You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

882 lines
25 KiB

* Copyright (C) 1999 by Jonas Nordin *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2000-2001 by Bernd Gehrmann *
* *
* Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by Roberto Raggi *
* *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
#include "javasupportpart.h"
#include "javasupport_events.h"
#include "problemreporter.h"
#include "backgroundparser.h"
#include "KDevJavaSupportIface.h"
#include "javasupportfactory.h"
#include "catalog.h"
#include "kdevdriver.h"
#include "javasupport_utils.h"
#include "JavaStoreWalker.hpp"
#include "JavaAST.hpp"
#include <tqheader.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
#include <tqfileinfo.h>
#include <tqguardedptr.h>
#include <tqpopupmenu.h>
#include <tqprogressdialog.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqstatusbar.h>
#include <tqprogressbar.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqvbox.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kaction.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kdialogbase.h>
#include <kgenericfactory.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmainwindow.h>
#include <kstatusbar.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <tdeversion.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <ktexteditor/document.h>
#include <ktexteditor/editinterface.h>
#include <ktexteditor/view.h>
#include <ktexteditor/selectioninterface.h>
#include <ktexteditor/viewcursorinterface.h>
#include <ktexteditor/clipboardinterface.h>
#include <ktexteditor/texthintinterface.h>
#include <kdevcore.h>
#include <kdevproject.h>
#include <kdevmainwindow.h>
#include <kdevpartcontroller.h>
#include <kdevmakefrontend.h>
#include <kdevcoderepository.h>
#include <domutil.h>
#include <urlutil.h>
#include <config.h>
enum { KDEV_DB_VERSION = 7 };
enum { KDEV_PCS_VERSION = 8 };
class JavaDriver: public KDevDriver
JavaDriver( JavaSupportPart* javaSupport )
: KDevDriver( javaSupport )
void fileParsed( const TQString& fileName )
//kdDebug(9013) << "-----> file " << fileName << " parsed!" << endl;
RefJavaAST ast = takeTranslationUnit( fileName );
if( javaSupport()->problemReporter() ){
javaSupport()->problemReporter()->removeAllProblems( fileName );
TQValueList<Problem> pl = problems( fileName );
TQValueList<Problem>::ConstIterator it = pl.begin();
while( it != pl.end() ){
const Problem& p = *it++;
javaSupport()->problemReporter()->reportProblem( fileName, p );
if( javaSupport()->codeModel()->hasFile(fileName) ){
FileDom file = javaSupport()->codeModel()->fileByName( fileName );
javaSupport()->removeWithReferences( fileName );
FileDom file = javaSupport()->codeModel()->create<FileModel>();
file->setName( fileName );
JavaStoreWalker walker;
walker.setFile( file );
walker.setCodeModel( javaSupport()->codeModel() );
walker.compilationUnit( ast );
javaSupport()->codeModel()->addFile( file );
remove( fileName );
JavaSupportPart::JavaSupportPart(TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList &/*args*/)
: KDevLanguageSupport(JavaSupportFactory::info(), parent, name ? name : "KDevJavaSupport"),
m_activeDocument( 0 ), m_activeView( 0 ), m_activeSelection( 0 ), m_activeEditor( 0 ),
m_activeViewCursor( 0 ), m_projectClosed( true ), m_valid( false )
m_driver = new JavaDriver( this );
setXMLFile( "kdevjavasupport.rc" );
m_catalogList.setAutoDelete( true );
m_backgroundParser = new BackgroundParser( this, &m_eventConsumed );
connect( core(), TQT_SIGNAL(projectOpened()), this, TQT_SLOT(projectOpened()) );
connect( core(), TQT_SIGNAL(projectClosed()), this, TQT_SLOT(projectClosed()) );
connect( partController(), TQT_SIGNAL(savedFile(const KURL&)),
this, TQT_SLOT(savedFile(const KURL&)) );
connect( core(), TQT_SIGNAL(contextMenu(TQPopupMenu *, const Context *)),
this, TQT_SLOT(contextMenu(TQPopupMenu *, const Context *)) );
connect( partController(), TQT_SIGNAL(activePartChanged(KParts::Part*)),
this, TQT_SLOT(activePartChanged(KParts::Part*)));
connect( partController(), TQT_SIGNAL(partRemoved(KParts::Part*)),
