You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

425 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Jesper K. Pedersen <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifdef QT_ONLY
#include "compat.h"
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include "kregexpeditorprivate.moc"
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qtooltip.h>
#include <qtoolbutton.h>
#include "kregexpeditorprivate.h"
#include "scrollededitorwindow.h"
#include "regexpbuttons.h"
//#include <unistd.h> // What do I need this for?
#include <stdio.h>
#include "infopage.h"
#include <qsplitter.h>
#include <qdockarea.h>
#include "userdefinedregexps.h"
#include "auxbuttons.h"
#include <qaccel.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include "verifier.h"
#include <qfile.h>
#include "verifybuttons.h"
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
KRegExpEditorPrivate::KRegExpEditorPrivate(QWidget *parent, const char *name)
: QWidget(parent, name), _updating( false ), _autoVerify( true )
QDockArea* area = new QDockArea( Horizontal, QDockArea::Normal, this );
QDockArea* verArea1 = new QDockArea( Vertical, QDockArea::Normal, this );
QDockArea* verArea2 = new QDockArea( Vertical, QDockArea::Reverse, this );
// The DockWindows.
_regExpButtons = new RegExpButtons( area, "KRegExpEditorPrivate::regExpButton" );
_verifyButtons = new VerifyButtons( area, "KRegExpEditorPrivate::VerifyButtons" );
_auxButtons = new AuxButtons( area, "KRegExpEditorPrivate::AuxButtons" );
_userRegExps = new UserDefinedRegExps( verArea1, "KRegExpEditorPrivate::userRegExps" );
_userRegExps->setResizeEnabled( true );
QWhatsThis::add( _userRegExps, i18n( "In this window you will find predefined regular expressions. Both regular expressions "
"you have developed and saved, and regular expressions shipped with the system." ));
// Editor window
_editor = new QSplitter( Vertical, this, "KRegExpEditorPrivate::_editor" );
_scrolledEditorWindow =
new RegExpScrolledEditorWindow( _editor, "KRegExpEditorPrivate::_scrolledEditorWindow" );
QWhatsThis::add( _scrolledEditorWindow, i18n( "In this window you will develop your regular expressions. "
"Select one of the actions from the action buttons above, and click the mouse in this "
"window to insert the given action."));
_info = new InfoPage( this, "_info" );
_verifier = new Verifier( _editor, "KRegExpEditorPrivate::_verifier" );
connect( _verifier, SIGNAL( textChanged() ), this, SLOT( maybeVerify() ) );
QWhatsThis::add( _verifier, i18n("Type in some text in this window, and see what the regular expression you have developed matches.<p>"
"Each second match will be colored in red and each other match will be colored blue, simply so you "
"can distinguish them from each other.<p>"
"If you select part of the regular expression in the editor window, then this part will be "
"highlighted - This allows you to <i>debug</i> your regular expressions") );
_editor->setSizes( QValueList<int>() << _editor->height()/2 << _editor->height()/2 );
QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this, 0, 6, "KRegExpEditorPrivate::topLayout" );
topLayout->addWidget( area );
QHBoxLayout* rows = new QHBoxLayout; // I need to cal addLayout explicit to get stretching right.
topLayout->addLayout( rows, 1 );
rows->addWidget( verArea1 );
rows->addWidget( _editor, 1 );
rows->addWidget( _info, 1 );
rows->addWidget( verArea2 );
// Connect the buttons
connect( _regExpButtons, SIGNAL( clicked( int ) ), _scrolledEditorWindow, SLOT( slotInsertRegExp( int ) ) );
connect( _regExpButtons, SIGNAL( doSelect() ), _scrolledEditorWindow, SLOT( slotDoSelect() ) );
connect( _userRegExps, SIGNAL( load( RegExp* ) ), _scrolledEditorWindow, SLOT( slotInsertRegExp( RegExp* ) ) );
connect( _regExpButtons, SIGNAL( clicked( int ) ), _userRegExps, SLOT( slotUnSelect() ) );
connect( _regExpButtons, SIGNAL( doSelect() ), _userRegExps, SLOT( slotUnSelect() ) );
connect( _userRegExps, SIGNAL( load( RegExp* ) ), _regExpButtons, SLOT( slotUnSelect() ) );
connect( _scrolledEditorWindow, SIGNAL( doneEditing() ), _regExpButtons, SLOT( slotSelectNewAction() ) );
connect( _scrolledEditorWindow, SIGNAL( doneEditing() ), _userRegExps, SLOT( slotSelectNewAction() ) );
connect( _regExpButtons, SIGNAL( clicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotShowEditor() ) );
connect( _userRegExps, SIGNAL( load( RegExp* ) ), this, SLOT( slotShowEditor() ) );
connect( _regExpButtons, SIGNAL( doSelect() ), this, SLOT( slotShowEditor() ) );
