You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

2607 lines
76 KiB

** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of Qt Designer.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
** Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See for GPL licensing information.
** See or email for
** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.
#include "tqwidgetfactory.h"
#include "../interfaces/languageinterface.h"
#include "../interfaces/widgetinterface.h"
#include <tqfeatures.h>
#include "database2.h"
#include <tqdom.h>
#include <tqdir.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqmetaobject.h>
#include <domtool.h>
#include <uib.h>
#include <tqapplication.h>
#include <tqtooltip.h>
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
#include <tqobjectlist.h>
#include <private/qpluginmanager_p.h>
#include <tqmime.h>
#include <tqdragobject.h>
#ifndef QT_NO_SQL
#include <tqsqlrecord.h>
#include <tqsqldatabase.h>
#include <tqdatatable.h>
// include all Qt widgets we support
#include <tqpushbutton.h>
#include <tqtoolbutton.h>
#include <tqcheckbox.h>
#include <tqradiobutton.h>
#include <tqgroupbox.h>
#include <tqbuttongroup.h>
#include <tqiconview.h>
#include <tqheader.h>
#ifndef QT_NO_TABLE
#include <tqtable.h>
#include <tqlistbox.h>
#include <tqlistview.h>
#include <tqlineedit.h>
#include <tqspinbox.h>
#include <tqmultilineedit.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tqtabwidget.h>
#include <tqcombobox.h>
#include <tqdialog.h>
#include <tqwizard.h>
#include <tqlcdnumber.h>
#include <tqprogressbar.h>
#include <tqtextview.h>
#include <tqtextbrowser.h>
#include <tqdial.h>
#include <tqslider.h>
#include <tqframe.h>
#include <tqwidgetstack.h>
#include <tqtoolbox.h>
#include <tqtextedit.h>
#include <tqscrollbar.h>
#include <tqmainwindow.h>
#include <tqsplitter.h>
#include <tqaction.h>
#include <tqpopupmenu.h>
#include <tqmenubar.h>
#include <tqpopupmenu.h>
#include <tqdatetimeedit.h>
#include <tqvbox.h>
#include <tqhbox.h>
#include <tqgrid.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
class QWidgetFactoryPrivate
TQCString translationContext;
TQListViewItem *lastItem;
TQDict<bool> customWidgets;
static TQPtrList<TQWidgetFactory> widgetFactories;
static QPluginManager<LanguageInterface> *languageInterfaceManager = 0;
static QPluginManager<WidgetInterface> *widgetInterfaceManager = 0;
static TQMap<TQString, bool> *availableWidgetMap = 0;
static TQStringList *availableWidgetList = 0;
TQMap<TQWidget*, TQString> *qwf_forms = 0;
TQString *qwf_language = 0;
bool qwf_execute_code = TRUE;
bool qwf_stays_on_top = FALSE;
TQString qwf_currFileName = "";
TQObject *qwf_form_object = 0;
TQString *qwf_plugin_dir = 0;
static void setupPluginDir()
if ( !qwf_plugin_dir )
qwf_plugin_dir = new TQString( "/designer" );
static void setupWidgetListAndMap()
if ( availableWidgetMap )
availableWidgetList = new TQStringList;
(*availableWidgetList) << "TQPushButton" << "TQToolButton" << "TQCheckBox" << "TQRadioButton"
<< "TQGroupBox" << "TQButtonGroup" << "TQIconView" << "TQTable"
<< "TQListBox" << "TQListView" << "TQLineEdit" << "TQSpinBox"
<< "TQMultiLineEdit" << "TQLabel" << "TextLabel" << "PixmapLabel"
<< "QLayoutWidget" << "TQTabWidget" << "TQComboBox"
<< "TQWidget" << "TQDialog" << "TQWizard" << "TQLCDNumber";
// put less stress on the compiler by limiting the template nesting depth
(*availableWidgetList) << "TQProgressBar" << "TQTextView" << "TQTextBrowser"
<< "TQDial" << "TQSlider" << "TQFrame" << "Line" << "TQTextEdit"
<< "QDateEdit" << "QTimeEdit" << "QDateTimeEdit" << "TQScrollBar"
<< "TQPopupMenu" << "TQWidgetStack" << "TQMainWindow"
<< "TQDataTable" << "TQDataBrowser" << "TQDataView"
<< "TQVBox" << "TQHBox" << "TQGrid" << "TQToolBox";
if ( !widgetInterfaceManager )
widgetInterfaceManager =
new QPluginManager<WidgetInterface>( IID_Widget, TQApplication::libraryPaths(), *qwf_plugin_dir );
TQStringList l = widgetInterfaceManager->featureList();
TQStringList::Iterator it;
for ( it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it )
(*availableWidgetList) << *it;
availableWidgetMap = new TQMap<TQString, bool>;
for ( it = availableWidgetList->begin(); it != availableWidgetList->end(); ++it )
availableWidgetMap->insert( *it, TRUE );
static TQImage loadImageData( const TQString& format, ulong len, TQByteArray data )
TQImage img;
if ( format == "XPM.GZ" || format == "XBM.GZ" ) {
if ( len < data.size() * 10 )
len = data.size() * 10;
// qUncompress() expects the first 4 bytes to be the expected length of
// the uncompressed data
TQByteArray dataTmp( data.size() + 4 );
memcpy(,, data.size() );
dataTmp[0] = ( len & 0xff000000 ) >> 24;
dataTmp[1] = ( len & 0x00ff0000 ) >> 16;
dataTmp[2] = ( len & 0x0000ff00 ) >> 8;
dataTmp[3] = ( len & 0x000000ff );
TQByteArray baunzip = qUncompress( dataTmp );
len = baunzip.size();
img.loadFromData( (const uchar*), len, format.left(format.find('.')).ascii() );
} else {
img.loadFromData( (const uchar*), data.size(), format.ascii() );
return img;
static TQSizePolicy::SizeType stringToSizeType( const TQString& str )
if ( str == "Fixed" ) {
return TQSizePolicy::Fixed;
} else if ( str == "Minimum" ) {
return TQSizePolicy::Minimum;
} else if ( str == "Maximum" ) {
return TQSizePolicy::Maximum;
} else if ( str == "Preferred" ) {
return TQSizePolicy::Preferred;
} else if ( str == "MinimumExpanding" ) {
return TQSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding;
} else if ( str == "Expanding" ) {
return TQSizePolicy::Expanding;
} else {
return TQSizePolicy::Ignored;
\class QWidgetFactory
\brief The TQWidgetFactory class provides for the dynamic creation of widgets
from Qt Designer .ui files.
This class basically offers two things:
\i Dynamically creating widgets from \link Qt
Designer\endlink user interface description files.
You can do this using the static function TQWidgetFactory::create().
This function also performs signal and slot connections, tab
ordering, etc., as defined in the .ui file, and returns the
top-level widget in the .ui file. After creating the widget you can
use TQObject::child() and TQObject::queryList() to access child
widgets of this returned widget.
\i Adding additional widget factories to be able to create custom
widgets. See createWidget() for details.
This class is not included in the Qt library itself. To use it you
must link against \c (Unix) or \c qui.lib (Windows), which is
built into \c INSTALL/lib if you built \e{Qt Designer} (\c INSTALL is
the directory where Qt is installed ).
See the "Creating Dynamic Dialogs from .ui Files" section of the \link Qt Designer manual\endlink for an example. See
also the \l{QWidgetPlugin} class and the \link plugins-howto.html
Plugins documentation\endlink.
/*! Constructs a TQWidgetFactory. */
: d( new QWidgetFactoryPrivate() ), dbControls( 0 ),
usePixmapCollection( FALSE ), defMargin( 11 ), defSpacing( 6 )
widgetFactories.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
d->customWidgets.setAutoDelete( TRUE );
/*! \fn TQWidgetFactory::~TQWidgetFactory()
delete d;
Loads the \e{Qt Designer} user interface description file \a uiFile
and returns the top-level widget in that description. \a parent and
\a name are passed to the constructor of the top-level widget.
This function also performs signal and slot connections, tab
ordering, etc., as described in the .ui file. In \e{Qt Designer} it
is possible to add custom slots to a form and connect to them. If
you want these connections to be made, you must create a class
derived from TQObject, which implements all these slots. Then pass an
instance of the object as \a connector to this function. If you do
this, the connections to the custom slots will be done using the \a
connector as slot.
If something fails, 0 is returned.
The ownership of the returned widget is passed to the caller.
TQWidget *TQWidgetFactory::create( const TQString &uiFile, TQObject *connector,
TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
TQFile f( uiFile );
bool failed = FALSE;
if ( ! IO_ReadOnly ) )
failed = TRUE;
if ( failed && qApp->type() == TQApplication::Tty ) {
// for QSA: If we have no GUI, we have no form definition
// files, but just the code. So try if only the code exists.
f.setName( uiFile + ".qs" );
failed = ! IO_ReadOnly );
if ( failed )
return 0;
qwf_currFileName = uiFile;
TQWidget *w = TQWidgetFactory::create( &f, connector, parent, name );
if ( !qwf_forms )
qwf_forms = new TQMap<TQWidget*, TQString>;
qwf_forms->insert( w, uiFile );
return w;
#undef slots
/*! \overload
Loads the user interface description from device \a dev.
