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kbuffercolumn.h - description
begin : Mit Jun 26 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
email :
* *
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public *
* License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. *
* *
#include <tqpixmap.h>
#include "kadds.h"
namespace KHE
*@author Friedrich W. H. Kossebau
class KCursor
virtual ~KCursor();
/** sets size of the full cursor */
void setSize( KPixelX Width, KPixelY Height );
/** sets the tqshape of the cursor to be drawn */
void setShape( KPixelX X, KPixelX W );
public: // access
const TQPixmap &onPixmap() const;
const TQPixmap &offPixmap() const;
KPixelX cursorX() const;
KPixelX cursorW() const;
TQPixmap OnPixmap;
TQPixmap OffPixmap;
KPixelX CursorX;
KPixelX CursorW;
inline const TQPixmap &KCursor::onPixmap() const { return OnPixmap; }
inline const TQPixmap &KCursor::offPixmap() const { return OffPixmap; }
inline KPixelX KCursor::cursorX() const { return CursorX; }
inline KPixelX KCursor::cursorW() const { return CursorW; }