setProjectName( const TQStringList& projects ) { _projects = projects; }
* Information about the location, where this entry was found.
* For example the PO-file it was found in, etc.
* */
void setLocation( const TQString& location) { _location = location; }
TQString location() const { return _location; }
/** The original language, the translation was made from */
void setOriginalLanguage( const TQString& languageCode) { _origLanguageCode = languageCode; }
/** The language, the translation belongs to */
void setTranslationLanguage( const TQString& languageCode) { _languageCode = languageCode; }
* The translator of this string
* For example the translator found in the header of the PO-file.
void setTranslator( const TQString& translator) { _translators = translator ; }
void setTranslator( const TQStringList& translators) { _translators = translators ; }
* Keywords defined for @ref projectName. For example KDE_3_1_BRANCH (project branch)
void setProjectKeywords( const TQStringList& projectKeywords ) { _projectKeywords = projectKeywords; }
* Part/context in a project, for example "multimedia", "admin", etc.
void setProjectContext( const TQString& projectContext) { _projectContexts = projectContext; }
void setProjectContext( const TQStringList& projectContexts) { _projectContexts = projectContexts; }
* Status of the translation, for example "approved", "spellchecked", "unknown"
void setStatus( const TQString& translationStatus) { _translationStatus = translationStatus; }
void setStatus( const TQStringList& translationStati) { _translationStatus = translationStati; }
* The key method of the class - check, if the argument
* matches this filter.
virtual bool match( const TranslationInfo& toCheck );
TQStringList _projects;
TQString _location;
TQString _languageCode;
TQString _origLanguageCode;
TQStringList _translators;
TQStringList _projectKeywords ;
TQStringList _projectContexts;
TQStringList _translationStatus;
* This class is the base class for the preferences widget used to
* setup the search engines. Inherit from this and reimplement all
* necessary function. The widget should not be bigger than 400x400.
* If you need more space, you maybe want to use a tabbed widget.
class TDE_EXPORT PrefWidget : public TQWidget
PrefWidget(TQWidget *parent, const char* name=0);
virtual ~PrefWidget();
public slots:
* apply changes of the settings
virtual void apply()=0;
* revert made changes
virtual void cancel()=0;
* set settings to the standard options
virtual void standard()=0;
class TDE_EXPORT SearchEngine : public TQObject
SearchEngine(TQObject *parent=0, const char *name=0);
virtual ~SearchEngine();
/** @return the search result number n */
virtual SearchResult *result(int n);
/** @return the number of search results */
virtual int numberOfResults() const;
/** @return true, if a search is currently active */
virtual bool isSearching() const = 0;
/** save the settings in the given config object */
virtual void saveSettings(TDEConfigBase *config) = 0;
virtual void readSettings(TDEConfigBase *config) = 0;
/** @returns true, if it was initialized correctly */
virtual bool isReady() const =0;
* @returns the exact translation of text or a empty string
* if no exact match was found.
virtual TQString translate(const TQString& text, const uint pluralForm = 0)=0;
* @returns the translation of text according to the plugin settings or a empty string
* if no match was found.
virtual TQString searchTranslation(const TQString&, int &score, const uint pluralForm = 0) {
score = 0; return TQString();
* @returns a fuzzy translation of text or a empty string
* if no good match was found.
virtual TQString fuzzyTranslation(const TQString& /*text*/, int &score, const uint pluralForm = 0) {
score = 0; return TQString(); };
* Finds all messages belonging to package package. If nothing is found,
* the list is empty.
* @param package The name of the file, something like "kbabel.po"
* @param resultList Will contain the found messages afterwards
* @param error If an error occured, this should contain a description
* @return true, if successfull
virtual bool messagesForFilter(const SearchFilter* filter
, TQValueList<SearchResult>& resultList, TQString& error)
error = i18n("not implemented");
return false;
* @returns true, if the searchresults are given as rich text
* the default implementation returns false
virtual bool usesRichTextResults();
/** @returns true, if the the entries in the database can be edited */
virtual bool isEditable();
* @returns a widget which lets the user setup all preferences of this
* search engine. The returned widget should not be bigger than
* 400x400. If you need more space, you maybe want to use
* a tabbed widget.