connect( _scrolledEditorWindow, SIGNAL( savedRegexp() ), _userRegExps, SLOT( slotPopulateUserRegexps() ) );
connect( _auxButtons, SIGNAL( undo() ), this, SLOT( slotUndo() ) );
connect( _auxButtons, SIGNAL( redo() ), this, SLOT( slotRedo() ) );
connect( _auxButtons, SIGNAL( cut() ), _scrolledEditorWindow, SLOT( slotCut() ) );
connect( _auxButtons, SIGNAL( copy() ), _scrolledEditorWindow, SLOT( slotCopy() ) );
connect( _auxButtons, SIGNAL( paste() ), _scrolledEditorWindow, SLOT( slotPaste() ) );
connect( _auxButtons, SIGNAL( save() ), _scrolledEditorWindow, SLOT( slotSave() ) );
connect( _verifyButtons, SIGNAL( autoVerify( bool ) ), this, SLOT( setAutoVerify( bool ) ) );
connect( _verifyButtons, SIGNAL( verify() ), this, SLOT( doVerify() ) );
connect( _verifyButtons, SIGNAL( changeSyntax( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( setSyntax( const QString& ) ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( canUndo( bool ) ), _auxButtons, SLOT( slotCanUndo( bool ) ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( canRedo( bool ) ), _auxButtons, SLOT( slotCanRedo( bool ) ) );
connect( _scrolledEditorWindow, SIGNAL( anythingSelected( bool ) ), _auxButtons, SLOT( slotCanCut( bool ) ) );
connect( _scrolledEditorWindow, SIGNAL( anythingSelected( bool ) ), _auxButtons, SLOT( slotCanCopy( bool ) ) );
connect( _scrolledEditorWindow, SIGNAL( anythingOnClipboard( bool ) ), _auxButtons, SLOT( slotCanPaste( bool ) ) );
connect( _scrolledEditorWindow, SIGNAL( canSave( bool ) ), _auxButtons, SLOT( slotCanSave( bool ) ) );
connect( _scrolledEditorWindow, SIGNAL( verifyRegExp() ), this, SLOT( maybeVerify() ) );
connect( _verifyButtons, SIGNAL( loadVerifyText( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( setVerifyText( const QString& ) ) );
// connect( _verifier, SIGNAL( countChanged( int ) ), _verifyButtons, SLOT( setMatchCount( int ) ) );
// Qt anchors do not work for <pre>...</pre>, thefore scrolling to next/prev match
// do not work. Enable this when they work.
// connect( _verifyButtons, SIGNAL( gotoFirst() ), _verifier, SLOT( gotoFirst() ) );
// connect( _verifyButtons, SIGNAL( gotoPrev() ), _verifier, SLOT( gotoPrev() ) );
// connect( _verifyButtons, SIGNAL( gotoNext() ), _verifier, SLOT( gotoNext() ) );
// connect( _verifyButtons, SIGNAL( gotoLast() ), _verifier, SLOT( gotoLast() ) );
// connect( _verifier, SIGNAL( goForwardPossible( bool ) ), _verifyButtons, SLOT( enableForwardButtons( bool ) ) );
// connect( _verifier, SIGNAL( goBackwardPossible( bool ) ), _verifyButtons, SLOT( enableBackwardButtons( bool ) ) );
_auxButtons->slotCanPaste( false );
_auxButtons->slotCanCut( false );
_auxButtons->slotCanCopy( false );
_auxButtons->slotCanSave( false );
// Line Edit
QHBoxLayout* layout = new QHBoxLayout( topLayout, 6 );
QLabel* label = new QLabel( i18n("ASCII syntax:"), this );
layout->addWidget( label );
clearButton = new QToolButton( this );
const QString icon( QString::fromLatin1( QApplication::reverseLayout() ? "clear_left" : "locationbar_erase" ) );
QIconSet clearIcon = SmallIconSet( icon );
clearButton->setIconSet( clearIcon );
layout->addWidget( clearButton );
QToolTip::add( clearButton, i18n("Clear expression") );
_regexpEdit = new QLineEdit( this );
layout->addWidget( _regexpEdit );
QWhatsThis::add( _regexpEdit, i18n( "This is the regular expression in ASCII syntax. You are likely only "
"to be interested in this if you are a programmer, and need to "
"develop a regular expression using QRegExp.<p>"
"You may develop your regular expression both by using the graphical "
"editor, and by typing the regular expression in this line edit.") );
#ifdef QT_ONLY
QPixmap pix( "icons/error.png" );
QPixmap pix = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon(locate("data", QString::fromLatin1("kregexpeditor/pics/error.png") ), KIcon::Toolbar );
_error = new QLabel( this );
_error->setPixmap( pix );
layout->addWidget( _error );
_timer = new QTimer(this);
connect( _scrolledEditorWindow, SIGNAL( change() ), this, SLOT( slotUpdateLineEdit() ) );
connect( _regexpEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged( const QString& ) ), this, SLOT( slotTriggerUpdate() ) );
connect( _timer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( slotTimeout() ) );
connect( clearButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), _regexpEdit, SLOT( clear() ) );
// Push an initial empty element on the stack.
