You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
dataFiles = app.cpp app.h pref.cpp pref.h appview.cpp appview.h \
appiface.h app_client.cpp main.cpp appui.rc \
kapp.png app.tdevelop subdirs README
templateName = kapp
### no need to change below:
template_DATA = $(templateName).kdevtemplate
templatedir = ${appwizarddatadir}/templates
appwizarddatadir = ${kde_datadir}/kdevappwizard
$(templateName).tar.gz: ${dataFiles}
$(TAR) -cf $(templateName).tar -C $(srcdir) ${dataFiles}
$(GZIP_COMMAND) -f9 $(templateName).tar
archivedir = ${appwizarddatadir}
archive_DATA = $(templateName).tar.gz ${templateName}.png
CLEANFILES = *.tar.gz