TQWidget *TQWidgetFactory::create( TQIODevice *dev, TQObject *connector, TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
TQWidget *w = 0;
TQDomDocument doc;
TQString errMsg;
int errLine;
TQWidgetFactory *widgetFactory = new TQWidgetFactory;
widgetFactory->toplevel = 0;
// If we have no GUI, we only want to load the code
if ( qApp->type() != TQApplication::Tty ) {
TQIODevice::Offset start = dev->at();
Q_UINT32 magic;
TQDataStream in( dev );
in >> magic;
if ( magic == UibMagic ) {
w = widgetFactory->createFromUibFile( in, connector, parent, name );
} else {
dev->at( start );
if ( doc.setContent( dev, &errMsg, &errLine ) ) {
w = widgetFactory->createFromUiFile( doc, connector, parent, name );
} else {
// qDebug( TQString("Parse error: ") + errMsg + TQString(" in line %d"), errLine );
if ( !w ) {
delete widgetFactory;
return 0;
if ( !languageInterfaceManager )
languageInterfaceManager =
new QPluginManager<LanguageInterface>( IID_Language, TQApplication::libraryPaths(), *qwf_plugin_dir );
if ( widgetFactory->toplevel ) {
#ifndef QT_NO_SQL
TQMap<TQWidget*, SqlWidgetConnection>::Iterator cit = widgetFactory->sqlWidgetConnections.begin();
for( ; cit != widgetFactory->sqlWidgetConnections.end(); ++cit ) {
if ( widgetFactory->noDatabaseWidgets.find( cit.key()->name() ) !=
widgetFactory->noDatabaseWidgets.end() )
if ( cit.key()->inherits( "QDesignerDataBrowser2" ) )
( (QDesignerDataBrowser2*)cit.key() )->initPreview( (*cit).conn, (*cit).table,
cit.key(), *(*cit).dbControls );
else if ( cit.key()->inherits( "QDesignerDataView2" ) )
( (QDesignerDataView2*)cit.key() )->initPreview( (*cit).conn, (*cit).table,
cit.key(), *(*cit).dbControls );
for ( TQMap<TQString, TQStringList>::Iterator it = widgetFactory->dbTables.begin();
it != widgetFactory->dbTables.end(); ++it ) {
TQDataTable *table = (TQDataTable*)widgetFactory->toplevel->child( it.key().ascii(), "TQDataTable" );
if ( !table )
if ( widgetFactory->noDatabaseWidgets.find( table->name() ) !=
widgetFactory->noDatabaseWidgets.end() )
TQValueList<Field> fieldMap = *widgetFactory->fieldMaps.find( table );
TQString conn = (*it)[ 0 ];
TQSqlCursor* c = 0;
TQSqlDatabase *db = 0;
if ( conn.isEmpty() || conn == "(default)" ) {
db = TQSqlDatabase::database();
c = new TQSqlCursor( (*it)[ 1 ] );
} else {
db = TQSqlDatabase::database( conn );
c = new TQSqlCursor( (*it)[ 1 ], TRUE, db );
if ( db ) {
table->setSqlCursor( c, fieldMap.isEmpty(), TRUE );
table->refresh( TQDataTable::RefreshAll );
for ( TQMap<TQString, TQString>::Iterator it = widgetFactory->buddies.begin();
it != widgetFactory->buddies.end(); ++it ) {
TQLabel *label = (TQLabel*)widgetFactory->toplevel->child( it.key().ascii(), "TQLabel" );
TQWidget *buddy = (TQWidget*)widgetFactory->toplevel->child( (*it).ascii(), "TQWidget" );
if ( label && buddy )
label->setBuddy( buddy );
delete widgetFactory;
return w;
TQWidget *TQWidgetFactory::createFromUiFile( TQDomDocument doc, TQObject *connector,
TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
DomTool::fixDocument( doc );
uiFileVersion = doc.firstChild().toElement().attribute("version");
TQDomElement e = doc.firstChild().toElement().firstChild().toElement();
TQDomElement variables = e;
while ( variables.tagName() != "variables" && !variables.isNull() )
variables = variables.nextSibling().toElement();
TQDomElement slots = e;
while ( slots.tagName() != "slots" && !slots.isNull() )
slots = slots.nextSibling().toElement();
TQDomElement connections = e;
while ( connections.tagName() != "connections" && !connections.isNull() )
connections = connections.nextSibling().toElement();
TQDomElement imageCollection = e;
while ( imageCollection.tagName() != "images" && !imageCollection.isNull() )
imageCollection = imageCollection.nextSibling().toElement();
TQDomElement tabOrder = e;
while ( tabOrder.tagName() != "tabstops" && !tabOrder.isNull() )
tabOrder = tabOrder.nextSibling().toElement();
TQDomElement actions = e;
while ( actions.tagName() != "actions" && !actions.isNull() )
actions = actions.nextSibling().toElement();
TQDomElement toolbars = e;
while ( toolbars.tagName() != "toolbars" && !toolbars.isNull() )
toolbars = toolbars.nextSibling().toElement();
TQDomElement menubar = e;
while ( menubar.tagName() != "menubar" && !menubar.isNull() )
menubar = menubar.nextSibling().toElement();
TQDomElement functions = e;
while ( functions.tagName() != "functions" && !functions.isNull() )
functions = functions.nextSibling().toElement();
TQDomElement widget;
while ( !e.isNull() ) {
if ( e.tagName() == "class" ) {
d->translationContext = e.firstChild().toText().data().ascii();
} else if ( e.tagName() == "widget" ) {
widget = e;
} else if ( e.tagName() == "pixmapinproject" ) {
usePixmapCollection = TRUE;
} else if ( e.tagName() == "layoutdefaults" ) {
defSpacing = e.attribute( "spacing", TQString::number( defSpacing ) ).toInt();
defMargin = e.attribute( "margin", TQString::number( defMargin ) ).toInt();
e = e.nextSibling().toElement();
if ( !imageCollection.isNull() )
loadImageCollection( imageCollection );
createWidgetInternal( widget, parent, 0, widget.attribute("class", "TQWidget") );
TQWidget *w = toplevel;
if ( !w )
return 0;
if ( !actions.isNull() )
loadActions( actions );
if ( !toolbars.isNull() )
loadToolBars( toolbars );
if ( !menubar.isNull() )
loadMenuBar( menubar );
if ( !connections.isNull() )
loadConnections( connections, connector );
if ( w && name && qstrlen( name ) > 0 )
w->setName( name );
if ( !tabOrder.isNull() )
loadTabOrder( tabOrder );
#if 0
if ( !functions.isNull() ) // compatibiliy with early 3.0 betas
loadFunctions( functions );
return w;
void TQWidgetFactory::unpackUInt16( TQDataStream& in, Q_UINT16& n )
Q_UINT8 half;
in >> half;
if ( half == 255 ) {
in >> n;
} else {
n = half;
void TQWidgetFactory::unpackUInt32( TQDataStream& in, Q_UINT32& n )
Q_UINT16 half;
in >> half;
if ( half == 65535 ) {
in >> n;
} else {
n = half;
void TQWidgetFactory::unpackByteArray( TQDataStream& in, TQByteArray& array )
Q_UINT32 size;
unpackUInt32( in, size );
array.resize( size );
in.readRawBytes(, size );
void TQWidgetFactory::unpackCString( const UibStrTable& strings, TQDataStream& in,
TQCString& cstr )
Q_UINT32 n;
unpackUInt32( in, n );
cstr = strings.asCString( n );
void TQWidgetFactory::unpackString( const UibStrTable& strings, TQDataStream& in,
TQString& str )
Q_UINT32 n;
unpackUInt32( in, n );
str = strings.asString( n );
void TQWidgetFactory::unpackStringSplit( const UibStrTable& strings,
TQDataStream& in, TQString& str )
TQString remainder;
unpackString( strings, in, str );
unpackString( strings, in, remainder );
str += remainder;
void TQWidgetFactory::unpackVariant( const UibStrTable& strings, TQDataStream& in,
TQVariant& value )
TQString imageName;
Q_UINT32 number;
Q_UINT16 count;
Q_UINT16 x;
Q_UINT16 y;
Q_UINT16 width;
Q_UINT16 height;
Q_UINT8 bit;
Q_UINT8 type;
in >> type;
switch ( type ) {
case TQVariant::String:
unpackString( strings, in, value.asString() );
case TQVariant::Pixmap:
unpackString( strings, in, imageName );
if ( imageName.isEmpty() ) {
value.asPixmap() = TQPixmap();
} else {
value.asPixmap() = loadPixmap( imageName );
case TQVariant::Image:
unpackString( strings, in, imageName );
if ( imageName.isEmpty() ) {
value.asImage() = TQImage();
} else {
value.asImage() = loadFromCollection( imageName );
case TQVariant::IconSet:
unpackString( strings, in, imageName );
if ( imageName.isEmpty() ) {
value.asIconSet() = TQIconSet();
} else {
value.asIconSet() = TQIconSet( loadPixmap(imageName) );
case TQVariant::StringList:
unpackUInt16( in, count );
while ( count-- ) {
TQString str;
unpackString( strings, in, str );
value.asStringList().append( str );
case TQVariant::Rect:
unpackUInt16( in, x );
unpackUInt16( in, y );
unpackUInt16( in, width );
unpackUInt16( in, height );
value = TQRect( x, y, width, height );
case TQVariant::Size:
unpackUInt16( in, width );
unpackUInt16( in, height );
value = TQSize( width, height );
case TQVariant::Color:
in >> value.asColor();
case TQVariant::Point:
