You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

36 lines
1.1 KiB

i18n(" Filename ")
i18n(" Permissions ")
i18n(" Owner/Group ")
i18n(" Size ")
i18n(" Timestamp ")
i18n(" Link ")
i18n(" Size Now ")
i18n(" Ratio ")
i18n("acronym for Cyclic Redundancy Check"," CRC ")
i18n(" Method ")
i18n(" Version ")
i18n(" Owner ")
i18n(" Group ")
i18n("(used as part of a sentence)","start-up folder")
i18n("folder for opening files (used as part of a sentence)","open folder")
i18n("folder for extracting files (used as part of a sentence)","extract folder")
i18n("folder for adding files (used as part of a sentence)","add folder")
i18n("Add Settings")
i18n("Extract Settings")
i18n("Replace &old files only with newer files")
i18n("Keep entries &generic (Lha)")
i18n("Force &MS-DOS short filenames (Zip)")
i18n("Translate LF to DOS &CRLF (Zip)")
i18n("&Recursively add subfolders (Zip, Rar)")
i18n("&Store symlinks as links (Zip, Rar)")
i18n("O&verwrite files (Zip, Tar, Zoo, Rar)")
i18n("&Preserve permissions (Tar)")
i18n("&Ignore folder names (Zip)")
i18n("Convert filenames to &lowercase (Zip, Rar)")
i18n("Convert filenames to &uppercase (Rar)")