You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

309 lines
12 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2006 by Andreas Pakulat *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#ifndef _SCOPE_H_
#define _SCOPE_H_
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <set>
#include "qmakeast.h"
#include "qmakedefaultopts.h"
#ifdef DEBUG
#include "qmakeastvisitor.h"
class Scope;
class TrollProjectPart;
class Scope
enum ScopeType {
static const QStringList KnownVariables;
static const QStringList KnownConfigValues;
Scope( const QMap<QString, QString>& env, const QString &filename, TrollProjectPart* part );
void saveToFile() const;
// Changing variable values
void addToPlusOp( const QString& variable, const QStringList& values );
void removeFromPlusOp( const QString& variable, const QStringList& values );
void addToMinusOp( const QString& variable, const QStringList& values );
void removeFromMinusOp( const QString& variable, const QStringList& values );
void addToEqualOp( const QString& variable, const QStringList& values );
void removeFromEqualOp( const QString& variable, const QStringList& values );
void setPlusOp( const QString& variable, const QStringList& values );
void setEqualOp( const QString& variable, const QStringList& values );
void setMinusOp( const QString& variable, const QStringList& values );
// Checks wether a line like VAR = exists in this subscope
bool isVariableReset( const QString& var );
// Fetch the valuelist for the variable op combination inside this scope
QStringList variableValuesForOp( const QString& variable, const QString& op ) const;
// Fetch the variable values by running over the statements and adding/removing/setting
// as the encountered op's say, begin with the parent projects variableValues list
QStringList variableValues( const QString& variable, bool checkIncParent = true, bool fetchFromParent = true, bool evaluateSubScopes = false );
// Remove a variable+Op combination from the scope, if existant
void removeVariable( const QString& var, const QString& op );
// Getting to know what type of scope this is
ScopeType scopeType() const;
// This returns the function+args, the scopename or the pro/pri file
// depending on the type of scope
QString scopeName() const;
// Returns the projectName for this scope, this is equal to the last part of the projectDir()
QString projectName() const;
// Returns just the filename of this project's .pro file
QString fileName() const;
// Returns the absolute path of the dir containing the .pro file
QString projectDir() const;
// get the parent Scope
Scope* parent() const { return m_parent; }
// Fetching sub-scopes
const QValueList<Scope*> scopesInOrder() const { return m_scopes.values(); }
// Working on SubScopes
* creates a new function scope at the end of this (Sub-)AST and returns the Scope wrapping it
Scope* createFunctionScope( const QString& funcName, const QString& args );
* creates a new simple scope at the end of this (Sub-)AST and returns the Scope wrapping it
Scope* createSimpleScope( const QString& scopename );
* creates a new function scope at the end of this (Sub-)AST
* and a new include scope inside the new function scope.
* It returns the Scope wrapping the include-AST, the function scope AST
* can be accessed easily using the parent() method.
Scope* createIncludeScope( const QString& includeFile, bool negate = false );
* creates a new subproject in dir (create's dir if necessary)
* If this scope is not a project scope the subproject will be added to this
* Scope only, i.e. it is not seen in the project-files list of subdirs
Scope* createSubProject( const QString& dir );
/* delete the given function scope */
bool deleteFunctionScope( unsigned int );
/* delete the given simple scope */
bool deleteSimpleScope( unsigned int );
/* delete the given include scope */
bool deleteIncludeScope( unsigned int );
/* deletes the subproject (including the subdir if deleteSubdir is true) */
bool deleteSubProject( unsigned int, bool deleteSubdir );
/* find out wether the project is Qt4 or Qt3 */
bool isQt4Project() const ;
/* Provide a Map of Custom variables */
const QMap<unsigned int, QMap<QString, QString> > customVariables() const;
unsigned int addCustomVariable( const QString& var, const QString& op, const QString& values );
/* Removes the variable with the given id if it exists */
void removeCustomVariable( unsigned int );
/* Update the values of the variable/operation combo var+op to values */
void updateCustomVariable( unsigned int, const QString&, const QString& , const QString& );
// Checks wether a QStringList contains any values that are not whitespace or \\n
static bool listIsEmpty( const QStringList& values );
/* returns wether this is an enabled subproject or a disabled one */
bool isEnabled() { return m_isEnabled; }
QStringList cleanStringList(const QStringList& list) const;
/* Reload a project scope */
void reloadProject();
/* creates a new disabled Scope child and add SUBDIRS -= dir to this scope */
Scope* disableSubproject( const QString& );
/* return the "position" of this scope in the list of scopes */
unsigned int getNum() { return m_num; }
QStringList allFiles( const QString& );
QString resolveVariables( const QString& ) const;
QString findCustomVarForPath( const QString& );
#ifdef DEBUG
void printTree();
// Builds the scope-lists and the customVariables list
void init();
* Updates the given Variable+op with the values, if removeFromOp is true it removes the values, else it adds them
* this works it's way back through the current scope and changes the last occurence of op to
* include all new values.