unpackUInt16( in, x );
unpackUInt16( in, y );
value = TQPoint( x, y );
case TQVariant::Int:
unpackUInt32( in, number );
value = (int) number;
case TQVariant::Bool:
in >> bit;
value = TQVariant( bit != 0, 0 );
case TQVariant::Double:
in >> value.asDouble();
case TQVariant::CString:
unpackCString( strings, in, value.asCString() );
case TQVariant::Cursor:
in >> value.asCursor();
case TQVariant::Date:
in >> value.asDate();
case TQVariant::Time:
in >> value.asTime();
case TQVariant::DateTime:
in >> value.asDateTime();
in >> value;
void TQWidgetFactory::inputSpacer( const UibStrTable& strings, TQDataStream& in,
TQLayout *parent )
TQCString name;
TQVariant value;
TQCString comment;
TQSizePolicy::SizeType sizeType = TQSizePolicy::Preferred;
bool vertical = FALSE;
int w = 0;
int h = 0;
Q_UINT16 column = 0;
Q_UINT16 row = 0;
Q_UINT16 colspan = 1;
Q_UINT16 rowspan = 1;
Q_UINT8 objectTag;
in >> objectTag;
while ( !in.atEnd() && objectTag != Object_End ) {
switch ( objectTag ) {
case Object_GridCell:
unpackUInt16( in, column );
unpackUInt16( in, row );
unpackUInt16( in, colspan );
unpackUInt16( in, rowspan );
case Object_VariantProperty:
unpackCString( strings, in, name );
unpackVariant( strings, in, value );
if ( name == "orientation" ) {
vertical = ( value == "Vertical" );
} else if ( name == "sizeHint" ) {
w = value.toSize().width();
h = value.toSize().height();
} else if ( name == "sizeType" ) {
sizeType = stringToSizeType( value.toString() );
qFatal( "Corrupt" );
in >> objectTag;
if ( parent != 0 ) {
TQSpacerItem *spacer;
if ( vertical ) {
spacer = new TQSpacerItem( w, h, TQSizePolicy::Minimum, sizeType );
} else {
spacer = new TQSpacerItem( w, h, sizeType, TQSizePolicy::Minimum );
if ( parent->inherits("TQGridLayout") ) {
((TQGridLayout *) parent)->addMultiCell( spacer, row,
row + rowspan - 1, column, column + colspan - 1,
vertical ? Qt::AlignHCenter : Qt::AlignVCenter );
} else {
parent->addItem( spacer );
void TQWidgetFactory::inputColumnOrRow( const UibStrTable& strings,
TQDataStream& in, TQObject *parent,
bool isRow )
TQString text;
TQPixmap pixmap;
TQString field;
bool clickable = TRUE;
bool resizable = TRUE;
TQCString name;
TQVariant value;
TQCString comment;
TQString str;
Q_UINT8 objectTag;
in >> objectTag;
while ( !in.atEnd() && objectTag != Object_End ) {
switch ( objectTag ) {
case Object_TextProperty:
unpackCString( strings, in, name );
unpackCString( strings, in, value.asCString() );
unpackCString( strings, in, comment );
str = translate( value.asCString().data(), );
if ( name == "field" ) {
field = str;
} else if ( name == "text" ) {
text = str;
case Object_VariantProperty:
unpackCString( strings, in, name );
unpackVariant( strings, in, value );
if ( name == "clickable" ) {
clickable = value.toBool();
} else if ( name == "pixmap" ) {
pixmap = value.asPixmap();
} else if ( name == "resizable" ) {
resizable = value.toBool();
qFatal( "Corrupt" );
in >> objectTag;
if ( parent != 0 ) {
if ( parent->inherits("TQListView") ) {
createListViewColumn( (TQListView *) parent, text, pixmap, clickable,
resizable );
#ifndef QT_NO_TABLE
} else if ( parent->inherits("TQTable") ) {
createTableColumnOrRow( (TQTable *) parent, text, pixmap, field,
isRow );
void TQWidgetFactory::inputItem( const UibStrTable& strings, TQDataStream& in,
TQObject *parent, TQListViewItem *parentItem )
TQStringList texts;
TQValueList<TQPixmap> pixmaps;
TQCString name;
TQVariant value;
TQCString comment;
Q_UINT8 objectTag;
TQListView *listView = 0;
if ( parent != 0 && parent->inherits("TQListView") )
parent = (TQListView *) parent;
TQListViewItem *item = 0;
if ( listView != 0 ) {
if ( parentItem == 0 ) {
item = new TQListViewItem( listView, d->lastItem );
} else {
item = new TQListViewItem( parentItem, d->lastItem );
d->lastItem = item;
in >> objectTag;
while ( !in.atEnd() && objectTag != Object_End ) {
switch ( objectTag ) {
case Object_Item:
if ( listView != 0 )
d->lastItem->setOpen( TRUE );
inputItem( strings, in, parent, item );
case Object_TextProperty:
unpackCString( strings, in, name );
unpackCString( strings, in, value.asCString() );
unpackCString( strings, in, comment );
if ( name == "text" )
texts << translate( value.asCString().data(), );
case Object_VariantProperty:
unpackCString( strings, in, name );
unpackVariant( strings, in, value );
if ( name == "pixmap" )
pixmaps << value.asPixmap();
qFatal( "Corrupt" );
in >> objectTag;
if ( listView != 0 ) {
int i = 0;
TQStringList::ConstIterator t = texts.begin();
while ( t != texts.end() ) {
item->setText( i, *t );
int j = 0;
TQValueList<TQPixmap>::ConstIterator p = pixmaps.begin();
while ( p != pixmaps.end() ) {
item->setPixmap( j, *p );
} else {
TQString text = texts.last();
TQPixmap pixmap = pixmaps.last();
if ( parent != 0 ) {
if ( parent->inherits("TQComboBox") ||
parent->inherits("TQListBox") ) {
TQListBox *listBox = (TQListBox *) parent->qt_cast( "TQListBox" );
if ( listBox == 0 )
listBox = ((TQComboBox *) parent)->listBox();
if ( pixmap.isNull() ) {
(void) new TQListBoxText( listBox, text );
} else {
(void) new TQListBoxPixmap( listBox, pixmap, text );
} else if ( parent->inherits("TQIconView") ) {
(void) new TQIconViewItem( (TQIconView *) parent, text, pixmap );
void TQWidgetFactory::inputMenuItem( TQObject **objects,
const UibStrTable& strings, TQDataStream& in,
TQMenuBar *menuBar )
TQCString name;
TQCString text;
Q_UINT16 actionNo;
Q_UINT8 objectTag;
unpackCString( strings, in, name );
unpackCString( strings, in, text );
TQPopupMenu *popupMenu = new TQPopupMenu( menuBar->parentWidget(), name );
in >> objectTag;
while ( !in.atEnd() && objectTag != Object_End ) {
switch ( objectTag ) {
case Object_ActionRef:
unpackUInt16( in, actionNo );
((TQAction *) objects[actionNo])->addTo( popupMenu );
case Object_Separator:
qFatal( "Corrupt" );
in >> objectTag;
menuBar->insertItem( translate(, popupMenu );
TQObject *TQWidgetFactory::inputObject( TQObject **objects, int& numObjects,
const UibStrTable& strings,
TQDataStream& in, TQWidget *ancestorWidget,
TQObject *parent, TQCString className )
TQObject *obj = 0;
TQWidget *widget = 0;
TQLayout *layout = 0;
TQWidget *parentWidget = 0;
TQLayout *parentLayout = 0;
bool isQObject = !className.isEmpty();
if ( isQObject ) {
if ( parent != 0 ) {
if ( parent->isWidgetType() ) {
if ( parent->inherits("TQMainWindow") ) {
parentWidget = ((TQMainWindow *) parent)->centralWidget();
} else {
parentWidget = (TQWidget *) parent;
} else if ( parent->inherits("TQLayout") ) {
parentLayout = (TQLayout *) parent;
parentWidget = ancestorWidget;
if ( className == "TQAction" ) {
unpackCString( strings, in, className );
if ( className == "TQActionGroup" ) {
obj = new TQActionGroup( parent );
} else {
obj = new TQAction( parent );
} else if ( className == "TQLayout" ) {
unpackCString( strings, in, className );
LayoutType type = Grid;
if ( className == "TQHBoxLayout" ) {
type = HBox;
} else if ( className == "TQVBoxLayout" ) {
type = VBox;
if ( parentLayout != 0 && parentLayout->inherits("TQGridLayout") ) {
layout = createLayout( 0, 0, type );
} else {
layout = createLayout( parentWidget, parentLayout, type );
obj = layout;
} else if ( className == "TQMenuBar" ) {
unpackCString( strings, in, className );
widget = ((TQMainWindow *) parent)->menuBar();
obj = widget;
} else if ( className == "TQToolBar" ) {
Q_UINT8 dock;
in >> dock;
unpackCString( strings, in, className );
widget = new TQToolBar( TQString::null, (TQMainWindow *) parent,
(Qt::Dock) dock );
obj = widget;
} else if ( className == "TQWidget" ) {
unpackCString( strings, in, className );
widget = createWidget( className, parentWidget, 0 );
obj = widget;
if ( widget != 0 )
ancestorWidget = widget;
d->lastItem = 0;
objects[numObjects++] = obj;
TQCString name;
TQVariant value;
TQCString comment;
TQString str;
Q_UINT16 actionNo;
int metAttribute = 0;
Q_UINT16 column = 0;
Q_UINT16 row = 0;
Q_UINT16 colspan = 1;
Q_UINT16 rowspan = 1;
Q_UINT8 paletteTag;
Q_UINT8 objectTag;
in >> objectTag;
while ( !in.atEnd() && objectTag != Object_End ) {