* @param parent the parent of the returned widget
virtual PrefWidget* preferencesWidget(TQWidget *parent)=0;
/** @returns information about this SearchEngine */
virtual const TDEAboutData *about() const= 0;
/** @returns the i18n name of this search engine */
virtual TQString name() const= 0;
/** @returns a untranslated name of this engine */
virtual TQString id() const= 0;
/** @returns the last error message */
virtual TQString lastError() = 0;
* sets the engine to always ask the preferences dialog for settings
* if is existing before starting the search.
virtual void setAutoUpdateOptions(bool activate);
* @returns how good @param text1 matches @param text2
* comparing 3-grams .. n-grams, the returned value is
* a number between 0 and 100. @param ngram_len should be
* a value between 3 and 5.
static uint ngramMatch (const TQString& text1, const TQString& text2,
uint ngram_len=3);
public slots:
* starts a search for string s in the original text
* @returns false, if an error occured. Use @ref lastError
* to get the last error message
virtual bool startSearch(const TQString& s, uint pluralForm = 0, const SearchFilter* filter = 0) = 0;
* starts a search for string s in the translated text
* @returns false, if an error occured. Use @ref lastError
* to get the last error message
virtual bool startSearchInTranslation(const TQString& s, uint pluralForm = 0, const SearchFilter* filter = 0);
/** stops a search */
virtual void stopSearch() = 0;
/** @return the next search result */
virtual SearchResult *nextResult();
/** @return the previous search result */
virtual SearchResult *prevResult();
/** @return the first search result */
virtual SearchResult *firstResult();
/** @return the last search result */
virtual SearchResult *lastResult();
/** clears the result list */
virtual void clearResults();
* This method allows a search engine to use different settings depending
* on the edited file. The default implementation does nothing.
* @param file The edited file with path
virtual void setEditedFile(const TQString& file);
* This method allows a search engine to use different settings depending
* on the edited package. The default implementation does nothing.
* @param package The name of the package, that is currently translated.
virtual void setEditedPackage(const TQString& package);
* This method allows a search engine to use different settings depending
* on the language code. The default implementation does nothing.
* @param lang The current language code (e.g. de).
virtual void setLanguageCode(const TQString& lang);
virtual void setLanguage(const TQString& languageCode, const TQString& languageName);
* This method is called, if something has been changed in the
* current file. See @ref setEditedFile if you want to know the file
* name
* @param orig the original string (list of all plural forms)
* @param translation the translated string
* @param pluralForm the number of the plural form of the translation
* @param description the additional description, e.g., a PO comment
virtual void stringChanged( const TQStringList& orig, const TQString& translated
, const uint translationPluralForm, const TQString& description);
* If the database is editable this slot should open an dialog to let
* the user edit the contents of the database.
virtual void edit();
/************ convenience functions for distring normalization, etc.**********/
* @returns the n-th directory name of path. Counting is started at
* end of path. Example: directory("/usr/local/src/foobar, 0")
* returns "foobar", while n=1 would return "src"
* FIXME: isn't it a code duplication?
static TQString directory(const TQString& path, int n);
* computes a score to assess the match of the two strings:
* 0 means exact match, bigger means worse
static uint score(const TQString& orig, const TQString& found);
/** signals, that a new search started */
void started();
* signals progress in searching
* @param p should be between 0 and 100
* */
void progress(int p);
* Use this, if you want to set your own message on the
* progressbar or if you do something else then searching,
* maybe loading a big file
void progressStarts(const TQString&);
void progressEnds();
* signals, that the number of search results has changed
* @param n the new number of results
* */
void numberOfResultsChanged(int n);
* signals, that the order of the results in the list has changed.
* For example because a better matching string has been prepended.
void resultsReordered();
* signals, that a new result was found
void resultFound(const SearchResult*);
* signals, that search has finished
void finished();
* signals, that an error occured, for example, that you wasn't
* able to open a database.
void hasError(const TQString& error);
TQPtrList<SearchResult> results;
bool autoUpdate;