this, TQT_SLOT(partRemoved(KParts::Part*)));
m_problemReporter = new ProblemReporter( this, 0, "problemReporterWidget" );
m_problemReporter->setIcon( SmallIcon("info") );
mainWindow( )->embedOutputView( m_problemReporter, i18n("Problems"), i18n("Problem reporter"));
connect( core(), TQT_SIGNAL(configWidget(KDialogBase*)),
m_problemReporter, TQT_SLOT(configWidget(KDialogBase*)) );
connect( core(), TQT_SIGNAL(configWidget(KDialogBase*)),
this, TQT_SLOT(configWidget(KDialogBase*)) );
KAction *action;
action = new KAction(i18n("New Class..."), "classnew", 0,
this, TQT_SLOT(slotNewClass()),
actionCollection(), "project_newclass");
action->setToolTip( i18n("Generate a new class") );
action->setWhatsThis( i18n("<b>New Class</b>Generates a new class.<p>") );
// daniel
connect( core( ), TQT_SIGNAL( projectConfigWidget( KDialogBase* ) ), this,
TQT_SLOT( projectConfigWidget( KDialogBase* ) ) );
new KDevJavaSupportIface( this );
//(void) dcopClient();
delete( m_driver );
m_driver = 0;
if( m_backgroundParser ){
delete m_backgroundParser;
m_backgroundParser = 0;
codeRepository()->setMainCatalog( 0 );
TQPtrListIterator<Catalog> it( m_catalogList );
while( Catalog* catalog = it.current() ){
codeRepository()->unregisterCatalog( catalog );
mainWindow( )->removeView( m_problemReporter );
delete m_problemReporter;
m_problemReporter = 0;
void JavaSupportPart::customEvent( TQCustomEvent* ev )
//kdDebug(9013) << "JavaSupportPart::customEvent()" << endl;
if( ev->type() == int(Event_FileParsed) ){
FileParsedEvent* event = (FileParsedEvent*) ev;
TQString fileName = event->fileName();
if( m_problemReporter ){
m_problemReporter->removeAllProblems( fileName );
bool hasErrors = false;
TQValueList<Problem> problems = event->problems();
TQValueList<Problem>::ConstIterator it = problems.begin();
while( it != problems.end() ){
const Problem& p = *it++;
if( p.level() == Problem::Level_Error )
hasErrors = true;
m_problemReporter->reportProblem( fileName, p );
if( RefJavaAST ast = m_backgroundParser->translationUnit(fileName) ){
if( !hasErrors ){
if( codeModel()->hasFile(fileName) ){
FileDom file = codeModel()->fileByName( fileName );
removeWithReferences( fileName );
FileDom file = codeModel()->create<FileModel>();
file->setName( fileName );
JavaStoreWalker walker;
walker.setFile( file );
walker.setCodeModel( codeModel() );
walker.compilationUnit( ast );
codeModel()->addFile( file );
emit addedSourceInfo( fileName );
emit fileParsed( fileName );
void JavaSupportPart::projectConfigWidget( KDialogBase* /*dlg*/ )
void JavaSupportPart::configWidget(KDialogBase */*dlg*/)
void JavaSupportPart::activePartChanged(KParts::Part *part)
kdDebug(9032) << "JavaSupportPart::activePartChanged()" << endl;
bool enabled = false;
m_activeDocument = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::Document*>( part );
m_activeView = part ? dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::View*>( part->widget() ) : 0;
m_activeEditor = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::EditInterface*>( part );
m_activeSelection = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::SelectionInterface*>( part );
m_activeViewCursor = part ? dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::ViewCursorInterface*>( m_activeView ) : 0;
m_activeFileName = TQString();
if (m_activeDocument) {
m_activeFileName = URLUtil::canonicalPath( m_activeDocument->url().path() );
TQFileInfo fi( m_activeFileName );
TQString ext = fi.extension();
if (fileExtensions().contains(ext))
enabled = true;
if( !part )
if( !m_activeView )
#if 0
KTextEditor::TextHintInterface* textHintIface = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::TextHintInterface*>( m_activeView );
if( !textHintIface )
connect( view, TQT_SIGNAL(needTextHint(int,int,TQString&)),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotNeedTextHint(int,int,TQString&)) );
textHintIface->enableTextHints( 1000 );
void JavaSupportPart::projectOpened( )
kdDebug( 9013 ) << "projectOpened( )" << endl;
m_projectDirectory = URLUtil::canonicalPath( project()->projectDirectory() );