switch ( objectTag ) {
case Object_ActionRef:
unpackUInt16( in, actionNo );
((TQAction *) objects[actionNo])->addTo( (TQToolBar *) widget );
case Object_Attribute:
metAttribute = 2;
case Object_Column:
inputColumnOrRow( strings, in, obj, FALSE );
case Object_Event:
unpackCString( strings, in, name );
unpackVariant( strings, in, value );
// ### do something with value.asStringList()
case Object_FontProperty:
TQFont font;
TQString family;
Q_UINT16 pointSize;
Q_UINT8 fontFlags;
unpackCString( strings, in, name );
in >> fontFlags;
if ( fontFlags & Font_Family ) {
unpackString( strings, in, family );
font.setFamily( family );
if ( fontFlags & Font_PointSize ) {
unpackUInt16( in, pointSize );
font.setPointSize( pointSize );
if ( fontFlags & Font_Bold )
font.setBold( TRUE );
if ( fontFlags & Font_Italic )
font.setItalic( TRUE );
if ( fontFlags & Font_Underline )
font.setUnderline( TRUE );
if ( fontFlags & Font_StrikeOut )
font.setStrikeOut( TRUE );
if ( obj != 0 )
setProperty( obj, name, font );
case Object_GridCell:
unpackUInt16( in, column );
unpackUInt16( in, row );
unpackUInt16( in, colspan );
unpackUInt16( in, rowspan );
case Object_Item:
inputItem( strings, in, obj );
case Object_MenuItem:
inputMenuItem( objects, strings, in, (TQMenuBar *) widget );
case Object_PaletteProperty:
TQPalette palette;
TQColorGroup colorGroup;
TQColor color;
int role = -1;
unpackCString( strings, in, name );
in >> paletteTag;
while ( !in.atEnd() && paletteTag != Palette_End ) {
switch ( paletteTag ) {
case Palette_Active:
palette.setActive( colorGroup );
role = -1;
case Palette_Inactive:
palette.setInactive( colorGroup );
role = -1;
case Palette_Disabled:
palette.setDisabled( colorGroup );
role = -1;
case Palette_Color:
in >> color;
colorGroup.setColor( (TQColorGroup::ColorRole) role,
color );
case Palette_Pixmap:
unpackVariant( strings, in, value );
colorGroup.setBrush( (TQColorGroup::ColorRole) role,
TQBrush(color, value.asPixmap()) );
qFatal( "Corrupt" );
in >> paletteTag;
if ( obj != 0 )
setProperty( obj, name, palette );
case Object_Row:
inputColumnOrRow( strings, in, obj, TRUE );
case Object_Spacer:
inputSpacer( strings, in, layout );
case Object_Separator:
((TQToolBar *) widget)->addSeparator();
case Object_SubAction:
inputObject( objects, numObjects, strings, in, parentWidget,
obj != 0 ? obj : parent, "TQAction" );
case Object_SubLayout:
inputObject( objects, numObjects, strings, in, parentWidget, obj,
"TQLayout" );
case Object_SubWidget:
inputObject( objects, numObjects, strings, in, parentWidget, obj,
"TQWidget" );
case Object_TextProperty:
unpackCString( strings, in, name );
unpackCString( strings, in, value.asCString() );
unpackCString( strings, in, comment );
str = translate( value.asCString().data(), );
if ( metAttribute > 0 ) {
if ( name == "title" ) {
if ( parent != 0 ) {
if ( parent->inherits("TQTabWidget") ) {
((TQTabWidget *) parent)->insertTab( widget, str );
} else if ( parent->inherits("TQWizard") ) {
((TQWizard *) parent)->addPage( widget, str );
} else {
if ( obj != 0 )
setProperty( obj, name, str );
case Object_VariantProperty:
unpackCString( strings, in, name );
unpackVariant( strings, in, value );
if ( metAttribute > 0 ) {
if ( name == "id" ) {
if ( parent != 0 && parent->inherits("TQWidgetStack") )
((TQWidgetStack *) parent)->addWidget( widget, value.toInt() );
} else {
if ( obj != 0 )
setProperty( obj, name, value );
qFatal( "Corrupt" );
in >> objectTag;
if ( parentLayout != 0 ) {
if ( widget != 0 ) {
if ( parentLayout->inherits("TQGridLayout") ) {
((TQGridLayout *) parentLayout)->addMultiCellWidget(
widget, row, row + rowspan - 1, column,
column + colspan - 1 );
} else {
((TQBoxLayout *) parentLayout)->addWidget( widget );
} else if ( layout != 0 ) {
if ( parentLayout->inherits("TQGridLayout") ) {
((TQGridLayout *) parentLayout)->addMultiCellLayout(
layout, row, row + rowspan - 1, column,
column + colspan - 1 );
return obj;
TQWidget *TQWidgetFactory::createFromUibFile( TQDataStream& in,
TQObject * /* connector */ , TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
#define END_OF_BLOCK() \
( in.atEnd() || in.device()->at() >= nextBlock )
Q_UINT8 lf;
Q_UINT8 cr;
in >> lf;
in >> cr;
if ( lf != '\n' || cr != '\r' ) {
qWarning( "File corrupted" );
return 0;
Q_UINT8 qdatastreamVersion;
in >> qdatastreamVersion;
if ( (int) qdatastreamVersion > in.version() ) {
qWarning( "Incompatible version of Qt" );
return 0;
in.setVersion( qdatastreamVersion );
UibStrTable strings;
TQObject **objects = 0;
int numObjects = 0;
Q_UINT8 blockType;
Q_UINT32 blockSize;
in >> blockType;
while ( !in.atEnd() && blockType != Block_End ) {
unpackUInt32( in, blockSize );
TQIODevice::Offset nextBlock = in.device()->at() + blockSize;
switch ( blockType ) {
case Block_Actions:
inputObject( objects, numObjects, strings, in, toplevel, toplevel );
case Block_Buddies:
Q_UINT16 labelNo;
Q_UINT16 buddyNo;
do {
unpackUInt16( in, labelNo );
unpackUInt16( in, buddyNo );
TQLabel *label =
(TQLabel *) objects[labelNo]->qt_cast( "TQLabel" );
if ( label != 0 )
label->setBuddy( (TQWidget *) objects[buddyNo] );
} while ( !END_OF_BLOCK() );
case Block_Connections:
TQString language = "C++";
Q_UINT16 senderNo = 0;
TQString signal = "clicked()";
Q_UINT16 receiverNo = 0;
TQString slot = "accept()";
Q_UINT8 connectionFlags;
do {
in >> connectionFlags;
if ( connectionFlags & Connection_Language )
unpackString( strings, in, language );
if ( connectionFlags & Connection_Sender )
unpackUInt16( in, senderNo );
if ( connectionFlags & Connection_Signal )
unpackStringSplit( strings, in, signal );
if ( connectionFlags & Connection_Receiver )
unpackUInt16( in, receiverNo );
if ( connectionFlags & Connection_Slot )
unpackStringSplit( strings, in, slot );
// ###
#if 0
qWarning( "connect( %p, %s, %p, %s )", objects[senderNo],
signal.latin1(), objects[receiverNo],
slot.latin1() );
} while ( !END_OF_BLOCK() );
case Block_Functions:
// ###
qWarning( "Block_Functions not supported" );
in.device()->at( nextBlock );
case Block_Images:
TQString format;
Q_UINT32 length;
TQByteArray data;
Image image;
do {
unpackString( strings, in, );
unpackString( strings, in, format );
unpackUInt32( in, length );
unpackByteArray( in, data );
image.img = loadImageData( format, length, data );
images += image;
} while ( !END_OF_BLOCK() );
case Block_Intro:
Q_INT16 defaultMargin;
Q_INT16 defaultSpacing;
Q_UINT16 maxObjects;
Q_UINT8 introFlags;
in >> introFlags;
in >> defaultMargin;
in >> defaultSpacing;
unpackUInt16( in, maxObjects );
unpackCString( strings, in, d->translationContext );
if ( introFlags & Intro_Pixmapinproject )
usePixmapCollection = TRUE;
if ( defaultMargin != -32768 )
defMargin = defaultMargin;
if ( defaultSpacing != -32768 )
defSpacing = defaultSpacing;
objects = new TQObject *[maxObjects];
case Block_Menubar:
inputObject( objects, numObjects, strings, in, toplevel, toplevel,
"TQMenuBar" );
case Block_Slots:
TQString language;
TQString slot;
do {
unpackString( strings, in, language );
unpackStringSplit( strings, in, slot );
} while ( !END_OF_BLOCK() );
case Block_Strings:
strings.readBlock( in, blockSize );
case Block_Tabstops:
Q_UINT16 beforeNo;
Q_UINT16 afterNo;
unpackUInt16( in, beforeNo );
while ( !END_OF_BLOCK() ) {
unpackUInt16( in, afterNo );
toplevel->setTabOrder( (TQWidget *) objects[beforeNo],
(TQWidget *) objects[afterNo] );
beforeNo = afterNo;
case Block_Toolbars:
do {
inputObject( objects, numObjects, strings, in, toplevel,
toplevel, "TQToolBar" );
} while ( !END_OF_BLOCK() );
case Block_Variables:
// ###
qWarning( "Block_Variables not supported" );
in.device()->at( nextBlock );
case Block_Widget:
toplevel = (TQWidget *)
inputObject( objects, numObjects, strings, in, toplevel, parent,
"TQWidget" );
if ( toplevel != 0 )
toplevel->setName( name );
qWarning( "Version error" );
return 0;
in >> blockType;
delete[] objects;
return toplevel;
/*! Installs a widget factory \a factory, which normally contains
additional widgets that can then be created using a TQWidgetFactory.
