cppcodecompletion . h - description
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begin : Sat Jul 21 2001
copyright : ( C ) 2001 by Victor R <EFBFBD> er
email : victor_roeder @ gmx . de
copyright : ( C ) 2002 , 2003 by Roberto Raggi
email : roberto @ kdevelop . org
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
* *
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or *
* ( at your option ) any later version . *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include "cppsupportpart.h"
# include "declarationinfo.h"
# include <ast.h>
# include <codemodel.h>
# include <set>
# include <tdetexteditor/viewcursorinterface.h>
# include <tdetexteditor/editinterface.h>
# include <tdetexteditor/codecompletioninterface.h>
# include <tdetexteditor/texthintinterface.h>
# include <tdetexteditor/cursorinterface.h>
# include <tdetexteditor/view.h>
# include <tqobject.h>
# include <tqmutex.h>
# include <tqstringlist.h>
# include <tqtimer.h>
# include <tqguardedptr.h>
# include <tqregexp.h>
# include "driver.h"
///A little debugging class
# include <tqpopupmenu.h>
class PopupTracker : public TQObject {
public :
static PopupTracker * pt ;
static uint pendingPopups ;
static TQPopupMenu * createPopup ( TQWidget * parent ) {
if ( ! pt ) pt = new PopupTracker ( ) ;
TQPopupMenu * m = new TQPopupMenu ( parent ) ;
+ + pendingPopups ;
connect ( m , TQT_SIGNAL ( destroyed ( ) ) , pt , TQT_SLOT ( destroyedPopup ( ) ) ) ;
return m ;
static void print ( ) {
if ( pendingPopups )
kdDebug ( 9007 ) < < " PopupTracker: " < < pendingPopups < < " popups are still alive " < < endl ;
public slots :
void destroyedPopup ( ) {
- - pendingPopups ;
} ;
class CodeCompletionEntry ;
class CodeInformationRepository ;
class SimpleContext ;
class SimpleType ;
class SimpleTypeNamespace ;
class CppCodeCompletionData ;
class SimpleTypeConfiguration ;
class TypeDesc ;
struct PopupFillerHelpStruct ;
struct PopupClassViewFillerHelpStruct ;
class SimpleTypeImpl ;
class TranslationUnitAST ;
namespace CppEvaluation
class EvaluationResult ;
struct ExpressionInfo ;
typedef TDESharedPtr < SimpleTypeImpl > TypePointer ;
class CppCodeCompletion : public TQObject
public :
friend class SimpleType ;
enum CompletionMode
NormalCompletion ,
SignalCompletion ,
SlotCompletion ,
} ;
enum MemberAccessOp
NoOp ,
DotOp ,
} ;
public :
CppCodeCompletion ( CppSupportPart * part ) ;
virtual ~ CppCodeCompletion ( ) ;
CodeInformationRepository * repository ( )
return m_repository ;
CompletionMode completionMode ( ) const
return m_completionMode ;
TQString createTypeInfoString ( int line , int column ) ;
TQString replaceCppComments ( const TQString & contents ) ;
int expressionAt ( const TQString & text , int index ) ;
TQStringList splitExpression ( const TQString & text ) ;
CppEvaluation : : EvaluationResult evaluateExpression ( ExpressionInfo expr , SimpleContext * ctx ) ;
CppEvaluation : : EvaluationResult evaluateExpressionAt ( int line , int column , SimpleTypeConfiguration & conf , bool ifUnknownSetType = false ) ;
void contextEvaluationMenus ( TQPopupMenu * popup , const Context * context , int line , int col ) ;
CppSupportPart * cppSupport ( ) const ;
HashedStringSet getIncludeFiles ( const TQString & file = TQString ( ) ) ;
static CppCodeCompletion * instance ( ) {
return m_instance ;
///Adds a string that will be ticked through the status-bar
void addStatusText ( TQString text , int timeout ) ;
void clearStatusText ( ) ;
TQString activeFileName ( ) const {
return m_activeFileName ;
public slots :
* @ param invokedOnDemand if true and there is exactly one matching entry
* complete the match immediately without showing the completion box .