connect( project( ), TQT_SIGNAL( addedFilesToProject( const TQStringList & ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( addedFilesToProject( const TQStringList & ) ) );
connect( project( ), TQT_SIGNAL( removedFilesFromProject( const TQStringList &) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( removedFilesFromProject( const TQStringList & ) ) );
connect( project( ), TQT_SIGNAL( changedFilesInProject( const TQStringList & ) ),
this, TQT_SLOT( changedFilesInProject( const TQStringList & ) ) );
connect( project(), TQT_SIGNAL(projectCompiled()),
this, TQT_SLOT(slotProjectCompiled()) );
m_projectClosed = false;
TQTimer::singleShot( 500, this, TQT_SLOT( initialParse( ) ) );
void JavaSupportPart::projectClosed( )
kdDebug( 9013 ) << "projectClosed( )" << endl;
if( m_backgroundParser )
m_projectClosed = true;
void JavaSupportPart::contextMenu(TQPopupMenu */*popup*/, const Context *context)
m_activeClass = 0;
m_activeFunction = 0;
m_activeVariable = 0;
if( context->hasType(Context::EditorContext) ){
// nothing!
} else if( context->hasType(Context::CodeModelItemContext) ){
const CodeModelItemContext* mcontext = static_cast<const CodeModelItemContext*>( context );
if( mcontext->item()->isClass() ){
m_activeClass = (ClassModel*) mcontext->item();
} else if( mcontext->item()->isFunction() ){
m_activeFunction = (FunctionModel*) mcontext->item();
void JavaSupportPart::addedFilesToProject(const TQStringList &fileList)
TQStringList files = fileList;
for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it )
TQString path = URLUtil::canonicalPath( m_projectDirectory + "/" + (*it) );
maybeParse( path );
emit addedSourceInfo( path );
void JavaSupportPart::removedFilesFromProject(const TQStringList &fileList)
for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = fileList.begin(); it != fileList.end(); ++it )
TQString path = URLUtil::canonicalPath( m_projectDirectory + "/" + *it );
removeWithReferences( path );
m_backgroundParser->removeFile( path );
void JavaSupportPart::changedFilesInProject( const TQStringList & fileList )
TQStringList files = fileList;
for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it )
TQString path = URLUtil::canonicalPath( m_projectDirectory + "/" + *it );
maybeParse( path );
emit addedSourceInfo( path );
void JavaSupportPart::savedFile(const KURL &fileName)
Q_UNUSED( fileName.path() );
#if 0 // not needed anymore
kdDebug(9013) << "savedFile(): " << fileName.mid ( m_projectDirectory.length() + 1 ) << endl;
TQStringList projectFileList = project()->allFiles();
if (projectFileList.contains(fileName.mid ( m_projectDirectory.length() + 1 ))) {
maybeParse( fileName );
emit addedSourceInfo( fileName );
TQString JavaSupportPart::findSourceFile()
TQFileInfo fi( m_activeFileName );
TQString path = fi.filePath();
TQString ext = fi.extension();
TQString base = path.left( path.length() - ext.length() );
TQStringList candidates;
if (ext == "h" || ext == "H" || ext == "hh" || ext == "hxx" || ext == "hpp" || ext == "tlh") {
candidates << (base + "c");
candidates << (base + "cc");
candidates << (base + "java");
candidates << (base + "java");
candidates << (base + "cxx");
candidates << (base + "C");
candidates << (base + "m");
candidates << (base + "mm");
candidates << (base + "M");
candidates << (base + "inl");
TQStringList::ConstIterator it;
for (it = candidates.begin(); it != candidates.end(); ++it) {
kdDebug(9013) << "Trying " << (*it) << endl;
if (TQFileInfo(*it).exists()) {
return *it;
return m_activeFileName;
KDevLanguageSupport::Features JavaSupportPart::features()
return Features( Classes | Functions | Variables );
TQString JavaSupportPart::formatClassName(const TQString &name)
return name;
TQString JavaSupportPart::unformatClassName(const TQString &name)
return name;
TQStringList JavaSupportPart::fileExtensions() const
return TQStringList::split(",", "java");
void JavaSupportPart::slotNewClass()
void JavaSupportPart::addMethod( ClassDom /*klass*/ )
void JavaSupportPart::addAttribute( ClassDom /*klass*/ )
void JavaSupportPart::initialParse( )
// For debugging
if( !project( ) ){
// messagebox ?
