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This is a small demo program for the Gameboy Advance.
It use a custom font to display strings in MODE 0 on Background 2, but contains only capitalized letters at the moment.
The tiles & color palette for the font were generated from the bitmap "font.bmp"
with following commandline.
"gfx2gba -M -t8 -fsrc font.bmp"
You can get a compiled version for Linux from,
but you don't need it to run the program.
***Compiling and Running***
To compile the code please install the DevKitAdvance for Linux/Unix. It contains a gcc 3.x configured as a cross compiler
for the GBA platform. You can download a precompiled version from
To build the program KDevelop use
"CC=arm-agb-elf-gcc CXX=arm-agb-elf-g++ ./configure --host=arm-gcc-elf --build=i386"
as default,but you can change that in the project options if you want.
To start your binary you can use an emulator or buy a flash card (
KDevelop already contains a plugin to run your GBA program with the VisualBoy Advance emulator.
You can download the emulator from:
Have fun!
Please report bugs,wishes,problems.. to (Sandy Meier)