_undoStack.push( _scrolledEditorWindow->regExp() );
_redoStack.setAutoDelete( true );
QAccel* accel = new QAccel( this );
accel->connectItem( accel->insertItem( CTRL+Key_Z ), this, SLOT( slotUndo() ) );
accel->connectItem( accel->insertItem( CTRL+Key_R ), this, SLOT( slotRedo() ) );
setSyntax( QString::fromLatin1( "Qt" ) );
QString KRegExpEditorPrivate::regexp()
RegExp* regexp = _scrolledEditorWindow->regExp();
QString res = RegExpConverter::current()->toStr( regexp, false );
delete regexp;
return res;
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::slotUpdateEditor( const QString & txt)
_updating = true;
bool ok;
if ( !RegExpConverter::current()->canParse() ) {
// This can happend if the application set a text through the API.
else {
RegExp* result = RegExpConverter::current()->parse( txt, &ok );
if ( ok ) {
QPtrList<CompoundRegExp> list = _userRegExps->regExps();
for ( QPtrListIterator<CompoundRegExp> it( list ); *it; ++it ) {
result->replacePart( *it );
_scrolledEditorWindow->slotSetRegExp( result );
maybeVerify( );
result->check( _errorMap );
else {
if ( _autoVerify )
delete result;
_updating = false;
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::slotUpdateLineEdit()
if ( _updating )
_updating = true;
RegExp* regexp = _scrolledEditorWindow->regExp();
regexp->check( _errorMap );
QString str = RegExpConverter::current()->toStr( regexp, false );
_regexpEdit->setText( str );
delete regexp;
_updating = false;
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::recordUndoInfo()
Q_ASSERT( _updating );
// Update undo/redo stacks
RegExp* regexp = _scrolledEditorWindow->regExp();
if ( regexp->toXmlString() !=>toXmlString() ) {
_undoStack.push( regexp );
_redoStack = QPtrStack<RegExp>();
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::slotRedo()
if ( _redoStack.count() != 0 ) {
_scrolledEditorWindow->slotSetRegExp( );
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::slotUndo()
if ( _undoStack.count() > 1 ) {
_scrolledEditorWindow->slotSetRegExp( );
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::slotShowEditor()
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::emitUndoRedoSignals()
emit canUndo( _undoStack.count() > 1 );
emit changes( _undoStack.count() > 1 );
emit canRedo( _redoStack.count() > 0 );
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::slotSetRegexp( QString regexp )
_regexpEdit->setText( regexp );
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::slotTriggerUpdate()
/* ### Guess this timeout value should be configurable somewhere, or (even
* better: do some kind of benchmark each time the editor view gets updated
* to measure how long it takes on the client system to render the editor
* with the current complexity. That way we'd get good response times for
* simple regexps, and flicker-free display for complex regexps.
* - Frerich
if ( !_updating ) {
_timer->start( 300, true );
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::slotTimeout()
slotUpdateEditor( _regexpEdit->text() );
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::setMatchText( const QString& text )
bool autoVerify = _autoVerify;
_autoVerify = false;
_verifier->setText( text );
_autoVerify = autoVerify;
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::maybeVerify()
if ( _autoVerify )
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::doVerify()
bool autoVerify = _autoVerify; // prevent loop due to verify emit changed, which calls maybeVerify
_autoVerify = false;
RegExp* regexp = _scrolledEditorWindow->regExp();
_verifier->verify( RegExpConverter::current()->toStr( regexp, true ) );
delete regexp;
_autoVerify = autoVerify;
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::setAutoVerify( bool on )
_autoVerify = on;
if ( !_autoVerify )
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::setVerifyText( const QString& fileName )
bool autoVerify = _autoVerify;
_autoVerify = false;
QFile file( fileName );
if ( ! IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
KMessageBox::sorry(0, i18n("Could not open file '%1' for reading").arg( fileName ) );
else {
QTextStream s( &file );
QString txt =;
RegExp* regexp = _scrolledEditorWindow->regExp();
_verifier->setText( txt );
_verifier->verify( RegExpConverter::current()->toStr( regexp, true ) );
delete regexp;
_autoVerify = autoVerify;
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::setCaseSensitive( bool b )
_verifier->setCaseSensitive( b );
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::setMinimal( bool b )
_verifier->setMinimal( b );
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::setSyntax( const QString& syntax )
RegExpConverter* converter = _verifyButtons->setSyntax( syntax );
RegExpConverter::setCurrent( converter );
if ( converter->canParse() ) {
_regexpEdit->setReadOnly( false );
_regexpEdit->setBackgroundMode( Qt::PaletteBase );
else {
_regexpEdit->setReadOnly( true );
_regexpEdit->setBackgroundMode( Qt::PaletteBackground );
_regExpButtons->setFeatures( converter->features() );
_verifier->setHighlighter( converter->highlighter(_verifier) );
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::showHelp()
void KRegExpEditorPrivate::setAllowNonQtSyntax( bool b )
_verifyButtons->setAllowNonQtSyntax( b );