kdDebug( 9013 ) << "No project" << endl;
parseProject( );
emit updatedSourceInfo();
m_valid = true;
JavaSupportPart::parseProject( )
//TQLabel* label = new TQLabel( "", mainWindow( )->statusBar( ) );
//label->setMinimumWidth( 600 );
//mainWindow( )->statusBar( )->addWidget( label );
//label->show( );
mainWindow()->statusBar()->message( i18n("Updating...") );
kapp->processEvents( );
kapp->setOverrideCursor( waitCursor );
TQStringList files = modifiedFileList();
TQProgressBar* bar = new TQProgressBar( files.count( ), mainWindow( )->statusBar( ) );
bar->setMinimumWidth( 120 );
bar->setCenterIndicator( true );
mainWindow( )->statusBar( )->addWidget( bar );
bar->show( );
TQDir d( m_projectDirectory );
TQDataStream stream;
TQMap< TQString, TQPair<uint, uint> > pcs;
if( TQFileInfo( project()->projectDirectory() + "/" +
project()->projectName().lower() + ".tdevelop.pcs" ).exists() )
d.rename(project()->projectName().lower() + ".tdevelop.pcs",
project()->projectName() + ".tdevelop.pcs");
TQFile f(project()->projectDirectory() + "/" + project()->projectName() + ".tdevelop.pcs");
if( ){
stream.setDevice( &f );
TQString sig;
int pcs_version = 0;
stream >> sig >> pcs_version;
if( sig == "PCS" && pcs_version == KDEV_PCS_VERSION ){
int numFiles = 0;
stream >> numFiles;
for( int i=0; i<numFiles; ++i ){
TQString fn;
uint ts;
uint offset;
stream >> fn >> ts >> offset;
pcs[ fn ] = tqMakePair( ts, offset );
int n = 0;
for( TQStringList::Iterator it = files.begin( ); it != files.end( ); ++it ) {
bar->setProgress( n++ );
TQFileInfo fileInfo( d, *it );
if( fileInfo.exists() && fileInfo.isFile() && fileInfo.isReadable() ){
TQString absFilePath = URLUtil::canonicalPath( fileInfo.absFilePath() );
kdDebug(9013) << "parse file: " << absFilePath << endl;
if( (n%5) == 0 ){
if( m_projectClosed ){
delete( bar );
return false;
if( isValidSource(absFilePath) ){
TQDateTime t = fileInfo.lastModified();
if( m_timestamp.contains(absFilePath) && m_timestamp[absFilePath] == t )
if( pcs.contains(absFilePath) && t.toTime_t() == pcs[absFilePath].first ){
stream.device()->at( pcs[absFilePath].second );
FileDom file = codeModel()->create<FileModel>();
file->read( stream );
codeModel()->addFile( file );
} else {
m_driver->parseFile( absFilePath );
m_timestamp[ absFilePath ] = t;
if( m_projectClosed ){
kdDebug(9013) << "ABORT" << endl;
kapp->restoreOverrideCursor( );
return false;
kdDebug( 9013 ) << "updating sourceinfo" << endl;
emit updatedSourceInfo();
mainWindow( )->statusBar( )->removeWidget( bar );
delete bar;
//mainWindow( )->statusBar( )->removeWidget( label );
//delete label;
kapp->restoreOverrideCursor( );
mainWindow( )->statusBar( )->message( i18n( "Done" ), 2000 );
return true;
void JavaSupportPart::maybeParse( const TQString& fileName )
if( !isValidSource(fileName) )
TQFileInfo fileInfo( fileName );
TQString path = URLUtil::canonicalPath( fileName );
TQDateTime t = fileInfo.lastModified();
if( !fileInfo.exists() ){
removeWithReferences( path );
TQMap<TQString, TQDateTime>::Iterator it = m_timestamp.find( path );
if( it != m_timestamp.end() && *it == t ){
m_timestamp[ path ] = t;
m_driver->parseFile( path );
void JavaSupportPart::slotNeedTextHint( int /*line*/, int /*column*/, TQString& /*textHint*/ )