* Depending on "op" it might end the search earlier (if op is += it also stops at =)
* This also removes the values from other assignments if the operation is not op, i.e.
* if op is += removes values from any occurence of -=
* if op is -= removes values from any occurence of = and +=
* if op is = removes values frmo any occurence of -=
void updateVariable( const QString& variable, const QString& op, const QStringList& values, bool removeFromOp );
* Helper Function to change the origValues list with the values from newValues
* depending on the state of "remove" either adds or removes all entries from newValues
* to origValues if they didn't exist there yet
void updateValues( QStringList& origValues, const QStringList& newValues, bool remove = false, QString indent = " " );
* Finds an existing variable, returns the end() of the statemenst if it is not found
QValueList<QMake::AST*>::iterator findExistingVariable( const QString& variable );
// Private constructors for easier subscope creation
* just initializes the lists from the scope
Scope( const QMap<QString, QString>& env, unsigned int num, Scope* parent, QMake::ProjectAST* root, QMakeDefaultOpts*, TrollProjectPart* part );
* reads the given filename and parses it. If it doesn't exist creates an empty
* ProjectAST with the given filename
Scope( const QMap<QString, QString>& env, unsigned int num, Scope* parent, const QString& filename, TrollProjectPart* part, bool isEnabled = true );
* Creates a scope for an include statement, parses the file and initializes the Scope
* Create an empty ProjectAST if the file cannot be found or parsed.
Scope( const QMap<QString, QString>& env, unsigned int num, Scope* parent, QMake::IncludeAST* incast, const QString& path, const QString& incfile, QMakeDefaultOpts*, TrollProjectPart* part );
// runs through the statements until stopHere is found (or the end is reached, if stopHere is 0),
// using the given list as startvalue
// Changes the list using the +=, -=, = operations accordingly
void calcValuesFromStatements( const QString& variable, QStringList& result, bool, QMake::AST* stopHere = 0, bool fetchFromParent = true, bool setDefault = true, bool evaluateSubScopes = false ) const;
// Check wether the two operators are compatible
static bool isCompatible( const QString& op1, const QString& op2);
// Check wether the 2 lists are equal, regardless of element order.
static bool listsEqual(const QStringList& , const QStringList& );
// Load and Save project files, these only work on ProjectScope's
bool loadFromFile( const QString& filename );
QString funcScopeKey( QMake::ProjectAST* funcast ) const { return funcast->scopedID + "(" + funcast->args + ")"; }
unsigned int getNextScopeNum() { if( m_scopes.isEmpty() ) return 0; else return (m_scopes.keys().last()+1); }
QStringList lookupVariable( const QString& var );
QStringList resolveVariables( const QStringList&, QMake::AST* = 0 ) const;
QStringList variableValues( const QString& variable, QMake::AST*, bool fetchFromParent = true ) const;
QString resolveVariables( const QString& , QMake::AST* ) const;
// This function determines the currently used String for fileending, it can be \n, \r or \r\n
QString getLineEndingString() const;
bool isComment( const QString& ) const;
bool containsContinue( const QString& ) const;
void allFiles( const QString&, std::set<QString>& );
void loadDefaultOpts();
QMake::ProjectAST* m_root;
QMake::IncludeAST* m_incast;
QMap<unsigned int, QMake::AssignmentAST*> m_customVariables;
QMap<unsigned int, Scope*> m_scopes;
Scope* m_parent;
unsigned int m_maxCustomVarNum;
QString replaceWs(QString);
// The "position" inside the parent scope that this scope starts at
unsigned int m_num;
bool m_isEnabled;
TrollProjectPart* m_part;
QMakeDefaultOpts* m_defaultopts;
QMap<QString, QStringList> m_varCache;
QMap<QString,QString> m_environment;
#ifdef DEBUG
class PrintAST : QMake::ASTVisitor
virtual void processProject( QMake::ProjectAST* p );
virtual void enterRealProject( QMake::ProjectAST* p );
virtual void leaveRealProject( QMake::ProjectAST* p );
virtual void enterScope( QMake::ProjectAST* p );
virtual void leaveScope( QMake::ProjectAST* p );
virtual void enterFunctionScope( QMake::ProjectAST* p );
virtual void leaveFunctionScope( QMake::ProjectAST* p );
virtual void processAssignment( QMake::AssignmentAST* a);
virtual void processNewLine( QMake::NewLineAST* n);
virtual void processComment( QMake::CommentAST* a);
virtual void processInclude( QMake::IncludeAST* a);
QString replaceWs(QString);
QString getIndent();
int indent;
// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; tab-width 4; replace-tabs on