You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1559 lines
41 KiB
1559 lines
41 KiB
** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
**1 This file is part of TQt Designer.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** Licensees holding valid TQt Enterprise Edition or TQt Professional Edition
** licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt Commercial License
** Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See for GPL licensing information.
** See or email for
** information about TQt Commercial License Agreements.
** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.
#include "project.h"
#include "formwindow.h"
#include "designerappiface.h"
#include "../interfaces/languageinterface.h"
#include "pixmapcollection.h"
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
#include "dbconnectionimpl.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include <tqwidgetfactory.h>
#include "outputwindow.h"
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqtextstream.h>
#include <tqurl.h>
#include <tqobjectlist.h>
#include <tqfeatures.h>
#include <tqtextcodec.h>
#include <tqdom.h>
#include <tqmessagebox.h>
#include <tqapplication.h>
#include "mainwindow.h"
#include <tqworkspace.h>
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
#include <tqsqldatabase.h>
#include <tqsqlrecord.h>
#include <tqdatatable.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
# include <unistd.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
delete iface;
bool DatabaseConnection::refreshCatalog()
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
if ( loaded )
return TRUE;
if ( !open() )
return FALSE;
tbls = conn->tables( TQSql::TableType( TQSql::Tables | TQSql::Views ) );
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = tbls.begin(); it != tbls.end(); ++it ) {
TQSqlRecord fil = conn->record( *it );
TQStringList lst;
for ( uint j = 0; j < fil.count(); ++j )
lst << fil.field( j )->name();
flds.insert( *it, lst );
loaded = TRUE;
return loaded;
return FALSE;
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
void DatabaseConnection::remove()
if ( nm == "(default)" )
TQSqlDatabase::removeDatabase( TQSqlDatabase::defaultConnection );
TQSqlDatabase::removeDatabase( nm );
// the above will effectively delete the current connection
conn = 0;
bool DatabaseConnection::open( bool suppressDialog )
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
// register our name, if nec
if ( nm == "(default)" ) {
if ( !TQSqlDatabase::contains() ) // default doesn't exists?
conn = TQSqlDatabase::addDatabase( drv );
conn = TQSqlDatabase::database();
} else {
if ( !TQSqlDatabase::contains( nm ) )
conn = TQSqlDatabase::addDatabase( drv, nm );
conn = TQSqlDatabase::database( nm );
conn->setDatabaseName( dbName );
conn->setUserName( uname );
conn->setPassword( pword );
conn->setHostName( hname );
conn->setPort( prt );
bool success = conn->open();
for( ; suppressDialog == FALSE ; ) {
bool done = FALSE;
if ( !success ) {
DatabaseConnectionEditor dia( this, 0 , 0 , TRUE );
switch( dia.exec() ) {
case TQDialog::Accepted:
done = FALSE;
case TQDialog::Rejected:
done = TRUE;
if ( done )
conn->setUserName( uname );
conn->setPassword( pword );
conn->setHostName( hname );
conn->setPort( prt );
success = conn->open();
if ( !success ) {
switch( TQMessageBox::warning( project->messageBoxParent(), i18n( "Connection" ),
i18n( "Could not connect to the database.\n"
"Press 'OK' to continue or 'Cancel' to "
"specify different\nconnection information.\n" )
+ TQString( "[" + conn->lastError().driverText() + "\n" +
conn->lastError().databaseText() + "]\n" ),
i18n( "&OK" ),
i18n( "&Cancel" ), TQString(), 0, 1 ) ) {
case 0: // OK or Enter
case 1: // Cancel or Escape
done = TRUE;
} else
if ( done )
if ( !success ) {
dbErr = conn->lastError().driverText() + "\n" + conn->lastError().databaseText();
return success;
return FALSE;
void DatabaseConnection::close()
if ( !loaded )
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
if ( conn ) {
DesignerDatabase *DatabaseConnection::iFace()
if ( !iface )
iface = new DesignerDatabaseImpl( this );
return iface;
bool Project::isDummy() const
return isDummyProject;
Project::Project( const TQString &fn, const TQString &pName,
TQPluginManager<ProjectSettingsInterface> *pm, bool isDummy,
const TQString &l )
: proName( pName ), projectSettingsPluginManager( pm ), isDummyProject( isDummy )
modified = TRUE;
pixCollection = new PixmapCollection( this );
iface = 0;
lang = l;
is_cpp = lang == "C++";
cfg.insert( "(all)", "qt warn_on release" );
templ = "app";
setFileName( fn );
if ( !pName.isEmpty() )
proName = pName;
sourcefiles.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
modified = FALSE;
objs.setAutoDelete( FALSE );
fakeFormFiles.setAutoDelete( FALSE );
if ( singleProjectMode() )
delete iface;
delete pixCollection;
void Project::setModified( bool b )
modified = b;
emit projectModified();