TQStringList JavaSupportPart::subclassWidget(const TQString& /*formName*/)
TQStringList newFileNames;
return newFileNames;
TQStringList JavaSupportPart::updateWidget(const TQString& /*formName*/, const TQString& /*fileName*/)
TQStringList dummy;
return dummy;
void JavaSupportPart::partRemoved( KParts::Part* part )
kdDebug(9032) << "JavaSupportPart::partRemoved()" << endl;
if( KTextEditor::Document* doc = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::Document*>( part ) ){
TQString fileName = doc->url().path();
if( fileName.isEmpty() )
TQString canonicalFileName = URLUtil::canonicalPath( fileName );
m_backgroundParser->removeFile( canonicalFileName );
m_backgroundParser->addFile( canonicalFileName, true );
void JavaSupportPart::slotProjectCompiled()
kdDebug(9013) << "JavaSupportPart::slotProjectCompiled()" << endl;
TQStringList JavaSupportPart::modifiedFileList()
TQStringList lst;
TQStringList fileList = project()->allFiles();
TQStringList::Iterator it = fileList.begin();
while( it != fileList.end() ){
TQString fileName = *it;
TQFileInfo fileInfo( m_projectDirectory, fileName );
if( !fileExtensions().contains(fileInfo.extension()) )
TQDateTime t = fileInfo.lastModified();
TQString path = URLUtil::canonicalPath( fileInfo.absFilePath() );
TQMap<TQString, TQDateTime>::Iterator dictIt = m_timestamp.find( path );
if( fileInfo.exists() && dictIt != m_timestamp.end() && *dictIt == t )
lst << fileName;
return lst;
KTextEditor::Document * JavaSupportPart::findDocument( const KURL & url )
if( !partController()->parts() )
return 0;
TQPtrList<KParts::Part> parts( *partController()->parts() );
TQPtrListIterator<KParts::Part> it( parts );
while( KParts::Part* part = it.current() ){
KTextEditor::Document* doc = dynamic_cast<KTextEditor::Document*>( part );
if( doc && doc->url() == url )
return doc;
return 0;
void JavaSupportPart::setupCatalog( )
kdDebug(9013) << "JavaSupportPart::setupCatalog()" << endl;
TQStringList indexList = TQStringList() << "kind" << "name" << "scope" << "fileName";
KStandardDirs *dirs = JavaSupportFactory::instance()->dirs();
TQStringList pcsList = dirs->findAllResources( "pcs", "*.db", false, true );
TQStringList pcsIdxList = dirs->findAllResources( "pcs", "*.idx", false, true );
if( pcsList.size() && pcsVersion() < KDEV_DB_VERSION ){
TQStringList l = pcsList + pcsIdxList;
int rtn = KMessageBox::questionYesNoList( 0, i18n("Persistent class store will be disabled: you have a wrong version of pcs installed.\nRemove old pcs files?"), l, i18n("Java Support"), KStdGuiItem::remove(), i18n("Keep Them") );
if( rtn == KMessageBox::Yes ){
TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin();
while( it != l.end() ){
TQFile::remove( *it );
// @todo regenerate the pcs list
} else {
TQStringList::Iterator it = pcsList.begin();
while( it != pcsList.end() ){
Catalog* catalog = new Catalog();
catalog->open( *it );
for( TQStringList::Iterator idxIt=indexList.begin(); idxIt!=indexList.end(); ++idxIt )
catalog->addIndex( (*idxIt).utf8() );
m_catalogList.append( catalog );
codeRepository()->registerCatalog( catalog );
setPcsVersion( KDEV_DB_VERSION );
KMimeType::List JavaSupportPart::mimeTypes( )
KMimeType::List list;
KMimeType::Ptr mime;
mime = KMimeType::mimeType( "text/x-java" );
if( mime )
list << mime;