* This is only true , when the users invokes the completion himself
* ( eg presses the completion shortcut CTRL + space )
void completeText ( bool invokedOnDemand = false ) ;
private slots :
void emptyCache ( ) ;
void slotPartAdded ( KParts : : Part * part ) ;
void slotActivePartChanged ( KParts : : Part * part ) ;
void slotArgHintHidden ( ) ;
void slotCompletionBoxHidden ( ) ;
void slotTextChanged ( ) ;
void slotFileParsed ( const TQString & fileName ) ;
void slotCodeModelUpdated ( const TQString & fileName ) ;
void slotTimeout ( ) ;
void slotStatusTextTimeout ( ) ;
void computeFileEntryList ( ) ;
bool isTypeExpression ( const TQString & expr ) ;
void slotTextHint ( int line , int col , TQString & text ) ;
void popupAction ( int number ) ;
void popupDefinitionAction ( int number ) ;
void popupClassViewAction ( int number ) ;
void synchronousParseReady ( const TQString & file , ParsedFilePointer unit ) ;
void slotJumpToDefCursorContext ( ) ;
void slotJumpToDeclCursorContext ( ) ;
private :
enum FunctionType { Declaration , Definition } ;
TypePointer createGlobalNamespace ( ) ;
bool functionContains ( FunctionDom f , int line , int col ) ;
void getFunctionBody ( FunctionDom f , int & line , int & col ) ;
void selectItem ( ItemDom item ) ;
void addTypePopups ( TQPopupMenu * parent , TypeDesc d , TQString depthAdd , TQString prefix = " " ) ;
void addTypeClassPopups ( TQPopupMenu * parent , TypeDesc d , TQString depthAdd , TQString prefix = " " ) ;
TQValueList < TQStringList > computeSignatureList ( CppEvaluation : : EvaluationResult function ) ;
void integratePart ( KParts : : Part * part ) ;
void setupCodeInformationRepository ( ) ;
FunctionDefinitionAST * functionDefinition ( AST * node ) ;
void computeRecoveryPoints ( ParsedFilePointer unit ) ;
void computeRecoveryPointsLocked ( ) ;
void jumpCursorContext ( FunctionType ) ;
bool getIncludeInfo ( int line , TQString & includeFileName , TQString & includeFilePath , bool & usedProjectFiles ) ;
enum EvaluateExpressionOptions {
IncludeStandardExpressions = 1 ,
IncludeTypeExpression = 2 ,
CompletionOption = 4 , ///Cut off the last word because it is incomplete
SearchInFunctions = 8 ,
SearchInClasses = 16 ,
DefaultAsTypeExpression = 32 , ///This makes the evaluation interpret any unidentified expression as a type-expression
DefaultEvaluationOptions = 1 | 2 | 8 | 16 ,
DefaultCompletionOptions = 1 | 4 | 8 | 16
} ;
bool mayBeTypeTail ( int line , int column , TQString & append , bool inFunction = false ) ;
bool canBeTypePrefix ( const TQString & prefix , bool inFunction = false ) ;
ExpressionInfo findExpressionAt ( int line , int col , int startLine , int startCol , bool inFunction = false ) ;
SimpleContext * computeFunctionContext ( FunctionDom f , int line , int col , SimpleTypeConfiguration & conf ) ;
CppEvaluation : : EvaluationResult evaluateExpressionType ( int line , int column , SimpleTypeConfiguration & conf , EvaluateExpressionOptions opt = DefaultCompletionOptions ) ;
SimpleType unTypeDef ( SimpleType scope , TQMap < TQString , TQString > & typedefs ) ;
// TQString buildSignature( TypePointer currType );
SimpleType typeOf ( TQValueList < Tag > & tags , MemberAccessOp accessOp ) ;
/// @todo remove isInstance
void computeCompletionEntryList ( TQValueList < CodeCompletionEntry > & entryList , SimpleContext * ctx , bool isInstance , int depth = 0 ) ;
void computeCompletionEntryList ( SimpleType type , TQValueList < CodeCompletionEntry > &
entryList , const TQStringList & typeList , SimpleTypeNamespace * ns , std : : set < HashedString > & ignore , bool isInstance , int depth = 0 ) ;
void computeCompletionEntryList ( SimpleType type , TQValueList < CodeCompletionEntry > &
entryList , const TQStringList & typeList , bool isInstance , int depth = 0 ) ;
void computeCompletionEntryList ( SimpleType type , TQValueList < CodeCompletionEntry > & entryList , TQValueList < Tag > & tags , bool isInstance , int depth ) ;
void computeCompletionEntryList ( SimpleType type , TQValueList < CodeCompletionEntry > & entryList , ClassDom klass , bool isInstance , int depth ) ;
void computeCompletionEntryList ( SimpleType type , TQValueList < CodeCompletionEntry > & entryList , NamespaceDom scope , bool isInstance , int depth ) ;
void computeCompletionEntryList ( SimpleType type , TQValueList < CodeCompletionEntry > & entryList , const FunctionList & methods , bool isInstance , int depth ) ;