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
DatabaseConnection *Project::databaseConnection( const TQString &name )
for ( DatabaseConnection *conn = dbConnections.first();
conn = ) {
if ( conn->name() == name )
return conn;
return 0;
void Project::setFileName( const TQString &fn, bool doClear )
if ( fn == filename )
if ( singleProjectMode() ) {
TQString qsa = TQString( getenv( "HOME" ) ) + TQString( "/.qsa" );
if ( !TQFile::exists( qsa ) ) {
TQDir d;
d.mkdir( qsa );
if ( fn == singleProFileName )
singleProFileName = fn;
static int counter = 0;
TQString str_counter = TQString::number( counter++ );
str_counter = "/.qsa/" + str_counter;
LanguageInterface *iface = MetaDataBase::languageInterface( language() );
filename = TQString( getenv( "HOME" ) + str_counter + TQString( "tmp_" ) +
TQFileInfo( fn ).baseName() + "/" + TQFileInfo( fn ).baseName() + ".pro" );
if ( iface && iface->supports( LanguageInterface::CompressProject ) ) {
filename = iface->uncompressProject( makeAbsolute( singleProFileName ),
TQString( getenv( "HOME" ) +
str_counter + TQString( "tmp_" ) +
TQFileInfo( fn ).baseName() ) );
proName = makeAbsolute( singleProFileName );
} else {
filename = fn;
if ( !filename.endsWith( ".pro" ) )
filename += ".pro";
proName = filename;
if ( proName.contains( '.' ) )
proName = proName.left( proName.find( '.' ) );
if ( !doClear )
if ( TQFile::exists( filename ) )
TQString Project::fileName( bool singlePro ) const
if ( singlePro )
return singleProFileName;
return filename;
TQString Project::databaseDescription() const
return dbFile;
TQString Project::projectName() const
return proName;
static TQString parse_part( const TQString &part )
TQString res;
bool inName = FALSE;
TQString currName;
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)part.length(); ++i ) {
TQChar c = part[ i ];
if ( !inName ) {
if ( c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n' && c != '=' && c != '\\' && c != '+' )
inName = TRUE;
if ( inName ) {
if ( c == '\n' )
res += c;
return res;
TQStringList parse_multiline_part( const TQString &contents, const TQString &key, int *start = 0 )
if ( start )
*start = -1;
TQString lastWord;
// Account for things like win32: SOURCES
int extraWhiteSpaceCount = 0;
int braceCount = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)contents.length(); ++i ) {
TQChar c( contents[ i ] );
switch ( c ) {
case '{':
lastWord = "";
case '}':
lastWord = "";
case ' ': case '\t':
if (!key.startsWith(lastWord)) {
lastWord = "";
extraWhiteSpaceCount = 0;
} else {
case '\\': case '\n':
lastWord = "";
lastWord += c;
// ### we should read the 'bla { SOURCES= ... }' stuff as well (braceCount > 0)
if ( lastWord == key && braceCount == 0 ) {
if ( start )
*start = i - lastWord.length() - extraWhiteSpaceCount + 1;
TQStringList lst;
bool inName = FALSE;
TQString currName;
bool hadEqual = FALSE;
for ( ; i < (int)contents.length(); ++i ) {
c = contents[ i ];
if ( !hadEqual && c != '=' )
if ( !hadEqual ) {
hadEqual = TRUE;
if ( ( c.isLetter() || c.isDigit() || c == '.' || c == '/' || c == '_' || c == '\\' ||
c == '\"' || c == '\'' || c == '=' ||
c == '$' || c == '-' || c == '(' || c == ')' || c == ':' || c == '+' || c == ',' || c == '~' ) &&
c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n' ) {
if ( !inName )
currName = TQString();
if ( c != '\\' || contents[i+1] != '\n' ) {
currName += c;
inName = TRUE;
} else {
if ( inName ) {
inName = FALSE;
if ( currName.simplifyWhiteSpace() != "\\" )
lst.append( currName );
if ( c == '\n' && i > 0 && contents[ (int)i - 1 ] != '\\' )
return lst;
return TQStringList();
void Project::parse()
TQFile f( filename );
if ( !f.exists() || ! IO_ReadOnly ) )
TQTextStream ts( &f );
TQString contents =;
proName = TQFileInfo( filename ).baseName();
TQStringList::ConstIterator it;
int i = contents.find( "LANGUAGE" );
if ( i != -1 ) {
lang = "";
is_cpp = FALSE;
TQString part = contents.mid( i + TQString( "LANGUAGE" ).length() );
lang = parse_part( part );
is_cpp = lang == "C++";
i = contents.find( "DBFILE" );
if ( i != -1 ) {
dbFile = "";
TQString part = contents.mid( i + TQString( "DBFILE" ).length() );
dbFile = parse_part( part );
TQStringList uifiles = parse_multiline_part( contents, "FORMS" );
uifiles += parse_multiline_part( contents, "INTERFACES" ); // compatibility
for ( it = uifiles.begin(); it != uifiles.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).startsWith( "__APPOBJ" ) )
(void) new FormFile( *it, FALSE, this );
i = contents.find( "TEMPLATE" );
if ( i != -1 ) {
templ = "";
TQString part = contents.mid( i + TQString( "TEMPLATE" ).length() );
templ = parse_part( part );
readPlatformSettings( contents, "CONFIG", cfg );
readPlatformSettings( contents, "LIBS", lbs );
readPlatformSettings( contents, "INCLUDEPATH", inclPath );
readPlatformSettings( contents, "DEFINES", defs );
readPlatformSettings( contents, "SOURCES", sources );
readPlatformSettings( contents, "HEADERS", headers );