return list;
int JavaSupportPart::pcsVersion()
KConfig* config = JavaSupportFactory::instance()->config();
KConfigGroupSaver cgs( config, "PCS" );
return config->readNumEntry( "Version", 0 );
void JavaSupportPart::setPcsVersion( int version )
KConfig* config = JavaSupportFactory::instance()->config();
KConfigGroupSaver cgs( config, "PCS" );
config->writeEntry( "Version", version );
TQString JavaSupportPart::formatTag( const Tag & /*inputTag*/ )
return TQString();
void JavaSupportPart::removeWithReferences( const TQString & fileName )
kdDebug(9013) << "remove with references: " << fileName << endl;
m_timestamp.remove( fileName );
if( !codeModel()->hasFile(fileName) )
emit aboutToRemoveSourceInfo( fileName );
codeModel()->removeFile( codeModel()->fileByName(fileName) );
bool JavaSupportPart::isValidSource( const TQString& fileName ) const
TQFileInfo fileInfo( fileName );
return fileExtensions().contains( fileInfo.extension() ) && !TQFile::exists(fileInfo.dirPath(true) + "/.tdev_ignore");
TQString JavaSupportPart::formatModelItem( const CodeModelItem *item, bool shortDescription )
if (item->isFunction())
const FunctionModel *model = static_cast<const FunctionModel*>(item);
TQString function;
TQString args;
ArgumentList argumentList = model->argumentList();
for (ArgumentList::const_iterator it = argumentList.begin(); it != argumentList.end(); ++it)
args.isEmpty() ? args += "" : args += ", " ;
args += formatModelItem((*it).data());
if( !shortDescription )
function += model->resultType() + " ";
function += model->name() + "(" + args + ")" +
(model->isAbstract() ? TQString(" = 0") : TQString("") );
return function;
else if (item->isVariable())
const VariableModel *model = static_cast<const VariableModel*>(item);
if( shortDescription )
return model->name();
return model->type() + " " + model->name();
else if (item->isArgument())
const ArgumentModel *model = static_cast<const ArgumentModel*>(item);
TQString arg;
if( !shortDescription )
arg += model->type() + " ";
arg += model->name();
if( !shortDescription )
arg += model->defaultValue().isEmpty() ? TQString("") : TQString(" = ") + model->defaultValue();
return arg.stripWhiteSpace();
return KDevLanguageSupport::formatModelItem( item, shortDescription );
void JavaSupportPart::addClass( )
void JavaSupportPart::saveProjectSourceInfo( )
const FileList fileList = codeModel()->fileList();
if( !project() || fileList.isEmpty() )
TQFile f( project()->projectDirectory() + "/" +
project()->projectName() + ".tdevelop.pcs" );
if( ! IO_WriteOnly ) )
TQDataStream stream( &f );
TQMap<TQString, uint> offsets;
TQString pcs( "PCS" );
stream << pcs << KDEV_PCS_VERSION;
stream << int( fileList.size() );
for( FileList::ConstIterator it=fileList.begin(); it!=fileList.end(); ++it ){
const FileDom dom = (*it);
stream << dom->name() << m_timestamp[ dom->name() ].toTime_t();
offsets.insert( dom->name(), stream.device()->at() );
stream << (uint)0; // dummy offset
for( FileList::ConstIterator it=fileList.begin(); it!=fileList.end(); ++it ){
const FileDom dom = (*it);
int offset = stream.device()->at();
dom->write( stream );
int end = stream.device()->at();
stream.device()->at( offsets[dom->name()] );
stream << offset;
stream.device()->at( end );
#include "javasupportpart.moc"