See createWidget() for further details.
void TQWidgetFactory::addWidgetFactory( TQWidgetFactory *factory )
widgetFactories.append( factory );
Creates a widget of the type \a className passing \a parent and \a
name to its constructor.
If \a className is a widget in the Qt library, it is directly
created by this function. If the widget isn't in the Qt library,
each of the installed widget plugins is asked, in turn, to create
the widget. As soon as a plugin says it can create the widget it
is asked to do so. It may occur that none of the plugins can
create the widget, in which case each installed widget factory is
asked to create the widget (see addWidgetFactory()). If the widget
cannot be created by any of these means, 0 is returned.
If you have a custom widget, and want it to be created using the
widget factory, there are two approaches you can use:
\list 1
\i Write a widget plugin. This allows you to use the widget in
\e{Qt Designer} and in this TQWidgetFactory. See the widget plugin
documentation for further details. (See the "Creating Custom
Widgets with Plugins" section of the \link Qt
Designer manual\endlink for an example.
\i Subclass TQWidgetFactory. Then reimplement this function to
create and return an instance of your custom widget if \a
className equals the name of your widget, otherwise return 0. Then
at the beginning of your program where you want to use the widget
factory to create widgets do a:
TQWidgetFactory::addWidgetFactory( new MyWidgetFactory );
where MyWidgetFactory is your TQWidgetFactory subclass.
TQWidget *TQWidgetFactory::createWidget( const TQString &className, TQWidget *parent,
const char *name ) const
// create widgets we know
if ( className == "TQPushButton" ) {
return new TQPushButton( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQToolButton" ) {
return new TQToolButton( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQCheckBox" ) {
return new TQCheckBox( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQRadioButton" ) {
return new TQRadioButton( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQGroupBox" ) {
return new TQGroupBox( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQButtonGroup" ) {
return new TQButtonGroup( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQIconView" ) {
#if !defined(QT_NO_ICONVIEW)
return new TQIconView( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQTable" ) {
#if !defined(QT_NO_TABLE)
return new TQTable( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQListBox" ) {
return new TQListBox( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQListView" ) {
return new TQListView( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQLineEdit" ) {
return new TQLineEdit( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQSpinBox" ) {
return new TQSpinBox( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQMultiLineEdit" ) {
return new TQMultiLineEdit( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQLabel" || className == "TextLabel" || className == "PixmapLabel" ) {
return new TQLabel( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "QLayoutWidget" ) {
return new TQWidget( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQTabWidget" ) {
return new TQTabWidget( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQComboBox" ) {
return new TQComboBox( FALSE, parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQWidget" ) {
if ( !qwf_stays_on_top )
return new TQWidget( parent, name );
return new TQWidget( parent, name, Qt::WStyle_StaysOnTop );
} else if ( className == "TQDialog" ) {
if ( !qwf_stays_on_top )
return new TQDialog( parent, name );
return new TQDialog( parent, name, FALSE, Qt::WStyle_StaysOnTop );
} else if ( className == "TQWizard" ) {
return new TQWizard( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQLCDNumber" ) {
return new TQLCDNumber( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQProgressBar" ) {
return new TQProgressBar( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQTextView" ) {
return new TQTextView( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQTextBrowser" ) {
return new TQTextBrowser( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQDial" ) {
return new TQDial( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQSlider" ) {
return new TQSlider( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQFrame" ) {
return new TQFrame( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQSplitter" ) {
return new TQSplitter( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "Line" ) {
TQFrame *f = new TQFrame( parent, name );
f->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::HLine | TQFrame::Sunken );
return f;
} else if ( className == "TQTextEdit" ) {
return new TQTextEdit( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "QDateEdit" ) {
return new QDateEdit( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "QTimeEdit" ) {
return new QTimeEdit( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "QDateTimeEdit" ) {
return new QDateTimeEdit( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQScrollBar" ) {
return new TQScrollBar( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQPopupMenu" ) {
return new TQPopupMenu( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQWidgetStack" ) {
return new TQWidgetStack( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQToolBox" ) {
return new TQToolBox( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQVBox" ) {
return new TQVBox( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQHBox" ) {
return new TQHBox( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQGrid" ) {
return new TQGrid( 4, parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQMainWindow" ) {
TQMainWindow *mw = 0;
if ( !qwf_stays_on_top )
mw = new TQMainWindow( parent, name );
mw = new TQMainWindow( parent, name, Qt::WType_TopLevel | Qt::WStyle_StaysOnTop );
mw->setCentralWidget( new TQWidget( mw, "qt_central_widget" ) );
return mw;
#if !defined(QT_NO_SQL)
else if ( className == "TQDataTable" ) {
return new TQDataTable( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQDataBrowser" ) {
return new QDesignerDataBrowser2( parent, name );
} else if ( className == "TQDataView" ) {
return new QDesignerDataView2( parent, name );
// try to create it using the loaded widget plugins
if ( !widgetInterfaceManager )
widgetInterfaceManager =
new QPluginManager<WidgetInterface>( IID_Widget, TQApplication::libraryPaths(),
*qwf_plugin_dir );
QInterfacePtr<WidgetInterface> iface = 0;
widgetInterfaceManager->queryInterface( className, &iface );
if ( iface ) {
TQWidget *w = iface->create( className, parent, name );
if ( w ) {
d->customWidgets.replace( className.latin1(), new bool(TRUE) );
return w;
// hope we have a factory which can do it
for ( TQWidgetFactory* f = widgetFactories.first(); f; f = ) {
TQWidget *w = f->createWidget( className, parent, name );
if ( w )
return w;
// no success
return 0;
/*! Returns the names of the widgets, which this facory can create. */
TQStringList TQWidgetFactory::widgets()
return *availableWidgetList;
/*! Returns whether this widget factory can create the widget \a
widget */
bool TQWidgetFactory::supportsWidget( const TQString &widget )
return ( availableWidgetMap->find( widget ) != availableWidgetMap->end() );
TQWidget *TQWidgetFactory::createWidgetInternal( const TQDomElement &e, TQWidget *parent,
TQLayout* layout, const TQString &classNameArg )
d->lastItem = 0;
TQDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
TQWidget *w = 0; // the widget that got created
TQObject *obj = 0; // gets the properties
TQString className = classNameArg;
int row = e.attribute( "row" ).toInt();
int col = e.attribute( "column" ).toInt();
int rowspan = e.attribute( "rowspan" ).toInt();
int colspan = e.attribute( "colspan" ).toInt();
if ( rowspan < 1 )
rowspan = 1;
if ( colspan < 1 )
colspan = 1;
bool isQLayoutWidget = FALSE;
if ( !className.isEmpty() ) {
if ( !layout && className == "QLayoutWidget" ) {
className = "TQWidget";
isQLayoutWidget = TRUE;
if ( layout && className == "QLayoutWidget" ) {
// hide layout widgets
w = parent;
} else {
obj = TQWidgetFactory::createWidget( className, parent, 0 );
if ( !obj )
return 0;
w = (TQWidget*)obj;
if ( !toplevel )
toplevel = w;
if ( w->inherits( "TQMainWindow" ) )
w = ( (TQMainWindow*)w )->centralWidget();
if ( layout ) {
switch( layoutType( layout ) ) {
case HBox:
( (TQHBoxLayout*)layout )->addWidget( w );
case VBox:
( (TQVBoxLayout*)layout )->addWidget( w );
case Grid:
( (TQGridLayout*)layout )->addMultiCellWidget( w, row, row + rowspan - 1,
col, col + colspan - 1 );
layout = 0;
TQString parentClassName = parent ? parent->className() : 0;
bool isPlugin = parent ? !!d->customWidgets.find( parent->className() ) : FALSE;
if ( isPlugin )
qWarning( "####### loading custom container widgets without page support not implemented!" );
// ### TODO loading for custom container widgets without pages
int idx = 0;
while ( !n.isNull() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "spacer" ) {
createSpacer( n, layout );
} else if ( n.tagName() == "widget" ) {