LanguageInterface *iface = MetaDataBase::languageInterface( lang );
if ( iface ) {
TQStringList sourceKeys;
iface->sourceProjectKeys( sourceKeys );
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = sourceKeys.begin(); it != sourceKeys.end(); ++it ) {
TQStringList lst = parse_multiline_part( contents, *it );
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it )
(void) new SourceFile( *it, FALSE, this );
for ( it = csList.begin(); it != csList.end(); ++it ) {
i = contents.find( *it );
if ( i != -1 ) {
TQString val = "";
TQString part = contents.mid( i + TQString( *it ).length() );
val = parse_part( part );
customSettings.replace( *it, val );
TQStringList images = parse_multiline_part( contents, "IMAGES" );
// ### remove that for the final - this is beta-compatibility
if ( images.isEmpty() && TQDir( TQFileInfo( filename ).dirPath( TRUE ) + "/images" ).exists() ) {
images = TQDir( TQFileInfo( filename ).dirPath( TRUE ) + "/images" ).entryList();
for ( int i = 0; i < (int)images.count(); ++i )
images[ i ].prepend( "images/" );
modified = TRUE;
for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator pit = images.begin(); pit != images.end(); ++pit )
pixCollection->load( *pit );
void Project::clear()
dbFile = "";
proName = "unnamed";
desc = "";
bool Project::removeSourceFile( SourceFile *sf )
if ( !sourcefiles.containsRef( sf ) )
return FALSE;
if ( !sf->close() )
return FALSE;
sourcefiles.removeRef( sf );
modified = TRUE;
emit sourceFileRemoved( sf );
return TRUE;
void Project::setDatabaseDescription( const TQString &db )
dbFile = db;
void Project::setDescription( const TQString &s )
desc = s;
TQString Project::description() const
return desc;
bool Project::isValid() const
// #### do more checking here?
if ( filename.isEmpty() || proName.isEmpty() )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
TQString Project::makeAbsolute( const TQString &f )
if ( isDummy() )
return f;
TQString encodedUrl = TQFileInfo( filename ).dirPath( TRUE );
TQUrl::encode( encodedUrl );
TQUrl u( encodedUrl, f );
return u.path();
TQString Project::makeRelative( const TQString &f )
if ( isDummy() )
return f;
TQString p = TQFileInfo( filename ).dirPath( TRUE );
TQString f2 = f;
if ( f2.left( p.length() ) == p )
f2.remove( 0, p.length() + 1 );
return f2;
static void remove_contents( TQString &contents, const TQString &s )
int i = contents.find( s );
if ( i != -1 ) {
int start = i;
int end = contents.find( '\n', i );
if ( end == -1 )
end = contents.length() - 1;
contents.remove( start, end - start + 1 );
static void remove_multiline_contents( TQString &contents, const TQString &s, int *strt = 0 )
int i = contents.find( s );
if ( strt )
*strt = i;
int start = i;
bool lastWasBackspash = FALSE;
if ( i != -1 && ( i == 0 || contents[ i - 1 ] != '{' || contents[ i - 1 ] != ':' ) ) {
for ( ; i < (int)contents.length(); ++i ) {
if ( contents[ i ] == '\n' && !lastWasBackspash )
lastWasBackspash = ( contents[ i ] == '\\' ||
lastWasBackspash && ( contents[ i ] == ' ' || contents[ i ] == '\t' ) );
contents.remove( start, i - start + 1 );
void Project::save( bool onlyProjectFile )
bool anythingModified = FALSE;
// save sources and forms
if ( !onlyProjectFile ) {
for ( SourceFile *sf = sourcefiles.first(); sf; sf = ) {
anythingModified = anythingModified || sf->isModified();
if ( !sf->save() )
for ( FormFile *ff = formfiles.first(); ff; ff = ) {
anythingModified = anythingModified || ff->isModified();
if ( !ff->save() )
if ( isDummy() || filename.isEmpty() )
if ( !modified ) {
if ( singleProjectMode() ) {
LanguageInterface *iface = MetaDataBase::languageInterface( language() );
if ( iface && iface->supports( LanguageInterface::CompressProject ) )
iface->compressProject( makeAbsolute( filename ), singleProFileName, anythingModified );
TQFile f( filename );
TQString original = "";
// read the existing file
bool hasPreviousContents = FALSE;
if ( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
TQTextStream ts( &f );
original =;
hasPreviousContents = TRUE;
remove_contents( original, "{SOURCES+=" ); // ### compatibility with early 3.0 betas
remove_contents( original, "DBFILE" );
remove_contents( original, "LANGUAGE" );
remove_contents( original, "TEMPLATE" );
removePlatformSettings( original, "CONFIG" );
removePlatformSettings( original, "DEFINES" );
removePlatformSettings( original, "LIBS" );
removePlatformSettings( original, "INCLUDEPATH" );
removePlatformSettings( original, "SOURCES" );
removePlatformSettings( original, "HEADERS" );
remove_multiline_contents( original, "FORMS" );
remove_multiline_contents( original, "INTERFACES" ); // compatibility
remove_multiline_contents( original, "IMAGES" );
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = csList.begin(); it != csList.end(); ++it )
remove_contents( original, *it );
// the contents of the saved file
TQString contents;
// template
contents += "TEMPLATE\t= " + templ + "\n";
// language
contents += "LANGUAGE\t= " + lang + "\n";
