You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

284 lines
6.7 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include "driver.h"
#include "ast.h"
#include "lexer.h"
#include "tag_creator.h"
#include "setuphelper.h"
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqfileinfo.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <catalog.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
class RppDriver: public Driver
RppDriver( Catalog* c )
: catalog( c ), m_generateTags( true )
virtual ~RppDriver()
void setGenerateTags( bool b )
m_generateTags = b;
void addDocDirectory( const TQString& dir )
m_docDirectoryList.append( dir );
TagCreator::setDocumentationDirectories( m_docDirectoryList );
void fileParsed( const ParsedFile& fileName )
std::cout << ( m_generateTags ? "generate tags for " : "checking " )
<< TQFile::encodeName( fileName.fileName() ).data() << std::endl;
TQValueList<Problem> l = problems( fileName.fileName() );
TQValueList<Problem>::Iterator it = l.begin();
while ( it != l.end() )
const Problem & p = *it;
std::cout << TQFile::encodeName( fileName.fileName() ).data() << ":" << p.line() << ":"
<< p.column() << ": " << p.text().latin1() << std::endl;
takeTranslationUnit( fileName );
if ( m_generateTags )
TagCreator w( fileName.fileName(), catalog );
w.parseTranslationUnit( fileName );
if ( !isResolveDependencesEnabled() )
removeAllMacrosInFile( fileName.fileName() );
void setupLexer( Lexer* lex )
Driver::setupLexer( lex );
// setup the preprocessor
// code provided by Reginald Stadlbauer <>
void setup()
TQString kdedir = getenv( "KDEDIR" );
if ( !kdedir.isNull() )
addIncludePath( kdedir + "/include" );
TQString qtdir = getenv( "QTDIR" );
if ( !qtdir.isNull() )
addIncludePath( qtdir + "/include" );
TQString qmakespec = getenv( "QMAKESPEC" );
if ( qmakespec.isNull() )
qmakespec = "linux-g++";
// #### implement other mkspecs and find a better way to find the
// #### proper mkspec (althoigh this will be no fun :-)
addIncludePath( qtdir + "/mkspecs/" + qmakespec );
if ( qmakespec == "linux-g++" )
addIncludePath( "/include" );
addIncludePath( "/usr/include" );
addIncludePath( "/ust/local/include" );
bool ok;
TQString gccLibPath = SetupHelper::getGccIncludePath(&ok);
if (!ok)
gccLibPath = gccLibPath.replace( TQRegExp( "[\r\n]" ), "" );
addIncludePath( gccLibPath );
addIncludePath( "/usr/include/g++-3" );
addIncludePath( "/usr/include/g++" );
TQStringList lines = SetupHelper::getGccMacros(&ok);
if (!ok)
for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = lines.constBegin(); it != lines.constEnd(); ++it) {
TQStringList lst = TQStringList::split( ' ', *it );
if ( lst.count() != 3 )
addMacro( Macro( lst[1], lst[2] ) );
addMacro( Macro( "__cplusplus", "1" ) );
TQString incl = getenv( "INCLUDE" );
TQStringList includePaths = TQStringList::split( ':', incl );
TQStringList::Iterator it = includePaths.begin();
while ( it != includePaths.end() )
addIncludePath( ( *it ).stripWhiteSpace() );
else if ( qmakespec == "win32-borland" )
TQString incl = getenv( "INCLUDE" );
TQStringList includePaths = TQStringList::split( ';', incl );
TQStringList::Iterator it = includePaths.begin();
while ( it != includePaths.end() )
addIncludePath( ( *it ).stripWhiteSpace() );
// ### I am sure there are more standard include paths on
// ### windows. I will fix that soon
// ### Also do the compiler specific defines on windows
Catalog* catalog;
bool m_generateTags;
TQStringList m_docDirectoryList;
void parseDirectory( Driver& driver, TQDir& dir, bool rec, bool parseAllFiles )
TQStringList fileList;
if ( parseAllFiles )
fileList = dir.entryList( TQDir::Files );
fileList = dir.entryList( "*.h;*.H;*.hh;*.hxx;*.hpp;*.tlh" );
TQStringList::Iterator it = fileList.begin();
while ( it != fileList.end() )
TQString fn = dir.path() + "/" + ( *it );
driver.parseFile( fn );
if ( rec )
TQStringList fileList = dir.entryList( TQDir::Dirs );
TQStringList::Iterator it = fileList.begin();
while ( it != fileList.end() )
if ( ( *it ).startsWith( "." ) )
TQDir subdir( dir.path() + "/" + ( *it ) );
parseDirectory( driver, subdir, rec, parseAllFiles );
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
KStandardDirs stddir;
if ( argc < 3 )
std::cerr << "usage: r++ dbname directories..." << std::endl << std::endl;
return -1;
bool rec = false;
bool parseAllFiles = false;
TQString datadir = stddir.localkdedir() + "/" + KStandardDirs::kde_default( "data" );
if ( ! KStandardDirs::makeDir( datadir + "/kdevcppsupport/pcs/" ) )
kdWarning() << "*error* " << "could not create " << datadir + "/kdevcppsupport/pcs/" << endl << endl;
return -1;
if ( !TQFile::exists( datadir + "/kdevcppsupport/pcs/" ) )
kdWarning() << "*error* " << datadir + "/kdevcppsupport/pcs/" << " doesn't exists!!" << endl << endl;
return -1;
TQString dbFileName = datadir + "/kdevcppsupport/pcs/" + argv[ 1 ] + ".db";
// std::cout << "dbFileName = " << dbFileName << std::endl;
if ( TQFile::exists( dbFileName ) )
kdWarning() << "*error* " << "database " << dbFileName << " already exists!" << endl << endl;
return -1;
Catalog catalog; dbFileName );
catalog.addIndex( "kind" );
catalog.addIndex( "name" );
catalog.addIndex( "scope" );
catalog.addIndex( "fileName" );
RppDriver driver( &catalog );
driver.setResolveDependencesEnabled( true );
for ( int i = 2; i < argc; ++i )
TQString s( argv[ i ] );
if ( s == "-r" || s == "--recursive" )
rec = true;
else if ( s == "-a" || s == "--all" )
parseAllFiles = true;
else if ( s == "-f" || s == "--fast" )
driver.setResolveDependencesEnabled( false );
else if ( s == "-c" || s == "--check-only" )
driver.setGenerateTags( false );
else if ( s.startsWith( "-d" ) )
driver.addDocDirectory( s.mid( 2 ) );
TQDir dir( s );
if ( !dir.exists() )
kdWarning() << "*error* " << "the directory " << dir.path() << " doesn't exists!" << endl << endl;
parseDirectory( driver, dir, rec, parseAllFiles );
return 0;
//kate: indent-mode csands; tab-width 4; space-indent off;