TQMap< TQString, TQString> *oldDbControls = dbControls;
createWidgetInternal( n, w, layout, n.attribute( "class", "TQWidget" ) );
dbControls = oldDbControls;
} else if ( n.tagName() == "hbox" ) {
TQLayout *parentLayout = layout;
if ( layout && layout->inherits( "TQGridLayout" ) )
layout = createLayout( 0, 0, TQWidgetFactory::HBox, isQLayoutWidget );
layout = createLayout( w, layout, TQWidgetFactory::HBox, isQLayoutWidget );
obj = layout;
n = n.firstChild().toElement();
if ( parentLayout && parentLayout->inherits( "TQGridLayout" ) )
( (TQGridLayout*)parentLayout )->addMultiCellLayout( layout, row,
row + rowspan - 1, col, col + colspan - 1 );
} else if ( n.tagName() == "grid" ) {
TQLayout *parentLayout = layout;
if ( layout && layout->inherits( "TQGridLayout" ) )
layout = createLayout( 0, 0, TQWidgetFactory::Grid, isQLayoutWidget );
layout = createLayout( w, layout, TQWidgetFactory::Grid, isQLayoutWidget );
obj = layout;
n = n.firstChild().toElement();
if ( parentLayout && parentLayout->inherits( "TQGridLayout" ) )
( (TQGridLayout*)parentLayout )->addMultiCellLayout( layout, row,
row + rowspan - 1, col, col + colspan - 1 );
} else if ( n.tagName() == "vbox" ) {
TQLayout *parentLayout = layout;
if ( layout && layout->inherits( "TQGridLayout" ) )
layout = createLayout( 0, 0, TQWidgetFactory::VBox, isQLayoutWidget );
layout = createLayout( w, layout, TQWidgetFactory::VBox, isQLayoutWidget );
obj = layout;
n = n.firstChild().toElement();
if ( parentLayout && parentLayout->inherits( "TQGridLayout" ) )
( (TQGridLayout*)parentLayout )->addMultiCellLayout( layout, row,
row + rowspan - 1, col, col + colspan - 1 );
} else if ( n.tagName() == "property" && obj ) {
setProperty( obj, n.attribute( "name" ), n.firstChild().toElement() );
} else if ( n.tagName() == "attribute" && w ) {
TQString attrib = n.attribute( "name" );
TQVariant v = DomTool::elementToVariant( n.firstChild().toElement(), TQVariant() );
if ( parent ) {
if ( parent->inherits( "TQTabWidget" ) ) {
if ( attrib == "title" )
( (TQTabWidget*)parent )->insertTab( w, translate( v.toString() ) );
} else if ( parent->inherits( "TQWidgetStack" ) ) {
if ( attrib == "id" )
( (TQWidgetStack*)parent )->addWidget( w, v.toInt() );
} else if ( parent->inherits( "TQToolBox" ) ) {
if ( attrib == "label" )
( (TQToolBox*)parent )->addItem( w, v.toString() );
} else if ( parent->inherits( "TQWizard" ) ) {
if ( attrib == "title" )
( (TQWizard*)parent )->addPage( w, translate( v.toString() ) );
} else if ( isPlugin ) {
if ( attrib == "label" ) {
WidgetInterface *iface = 0;
widgetInterfaceManager->queryInterface( parentClassName, &iface );
if ( iface ) {
QWidgetContainerInterfacePrivate *iface2 = 0;
iface->queryInterface( IID_QWidgetContainer,
(QUnknownInterface**)&iface2 );
if ( iface2 ) {
iface2->insertPage( parentClassName,
(TQWidget*)parent, translate( v.toString() ), -1, w );
} else if ( n.tagName() == "item" ) {
createItem( n, w );
} else if ( n.tagName() == "column" || n.tagName() == "row" ) {
createColumn( n, w );
n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
return w;
TQLayout *TQWidgetFactory::createLayout( TQWidget *widget, TQLayout* layout,
LayoutType type, bool isQLayoutWidget )
int spacing = defSpacing;
int margin = defMargin;
if ( layout || !widget || isQLayoutWidget )
margin = 0;
if ( !layout && widget && widget->inherits( "TQTabWidget" ) )
widget = ((TQTabWidget*)widget)->currentPage();
if ( !layout && widget && widget->inherits( "TQWizard" ) )
widget = ((TQWizard*)widget)->currentPage();
if ( !layout && widget && widget->inherits( "TQWidgetStack" ) )
widget = ((TQWidgetStack*)widget)->visibleWidget();
if ( !layout && widget && widget->inherits( "TQToolBox" ) )
widget = ((TQToolBox*)widget)->currentItem();
TQLayout *l = 0;
int align = 0;
if ( !layout && widget && widget->inherits( "TQGroupBox" ) ) {
TQGroupBox *gb = (TQGroupBox*)widget;
gb->setColumnLayout( 0, Qt::Vertical );
layout = gb->layout();
layout->setMargin( 0 );
layout->setSpacing( 0 );
align = Qt::AlignTop;
if ( layout ) {
switch ( type ) {
case HBox:
l = new TQHBoxLayout( layout );
case VBox:
l = new TQVBoxLayout( layout );
case Grid:
l = new TQGridLayout( layout );
return 0;
} else {
switch ( type ) {
case HBox:
l = new TQHBoxLayout( widget );
case VBox:
l = new TQVBoxLayout( widget );
case Grid:
l = new TQGridLayout( widget );
return 0;
l->setAlignment( align );
l->setMargin( margin );
l->setSpacing( spacing );
return l;
TQWidgetFactory::LayoutType TQWidgetFactory::layoutType( TQLayout *layout ) const
if ( layout->inherits( "TQHBoxLayout" ) )
return HBox;
else if ( layout->inherits( "TQVBoxLayout" ) )
return VBox;
else if ( layout->inherits( "TQGridLayout" ) )
return Grid;
return NoLayout;
void TQWidgetFactory::setProperty( TQObject* obj, const TQString &prop,
TQVariant value )
int offset = obj->metaObject()->findProperty( prop.ascii(), TRUE );
if ( offset != -1 ) {
if ( prop == "geometry" && obj == toplevel ) {
toplevel->resize( value.toRect().size() );
} else if ( prop == "accel" ) {
obj->setProperty( prop.ascii(), value.toKeySequence() );
} else {
if ( value.type() == TQVariant::String ||
value.type() == TQVariant::CString ) {
const TQMetaProperty *metaProp =
obj->metaObject()->property( offset, TRUE );
if ( metaProp != 0 && metaProp->isEnumType() ) {
if ( metaProp->isSetType() ) {
TQStrList flagsCStr;
TQStringList flagsStr =
TQStringList::split( '|', value.asString() );
TQStringList::ConstIterator f = flagsStr.begin();
while ( f != flagsStr.end() ) {
flagsCStr.append( (*f).ascii() );
value = TQVariant( metaProp->keysToValue(flagsCStr) );
} else {
TQCString key = value.toCString();
value = TQVariant( metaProp->keyToValue(key) );
obj->setProperty( prop.ascii(), value );
} else {
if ( obj->isWidgetType() ) {
if ( prop == "toolTip" ) {
if ( !value.toString().isEmpty() )
TQToolTip::add( (TQWidget*)obj, translate( value.toString() ) );
} else if ( prop == "whatsThis" ) {
if ( !value.toString().isEmpty() )
TQWhatsThis::add( (TQWidget*)obj, translate( value.toString() ) );
} else if ( prop == "buddy" ) {
buddies.insert( obj->name(), value.toCString() );
} else if ( prop == "buttonGroupId" ) {
if ( obj->inherits( "TQButton" ) && obj->parent()->inherits( "TQButtonGroup" ) )
( (TQButtonGroup*)obj->parent() )->insert( (TQButton*)obj, value.toInt() );
#ifndef QT_NO_SQL
} else if ( prop == "database" && !obj->inherits( "TQDataView" )
&& !obj->inherits( "TQDataBrowser" ) ) {
const TQStringList& lst = value.asStringList();
if ( lst.count() > 2 ) {
if ( dbControls )
dbControls->insert( obj->name(), lst[ 2 ] );
} else if ( lst.count() == 2 ) {
dbTables.insert( obj->name(), lst );
} else if ( prop == "database" ) {
const TQStringList& lst = value.asStringList();
if ( lst.count() == 2 && obj->inherits( "TQWidget" ) ) {
SqlWidgetConnection conn( lst[ 0 ], lst[ 1 ] );
sqlWidgetConnections.insert( (TQWidget*)obj, conn );
dbControls = conn.dbControls;
} else if ( prop == "frameworkCode" ) {
if ( value.isValid() && !value.toBool() )
noDatabaseWidgets << obj->name();
void TQWidgetFactory::setProperty( TQObject* widget, const TQString &prop, const TQDomElement &e )
TQString comment;
TQVariant value( DomTool::elementToVariant( e, TQVariant(), comment ) );
if ( e.tagName() == "string" ) {
value = translate( value.asString(), comment );
} else if ( e.tagName() == "pixmap" ) {
TQPixmap pix = loadPixmap( value.toString() );
if ( !pix.isNull() )
value = pix;
} else if ( e.tagName() == "iconset" ) {
TQPixmap pix = loadPixmap( value.toString() );
if ( !pix.isNull() )
value = TQIconSet( pix );
} else if ( e.tagName() == "image" ) {
value = loadFromCollection( value.toString() );
} else if ( e.tagName() == "palette" ) {
TQDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
TQPalette p;
while ( !n.isNull() ) {
TQColorGroup cg;
if ( n.tagName() == "active" ) {
cg = loadColorGroup( n );
p.setActive( cg );
} else if ( n.tagName() == "inactive" ) {
cg = loadColorGroup( n );
p.setInactive( cg );
} else if ( n.tagName() == "disabled" ) {
cg = loadColorGroup( n );
p.setDisabled( cg );
n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
value = p;
setProperty( widget, prop, value );
void TQWidgetFactory::createSpacer( const TQDomElement &e, TQLayout *layout )
TQDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
int row = e.attribute( "row" ).toInt();
int col = e.attribute( "column" ).toInt();
int rowspan = e.attribute( "rowspan" ).toInt();
int colspan = e.attribute( "colspan" ).toInt();
Qt::Orientation orient = Qt::Horizontal;
int w = 0, h = 0;
TQSizePolicy::SizeType sizeType = TQSizePolicy::Preferred;
while ( !n.isNull() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "property" ) {
TQString prop = n.attribute( "name" );
if ( prop == "orientation" ) {
if ( n.firstChild().firstChild().toText().data() == "Horizontal" )
orient = Qt::Horizontal;
orient = Qt::Vertical;
} else if ( prop == "sizeType" ) {
sizeType = stringToSizeType( n.firstChild().firstChild().toText().data() );
} else if ( prop == "sizeHint" ) {
w = n.firstChild().firstChild().firstChild().toText().data().toInt();