contents += "\n";
// config
writePlatformSettings( contents, "CONFIG", cfg );
LanguageInterface *iface = MetaDataBase::languageInterface( lang );
if ( iface ) {
TQStringList sourceKeys;
iface->sourceProjectKeys( sourceKeys );
for ( TQStringList::Iterator spit = sourceKeys.begin(); spit != sourceKeys.end(); ++spit )
remove_multiline_contents( contents, *spit );
contents += "\n";
// libs, defines, includes
writePlatformSettings( contents, "LIBS", lbs );
writePlatformSettings( contents, "DEFINES", defs );
writePlatformSettings( contents, "INCLUDEPATH", inclPath );
writePlatformSettings( contents, "SOURCES", sources );
writePlatformSettings( contents, "HEADERS", headers );
// unix
if ( !hasPreviousContents ) {
contents +=
"unix {\n"
" UI_DIR = .ui\n"
" TQMOC_DIR = .tqmoc\n"
" OBJECTS_DIR = .obj\n"
contents += "\n";
// sources
if ( !sourcefiles.isEmpty() && iface ) {
TQMap<TQString, TQStringList> sourceToKey;
for ( SourceFile *f = sourcefiles.first(); f; f = ) {
TQString key = iface->projectKeyForExtension( TQFileInfo( f->fileName() ).extension() );
TQStringList lst = sourceToKey[ key ];
lst << makeRelative( f->fileName() );
sourceToKey.replace( key, lst );
for ( TQMap<TQString, TQStringList>::Iterator skit = sourceToKey.begin();
skit != sourceToKey.end(); ++skit ) {
TQString part = skit.key() + "\t+= ";
TQStringList lst = *skit;
for ( TQStringList::Iterator sit = lst.begin(); sit != lst.end(); ++sit ) {
part += *sit;
part += ++sit != lst.end() ? " \\\n\t" : "";
part += "\n";
contents += part;
// forms and interfaces
if ( !formfiles.isEmpty() ) {
contents += "FORMS\t= ";
for ( TQPtrListIterator<FormFile> fit = formfiles; fit.current(); ++fit ) {
contents += fit.current()->fileName() +
(fit != formfiles.last() ? " \\\n\t" : "");
contents += "\n";
// images
if ( !pixCollection->isEmpty() ) {
contents += "IMAGES\t= ";
TQValueList<PixmapCollection::Pixmap> pixmaps = pixCollection->pixmaps();
for ( TQValueList<PixmapCollection::Pixmap>::Iterator it = pixmaps.begin();
it != pixmaps.end(); ++it ) {
contents += makeRelative( (*it).absname );
contents += ++it != pixmaps.end() ? " \\\n\t" : "";
contents += "\n";
// database
if ( !dbFile.isEmpty() )
contents += "DBFILE\t= " + dbFile + "\n";
contents += "\n";
// custom settings
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = csList.begin(); it != csList.end(); ++it ) {
TQString val = *customSettings.find( *it );
if ( !val.isEmpty() )
contents += *it + "\t= " + val + "\n";
if ( ! IO_WriteOnly | IO_Translate ) ) {
TQMessageBox::warning( messageBoxParent(),
"Save Project Failed", "Couldn't write project file " + filename );
TQTextStream os( &f );
os << contents;
if (hasPreviousContents)
os << original;
setModified( FALSE );
if ( singleProjectMode() ) {
LanguageInterface *iface = MetaDataBase::languageInterface( language() );
if ( iface && iface->supports( LanguageInterface::CompressProject ) )
iface->compressProject( makeAbsolute( filename ), singleProFileName, TRUE );
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
TQPtrList<DatabaseConnection> Project::databaseConnections() const
return dbConnections;
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
void Project::setDatabaseConnections( const TQPtrList<DatabaseConnection> &lst )
dbConnections = lst;
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
void Project::addDatabaseConnection( DatabaseConnection *conn )
dbConnections.append( conn );
modified = TRUE;
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
void Project::removeDatabaseConnection( const TQString &c )
for ( DatabaseConnection *conn = dbConnections.first(); conn; conn = ) {
if ( conn->name() == c ) {
dbConnections.removeRef( conn );
delete conn;
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
TQStringList Project::databaseConnectionList()
TQStringList lst;
for ( DatabaseConnection *conn = dbConnections.first(); conn; conn = )
lst << conn->name();
return lst;
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
TQStringList Project::databaseTableList( const TQString &connection )
DatabaseConnection *conn = databaseConnection( connection );
if ( !conn ) {
return TQStringList();
return conn->tables();
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
TQStringList Project::databaseFieldList( const TQString &connection, const TQString &table )
DatabaseConnection *conn = databaseConnection( connection );
if ( !conn )
return TQStringList();
return conn->fields( table );
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
static TQString makeIndent( int indent )
TQString s;
s.fill( ' ', indent * 4 );
return s;
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
static void saveSingleProperty( TQTextStream &ts, const TQString& name, const TQString& value, int indent )
ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<property name=\"" << name << "\">" << endl;
ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<string>" << value << "</string>" << endl;
ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "</property>" << endl;
void Project::saveConnections()
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
if ( dbFile.isEmpty() ) {
TQFileInfo fi( fileName() );
setDatabaseDescription( fi.baseName() + ".db" );
TQFile f( makeAbsolute( dbFile ) );
if ( dbConnections.isEmpty() ) {
if ( f.exists() )
setDatabaseDescription( "" );
modified = TRUE;
/* .db xml */
if ( IO_WriteOnly | IO_Translate ) ) {
TQTextStream ts( &f );
ts.setCodec( TQTextCodec::codecForName( "UTF-8" ) );
ts << "<!DOCTYPE DB><DB version=\"1.0\">" << endl;
/* db connections */
int indent = 0;
for ( DatabaseConnection *conn = dbConnections.first(); conn; conn = ) {
ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<connection>" << endl;
saveSingleProperty( ts, "name", conn->name(), indent );
saveSingleProperty( ts, "driver", conn->driver(), indent );
saveSingleProperty( ts, "database", conn->database(), indent );
saveSingleProperty( ts, "username", conn->username(), indent );
saveSingleProperty( ts, "hostname", conn->hostname(), indent );
saveSingleProperty( ts, "port", TQString::number( conn->port() ), indent );
/* connection tables */
TQStringList tables = conn->tables();
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = tables.begin();
it != tables.end(); ++it ) {
ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<table>" << endl;
saveSingleProperty( ts, "name", (*it), indent );
/* tables fields */
TQStringList fields = conn->fields( *it );
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it2 = fields.begin();
it2 != fields.end(); ++it2 ) {
ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "<field>" << endl;
saveSingleProperty( ts, "name", (*it2), indent );
ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "</field>" << endl;
ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "</table>" << endl;
ts << makeIndent( indent ) << "</connection>" << endl;
ts << "</DB>" << endl;
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
static TQDomElement loadSingleProperty( TQDomElement e, const TQString& name )
TQDomElement n;
for ( n = e.firstChild().toElement();
n = n.nextSibling().toElement() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "property" && n.toElement().attribute("name") == name )
return n;
return n;
void Project::loadConnections()
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
if ( dbFile.isEmpty() || !TQFile::exists( makeAbsolute( dbFile ) ) )
TQFile f( makeAbsolute( dbFile ) );
if ( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
TQDomDocument doc;
TQString errMsg;
int errLine;
if ( doc.setContent( &f, &errMsg, &errLine ) ) {
TQDomElement e;
e = doc.firstChild().toElement();
/* connections */
TQDomNodeList connections = e.toElement().elementsByTagName( "connection" );
for ( uint i = 0; i < connections.length(); i++ ) {
TQDomElement connection = connections.item(i).toElement();
TQDomElement connectionName = loadSingleProperty( connection, "name" );
TQDomElement connectionDriver = loadSingleProperty( connection, "driver" );
TQDomElement connectionDatabase = loadSingleProperty( connection,
"database" );
TQDomElement connectionUsername = loadSingleProperty( connection,
"username" );
TQDomElement connectionHostname = loadSingleProperty( connection,
"hostname" );
TQDomElement connectionPort = loadSingleProperty( connection,
"port" );
DatabaseConnection *conn = new DatabaseConnection( this );
conn->setName( connectionName.firstChild().firstChild().toText().data() );
conn->setDriver( connectionDriver.firstChild().firstChild().toText().data() );
conn->setDatabase( connectionDatabase.firstChild().firstChild().toText().data() );
conn->setUsername( connectionUsername.firstChild().firstChild().toText().data() );
conn->setHostname( connectionHostname.firstChild().firstChild().toText().data() );
conn->setPort( TQString( connectionPort.firstChild().firstChild().toText().data() ).toInt() );
/* connection tables */
TQDomNodeList tables = connection.toElement().elementsByTagName( "table" );
for ( uint j = 0; j < tables.length(); j++ ) {
TQDomElement table = tables.item(j).toElement();
TQDomElement tableName = loadSingleProperty( table, "name" );
conn->addTable( tableName.firstChild().firstChild().toText().data() );
/* table fields */
TQStringList fieldList;
TQDomNodeList fields = table.toElement().elementsByTagName( "field" );
for ( uint k = 0; k < fields.length(); k++ ) {
TQDomElement field = fields.item(k).toElement();
TQDomElement fieldName = loadSingleProperty( field, "name" );
fieldList.append( fieldName.firstChild().firstChild().toText().data() );
conn->setFields( tableName.firstChild().firstChild().toText().data(),
fieldList );
dbConnections.append( conn );
} else {
tqDebug( TQString("Parse error: ") + errMsg + TQString(" in line %d"), errLine );
/*! Opens the database \a connection. The connection remains open and
can be closed again with closeDatabase().
