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Copyright (C) 2005 by Tobias Erbsland <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
version 2, License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "qtbuildconfig.h"
#include "cppsupportpart.h"
#include <domutil.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <qdom.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
const QString QtBuildConfig::m_configRoot = QString( "/kdevcppsupport/qt" );
QtBuildConfig::QtBuildConfig( CppSupportPart * part, QDomDocument* dom )
: QObject( part ), m_part( part ), m_dom( dom )
void QtBuildConfig::init( )
m_used = DomUtil::readBoolEntry( *m_dom, m_configRoot + "/used", false );
m_version = DomUtil::readIntEntry( *m_dom, m_configRoot + "/version", 3 );
if( m_version < 3 || m_version > 4 )
m_version = 3;
m_includeStyle = DomUtil::readIntEntry( *m_dom, m_configRoot + "/includestyle", 3 );
if( m_includeStyle < 3 || m_includeStyle > 4 )
m_includeStyle = m_version;
m_root = DomUtil::readEntry( *m_dom, m_configRoot + "/root", "" );
m_qmakePath = DomUtil::readEntry(*m_dom, m_configRoot + "/qmake", "");
m_designerPath = DomUtil::readEntry(*m_dom, m_configRoot + "/designer", "");
m_designerPluginPaths = DomUtil::readListEntry(*m_dom, m_configRoot + "/designerpluginpaths", "path" );
if( m_root.isEmpty() || !isValidQtDir( m_root ) )
if( m_qmakePath.isEmpty() || !isExecutable( m_qmakePath ) )
m_qmakePath = findExecutable( "qmake-qt"+ QString::number( m_version ) );
if( m_qmakePath.isEmpty() || !isExecutable( m_qmakePath ) )
m_qmakePath = findExecutable( "qmake" );
if( m_designerPath.isEmpty() || !isExecutable( m_designerPath ) )
m_designerPath = findExecutable( "designer-qt"+QString::number( m_version ) );
if( m_designerPath.isEmpty() || !isExecutable( m_designerPath ) )
m_designerPath = findExecutable( "designer" );
m_designerIntegration = DomUtil::readEntry( *m_dom, m_configRoot + "/designerintegration" );
if( m_designerIntegration.isEmpty() )
if ( m_version == 3 )
m_designerIntegration = "EmbeddedKDevDesigner";
m_designerIntegration = "ExternalDesigner";
bool QtBuildConfig::isValidQtDir( const QString& path ) const
QFileInfo inc( path + QString( QChar( QDir::separator() ) )+
"include"+QString( QChar( QDir::separator() ) )+
"qt.h" );
return ( m_version == 4 || ( m_version != 4 && inc.exists() ) );
void QtBuildConfig::buildBinDirs( QStringList & dirs ) const
if( m_version == 3 )
if( !m_root.isEmpty() )
dirs << (m_root + QString( QChar( QDir::separator() ) ) + "bin");
dirs << (::getenv("QTDIR") + QString( QChar( QDir::separator() ) ) + "bin");
QStringList paths = QStringList::split(":",::getenv("PATH"));
dirs += paths;
QString binpath = QDir::rootDirPath() + "bin";
if( dirs.findIndex( binpath ) != -1 )
dirs << binpath;
binpath = QDir::rootDirPath() + "usr" + QString( QChar( QDir::separator() ) ) + "bin";
if( dirs.findIndex( binpath ) != -1 )
dirs << binpath;
binpath = QDir::rootDirPath() + "usr" + QString( QChar( QDir::separator() ) ) + "local" + QString( QChar( QDir::separator() ) ) + "bin";
if( dirs.findIndex( binpath ) != -1 )
dirs << binpath;
QString QtBuildConfig::findExecutable( const QString& execname ) const
QStringList dirs;
buildBinDirs( dirs );
for( QStringList::Iterator it=dirs.begin(); it!=dirs.end(); ++it )
QString designer = *it + QString( QChar( QDir::separator() ) ) + execname;
if( !designer.isEmpty() && isExecutable( designer ) )
return designer;
return "";
bool QtBuildConfig::isExecutable( const QString& path ) const
QFileInfo fi(path);
return( fi.exists() && fi.isExecutable() );
void QtBuildConfig::findQtDir()
QStringList qtdirs;
if( m_version == 3 )
qtdirs.push_back( ::getenv("QTDIR") );
qtdirs.push_back( QDir::rootDirPath()+"usr"+QString( QChar( QDir::separator() ) )+"lib"+QString( QChar( QDir::separator() ) )+"qt"+QString("%1").arg( m_version ) );
qtdirs.push_back( QDir::rootDirPath()+"usr"+QString( QChar( QDir::separator() ) )+"lib"+QString( QChar( QDir::separator() ) )+"qt"+QString( QChar( QDir::separator() ) )+QString("%1").arg( m_version ) );
qtdirs.push_back( QDir::rootDirPath()+"usr"+QString( QChar( QDir::separator() ) )+"share"+QString( QChar( QDir::separator() ) )+"qt"+QString("%1").arg( m_version ) );
qtdirs.push_back( QDir::rootDirPath()+"usr" );
qtdirs.push_back( QDir::rootDirPath()+"usr"+QString( QChar( QDir::separator() ) )+"lib"+QString( QChar( QDir::separator() ) )+"qt" );
for( QStringList::Iterator it=qtdirs.begin(); it!=qtdirs.end(); ++it )
QString qtdir = *it;
if( !qtdir.isEmpty() && isValidQtDir(qtdir) )
m_root = qtdir;
void QtBuildConfig::store( )
DomUtil::writeBoolEntry( *m_dom, m_configRoot + "/used", m_used );
DomUtil::writeIntEntry( *m_dom, m_configRoot + "/version", m_version );
DomUtil::writeIntEntry( *m_dom, m_configRoot + "/includestyle", m_includeStyle );
DomUtil::writeEntry( *m_dom, m_configRoot + "/root", m_root );
DomUtil::writeEntry( *m_dom, m_configRoot + "/designerintegration", m_designerIntegration );
DomUtil::writeEntry(*m_dom, m_configRoot + "/qmake", m_qmakePath );
DomUtil::writeEntry(*m_dom, m_configRoot + "/designer", m_designerPath );
DomUtil::writeListEntry(*m_dom, m_configRoot + "/designerpluginpaths", "path", m_designerPluginPaths );
emit stored();
void QtBuildConfig::setUsed( bool used )
m_used = used;
void QtBuildConfig::setVersion( int version )
m_version = version;
void QtBuildConfig::setIncludeStyle( int style )
m_includeStyle = style;
void QtBuildConfig::setRoot( const QString& root )
m_root = root;
void QtBuildConfig::setQMakePath( const QString& path )
m_qmakePath = path;
void QtBuildConfig::setDesignerPluginPaths( const QStringList& pfx )
m_designerPluginPaths = pfx;
void QtBuildConfig::setDesignerPath( const QString& path )
m_designerPath = path;
void QtBuildConfig::setDesignerIntegration( const QString& designerIntegration )
m_designerIntegration = designerIntegration;
#include "qtbuildconfig.moc"
//kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; tab-width 4; replace-tabs on