You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

162 lines
5.7 KiB

parser.h - description
begin : Sun Sep 1 2002
copyright : (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 by Andras Mantia <>
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. *
* *
#ifndef PARSER_H
#define PARSER_H
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqdict.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include <tqmap.h>
#include <tqguardedptr.h>
#include <tqvaluestack.h>
#include "node.h"
#include "tag.h"
#include "qtag.h"
*@author Andras Mantia
class Document;
class KDirWatch;
class TQRegExp;
class NodeModifsSet;
class SAParser;
typedef TQMap<TQString, GroupElementMapList> IncludedGroupElements;
typedef TQMap<TQString, IncludedGroupElements> IncludedGroupElementsMap;
class Parser: public TQObject {
/** Parse a string, using as start position sLine, sCol. */
Node *parseArea(int startLine, int startCol, int endLine, int endCol, Node **lastNode, Node *a_node = 0L);
/** Parse the whole text from Document w and build the internal structure tree
from Nodes. Set force to true if you want to avoid the possible checks. */
Node *parse(Document *w, bool force = false);
/** Returns the node for position (line, column). As more than one node can
contain the same area, it return the "deepest" node. */
Node *nodeAt(int line, int col, bool findDeepest = true, bool exact = false);
/** Rebuild the nodes */
Node *rebuild(Document *w);
/** No descriptions */
const DTDStruct * currentDTD(int line, int col);
/** Remove the found groups from the memeber variables */
void clearGroups();
void parseIncludedFiles();
/** Enable/Disable parsing. */
void setSAParserEnabled(bool enabled);
void setParsingEnabled(bool enabled) {m_parsingEnabled = enabled;}
bool isParsingEnabled() {return m_parsingEnabled;}
void setParsingNeeded(bool needed) {m_parsingNeeded = needed;}
bool parsingNeeded() {return m_parsingNeeded;}
* This function is ESSENTIAL : when one modify baseNode, one MUST use
* this function to set the internal parser RootNode pointer to the same Node as
* baseNode. If one forget, some strange sigserv errors concerning inexisting tags
* (Node->tag == 0) will occurs.
* Crash errors of Parser::nodeAt is a good sign of a missing setRootNode
void setRootNode(Node* node) {m_node = node;} //TODO: check if m_saParser should be updated or not!
void synchParseInDetail();
IncludedGroupElementsMap includedMap;
bool parsingEnabled;
bool m_treeReparsed;
public slots:
void slotParseInDetail();
/** Remove the found groups from the memeber variables */
void cleanGroups();
private slots:
void slotIncludedFileChanged(const TQString& fileName);
void nodeTreeChanged();
void rebuildStructureTree(bool);
Node* m_node; //the internal Node pointer
TQString m_dtdName; //the DTD name of write
const DTDStruct* m_dtd; //the dtd used for main parsing
TQGuardedPtr<Document> write; //pointer to the parsed document
int maxLines; // how many lines are in the current document
int oldMaxLines;
int treeSize;
TQMap<TQString, XMLStructGroup>::ConstIterator xmlGroupIt;
bool m_parsingEnabled;
bool m_parsingNeeded;
/** Clears the group elements found in the included files */
void clearIncludedGroupElements();
void parseIncludedFile(const TQString &fileName, const DTDStruct *dtd);
/** Searches for scripts inside the text from startNode. It looks only for the
script begin/and delimiters, and not for the <script> or other special tags.
Useful when parsing for script inside the xml tags.
Returns: true if a script area is found, false if the parsed text does not
contain any scripts. */
bool parseScriptInsideTag(Node *startNode);
/** Parses the node for XML groups (specific tags)*/
void parseForXMLGroup(Node *node);
/** Determines the area that should be reparsed.
w: the document we are working on
area: the invalid areas
firstNode: the first unchanged node before the current position
lastNode: the first unchanged node after the current position
Returns: true if an area was found, false otherwise => require full parsing
bool invalidArea(Document *w, AreaStruct &area, Node **firstNode, Node **lastNode);
/** Deletes all the nodes between the firstNode and lastNode and keeps the tree's consistency.
modifs is the class recording these changes for the undo/redo system, cf undoredo.h */
void deleteNodes(Node *firstNode, Node *lastNode, NodeModifsSet *modifs);
* This function must be called before reparsing : it log in the undo/redo system
* that the whole Node tree is reloaded.
* @param modifs This class record all the changes made.
* @param w modifs will be inserted in w's undoredo list.
void logReparse(NodeModifsSet *modifs, Document *w);
SAParser *m_saParser; //the special area parser object
/** Maybe we should move to a separate, special area parsing class */
Node* specialAreaParsingDone(int &lastLine, int &lastCol);
bool m_parseIncludedFiles;