bool Project::openDatabase( const TQString &connection, bool suppressDialog )
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
DatabaseConnection *conn = databaseConnection( connection );
if ( connection.isEmpty() && !conn )
conn = databaseConnection( "(default)" );
if ( !conn )
return FALSE;
bool b = conn->open( suppressDialog );
return b;
Q_UNUSED( connection );
Q_UNUSED( suppressDialog );
return FALSE;
/*! Closes the database \a connection.
void Project::closeDatabase( const TQString &connection )
#ifndef TQT_NO_SQL
DatabaseConnection *conn = databaseConnection( connection );
if ( connection.isEmpty() && !conn )
conn = databaseConnection( "(default)" );
if ( !conn )
Q_UNUSED( connection );
// void Project::formClosed( FormWindow *fw )
// {
// formWindows.remove( fw );
// }
TQObjectList *Project::formList( bool resolveFakeObjects ) const
TQObjectList *l = new TQObjectList;
for ( TQPtrListIterator<FormFile> forms(formfiles); forms.current(); ++forms ) {
FormFile* f = forms.current();
if ( f->formWindow() ) {
if ( resolveFakeObjects && f->formWindow()->isFake() )
l->append( objectForFakeForm( f->formWindow() ) );
l->append( f->formWindow()->child( 0, TQWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) );
} else if ( f->isFake() ) {
l->append( objectForFakeFormFile( f ) );
return l;
DesignerProject *Project::iFace()
if ( !iface )
iface = new DesignerProjectImpl( this );
return iface;
void Project::setLanguage( const TQString &l )
if ( l == lang )
lang = l;
is_cpp = lang == "C++";
modified = TRUE;
TQString Project::language() const
return lang;
void Project::setCustomSetting( const TQString &key, const TQString &value )
customSettings.remove( key );
customSettings.insert( key, value );
modified = TRUE;
TQString Project::customSetting( const TQString &key ) const
return *customSettings.find( key );
void Project::updateCustomSettings()
if ( !projectSettingsPluginManager )
ProjectSettingsInterface *iface = 0;
projectSettingsPluginManager->queryInterface( lang, (TQUnknownInterface**)&iface );
if ( !iface )
csList = iface->projectSettings();
TQInterfacePtr<ProjectSettingsInterface> iface;
projectSettingsPluginManager->queryInterface( lang, &iface );
if ( !iface )
csList = iface->projectSettings();
void Project::setActive( bool b )
pixCollection->setActive( b );
void Project::addSourceFile( SourceFile *sf )
sourcefiles.append( sf );
modified = TRUE;
emit sourceFileAdded( sf );
SourceFile* Project::findSourceFile( const TQString& filename, SourceFile *ignore ) const
TQPtrListIterator<SourceFile> it(sourcefiles);
while ( it.current() ) {
if ( it.current() != ignore && it.current()->fileName() == filename )
return it.current();
return 0;
FormFile* Project::findFormFile( const TQString& filename, FormFile *ignore ) const
TQPtrListIterator<FormFile> it(formfiles);
while ( it.current() ) {
if ( it.current() != ignore && it.current()->fileName() == filename )
return it.current();
return 0;
void Project::setIncludePath( const TQString &platform, const TQString &path )
if ( inclPath[platform] == path )
inclPath.replace( platform, path );
modified = TRUE;
void Project::setLibs( const TQString &platform, const TQString &path )
lbs.replace( platform, path );
void Project::setDefines( const TQString &platform, const TQString &path )
defs.replace( platform, path );
void Project::setConfig( const TQString &platform, const TQString &config )
cfg.replace( platform, config );
TQString Project::config( const TQString &platform ) const
return cfg[ platform ];
TQString Project::libs( const TQString &platform ) const
return lbs[ platform ];
TQString Project::defines( const TQString &platform ) const
return defs[ platform ];
TQString Project::includePath( const TQString &platform ) const
return inclPath[ platform ];
TQString Project::templte() const
return templ;
void Project::setTemplate( const TQString &t )
templ = t;
void Project::readPlatformSettings( const TQString &contents,
const TQString &setting,
TQMap<TQString, TQString> &res )
const TQString platforms[] = { "", "win32", "unix", "mac", TQString() };
for ( int i = 0; platforms[ i ] != TQString(); ++i ) {