h = n.firstChild().firstChild().nextSibling().firstChild().toText().data().toInt();
n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
if ( rowspan < 1 )
rowspan = 1;
if ( colspan < 1 )
colspan = 1;
TQSpacerItem *item = new TQSpacerItem( w, h, orient == Qt::Horizontal ? sizeType : TQSizePolicy::Minimum,
orient == Qt::Vertical ? sizeType : TQSizePolicy::Minimum );
if ( layout ) {
if ( layout->inherits( "TQBoxLayout" ) )
( (TQBoxLayout*)layout )->addItem( item );
( (TQGridLayout*)layout )->addMultiCell( item, row, row + rowspan - 1, col, col + colspan - 1,
orient == Qt::Horizontal ? Qt::AlignVCenter : Qt::AlignHCenter );
static TQImage loadImageData( TQDomElement &n2 )
TQString format = n2.attribute( "format", "PNG" );
TQString hex = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
int n = hex.length() / 2;
TQByteArray data( n );
for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ )
data[i] = (char) hex.mid( 2 * i, 2 ).toUInt( 0, 16 );
return loadImageData( format, n2.attribute("length").toULong(), data );
void TQWidgetFactory::loadImageCollection( const TQDomElement &e )
TQDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
while ( !n.isNull() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "image" ) {
Image img; = n.attribute( "name" );
TQDomElement n2 = n.firstChild().toElement();
while ( !n2.isNull() ) {
if ( n2.tagName() == "data" )
img.img = loadImageData( n2 );
n2 = n2.nextSibling().toElement();
images.append( img );
n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
TQImage TQWidgetFactory::loadFromCollection( const TQString &name )
TQValueList<Image>::Iterator it = images.begin();
for ( ; it != images.end(); ++it ) {
if ( ( *it ).name == name )
return ( *it ).img;
return TQImage();
TQPixmap TQWidgetFactory::loadPixmap( const TQString& name )
TQPixmap pix;
if ( usePixmapCollection ) {
const TQMimeSource *m = TQMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->data( name );
if ( m )
TQImageDrag::decode( m, pix );
} else {
pix.convertFromImage( loadFromCollection(name) );
return pix;
TQPixmap TQWidgetFactory::loadPixmap( const TQDomElement &e )
return loadPixmap( e.firstChild().toText().data() );
TQColorGroup TQWidgetFactory::loadColorGroup( const TQDomElement &e )
TQColorGroup cg;
int r = -1;
TQDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
TQColor col;
while ( !n.isNull() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "color" ) {
cg.setColor( (TQColorGroup::ColorRole)r, (col = DomTool::readColor( n ) ) );
} else if ( n.tagName() == "pixmap" ) {
TQPixmap pix = loadPixmap( n );
cg.setBrush( (TQColorGroup::ColorRole)r, TQBrush( col, pix ) );
n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
return cg;
struct Connection
TQObject *sender, *receiver;
TQCString signal, slot;
bool operator==( const Connection &c ) const {
return sender == c.sender && receiver == c.receiver &&
signal == c.signal && slot == c.slot ;
Connection() : sender( 0 ), receiver( 0 ) { }
class NormalizeObject : public QObject
NormalizeObject() : TQObject() {}
static TQCString normalizeSignalSlot( const char *signalSlot ) { return TQObject::normalizeSignalSlot( signalSlot ); }
void TQWidgetFactory::loadConnections( const TQDomElement &e, TQObject *connector )
TQDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
while ( !n.isNull() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "connection" ) {
TQString lang = n.attribute( "language", "C++" );
TQDomElement n2 = n.firstChild().toElement();
Connection conn;
while ( !n2.isNull() ) {
if ( n2.tagName() == "sender" ) {
TQString name = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
if ( name == "this" || qstrcmp( toplevel->name(), name.ascii() ) == 0 ) {
conn.sender = toplevel;
} else {
if ( name == "this" )
name = toplevel->name();
TQObjectList *l = toplevel->queryList( 0, name.ascii(), FALSE );
if ( l ) {
if ( l->first() )
conn.sender = l->first();
delete l;
if ( !conn.sender )
conn.sender = findAction( name );
} else if ( n2.tagName() == "signal" ) {
conn.signal = n2.firstChild().toText().data().ascii();
} else if ( n2.tagName() == "receiver" ) {
TQString name = n2.firstChild().toText().data();
if ( name == "this" || qstrcmp( toplevel->name(), name.ascii() ) == 0 ) {
conn.receiver = toplevel;
} else {
TQObjectList *l = toplevel->queryList( 0, name.ascii(), FALSE );
if ( l ) {
if ( l->first() )
conn.receiver = l->first();
delete l;
} else if ( n2.tagName() == "slot" ) {
conn.slot = n2.firstChild().toText().data().ascii();
n2 = n2.nextSibling().toElement();
conn.signal = NormalizeObject::normalizeSignalSlot( conn.signal );
conn.slot = NormalizeObject::normalizeSignalSlot( conn.slot );
if ( !conn.sender || !conn.receiver ) {
n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
TQObject *sender = 0, *receiver = 0;
TQObjectList *l = toplevel->queryList( 0, conn.sender->name(), FALSE );
if ( qstrcmp( conn.sender->name(), toplevel->name() ) == 0 ) {
sender = toplevel;
} else {
if ( !l || !l->first() ) {
delete l;
n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
sender = l->first();
delete l;
if ( !sender )
sender = findAction( conn.sender->name() );
if ( qstrcmp( conn.receiver->name(), toplevel->name() ) == 0 ) {
receiver = toplevel;
} else {
l = toplevel->queryList( 0, conn.receiver->name(), FALSE );
if ( !l || !l->first() ) {
delete l;
n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
receiver = l->first();
delete l;
TQString s = "2""%1";
s = s.arg( conn.signal );
TQString s2 = "1""%1";
s2 = s2.arg( conn.slot );
TQStrList signalList = sender->metaObject()->signalNames( TRUE );
TQStrList slotList = receiver->metaObject()->slotNames( TRUE );
// if this is a connection to a custom slot and we have a connector, try this as receiver
if ( slotList.find( conn.slot ) == -1 && receiver == toplevel && connector ) {
slotList = connector->metaObject()->slotNames( TRUE );
receiver = connector;
// avoid warnings
if ( signalList.find( conn.signal ) == -1 ||
slotList.find( conn.slot ) == -1 ) {
n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
TQObject::connect( sender, s.ascii(), receiver, s2.ascii() );
n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
void TQWidgetFactory::loadTabOrder( const TQDomElement &e )
TQWidget *last = 0;
TQDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
while ( !n.isNull() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "tabstop" ) {
TQString name = n.firstChild().toText().data();
TQObjectList *l = toplevel->queryList( 0, name.ascii(), FALSE );
if ( l ) {
if ( l->first() ) {
TQWidget *w = (TQWidget*)l->first();
if ( last )
toplevel->setTabOrder( last, w );
last = w;
delete l;
n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
void TQWidgetFactory::createListViewColumn( TQListView *lv, const TQString& txt,
const TQPixmap& pix, bool clickable,
bool resizable )
if ( pix.isNull() ) {
lv->addColumn( txt );
} else {
lv->addColumn( pix, txt );
int i = lv->header()->count() - 1;
if ( !pix.isNull() )
lv->header()->setLabel( i, pix, txt );
if ( !clickable )
lv->header()->setClickEnabled( clickable, i );
if ( !resizable )
lv->header()->setResizeEnabled( resizable, i );
#ifndef QT_NO_TABLE
void TQWidgetFactory::createTableColumnOrRow( TQTable *table, const TQString& txt,
const TQPixmap& pix,
const TQString& field, bool isRow )
#ifndef QT_NO_SQL
bool isSql = table->inherits( "TQDataTable" );
if ( isRow )
table->setNumRows( table->numRows() + 1 );
else {
#ifndef QT_NO_SQL
if ( !isSql )
table->setNumCols( table->numCols() + 1 );
TQValueList<Field> fieldMap;
if ( fieldMaps.find( table ) != fieldMaps.end() ) {
fieldMap = *fieldMaps.find( table );
fieldMaps.remove( table );
int i = isRow ? table->numRows() - 1 : table->numCols() - 1;
TQHeader *h = !isRow ? table->horizontalHeader() : table->verticalHeader();
if ( !pix.isNull() ) {
#ifndef QT_NO_SQL
if ( isSql )
((TQDataTable*)table)->addColumn( field, txt, -1, pix );
h->setLabel( i, pix, txt );
} else {
#ifndef QT_NO_SQL
if ( isSql )
((TQDataTable*)table)->addColumn( field, txt );
h->setLabel( i, txt );
if ( !isRow && !field.isEmpty() ) {
fieldMap.append( Field( txt, pix, field ) );
fieldMaps.insert( table, fieldMap );
void TQWidgetFactory::createColumn( const TQDomElement &e, TQWidget *widget )
if ( widget->inherits( "TQListView" ) && e.tagName() == "column" ) {
TQListView *lv = (TQListView*)widget;
TQDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
TQPixmap pix;
TQString txt;
bool clickable = TRUE, resizable = TRUE;
while ( !n.isNull() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "property" ) {
TQString attrib = n.attribute( "name" );
TQVariant v = DomTool::elementToVariant( n.firstChild().toElement(), TQVariant() );
if ( attrib == "text" )
txt = translate( v.toString() );
else if ( attrib == "pixmap" )
pix = loadPixmap( n.firstChild().toElement().toElement() );
else if ( attrib == "clickable" )
clickable = v.toBool();
else if ( attrib == "resizable" || attrib == "resizeable" )
resizable = v.toBool();
n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
createListViewColumn( lv, txt, pix, clickable, resizable );
#ifndef QT_NO_TABLE
else if ( widget->inherits( "TQTable" ) ) {