void computeCompletionEntryList ( SimpleType type , TQValueList < CodeCompletionEntry > & entryList , const VariableList & attributes , bool isInstance , int depth ) ;
void computeCompletionEntryList ( TQString parent , SimpleType type , TQValueList < CodeCompletionEntry > & entryList , const ClassList & lst , bool isInstance , int depth ) ;
void computeCompletionEntryList ( TQString parent , SimpleType type , TQValueList < CodeCompletionEntry > & entryList , const TypeAliasList & lst , bool isInstance , int depth ) ;
void computeCompletionEntryList ( SimpleType type , TQValueList < CodeCompletionEntry > & entryList , const NamespaceList & lst , bool isInstance , int depth ) ;
SimpleContext * computeContext ( FunctionDefinitionAST * ast , int line , int col , int lineOffset , int colOffset ) ;
void computeContext ( SimpleContext * & ctx , StatementAST * ast , int line , int col ) ;
void computeContext ( SimpleContext * & ctx , StatementListAST * ast , int line , int col ) ;
void computeContext ( SimpleContext * & ctx , IfStatementAST * ast , int line , int col ) ;
void computeContext ( SimpleContext * & ctx , ForStatementAST * ast , int line , int col ) ;
void computeContext ( SimpleContext * & ctx , DoStatementAST * ast , int line , int col ) ;
void computeContext ( SimpleContext * & ctx , WhileStatementAST * ast , int line , int col ) ;
void computeContext ( SimpleContext * & ctx , SwitchStatementAST * ast , int line , int col ) ;
void computeContext ( SimpleContext * & ctx , TryBlockStatementAST * ast , int line , int col ) ;
void computeContext ( SimpleContext * & ctx , CatchStatementListAST * ast , int line , int col ) ;
void computeContext ( SimpleContext * & ctx , CatchStatementAST * ast , int line , int col ) ;
void computeContext ( SimpleContext * & ctx , DeclarationStatementAST * ast , int line , int col ) ;
void computeContext ( SimpleContext * & ctx , ConditionAST * ast , int line , int col ) ;
bool inContextScope ( AST * ast , int line , int col , bool checkStart = true , bool checkEnd = true ) ;
TQString getText ( int startLine , int startColumn , int endLine , int endColumn , int omitLine = - 1 ) ;
private :
friend class SimpleTypeCatalog ;
friend class SimpleTypeCodeModel ;
friend class SimpleTypeImpl ;
friend class ExpressionEvaluation ;
friend class PopupFillerHelpStruct ;
friend class PopupClassViewFillerHelpStruct ;
TQGuardedPtr < CppSupportPart > m_pSupport ;
TQTimer * m_ccTimer ;
TQTimer * m_showStatusTextTimer ;
TQValueList < TQPair < int , TQString > > m_statusTextList ;
void fitContextItem ( int nLine , int nColumn ) ;
void needRecoveryPoints ( ) ;
TQString m_activeFileName ;
KTextEditor : : ViewCursorInterface * m_activeCursor ;
KTextEditor : : EditInterface * m_activeEditor ;
KTextEditor : : TextHintInterface * m_activeHintInterface ;
KTextEditor : : CodeCompletionInterface * m_activeCompletion ;
KTextEditor : : View * m_activeView ;
bool m_bArgHintShow ;
bool m_bCompletionBoxShow ;
bool m_blockForKeyword ;
bool m_demandCompletion ;
unsigned int m_ccLine ;
unsigned int m_ccColumn ;
static CppCodeCompletion * m_instance ;
CodeInformationRepository * m_repository ;
CppCodeCompletionData * d ;
CompletionMode m_completionMode ;
TQTime m_lastHintTime ;
//If more then the given count of comments were requested, all following ones will be blank.(Performance-reasons)
void setMaxComments ( int count ) ;
TQString commentFromItem ( const SimpleType & parent , const ItemDom & item ) ;
TQString commentFromTag ( const SimpleType & parent , Tag & tag ) ;
ItemDom m_cachedFromContext ; ///Can be a function or a class, representing the position from where the last completion was started. Necessary as long as all imports are put into the global namespace.
TQRegExp m_includeRx ;
TQRegExp m_cppCodeCommentsRx ;
TQRegExp m_codeCompleteChRx ;
TQRegExp m_codeCompleteCh2Rx ;
TQValueList < KTextEditor : : CompletionEntry > m_fileEntryList ;
int m_maxComments ;
typedef TQMap < int , DeclarationInfo > PopupActions ;
typedef TQMap < int , ItemDom > PopupClassViewActions ;
PopupActions m_popupActions ;
PopupActions m_popupDefinitionActions ;
PopupClassViewActions m_popupClassViewActions ;
// we need something to plug actions that are not in any menu
// into in order for their shortcuts to work
TQWidget m_DummyActionWidget ;
} ;
# endif