TQString p = platforms[ i ];
if ( !p.isEmpty() )
p += ":";
TQStringList lst = parse_multiline_part( contents, p + setting );
TQString s = lst.join( " " );
TQString key = platforms[ i ];
if ( key.isEmpty() )
key = "(all)";
res.replace( key, s );
void Project::removePlatformSettings( TQString &contents, const TQString &setting )
const TQString platforms[] = { "win32", "unix", "mac", "", TQString() };
for ( int i = 0; platforms[ i ] != TQString(); ++i ) {
TQString p = platforms[ i ];
if ( !p.isEmpty() )
p += ":";
remove_multiline_contents( contents, p + setting );
void Project::writePlatformSettings( TQString &contents, const TQString &setting,
const TQMap<TQString, TQString> &input )
const TQString platforms[] = { "", "win32", "unix", "mac", TQString() };
int i;
LanguageInterface *iface = MetaDataBase::languageInterface( lang );
if (iface && (setting == "SOURCES" || setting == "HEADERS")) // The (all) part will be saved later on
i = 1;
i = 0;
for (; platforms[ i ] != TQString(); ++i ) {
TQString p = platforms[ i ];
if ( !p.isEmpty() )
p += ":";
TQString key = platforms[ i ];
if ( key.isEmpty() )
key = "(all)";
TQMap<TQString, TQString>::ConstIterator it = input.find( key );
if ( it == input.end() || (*it).isEmpty() )
contents += p + setting + "\t+= " + *it + "\n";
void Project::addFormFile( FormFile *ff )
formfiles.append( ff );
modified = TRUE;
emit formFileAdded( ff );
bool Project::removeFormFile( FormFile *ff )
if ( !formfiles.containsRef( ff ) )
return FALSE;
if ( !ff->close() )
return FALSE;
formfiles.removeRef( ff );
modified = TRUE;
emit formFileRemoved( ff );
return TRUE;
void Project::addObject( TQObject *o )
bool wasModified = modified;
objs.append( o );
FormFile *ff = new FormFile( "", FALSE, this, "qt_fakewindow" );
ff->setFileName( "__APPOBJ" + TQString( o->name() ) + ".ui" );
fakeFormFiles.insert( (void*)o, ff );
MetaDataBase::addEntry( o );
if ( hasGUI() ) {
TQWidget *parent = MainWindow::self ? MainWindow::self->qWorkspace() : 0;
FormWindow *fw = new FormWindow( ff, MainWindow::self, parent, "qt_fakewindow" );
fw->setProject( this );
if ( TQFile::exists( ff->absFileName() ) )
Resource::loadExtraSource( ff, ff->absFileName(),
MetaDataBase::languageInterface( language() ), FALSE );
if ( MainWindow::self )
fw->setMainWindow( MainWindow::self );
if ( MainWindow::self ) {
TQApplication::sendPostedEvents( MainWindow::self->qWorkspace(), TQEvent::ChildInserted );
connect( fw,
TQT_SIGNAL( undoRedoChanged( bool, bool, const TQString &, const TQString & ) ),
TQT_SLOT( updateUndoRedo( bool, bool, const TQString &, const TQString & ) )
if ( fw->parentWidget() ) {
fw->parentWidget()->setFixedSize( 1, 1 );
} else {
if ( TQFile::exists( ff->absFileName() ) )
Resource::loadExtraSource( ff, ff->absFileName(),
MetaDataBase::languageInterface( language() ), FALSE );
emit objectAdded( o );
modified = wasModified;
void Project::setObjects( const TQObjectList &ol )
for ( TQObjectListIt it( ol ); it.current(); ++it )
addObject( it.current() );
void Project::removeObject( TQObject *o )
bool wasModified = modified;
objs.removeRef( o );
MetaDataBase::removeEntry( o );
fakeFormFiles.remove( (void*)o );
emit objectRemoved( o );
modified = wasModified;
TQObjectList Project::objects() const
return objs;
FormFile *Project::fakeFormFileFor( TQObject *o ) const
return fakeFormFiles.find( (void*)o );
TQObject *Project::objectForFakeForm( FormWindow *fw ) const
for ( TQPtrDictIterator<FormFile> it( fakeFormFiles ); it.current(); ++it ) {
if ( it.current()->formWindow() == fw ||
it.current() == fw->formFile() )
return (TQObject*)it.currentKey();
return 0;
TQObject *Project::objectForFakeFormFile( FormFile *ff ) const
for ( TQPtrDictIterator<FormFile> it( fakeFormFiles ); it.current(); ++it ) {
if ( it.current() == ff )
return (TQObject*)it.currentKey();
return 0;
void Project::removeTempProject()
if ( !singleProjectMode() )
TQDir d( TQFileInfo( filename ).dirPath() );
if ( !d.exists( TQFileInfo( filename ).dirPath() ) )
TQStringList files = d.entryList( TQDir::Files );
TQStringList::Iterator it;
for ( it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it ) {
d.remove( *it );
