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#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qpe/applnk.h> // for AppLnk
#include <qpe/resource.h> // for Resource loading
#include "%{APPNAMELC}.h"
%{APPNAME}::%{APPNAME}(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget( parent, "%{APPNAME} Applet" ) {
* we will load an Image, scale it for the right usage
* remember your applet might be used by different
* resolutions.
* Then we will convert the image back to an Pixmap
* and draw this Pimxap. We need to use Image because its
* the only class that allows scaling.
QImage image = Resource::loadImage("%{APPNAMELC}/%{APPNAMELC}");
* smooth scale to AppLnk smallIconSize for applest
* smallIconSize gets adjusted to the resolution
* so on some displays like SIMpad and a C-750 the smallIconSize
* is greater than on a iPAQ h3870
image = image.smoothScale(AppLnk::smallIconSize(), AppLnk::smallIconSize() );
* now we need to convert the Image to a Pixmap cause these
* can be drawn more easily
m_pix = new QPixmap();
m_pix->convertFromImage( image );
* Now we will say that we don't want to be bigger than our
* Pixmap
setFixedHeight(AppLnk::smallIconSize() );
setFixedWidth( AppLnk::smallIconSize() );
delete m_pix;
* here you would normal show or do something
* useful. If you want to show a widget at the top left
* of your icon you need to map your rect().topLeft() to
* global with mapToGlobal(). Then you might also need to
* move the widgets so it is visible
void %{APPNAME}::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* ) {
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("No action taken"),
tr("<qt>This Plugin does not yet support anything usefule aye.</qt>"),
QMessageBox::Ok );
void %{APPNAME}::paintEvent( QPaintEvent* ) {
QPainter p(this);
/* simpy draw the pixmap from the start of this widget */
p.drawPixmap(0, 0, *m_pix );
* Here comes the implementation of the interface
%{APPNAME}Impl::%{APPNAME}Impl() {
/* needed cause until it is only pure virtual */
%{APPNAME}Impl::~%{APPNAME}Impl() {
* we will delete our applets as well
* setAUtoDelete makes the QList free
* the objects behind the pointers
m_applets.setAutoDelete( true );
* For the taskbar interface return a Widget
QWidget* %{APPNAME}Impl::applet( QWidget* parent ) {
* There are problems with ownership. So we add
* our ownlist and clear this;
%{APPNAME}* ap = new %{APPNAME}( parent );
m_applets.append( ap );
return ap;
* A small hint where the Applet Should be displayed
int %{APPNAME}Impl::position()const {
return 1;
* Now the important QUnkownInterface method without
* this one your applet won't load
* @param uuid The uuid of the interface
* @param iface The pointer to the interface ptr
QRESULT %{APPNAME}Impl::queryInterface( const QUuid& uuid, QUnknownInterface** iface) {
/* set the pointer to the interface to 0 */
*iface = 0;
* we check if we support the requested interface
* and then assign to the pointer.
* You may alos create another interface here so
* *iface = this is only in this simple case true you
* could also support more interfaces.
* But this example below is the most common use.
* Now the caller knows that the Interface Pointer
* is valid and the interface supported
if ( uuid == IID_QUnknown )
*iface = this;
else if ( uuid == IID_TaskbarApplet )
*iface = this;
return QS_FALSE;
if ( *iface )
return QS_OK;
* Finally we need to export the Interface.
* CREATE_INSTANCE creates a interface and calls
* queryInterface for the QUnknownInterface once
* With out this function the applet can't be loaded.
* NOTE: If your applet does not load it's likely you've an
* unresolved symbol. Change the .pro TEMPLATE = lib to TEMPLATE= app
* and recompile. If the linker only complains about a missing
* main method the problem is more complex. In most cases it'll say
* you which symbols are missing and you can implement them.
* The main(int argc, char* argv[] ) does not need to be
* included in a library so it's ok that the linker complains