TQTable *table = (TQTable*)widget;
TQDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
TQPixmap pix;
TQString txt;
TQString field;
while ( !n.isNull() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "property" ) {
TQString attrib = n.attribute( "name" );
TQVariant v = DomTool::elementToVariant( n.firstChild().toElement(), TQVariant() );
if ( attrib == "text" )
txt = translate( v.toString() );
else if ( attrib == "pixmap" ) {
if ( !n.firstChild().firstChild().toText().data().isEmpty() )
pix = loadPixmap( n.firstChild().toElement().toElement() );
} else if ( attrib == "field" )
field = translate( v.toString() );
n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
createTableColumnOrRow( table, txt, pix, field, e.tagName() == "row" );
void TQWidgetFactory::loadItem( const TQDomElement &e, TQPixmap &pix, TQString &txt, bool &hasPixmap )
TQDomElement n = e;
hasPixmap = FALSE;
while ( !n.isNull() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "property" ) {
TQString attrib = n.attribute( "name" );
TQVariant v = DomTool::elementToVariant( n.firstChild().toElement(), TQVariant() );
if ( attrib == "text" )
txt = translate( v.toString() );
else if ( attrib == "pixmap" ) {
pix = loadPixmap( n.firstChild().toElement() );
hasPixmap = !pix.isNull();
n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
void TQWidgetFactory::createItem( const TQDomElement &e, TQWidget *widget, TQListViewItem *i )
if ( widget->inherits( "TQListBox" ) || widget->inherits( "TQComboBox" ) ) {
TQDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
TQPixmap pix;
bool hasPixmap = FALSE;
TQString txt;
loadItem( n, pix, txt, hasPixmap );
TQListBox *lb = 0;
if ( widget->inherits( "TQListBox" ) )
lb = (TQListBox*)widget;
lb = ( (TQComboBox*)widget)->listBox();
if ( hasPixmap ) {
new TQListBoxPixmap( lb, pix, txt );
} else {
new TQListBoxText( lb, txt );
} else if ( widget->inherits( "TQIconView" ) ) {
TQDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
TQPixmap pix;
bool hasPixmap = FALSE;
TQString txt;
loadItem( n, pix, txt, hasPixmap );
TQIconView *iv = (TQIconView*)widget;
new TQIconViewItem( iv, txt, pix );
} else if ( widget->inherits( "TQListView" ) ) {
TQDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
TQPixmap pix;
TQValueList<TQPixmap> pixmaps;
TQStringList textes;
TQListViewItem *item = 0;
TQListView *lv = (TQListView*)widget;
if ( i )
item = new TQListViewItem( i, d->lastItem );
item = new TQListViewItem( lv, d->lastItem );
while ( !n.isNull() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "property" ) {
TQString attrib = n.attribute( "name" );
TQVariant v = DomTool::elementToVariant( n.firstChild().toElement(), TQVariant() );
if ( attrib == "text" )
textes << translate( v.toString() );
else if ( attrib == "pixmap" ) {
TQString s = v.toString();
if ( s.isEmpty() ) {
pixmaps << TQPixmap();
} else {
pix = loadPixmap( n.firstChild().toElement() );
pixmaps << pix;
} else if ( n.tagName() == "item" ) {
item->setOpen( TRUE );
createItem( n, widget, item );
n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
for ( int i = 0; i < lv->columns(); ++i ) {
item->setText( i, textes[ i ] );
item->setPixmap( i, pixmaps[ i ] );
d->lastItem = item;
void TQWidgetFactory::loadChildAction( TQObject *parent, const TQDomElement &e )
TQDomElement n = e;
TQAction *a = 0;
bool hasMenuText = FALSE;
if ( n.tagName() == "action" ) {
a = new TQAction( parent );
TQDomElement n2 = n.firstChild().toElement();
while ( !n2.isNull() ) {
if ( n2.tagName() == "property" ) {
TQString prop(n2.attribute("name"));
if (prop == "menuText")
hasMenuText = TRUE;
setProperty( a, prop, n2.firstChild().toElement() );
n2 = n2.nextSibling().toElement();
if ( !parent->inherits( "TQAction" ) )
actionList.append( a );
} else if ( n.tagName() == "actiongroup" ) {
a = new TQActionGroup( parent );
TQDomElement n2 = n.firstChild().toElement();
while ( !n2.isNull() ) {
if ( n2.tagName() == "property" ) {
TQString prop(n2.attribute("name"));
if (prop == "menuText")
hasMenuText = TRUE;
setProperty( a, prop, n2.firstChild().toElement() );
} else if ( n2.tagName() == "action" ||
n2.tagName() == "actiongroup" ) {
loadChildAction( a, n2 );
n2 = n2.nextSibling().toElement();
if ( !parent->inherits( "TQAction" ) )
actionList.append( a );
if (a && !hasMenuText && !a->text().isEmpty() && uiFileVersion < "3.3")
void TQWidgetFactory::loadActions( const TQDomElement &e )
TQDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
while ( !n.isNull() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "action" ) {
loadChildAction( toplevel, n );
} else if ( n.tagName() == "actiongroup" ) {
loadChildAction( toplevel, n );
n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
void TQWidgetFactory::loadToolBars( const TQDomElement &e )
TQDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
TQMainWindow *mw = ( (TQMainWindow*)toplevel );
TQToolBar *tb = 0;
while ( !n.isNull() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "toolbar" ) {
Qt::Dock dock = (Qt::Dock)n.attribute( "dock" ).toInt();
tb = new TQToolBar( TQString::null, mw, dock );
tb->setLabel( n.attribute( "label" ) );
tb->setName( n.attribute( "name" ).ascii() );
TQDomElement n2 = n.firstChild().toElement();
while ( !n2.isNull() ) {
if ( n2.tagName() == "action" ) {
TQAction *a = findAction( n2.attribute( "name" ) );
if ( a )
a->addTo( tb );
} else if ( n2.tagName() == "separator" ) {
} else if ( n2.tagName() == "widget" ) {
(void)createWidgetInternal( n2, tb, 0, n2.attribute( "class", "TQWidget" ) );
} else if ( n2.tagName() == "property" ) {
setProperty( tb, n2.attribute( "name" ), n2.firstChild().toElement() );
n2 = n2.nextSibling().toElement();
n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
void TQWidgetFactory::loadMenuBar( const TQDomElement &e )
TQDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
TQMainWindow *mw = ( (TQMainWindow*)toplevel );
TQMenuBar *mb = mw->menuBar();
while ( !n.isNull() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "item" ) {
TQPopupMenu *popup = new TQPopupMenu( mw );
loadPopupMenu( popup, n );
popup->setName( n.attribute( "name" ).ascii() );
mb->insertItem( translate( n.attribute( "text" ) ), popup );
} else if ( n.tagName() == "property" ) {
setProperty( mb, n.attribute( "name" ), n.firstChild().toElement() );
} else if ( n.tagName() == "separator" ) {
n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
void TQWidgetFactory::loadPopupMenu( TQPopupMenu *p, const TQDomElement &e )
TQMainWindow *mw = ( (TQMainWindow*)toplevel );
TQDomElement n = e.firstChild().toElement();
while ( !n.isNull() ) {
if ( n.tagName() == "action" ) {
TQAction *a = findAction( n.attribute( "name" ) );
TQDomElement n2 = n.nextSibling().toElement();
if ( n2.tagName() == "item") { // load submenu
TQPopupMenu *popup = new TQPopupMenu( mw );
popup->setName( n2.attribute( "name" ).ascii() );
if ( a ) {
p->setAccel( a->accel(), p->insertItem( a->iconSet(),
translate( n2.attribute( "text" ).utf8().data() ),
popup ) );
} else {
p->insertItem( translate( n2.attribute( "text" ).utf8().data() ), popup );
loadPopupMenu( popup, n2 );
n = n2;
} else {
if ( a ) {
a->addTo( p );
a = 0;
} else if ( n.tagName() == "separator" ) {
n = n.nextSibling().toElement();
// compatibility with early 3.0 betas
// ### remove for 4.0
void TQWidgetFactory::loadFunctions( const TQDomElement & )
TQAction *TQWidgetFactory::findAction( const TQString &name )
for ( TQAction *a = actionList.first(); a; a = ) {
if ( TQString( a->name() ) == name )
return a;
TQAction *ac = (TQAction*)a->child( name.latin1(), "TQAction" );
if ( ac )
return ac;
return 0;
If you use a pixmap collection (which is the default for new
projects) rather than saving the pixmaps within the .ui XML file,
you must load the pixmap collection. TQWidgetFactory looks in the
default TQMimeSourceFactory for the pixmaps. Either add it there
manually, or call this function and specify the directory where
the images can be found, as \a dir. This is normally the
directory called \c images in the project's directory.
void TQWidgetFactory::loadImages( const TQString &dir )
TQDir d( dir );
TQStringList l = d.entryList( TQDir::Files );
for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it )
TQMimeSourceFactory::defaultFactory()->setPixmap( *it, TQPixmap( d.path() + "/" + *it, "PNG" ) );
void TQWidgetFactory::loadExtraSource()
if ( !qwf_language || !languageInterfaceManager )
TQString lang = *qwf_language;
LanguageInterface *iface = 0;
languageInterfaceManager->queryInterface( lang, &iface );
if ( !iface )
TQFile f( qwf_currFileName + iface->formCodeExtension() );
if ( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
TQTextStream ts( &f );
code =;
TQString TQWidgetFactory::translate( const TQString& sourceText, const TQString& comment )
return qApp->translate( d->translationContext, sourceText.utf8(), comment.utf8(),
TQApplication::UnicodeUTF8 );
TQString TQWidgetFactory::translate( const char *sourceText, const char *comment )
return qApp->translate( d->translationContext, sourceText, comment,
TQApplication::UnicodeUTF8 );