if ( d.exists( TQFileInfo( filename ).dirPath() + "/images" ) ) {
d = TQDir( TQFileInfo( filename ).dirPath() + "/images" );
files = d.entryList( TQDir::Files );
for ( it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it )
d.remove( *it );
d = TQDir( TQFileInfo( filename ).dirPath() );
d.remove( "images" );
d.remove( TQFileInfo( filename ).dirPath() );
#if defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
// ##### implement for all platforms, ideally should be in TQt
::rmdir( TQFile::encodeName( d.absPath() ) );
void Project::addAndEditFunction( const TQString &function, const TQString &functionBody, bool openDeveloper )
for ( SourceFile *f = sourcefiles.first(); f; f = ) {
if ( TQFileInfo( f->fileName() ).baseName() == "main" ) {
TQValueList<LanguageInterface::Function> funcs;
LanguageInterface *iface = MetaDataBase::languageInterface( language() );
if ( !iface )
iface->functions( f->text(), &funcs );
TQString func = function;
int i = func.find( '(' );
if ( i != -1 )
func = func.left( i );
bool found = FALSE;
for ( TQValueList<LanguageInterface::Function>::Iterator it = funcs.begin();
it != funcs.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).name.left( (*it).name.find( '(' ) ) == func ) {
found = TRUE;
if ( !found ) {
TQString code = f->text();
if ( functionBody.isEmpty() )
code += "\n\n" + iface->createFunctionStart( "", func, "", "" ) + "()\n{\n\n}\n";
code += "\n\n" + iface->createFunctionStart( "", func, "", "" ) +
"()\n" + functionBody + "\n";
f->setText( code );
if ( f->editor() )
f->editor()->refresh( FALSE );
if ( openDeveloper ) {
if ( MainWindow::self )
MainWindow::self->editSource( f );
f->editor()->setFunction( func, "" );
bool Project::hasParentObject( TQObject *o )
for ( TQObject *p = objs.first(); p; p = ) {
TQObject *c = p->child( o->name(), o->className() );
if ( c )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
TQString Project::qualifiedName( TQObject *o )
TQString name = o->name();
TQObject *p = o->parent();
while ( p ) {
name.prepend( TQString( p->name() ) + "." );
if ( objs.findRef( p ) != -1 )
p = p->parent();
return name;
bool Project::singleProjectMode() const
return !MainWindow::self || MainWindow::self->singleProjectMode();
TQWidget *Project::messageBoxParent() const
return MainWindow::self;
void Project::designerCreated()
for ( FormFile *ff = formfiles.first(); ff; ff = ) {
FormWindow *fw = ff->formWindow();
if ( !fw || fw->mainWindow() )
fw->setMainWindow( MainWindow::self );
connect( fw, TQT_SIGNAL( undoRedoChanged( bool, bool, const TQString &,
const TQString & ) ),
MainWindow::self, TQT_SLOT( updateUndoRedo( bool, bool,
const TQString &, const TQString & ) ) );
fw->reparent( MainWindow::self->qWorkspace(), TQPoint( 0, 0 ), FALSE );
TQApplication::sendPostedEvents( MainWindow::self->qWorkspace(),
TQEvent::ChildInserted );
fw->parentWidget()->setFixedSize( 1, 1 );
void Project::formOpened( FormWindow *fw )
if ( fw->isFake() )
emit newFormOpened( fw );
TQString Project::locationOfObject( TQObject *o )
if ( !o )
return TQString();
if ( MainWindow::self ) {
TQWidgetList windows = MainWindow::self->qWorkspace()->windowList();
for ( TQWidget *w = windows.first(); w; w = ) {
FormWindow *fw = ::tqqt_cast<FormWindow*>(w);
SourceEditor *se = ::tqqt_cast<SourceEditor*>(w);
if ( fw ) {
if ( fw->isFake() )
return objectForFakeForm( fw )->name() + TQString( " [Source]" );
return fw->name() + TQString( " [Source]" );
} else if ( se ) {
if ( !se->object() )
if ( se->formWindow() )
return se->formWindow()->name() + TQString( " [Source]" );
return makeRelative( se->sourceFile()->fileName() );
if ( ::tqqt_cast<SourceFile*>(o) ) {
for ( TQPtrListIterator<SourceFile> sources = sourceFiles();
sources.current(); ++sources ) {
SourceFile* f = sources.current();
if ( f == o )
return makeRelative( f->fileName() );
extern TQMap<TQWidget*, TQString> *qwf_forms;
if ( !qwf_forms ) {
tqWarning( "Project::locationOfObject: qwf_forms is NULL!" );
return TQString();
TQString s = makeRelative( *qwf_forms->find( (TQWidget*)o ) );
s += " [Source]";
return s;
bool Project::hasGUI() const
return tqApp->type() != TQApplication::Tty;